Member Reviews

You may be familiar with Sue Watson from her Ice-Cream Café series but now, Sue has decided to join the dark side. Our Little Lies is is her first psychological thriller and holy guacamole, is it tense or what? Answer, yes, yes it is.
Marianne seems to have it all. She's married to a successful surgeon, has three wonderful children and lives in the most delightful house in a wonderful neighbourhood. Until the day, her husband mentions a colleague called Caroline. There is just something about the way he says her name that makes Marianne incredibly suspicious. Bit by bit, Marianne's perfect life will start to crumble.
Now, prepare yourself to become increasingly angry as the story goes on. There is a vile and despicable character that made me feel quite murderous. Yet, the way Sue Watson tells the story constantly left me wondering if I had the right end of the stick. Is there one unreliable character? Or are there more? Who to believe? I didn't have a clue! So many lies, so much paranoia, such extreme manipulation ... my head was spinning!
It was clear to me relatively quickly that I was never going to figure out the outcome and I didn't. Up until the final reveal, I still had an idea in my head that wasn't even close to what actually occurred. I love it when that happens and I breathed a happy sigh of satisfaction. And also one of exhaustion because yikes, the tension was almost so unbearable my heart was racing at a bajillion miles an hour.
This to me is a combination of a domestic noir and a psychological thriller at its finest. I absolutely raced through this extremely gripping and hugely addictive page-turner, as if my own life depended on it. Obviously, Sue Watson should tackle this genre more often! I'll be waiting with baited breath!

Well Sue Watson fans, are you wondering if she can pull off a thriller genre? Wonder no more, the answer is yes! She was able to spin us a twisted tale worthy of the title psychological thriller.
Marianne Wilson has the world at her fingertips. Living a posh lifestyle with her cardio thoracic surgeon husband Simon and their children.
Marianne's sole job in life is to be a homemaker, the "perfect wife" to Simon aka Dr. Wilson. Of course Simon deserves dinner on the table waiting for him every night, an immaculate home scrubbed to perfection, an attentive wife and obedient children. I mean he deserves it, right? He demands it to be so. Appearance is everything for the doctor and his wife.
I must say this title was extremely fitting for this dysfunctional family dynamics. I was quickly drawn into this story as it was completely believable. Sadly we never know what goes on behind closed doors. I found myself wondering if Simon was really the controlling violent husband portrayed by Marianne. Or perhaps is she riddled with psychiatric disorders and heavy amount of prescription drugs as Simon suggests? Who is telling the truth?
Sue Watson brought us an exciting story of lies, deceit, death and family dysfunction. I often found myself questioning if Marianne was a reliable narrator. It made for an interesting story that kept me guessing all the way until the end!
Thank you so much to Sue Watson, Bookouture and NetGalley for this ARC.

I must be honest and say that t he first chapter was a bit slow. The scene in the kitchen took longer than I'd like. It felt extremely long with a lot of information at once. The story itself is good with characters that were memorable.

Marianne has a life others dream of. A beautiful townhouse on the best street in the neighbourhood. Three bright children who are her pride and joy. Her husband, Simon, is always there. A successful surgeon, he’s the envy of every woman they’ve ever met. Flowers, gifts, trips to France: nothing is too good for his family.
Our Little Lies by Sue Watson is a fantastic thriller and has you guessing throughout the entire book.
There were times Simon often made me question myself on who to believe. This novel reminded me a little of The Girl On The Train, so this story was right up my alley! I loved the not knowing for certain if Simon was the unstable one or of Marianne was, and you don't find out until the very end. There were a few parts that felt a little slow but other than that, this was a novel that kept me invested and hooked on every character.
#OurLittleLies #NetGalley
Pub Date: 11 Oct 2018

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for a free copy of the book in exchange for an unbiased review. I seem to be the outlier on this book. I agree that it had parallels to Girl on the Train, but this is the third thriller I've read in three months with a main character that can't trust her own sanity and is piecing together the scene in the haze of heavy medication. I found Marianne to have a lack of backbone through the entire story -- to the point it was exasperating.
On the other hand, the scene where Marianne and Caroline meet at her cottage is very compelling. The scene stands in stark contrast after the immature and unstable show Marianne makes the day before.. Meeting with Caroline, Marianne is honest and insightful and she has the wisdom of hindsight. I would have liked to have seen more of this wiser, stronger woman in the remainder of story.

