Member Reviews

Comparing the blurb, to the construction of the story I have to say in this instance - don't judge this novel by the cover, or the synopsis.
“We don’t always get what we wish for”, Elara goes on. “But sometimes the responsibility is worth more than wishes. Sometimes we need the things we are given.”
Jessica Thorne's novel, the Queen's Wing - is the first, in a series of the same name. Being pitched as a romantic-fantasy novel, the novel centres around 17-year old Bel, who, is being raised as a Princess - despite being on the very-edge, of the Royal Spectrum. But angsty-rebellion to a pre-decided destiny, combined with the need for a plot, leaves Bel, in a tough situation. Convincing her Governess to let her escape - metaphorically of course - Bel gets her chance to fly. Returning, to a city that has been attacked and ravaged, in her absence. Sadly for Bel, this is the least of her worries at this point.
The attack, resulted in the decimation of the Royal Family, leaving (you guessed it), Bel's father as the new King. Bel, becomes the unfortunate pawn of alliances, and is betrothed, to Con (who is on another planet, weird). Bel, of course, becomes target practice for everyone, escaping multiple attempts on her life in the process.
I enjoyed this novel - which surprised me after reading the synopsis - she had a innate strength about her, that was established early, and helped to create some authenticity and depth. As the story continued to shape itself, and the creativity of the author was combined with an interesting (if not predictable) story-line, Thorne has effectively constructed a new-world in which, she starts this series on a strong note.
I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. For more, visit https://ljkastermanslibrary.wordpress.com/

Jessica Thorne is a new author for me, so this book was one I anticipated as maybe being an introduction to an author I can follow for a while - and I was right! With it being a YA romance, I wasn't sure what to expect. I am outside the target audience for those books, so occasionally I find myself too jaded to read them. Teenage angst and drama can become too much for me, and I have to put the book down because I can't adequately identify with the characters. In The Queen's Wing, there is plenty of youthful drama, but with there also being a lot of political intrigue and impending war involved, I tended to forget that the characters I was reading about were young! This, in my opinion, is the sign of a good fantasy YA book.
Bel has grown up without the responsibility that would usually come for a girl of her station. Her father, a prince of Vairian, having married beneath him, has raised their family separately from the royal family. Born to fly, she loves to pilot her own flying machine, and when she's not flying, she's dreaming of her future with her childhood friend, Shae, who doesn't know of her true feelings. But politics are volatile, and when an enemy makes a king of Bel's father, her whole world is turned upside down. Now she is Belengaria, Princess of Vairian, and engaged to Conleath of Anthaeus, a widowed king. Torn from her family and facing a future without love, Bel must navigate the treacherous waters of court life while also deciding where her heart's true loyalties lie.
I really enjoyed the characters of Bel and Con, and while Shae was the third in this love triangle, I found myself not so interested in him over time. I became invested in Bel and Con's relationship fairly quickly, especially when Con's personality is slowly revealed and the reader learns about all his hidden depths. Bel went through a lot of character development in this book, which makes me very excited for the next book in the series, now that she has fully morphed from unexpected princess to queen. While she appeared very juvenile initially in her reactions to things, it didn't last very long. Over time I saw her become stronger and put others before herself, and as she got to know Con better, it became clear that her heart would find love there. Shae was definitely a temptation, and I wanted to see a bit more of him than I did. However, his role needed to go in a different direction for the story, and I liked the drama it created later on.
Definitely excited that this is the first in a series, and I can't wait to follow Bel and Con in their adventures together!
**I received a free copy via NetGalley and this is my honest review.**

The Queen’s Wing by Jessica Thorne is the first book of the romantic fantasy series by the same name. And before I begin talking about this one I will mention it does have a bit of a love triangle but before the groans start it’s one that blends well and resolves itself.
The story centers around seventeen year old Bel who wants nothing that to become a flyer like her older brothers. Born on the fringes of royalty however Bel is still being trained to be a princess much to her dismay. One day Bel manages to talk her governess into letting her take her Wasp out on a flight and while Bel is gone her city is attacked.
The Gravians managed to attack and destroy the majority of the royal family leaving Bel’s father the new king. In order to secure a new alliance in the wake of the attack Bel is betrothed to Con, an Anthaem on another planet. With a new potential husband Bel leaves her home and is immediately the target of numerous attempts on her life during the ongoing fight for power.
Starting off reading this one I really liked our heroine in this story, she has a strength and determination about her established early on. The story really took a shape of it’s own and didn’t remind me of this or that. There is creativity to the world and plenty of action all throughout. A few things along the the way really surprised me but I will admit to some others seemingly a tad predictable but overall a nice start to this fantasy series.
I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

