Member Reviews

A great read from Sue Watson. A well-crafted novel, incredibly detailed, with great insight into our protagonist's mind. Our Little Lies will provide a literary shot in the arm to fans of domestic noir.

"I try to hide the difficult moments - our little lies, the tension, the bickering, the fights - but we all live together and kids see a lot."
Our Little Lies give us the story of a marriage - Marianne and Simon. Marianne is the narrator and we know from the beginning that she may not be reliable. Marianne suspects that Simon is having an affair with a coworker...but we also know she has suspected him of other affairs in the past that were not real.
Throughout this book - I found myself wondering about the times when we can't trust our own memory. We may remember something very clearly - but someone else who was present remembers the facts as something entirely different. As we don't know whether to trust Marianne, she also doesn't know whether to trust herself. The first half of the book was a little slow for me but then it really started to take off. I was interested throughout to discover the truth of what was going on.
TW: domestic violence, suicide
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

Wow! This book! Talk about a page turner that I was not able to put down! Sue Watson kept me guessing throughout Our Little Lies. When I felt like I figured something out she would throw me a curve ball! I love books so much when that happens. I can tell you the ending FLOORED me!
Our Little Lies was an amazing book and a must read! I cannot wait to read more from Sue!

I couldn’t put this book down. A really gripping read. My first time reading this author. Will definitely consider more of her books in future

Very interesting read, full of suspense and intrigue.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

Marianne is married to a surgeon, Simon who is egotistical. He constantly berates Marianne and she has no self confidence due to this fact. She is taking medicine to the degree that she questions her reality. This is definely a psychological thriller. For any woman thinking about a future with a partner that is abusive please read this book.

This book was amazing it had so much going on and every sentence left the reader wondering what was really happening beneath the surface and behind the faces that the family chose to show the world. The book focuses on the life of a married woman named Marianne. Things are going well for her she has a nice life and a beautiful family two children and married to a surgeon, who she adores. Things take a drastic turn however when her husband utters another woman's name in his sleep. Who is this woman and why is her husband thinking about her in his dreams? Marianna starts to look up the other woman and finds herself falling deep into a world that she never knew existed. I found parts of the beginning to be a little slow however once I got into this book I couldn't manage to put it down. I had to see what was going to happen. I love how it was told through the wife's point of view because it let the reader come to their own conclusions and then be proved right or wrong along with the main character. Lots of twists and to my surprise I really enjoyed the main character. I really didn't expect to like her thinking that she would be the shrinking violet type of person however I found her to be quite strong and likable. Unable to confront her husband about the affair for fear of him locking her away in a psychiatric ward, she takes matters into her own hands and tries to find proof. I felt really bad for Marianne having to live with the fact that her husband is seeing another woman as well as the the fact that she is losing her mind. I also disliked the husband however I like the way he was written. It was sad to see the way that he was subtly controlling every aspect of Marianne's life. Fascinating read and I'm glad that it was told through the wife's point of view because it gives a way to hide some of the true facts but also show the pain and hurt that the affair is causing. This book was fantastic and the characters were written so smoothly it was nice to find things out as the wife, it left you thinking how reliable is this source? Great read and
the ending was amazing I never saw it coming.

This is a gripping, psychological thriller that you won’t be able to put down, I thought it started quite slowly but soon had me hooked. What is wrong with Marianne’s life? She has everything, a handsome, successful husband, a loving stepdaughter and twin boys. A perfect family and a perfect home. But as the story unfolds, things are not quite as they seem. Simon is a very controlling and manipulative husband and when Marianne accuses him of having an affair you are left unsure whether it is true or just a figment of her imagination as Simon is convinced she is mentally unbalanced. This is a book full of lies and manipulation and twists that will surprise you. A brilliant read!
Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for giving me the opportunity to read and review another excellent book.

I loved Our Little Lies and could not put it down.
Well written and easy to get into.
A great psychological thriller that will hook you in from the first few pages.

