Member Reviews

Due to a sudden, unexpected passing in the family a few years ago and another more recently and my subsequent (mental) health issues stemming from that, I was unable to download this book in time to review it before it was archived as I did not visit this site for several years after the bereavements. This meant I didn't read or venture onto netgalley for years as not only did it remind me of that person as they shared my passion for reading, but I also struggled to maintain interest in anything due to overwhelming depression. I was therefore unable to download this title in time and so I couldn't give a review as it wasn't successfully acquired before it was archived. The second issue that has happened with some of my other books is that I had them downloaded to one particular device and said device is now defunct, so I have no access to those books anymore, sadly.
This means I can't leave an accurate reflection of my feelings towards the book as I am unable to read it now and so I am leaving a message of explanation instead. I am now back to reading and reviewing full time as once considerable time had passed I have found that books have been helping me significantly in terms of my mindset and mental health - this was after having no interest in anything for quite a number of years after the passings. Anything requested and approved will be read and a review written and posted to Amazon (where I am a Hall of Famer & Top Reviewer), Goodreads (where I have several thousand friends and the same amount who follow my reviews) and Waterstones (or Barnes & Noble if the publisher is American based). Thank you for the opportunity and apologies for the inconvenience.

Headline : Timely Brexit Tale
Stars : 5
A well written and timely tale dealing with the security services underbelly of Brexit negotiations. Will be watching out for further books by this author.
This book was provided as an advance copy by the publisher in return for an honest review.
Note :
I provided the above review on Amazon when the book was released on 21 Mar 2019

Pure Class.
Charles Thoroughgood is the head of MI6. He has returned to the service after a short period in the wilderness and finds himself involved in the minutiae of life in any area these days – health & safety, form filling, budget pressures and the expectation to perform miracles with ever-decreasing resources. His thoughts naturally therefore often turn to his imminent retirement.
The government is in the middle of protracted negotiations on Brexit when his long-time friend, and unofficially acknowledged successor, Gareth Horley, presents a memo which purports to contain classified information on the EU’s bottom line negotiating their position on an acceptable divorce bill amount. This information, if it can be verified, could pave the way to a quick settlement and is well received by certain influential members of the Cabinet. But Charles is uncertain as to its veracity and starts digging. Has his friend been gilding the lily and what other crimes may he be guilty of? Has Gareth been simply naïve in swallowing the bait offered or are darker issues involved? Investigating a friend and possibly doubting his word is never a task willing
Alan Judd writes with humour and, clearly, with some inside knowledge of the workings of government. We can all identify with the frustrations experienced by Thoroughgood and his confidantes when trying to get things done outside “the system” Even the powers of the head of MI6 apparently have boundaries.
The plot carries along the reader effortlessly with a varied pace which allows time for reflection and thought. The theme of Brexit negotiations, around which the plot is based, is bang up to date and contemporary. The intrigue is palpable.
The comparison will inevitably be made with Le Carre who, in my opinion, is the master of this genre but Judd stands up admirably to this comparison and ranks amongst the few who aspire to this position effortless read of intrigue for lovers of spy thrillers.
First class!
mr zorg
Breakaway Reviewers received a copy of the book to review.

It took me a little while to get in to the book but primarily because it was quite detailed (in a good way) and so I had to pay attention, quite hard to do when tired! I am glad I got in to it and enjoyed the plot. I surprised myself by enjoying the storyline having the link to current affairs and being very on topic.

Charles Thoroughgood the Chief of MI6 returns in Accidental Agent the latest in the excellent spy series by Alan Judd.
This is spy thriller which is extremely well written and keeps you hooked throughout as the story progresses. It made me wonder if everything that happened was the full or part of the story which is what a spy story should do.
The pace gathers throughout the book until the excellent ending.
The author also manages to have some fun at the expense of HR and the Health & Safety brigade which adds authenticity.
This is another excellent book and one not to be missed

I very much enjoyed this book. A book for our times that could also serve as a cautionary tale. I particularly liked the detail around the convert to Islam and his single narrative, so popular in the media today and the Head of MI6 who still likes to do things the old fashioned way. It was also refreshing that the author was not afraid of giving him a strong wife and imbuing her with a meaningful character and charm and showing the couple's vulnerabilities with decisions that they made and the consequences of all the characters decisions as the story unfolded with a nice plot twist at the end.