wow wow wow, what an incredible debut from Jessica Thorne. The Queen's Wing is a gripping tale full of action, romance, strategy and finding the strength within and with those you care about.
Belengaria is a fantastically written heroine and I was besotted with her and her story from the first chapter. She shows strength alongside empathy so you never doubt that she's not doing things for the sake of her people. Bel is intelligent, kind and a headstrong female to boot.
The world building was top notch and I felt like I was vividly within the worlds created. The other characters within the book were also fully developed and I connected to each and every one of them, the villains were also fully well rounded.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys action packed fantasy novels, slow burn romances and strong-willed heroines.
*thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

*I received a free copy of this ebook through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*
This book was not what I was expecting at all, to be honest. The description says Bel goes to “a distant land,” which puts things mildly. She actually goes to an entirely different planet (37 hours of hyperspace travel—“distant land,” haha!). It’s a big mashup between steampunk, space opera, science fiction, romance, and royal court life. Which makes sense when you read the author’s inspiration: Star Wars, A Princess of Mars (the first John Carter book), medieval queens, Say Yes to the Dress, and Jupiter Ascending. Sounds like a strange mix, but it works.
Both the main and supporting characters were written well. The story flowed well, and nothing felt forced. Wait, I take that back—the stuff with Thom and Jondar toward the end was far too convenient and did feel somewhat intentional and, well, convenient. But I already said that. Aside from that, however, the events in the book moved quite naturally.
My biggest complaint was word usage and some other technical things that I hope were fixed in the final printing. I can overlook a few mistake here and there—honestly, perfect editors are rare. But I got to the point where I was fixing the mistakes in my head as I read so that I was hearing the corrected version in my head rather than what was actually written. Someone needs to learn the difference between “that” and “which,” when to use each of them, and how to use a comma with the latter. The author almost exclusively used “which” when “that” should have been used. And she rarely, if ever, used a comma with “which” when it was needed.
Bel (17) is a likable character. She is not a typical princess because that role fell to her suddenly and unexpectedly; she is a trained flyer and wishes to be a soldier like her late mother. From what I understood, her father hadn’t allowed her to join the military, so it’s a little confusing how she attained all of the training that she exhibits throughout the book. I assume she turns 18 during the book, as she is almost that age at the beginning and the book spans months of time (adding it up, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was close to a year).
Ordinarily I do not like love triangles, and I suppose this book only sort of has one since it’s not as if Bel has a choice between two love interests. Bel has been in love with Shae (23) for as long as she can remember, though she had always recognized the likelihood of any relationship for them beyond friendship is slim—he’s a soldier who has given her no indication of feelings for her, and she is the daughter of minor nobility and will be expected to marry someone for political reasons. Not that it makes things any easier, especially when she becomes the only princess and is shipped off to marry the king of another world, with Shae leading her guards. Shae is a good character, and I genuinely liked him. Not a fan of the age difference, but oh well. Conleith (19 or 20?) is also a good character, and I liked him immediately. He’s king, but he’s also an engineer; he fits both roles well, somehow, being regal and normal at the same time.
I’m happy to see that there will be a sequel ("In the next book Bel takes the throne at last, but can she keep it when there are enemies at every turn?"), but at this point, I have no idea when that will be. Hopefully not too long; I look forward to reading it.
Note: Some swearing.

My Review: I am so sad that this one was just ok. I loved this cover and the premise of the story. This story has a love triangle in it that for me just didn't seem to fit well to this story. The story was very predictable and I guessed the ending from a mile away. The world building is a little weird and when you think its a fantasy its really a science fiction story because, aliens! In the end of this one there were characters that just didn't know what they wanted to be and a confusing storyline that I just couldn't grasp.