This book had me hooked from the start and I devoured it in one go. It's a fantastically dark, domestic thriller that will have you guessing throughout. I'd definitely recommend it.

This is a very intense psychological thriller. Marianne has a seemingly perfect life with her cardiologist husband, Simon, a teenager step daughter and six year old twins. She has a wonderful house, children at private school and everything she could want - or does she? The old saying about what goes on behind closed doors is very relevant. Marianne becomes paranoid when Simon lingers on a colleague's name, Caroline. Is he having an affair or is she just being jealous? Is Simon gaslighting Marianne and putting her down at every occasion or is she really having mental health problems? It is for the reader to decide for themselves but be ready for a few twists just when you think you have it all worked out!
This is a very intense book. I was sucked in and found it a real struggle to put down. Who is to blame - Marianne or Simon? At first glance Simon seems very devious but Marianne can be too.
The author was very clever in the way that she sucked the reader in. The suspense builds to almost unbearable levels as the reader worries for the characters - and most of all the children! The construction of this book has to be admired.
I have used the word intense for this book because at times I found it a little much for me. I found myself drawn into the book and feeling the emotions of the characters, mainly negative, and had to force myself to take a break. The emotions of the characters were so strong that they affected me as if I was living this myself or with a friend. Maybe an extreme reaction but I really needed to take a step back before coming back to the book when I was less involved with the characters.
I received a free copy of this book via Netgalley.

Think of it as a dark domestic thriller and you won't be disappointed.
Perfect for fans of hidden truths that coexist under the same roof as well as fictional paranoia-holics.
Thank you NetGalley for this copy in exchange for my honest review.

To an outsider it may seem as if Marianne leads a perfect life , an attentive handsome t surgeon husband Simon ,perfect three kids , a beautiful home but looks can be deceiving. In actual life though Simon is a controlling narcissistic who drives great pleasure in putting Marianne down. So when Marianne hears him utter another woman’s name she is determined to find out the truth about their relationship but sometimes the truth is better left untold
Our Little Lies is a dark psychological thriller by Sue Watson. Surprise twists , great character development and an intense storyline makes it an interesting read .
I would like to thank Bookouture & NetGalley for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest and fair review.
This and more reviews at https://chloesbooksblog.wordpress.com/

I have been a fan of Sue Watson for a long time, so when it became public knowledge that the author would be taking a walk on the dark side by releasing a ‘psychological thriller’, I was a little bit apprehensive. Not because I didn’t think the author could do it, just to clarify, but because I wasn’t sure whether I would be able to read the novel without thinking of her previous books in a different genre.
As soon as I started ‘Our Little Lies’, i could tell straight away that the authors trademark, cleverly written characters with their detailed personalities and lives would be evident for the duration of the book. Sue Watson doesn’t just write the basic information for her characters, instead writing them as though their information is the most important piece to know at that very moment.
Marianne has a lifestyle which many people would love – a wonderful home, the life of Riley, anything and everything at her fingertips, children, and a husband who thinks the sun shines out of her youknowwhat…..or does he? Marianne’s husband, Simon, thinks that her mentality is verging on worrying, and he continues to ensure that she knows his concerns. By that I mean he constantly pick holes and gives Marianne reason to feel slightly off kilter.
I have seen the theme of this book in several other books before, so the skeleton of the storyline was a bit predictable, however, the way in which Sue Watson combined her characters flaws into the dark theme of the book was extremely well done! I didn’t know what to believe at times, I even thought I was going stir crazy!
I thought the grit was on point and brilliantly executed, making Marianne’s issue have more sides to it than a rubix cube. Impressive, there is no doubt about that.
Now, I thought that ‘Our Little Lies’ was more domestic noir with a brilliant psychological element to it. I have to say that whilst I am very used to this author producing contemporary fiction/romantic comedies, I was impressed by her change in direction with this book. That said, I will need to hold my hands up and say that this isn’t my favourite book from the author, but I do admire her just going for it.
‘Our Little Lies’ is a gritty, psychologically twisted novel where the flaws of the characters steal the show.