If you are a fan of dark domestic psychology thrillers you are going to absolutely love this book.
Marianne has the perfect life, a gorgeous home, three beautiful children and a heart surgeon for a husband, she is the envy of everyone. But is everything always as it seems ?
Marianne is convinced her husband has had multiple affairs in the past and she now thinks he is having an affair with a colleague. Simon, her husband, is convinced she is mentally unstable and doubts her capabilities of being a good mother and wife. Who is correct ?
This a book full of lies, betrayal, manipulation and so much more. A great book with some fantastic characters, some you will love and some you will hate, others you will be changing your mind about throughout the book. A great domestic thriller with a twist I didn’t see coming.
Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for a digital copy of this book.

Oh wow this is tense, tense, tense! What an excellent read and I would have to say that I didn't see the ending coming. I loved the main character and how we slowly got to know her and her situation. I think the author paced her character development perfectly and I loved seeing her start to take control. I especially enjoyed all the little hashtags, which added a bit of dark humour into the story which I felt was so relatable.
I LOVED it and hope the author will continue to stray over to the dark side for her next stories!

There was something about this book! I can't put my finger on it, I just really enjoyed.
When I started reading I immediately enjoyed the writing style. This was good, because initially I found the story a little dull/jealous housewife type, not really my thing. But it didn't take long for me to be captivated by the story, and I was soon absorbed. I read it in two sitting (on long train journeys) and thoroughly enjoyed it. At one point I thought the ending had become a little out of place, but one final twist made it all click into place so that it worked really well.
I would recommend this book, a lot of "behind closed doors" style books out at the moment, but found this one had it's own standing - very good!

Our Little Lies is stocked to the brim with PARANOIA!!! Who can you trust? I was flip flopped around not knowing if the main character Marriane was an unreliable narrator or if she was being gaslighted. This was soooo much fun! BUT also very emotional, the writing was very true to life on domestic abuse and I found it sometimes physically painful to read. Sue Watson captured Domestic Abuse and the victims feelings to a T.
Marriane has it all, the big house, three healthy happy kids, a handsome surgeon for a husband, her life is just BEAUTIFUL- who wouldn’t be envious of Marriane?
“It’s all so Instagrammable- I want to capture it, to photograph them here in our beautiful home. #MyHome #MyLoves. The hidden message to any Carolines out there who think they might have a chance, the clues in the pronoun- my, mine- NO ONE else’s.”
“Am I insane…Am I unsafe? Am I a murderer?”
I loved the ending and felt that it brought Our Little Lies up from a 3 star rating to a 4 star rating at how well wrapped up the ending was. It was a little drawn out through the middle where I was hoping the book would hurry along and get to the point.
*** Thank you NetGalley and Bookoture for giving me a complimentary copy of Our Little Lies in exchange for my honest review.

Brilliant! Different genre to Sue’s normal offerings. Can’t wait for her to write more books like this. Loved the twist at the end. Please hurry up and write another one!

I really struggled with this book in the first half- and not really because of the subject matter- more down to the fact that I found Marianne to be a totally pretentious stuck up her own arse snob!
So much internal dialogue and all of it was stuck up!
I decided to stick with it as previous reviews all said that it got better at the 50% mark- and actually it did- but it was still very predictable.
Its a 3.5 stars from me.

This was difficult to read honestly. Just reading about Marianne’s state of mind in her extremely toxic relationship made me so deeply uncomfortable and I couldn’t possibly hate her husband, Simon, more. The author paints a picture of a family that’s seemingly perfect on the outside yet deeply flawed on the inside. The writing keeps you waiting with bated breath as the little lies that Marianne and Simon have told each other and themselves slowly unravel.
The reason this thriller kept me hooked was the characters. They were so real and rich and I was compelled to go on reading. Another thing I loved was Marianne’s relation with her step-daughter Sophie. Marianne adores Sophie and would give up her own life for hers.
As far as the plot goes, it was an enthralling read. I did predict one or two of the twists beforehand pretty easily but it was a fun read nevertheless.