The Queen’s Wing by Jessica Thorne is an action-packed adventurous read and I cannot wait for more.
From the very beginning this story intrigued me. As I continued, it consumed me. I loved being submersed in this world the author created. I loved the different races of people and their worlds not to mention the characters.
I did find in the beginning that there was a little too much information spouted in such a short time and that during this time it slowed down the pace a little.
Overall, a wonderfully entertaining read full of action, devotion, friendship and love.
I received an ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

A gripping narrative that caught my attention from the first chapter, and that is something not all books can do. This book happened to do that and further piqued by interest by its great heroine. Then; followed this by its lovely world building which just got even better as the story progressed.
In some books, I find that secondary characters I don't care for too much but not This one. This author made me care for the secondary characters, both in happiness and in heartache. I adored the great storylines happening aside from the main characters. I loved the whole rollercoaster ride. It made me more emotionally invested in the entirety of the book. At the core, I think that's why we as readers love books.
This book was provided for me by netgalley

Thank you for the opportunity to read The Queen's Wing ahead of publication. The Queen's Wing reminded me a lot of other popular dystopian books: like Hunger Games and Divergent. I really enjoyed Bel as a character, she reminded me of Katniss from The Hunger Games. Doesn't really fit in anywhere, and is seen to be wild and unruly compared to the other woman in the story. Fans of popular dystopian novels will enjoy The Queen’s Wing for it’s light-hearted romance and the political subplot.
Just like in the Selection there was a bit of a love triangle, but I wasn’t really as invested in it. I’m sure with the second book, Bel will make her choice a little clearer. This book was not what I was expecting. I didn’t think there would be so much sci-fi with the space ships. It was a pleasant surprise.
The Queen’s Wing was an enjoyable book that I’m sure fans of the Selection will enjoy. Some parts were a little predictable because it reminded me so much of previous novels. I will definitely want to read the second one.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the free eARC in exchange for an honest review!
In The Queen's Wing, a noblewoman named Belengaria is thrown into royalty and then a political marriage after an attack on her home world. Her dream was to become a fighter pilot? And now she must adapt to life on a new planet with the leader of said planet as her fiancee. When war and destruction ensue from the same attackers of her home world, Bel must assume a leadership role and become a true queen...
Ok, enough summary. I did enjoy the story quite a bit, but was also confused mostly in the beginning of the book. The author took evident inspiration from Star Wars and the book has more of a sci-fi feel than fantasy or romance. There are elements of all three, including mythical old creatures left to defend(?) their home planet, and a love triangle that didn't add much to the story.
I did appreciate the relationship building between Bel and Conleith, and feel like the characters are the strongest point of the novel. Bel had a lot of personal development and Petra was another strong female character. I never got into the Shae character or some of the others. There was a great LGBQ reference with Jondar and... No spoilers but it was a cool addition.
Overall I am going to go with 3.5 stars. Some parts were just not believable and others didn't make a lot of sense, but I still enjoyed it as a well-edited read with strong character building. It is definitely appropriate for YA, and I would recommend to anyone who likes a sci fi read and strong female leads!
This review also appears on my blog at https://onenursereader.wixsite.com/onereadingnurse-1/home/the-queen-s-wing-by-jessica-thorne

Hey, book dragons! So its only day one of November and I have finished a book. And that book is actually not out till the 21st of this month. So I have an ARC review for you all! "The Queens Wings" was written by Jessica Thorne. It is a young adult fantasy that was right up my ally after reading the summary.
Also, may I say it has one of the prettiest covers I have seen so far this year (expect to see it in the top favors later!!)
So for those of you who have been in the reading game a while. Yes I know it sounds like other books we have all read. But if I may be so daring to say, that yes it is similar but it is still an excellent book. I was quickly in love with the story and to say it became a guilty pleasure is putting it mildly.
I found this book, and characters both exciting and interesting to read about. I am very happy to say I like our main character for the whole book. And I was even ok (more than ok) with the love interest and its development.
Bel and Con are some of my favorite characters as of right now, and I think they will be for a long time.
So if you are into a fantasy story that takes place in space, has a badass princess who flies planes and leads rebellions, this is your book. It is fast paced and I couldn't put it down. I have to say if you like the Selection, Bella Forrest and Sarah J Maas you are going to love this book as well.
So a huge thank you to NetGalley for letting me read this book in return for my option on it. I am so glad I got to read it!!
Till next time at the nook!