What a twisty, addictive psychological thriller! The story introduces readers to Marianne and Simon, a seemingly happily married couple, living the perfect life. Of course, being a thriller, nothing is what it seems. The cracks in this perfect marriage soon start showing, immediately Simon mentions his colleague, Caroline. It is in the way that he says her name and talks about her that alerts Marianne that something is amiss.
The story is narrated through Marianne’s POV. At first, I found her narrations quite frustrating. She was lost in her head and simply refused to see Simon for who he was. Chapter after chapter, I kept waiting for her to wake up and smell the coffee. I mean, come on, woman! I do understand why she was so committed to holding onto the fallacy about her marriage and Simon but I still couldn’t help but get frustrated. Finally, about 40% in, the story started moving like I wanted it and I found myself completely immersed in Marianne’s life.
This ended up being quite a twisty ride. There were surprises sprinkled throughout the narrative. Each time I thought that I had everything figured out, something new came up. There are uncomfortable moments in the book. I remember one particular incident that had my stomach in knots. An event happened and just as I was basking in the high of all the drama, things took a different turn that made me want to look away but I still, couldn’t.
Our Little Lies is an absorbing, suspenseful psychological read. It is my first book by Sue Watson and definitely won’t be the last one.

I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. First, let me say, “Our Little Lies” was very well written. That being said, it took me forever to read it. I had to read more than half of the book because I realized why. Susan Watson was able to capture how it feels to be Marianne, the wife of a completely controlling man, who slowly, methodically, makes her doubt herself and wears her down without her realizing it. This story hit so close to home and was the first book I read that was able to show how a seemingly confident, capable woman could become completely dependent on her husband.
The story was well written and moved quickly. The characters were real and made you want to help everyone in the family. The book also questions how far would you go to protect your family? What would you be willing to do? It is a psychological thriller is an honest roller coaster of lies and questions which shows even the “perfect family” has something to hide.
I am glad I found Susan Watson and, even though she does not usually write thrillers, I look forward to reading another of her books. I give this 5 out of 5 stars.

This is everything that a psychological thriller/mystery should be! The plot moved fast and kept me wanting more. I am definitely going to read more from this author!

From the onset you knew this was going to be a bit twisted. I knew Marianne despite being a good mother had mental health issues. Not that Simon helped in any way by his innuendos and constantly putting her down in insidious ways. His idea that because he was a heart surgeon, and handsome to boot played on the vulnerable ways of his wife who imagined (real or imaginary) mainly real, his flirtations with anyone around.
He put everything squarely on his wife from maintaining an immaculate house, to controlling two rambunctious boys, from being a very kind step mother to Sophie to also imagining way beyond what was actually happening when it did happen. Simon was the worst kind of husband for Marianne, ignoring her history of mental health issues stemming from the time she was a little girl when she discovered her mother's suicide and he preyed on her insecurities so much that she began to think he was all powerful, all right and that she must reign in her instinctive dislike of so many women. She could not stand up to him or for what she believed in and that spiralled into the mess they found themselves in.
Marianne would have been hard to live with no doubt. Her constant need to be reassured that she was the only one would be galling to someone like Simon who wanted a model wife and mother. He could not bear to be seen with failures and in his wife he saw many.
The end however was unexpected and came in the story after the actual end of the marriage. Totaqlly out of the blue.

Once again I CAN'T stop myself from reading domestic thrillers, it’s like putting a piece of chocolate cake in front of me and expecting me not to eat it. Not gonna happen! I ate this book up and it was delicious. Although the plot was not completely original it was still a fantastic read.
Thank you to Netgellay and the publishers for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

Marianne’s life may look perfect to anyone looking in from the outside, but the reality is quite different. She suspects her husband is having an affair and it’s not the first time. For years, she blamed herself for everything that happened, including the abuse, but now it may be finally time to take action.
The plot is good and keeps you guessing. But the first half of the book drags some and there is quite a bit of repetition, which started to get on my nerves after a while. I would have liked it more if the book was tighter.