I feel like I need to start this review by saying this book has some truly amazing characters. They are really diverse and complicated individuals which when all added together in a story really makes for some quite gripping reading!
Simon is a truly detestable character and I haven’t felt that much hate for a character in a book in a long time. Every page I turned showed new lows that he would steep to and every chapter I wanted nothing more than to give Marianne a hug.
The first half of this book really sets the scene for how the marriage between Simon and Marianne operates and the second half is where it really gets interesting. I had some vague suspicions about where I thought the book was leading but I did not see the twist coming at the end and I thought this was very well played by the author.
This is a great book and I believe this genre is a new step for this author outside what she usually writes. I really hope she continues and provides us readers with more books in this category and I was hooked with this one and would love to see what she brings us next!

I have already read a romantic comedy by this author that I thoroughly enjoyed. I was pleasantly surprised that she decided to write an other genre as well. It made me very curious and I was soooooo not disappointed.
It's one of those books where you know from the first paragraph that you will be under its spell. With every chapter it became harder and harder to put the book down.
Often it's very difficult to use one word to sum up a story. Here is was actually very simple. 'Perfect' is the key word. Once you don't meet this standard anymore, it can have some serious consequences.
Sorry, this will have to do. Did I make you curious? Well, mission accomplished in that case. That was what I was aming for. All you have to do now, is read this enthralling, fluently written, funny in a sarcastic way and utter mersmerizing story.
Thank you, Sue Watson, Bookouture and Netgalley. (review will be posted on Amazon, Goodreads and my blog on publication day)

Absolutely fantastic psychological thriller! I had such a fun time with this one! Great pace. Great characters. God I HATED Simon so soooo much! I predicted a few things, but it doesn't bother me much! Still loved it.
Review will be up on:

Our Little Lies by Sue Watson will NOT disappoint. After reading the blurb for this book I was veyinterested no boy am I glad I read this one. Watson delivers a few punches along the way that are unexpected and not have read any of he other books, I was int intrigued by her writing skills. Marianne was a married woman with 3 children whose husband was a surgeon. She certainly loved her life and adored her husband more than she should have, Watson doeas a great job with the way she implements the characters and weaves them throughout. So much so that you feel anger and sometimes actually get to the point you really did not care anymore. Especially with Marianne. She was the epitome of a battered woman who had been verbally abused but still clung to he husband through everything. Until one day he says a co workers name in a way that made her think about it. The story does drag a little but once it picked back up I was enthralled and could not wait to see what would happen next. Who is this Caroline? She wants to find out and she learns more than she wants to. The ending is a shocker and I suggest giving yourself some time when you get about 2/3 of the way through because you will not want to put this one down.
Thank you to the author as well as netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest review.
5 stars ⭐️ Out of 5for this one.

My introduction to Sue Watson's books and it did not disappoint. Thanks #netgalley for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book it was a suspenseful read with unpredictable plot twists, this book was hard to put down. A book about what goes on in families and behind closed doors and the lies people tell to only show their best side to their friends. #suewatson #ourlittlelies #tea_sipping_bookworm #goodreads #litsy

I received a free e-copy of Our Little Lies by Sue Watson from Netgalley for my honest review.
Marianne has the perfect life. She has a beautiful home in a beautiful neighborhood, a handsome husband and three beautiful children. Her husband, Simon is a surgeon and provides for his families lavish lifestyle. But one day Simon talks about his new co-worker, Charlotte. It is the way he says her name and speaks about her that puts Marianne on edge. She becomes very suspicious and decides to learn more about this woman. The more she learns about her the more obsessed she becomes about her. Is she loosing her mind? How far will she go till she is satisfied with her obsession of this other woman?
Things aren't as perfect as everyone things in their home or in their marriage. A clever psychological thriller that will keep you guessing who is sane or who isn't?

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC!
I LOVE a domestic thriller! However, some fall a little short and become so very predictable. Our Little Lies is not one of those books! I was addicted to reading this. Marianne is a lovely woman with a complicated past that she cannot escape from. On top of that, she has a total jerk husband who makes her demons even harder to manage. Watson did such a wonderful job at making Marianne likable but just a weeeee bit unreliable.
The end will shock you and you really do not see it coming.

This psychological thriller is upsetting to read at times. You start out thinking things seem pretty nice, but quickly you learn the marriage is not so perfect. Of course, you knew that when you read the title, too!
Maryann seems to have the perfect life and perfect husband, but Simon is a manipulator and you soon find out Maryann questions everything about her life. Her past starts to be revealed and the story is so sad, you feel quite sorry for her, even though she is also a frustrating character with flaws of her own.
This is my first Sue Watson book, and apparently not her normal genre, but she is a good writer and I will definitely look into other titles by her.