It took me a little while to get into this book. First off, I should have paid more attention to the blub and not just the cover (which is amazing). I assumed I was delving into a fantasy romance novel and when the book started with planets and spaceships I was a little thrown. I'm not a big fan of sci-fi books. I did continue reading and found that I rather enjoyed it though.
Bel is the main character and after the royal family of Varian (her distant cousins) are murdered by the Gravians, Bel becomes a princess and her father the King. A marriage with the prince of Anthaeus is arranged and Bel leaves her planet for his. There's plenty of action on the way to the new planet and we get to meet Shae, Petra, and Thom. Bel has been in love with Shae for as long as she can remember, but will never get to explore this now. Bel is torn between her feelings for Shae and doing the right thing by her planet. She's a strong character and well written. She's by no means weak and proves herself to be extremely strong and competent in the final parts of the book.
Con is the prince and we don't really get an insight into his character. He's portrayed as being a brilliant inventor but we don't get to see why this is. He's a likeable character all the same and I look forward to finding out more about his as the series progresses.
There were so great things in this book. I loved the Rondet and the mind speak between Bel and Con. This to me was the fantasy elements. I loved the underground city and the author's descriptions of places. The sci-fi weaponry and flying machines were a little out of my reach but I'm sure they are spot on and fans of sci-fi books will love them.
The love triangle played out well and I feel there was a good conclusion to it. The raging war, the battle scenes, and the destruction at the hands of the Gravians was well written too and by the end of the book, I did wonder how this could become a series. There was nothing really left to do except for Bel and Con to get married. Would each book just be another war for Bel and Con to fight? The end of the book does give a snippet from book 2 which I was excited to read. Unfortunately, this is told from Petra's point of view and I immediately thought of The Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard. A brilliant first book, but poorly written and drawn out boring books 2 and 3 with action only appearing towards the end. I'm hoping this isn't going to be the case for this series.

I received a copy of this book from net-galley in exchange for an honest review.
Oh my good lord this book was AMAZING. Bel is an absolute badass of a character, the world was so unique, and the plot was tantilizing. I've never been lucky enough to read a space fantasy novel as unique as this one and I loved it. The ending was a little confusing and it seemed like it couldn't decide whether to be a romance novel or an action adventure, but overall it worked. I really did enjoy Bel so much as a character, especially how she developed from an insecure newly appointed princess to a mature, confident leader. A great, unique read with a terrific world(s) surrounding it!

Bel, the main character, becomes an accidental princess after all of the heirs in her family are slaughtered by an alien race in conflict with what seems the entire universe. To make matters worse for Bel, she can no longer be what she wants to be-a pilot for the sake of her people-whom she never had to serve in such a way before.
To make matters worse, Bel has googly eyes for her commanding officer, Shae, who is now her Captain of the Guard. After a slew of assassination attempts, Bel finally makes it to Anthaeus, where even more assassination attempts disrupt the royal wedding plans and the ride to the wedding gets even bumpier.
Despite the promise of a pretty cover and an enticing synopsis, this novel felt like it could not decide whether to be an epic space fantasy with space blaster fights and X-Wing/TIE fighter fights, a court intrigue/romance, or a post-apocalyptic battle narrative. While all of those are my kind of story, and a book with all three would be awesome, this book was all three separately but not together. It felt terribly disjointed because of the lack of cohesion of all of those elements. Bel never really flew very much in the story, and when the titular moment happens in the book (to avoid spoilers), it does not feel as pivotal a moment to epitomize the theme of the book.
I liked the concept, and the blurb was enticing. Unfortunately, it was a disappointment.

I was quite excited about this book but I must admit I don't think it was quite for me. Bel is very likeable as a character but I didn't quite get the world that was being portrayed. Some of it was just quite unbelievable.
In saying this the writing style was quite good it just wasn't the story for me.

I really wanted to like this book...I just could not get past the world that the author was trying to portray. I felt confused the entire time (especially with the Rondet) and there were certain parts that just seemed to drag on and on. I actually did like the heroine but the two male leads were pretty dull and I didn't see why Con was so special. All in all, not a horrible read but it just wasn't for me.
ARC provided by Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