A very relevant topic of Brexit pervades through this storyline. You could imagine this actually happening in the Brexit negotiations. Looking for to reading more from Alan Judd
Thanks to Netgalley and Simon and Schuster UK Fiction for the copy.

really fine -very intelligent - i'd been eyeing Alan Judd's works for years, and now I'm hooked (oh no!) - what I like is that it is nuanced -okay, i suppose that there being two personal connections in a way - i.e. he vetting his own successor, aware pragmatically of his weaknesses, but human beings have faults! and then his wife's first husband's son, who is very close to him, needing investigation due to his conversion to Islam and that terrorists are contacting him (didn't they do their homework?) - that seemed slightly contrived, but it affords interesting dilemmas - and i definitely appreciated and was gripped by the dilemma - it's thoughtful and grown-up spy novel. very solid ...

This was an intriguing and timely spy thriller, given that it takes place with Brexit firmly in the background. It doesn't have the thrills and spills of many spy thrillers, it is more sedate than that, but it certainly held my interest from start to finish. It is certainly from the leCarre school of espionage books!
Charles Thoroughgood is Head of MI6, and together with the assistance of a colleague, Sonia, has to investigate the work and actions of his potential successor, Gareth. Throughout the investigation, all is not quite what it seems, and it comes to an interesting conclusion. In addition, there are a couple of inter-connected side stories, which add an interesting dimension to the work that Charles does in the Service.
I had never come across the works of Alan Judd prior to reading this, but I am certainly interested to see that there are a number of books starring Charles Thoroughgood, and I definitely intend to explore further. Many thanks to Simon & Schuster UK via Netgalley, for the opportunity to read this book.

This is another one of those books that has so much potential, but is an utterly boring read. It is rare when I don't finish a book, but this is one of those times. I'm not going to give it a second go.

I feel strangely re-assured about Brexit after reading this. Society won't break down, all will carry on, the same power games will be happening. Plus I've read a good thriller.

Well written , atmospheric, beautifully researched and written by someone who has a deep knowledge of the murky world of espionage, this is an exceptionally good spy thriller that grabbed my attention from the outside and took me on a deeply satisfying ride to its eventual conclusion.
This is the first book I have read by this author and it will not be the last.
Highly recommended.

A gripping sorry about secret agents that doesn't need lots of dynamite secret weapons or mass shootings. But the best part is it does have Brexit and you will not be bored in fact it makes it very interesting unlike the news these days.
Charles head of MI6 and his trusted colleague Sonia have to look into one of their colleagues and a possible successor to Charles and indeed it is his nominated one at that. Garath has served with Charles for a long time but has some weaknesses and you can discover those as you read th this great book. The issues that stat started our story is one of Garaths contacts and the information he gets from his friend codename "Timber Wolf" (Please don't reveal it obviously).
There are a couple of side stories that are on going and fit into the story very well and naturally they add to the suspense of your experience. I really enjoyed this book and felt goo gripped very quickly and I hope you are as well.
I would like to tha thank Simon & Schuster UK Fiction and NetGalley for my copy of this wonderful and gripping book.

A complex story that involves departmental rivalry, Political skulduggery, treachery in high places, double agents and the complexity of EU negotiations. How the head of MI 5 takes to the field in attempt to find the truth concerning a mole in the EU team while juggling with a personal involvement with a Muslin convert and possible ISIS recruit makes an exciting read.

I enjoyed the book overall. Immediately I felt Le Carre`s influence as one got used to 'observing' the continuous conversations through which the characters come alive. Could see this as a mini TV series. As to actual story content; a contemporary main plot which plays out well within the twists and turns of a Spy Chief's analytical thoughts, although, and not wanting to give away any spoilers, I thought that that particular resolution was rather disappointing. An accompanying sub-plot resolution gave the unexpected twist to the tale. However, the plots were very effectively woven through the apparently everyday life of the MI5 and MI6 Chief's and principal staff and once adjusted to the writing style, the story moved fast-paced. I will look forward to reading more by Alan Judd.