So, I really wanted to love this book. And for the first half, I did. But then it started to drop off pretty quickly. I’m not sure exactly what it was but the first half of the story almost didn’t seem connected to the second half.
I think my biggest struggle with this book is that while I loved the space fantasy feel to it, and the world the author is trying to have us imagine seems really cool, I struggled to actually imagine it. In the beginning the writing was phenomenal, and the author has skill describing places and atmosphere with a poetic elegance. I could picture the landscapes, the planets, the starships and buildings but when it came to the people, they were much more one-dimensional. If the whole book had just been about the world, that would have been great. With the exception of the Rondet, because to be perfectly honest I think that whole aspect of the book ruined it for me. I know they’re supposed to be the ancestors of the whole society but it was just creepy and weird. *spoiler* Trying to imagine large, flying crystal dragonflies that aren’t supposed to look silly, are super powerful but somehow get blown-up by one grenade, just felt like too much of a stretch to me…*spoiler* I think the author could’ve been just fine without the Rondet, or just maybe a different version of them.
As far as the characters being one-dimensional, by the end of the book I still felt like I hadn’t connected to any of them. Bel was a hard heroine to really like sometimes, her changing personality made her difficult to relate to. She was so unwilling to emotionally attach to anyone except for her clinginess with Shae that it made me as a reader distant from all the other characters too. Plus, she acted like she was this big warrior the entire book even though she kept having to be rescued by other people. Con was one of my favorites but even he seemed to change personality from kind and eccentric to crazed and mercurial throughout the book. Shae was just annoying with his gruffness and he was supposed to be this amazing warrior but we never really got to see any of that demonstrated. The whole side plot with Jondar was just unnecessary politically correct filler, it didn’t seem to actually fit to me. I would’ve liked to see his character utilized some other way. Like with his swordsmanship abilities, it could have been interesting to see him teach Bel how to use older weaponry. A character that suprised me was Elara. Ironically I think I started liking her more than Bel there for a little bit, so I was disappointed to see where her story went at the end of the book.
The romance between Bel and Con was good, but it came across as undeveloped. I’m a sucker for political marriage turned romance, but this one never really lived up to its immense potential. There were some great moments between the two characters, like the ballroom scene (it would’ve been great to push off the reveal of Con being the lion to a later point in the book, that way it could’ve been more romantic when she found it was him and not so bleh), that could’ve really made their relationship more believable, but in the end their moments were just too brief and moments that might’ve been great never happened, like Con saying he would take Bel to see the mechanical horses. He had an entire kingdom and they never explored it, they were hardly even together and then when they were they were either arguing, with the Rondet or in peril so there just isn’t enough time in the book for what moments they do have to breathe. Too much explanation not enough of them just interacting. By the end I was still questioning if she actually loved Con, which I don’t think I was supposed to be. Plus the old flames between them did just make things awkward, and not in a way that created better resolution.
There’s a lot of potential in this series. I just came away from this book feeling like I had been dropped into a world that, while interesting, was pieced together and not completely finished. Maybe it’s supposed to be that way and we’re learning more of the world’s history with Bel as she goes along, but that’s more difficult if you can’t even identify with the heroine herself. I just feel like the promise I started out with in the first half is not what I ended up with. There was more drama, romance and intrigue in the first half where the second felt rushed and disconnected. I’m hoping maybe the second will be better. I hope that with the way the book ended romance-wise for Con and Bel that things can only go up from here but you never know. Overall the writing in this book was captivating even if it did seem like it didn’t flow together sometimes. I enjoyed the world, I wish I knew the characters better because I feel like if I did this series would be a real knockout.

I have to admit, this book was so much more than what I was expecting! Jessica Thorne has given us some new and unique characters and experiences for Bel that I have not ever read about before and I have read lots of books! The characters are well developed and draw you in to the story from the very beginning. Bel is not your typical princess girly, girl. I think that is what I liked about her most of all.
Belengaria (Bel) of Vairian is a pilot and thinks that that is her calling in life, to fly her wasp and do it to the best of her ability. While Bel is out one day flying, the unimaginable happens and the whole royal family that is in charge at the time is whipped out by the Gravians (the enemy). Bel ends up having some trouble with her wasp and crashes. When Shea comes to help Bel, he informs her that she is now a princess. Her father who is the grandson of the Vairian King is now in charge as well. This is so hard for Bel to wrap her mind around, but she has to quickly do so in order to give orders that need to be followed. Bel giving orders?? This is insane!
Once things sort of settle down, Bel learns that she is going to be betrothed to Conleith of Anthaem. There is nothing Bel can do to change this situation, so she just hopes that he is someone that she can get along with. Bel has had a crush on Shae forever, which now is her in charge bodyguard.
Bel has a lot to learn about Anthaem and the people there are not fond of her because she is an outsider. As time goes on and Con and Bel get to know each other a little more, Bel also falls in love with Anthaem. Bel is determined to do her part and make everyone proud of her. This story was really well thought out and put together. I am excited for the next book in the series and to see what all is next for Bel. Great read!

An intriguing and promising concept, but the writing style was too dry and the author shared lots of background and history of the different warring planets all at once in the beginning. There is action and a forbidden romance, but they seem to hide between large sections of info-dumps.

I loved that story, the setting was really well done and once i started it i couldn't put it down !
The pacing was great and the book touched different subjects. The characters were well made and i really want to know what happens next in the story !