Member Reviews

This book definitely found the characters recovering from their own personal grief at the forefront rather than the case- the book does not suffer for it. The plot is good and interesting but the character development is great for a reader of the whole series.

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The book has an emotional heart breaking prologue. With grief overwhelming their very soul revenge is promised and retribution is sought.
Fresh from sick leave and still dealing with immense physical and mental pain D.I Kim Stone is thrown into the hunt for a killer.
Kim's team is fractured and still reeling from the the tragic death of one of their own when they are handed a case dealing with the murder Gordon Cordell someone who is linked to a previous case and implicated in the death of a young girl.
Then his son is seriously injured in a seemingly unexplainable car accident and so the body count rises.
Its up to Kim and her team to link the cases and find the pivotal piece that can lead them to the murderer and the resolution of the case.
The author winds the case round and round through the labyrinth of clues till the murderer is revealed and I certainly hadn't got who it was. Its a difficult feat to accomplish for any writer knowing their audience loves to guess whodunit before the end but Angela does it with book.

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I would like to thank Bookouture and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘Fatal Promise”, ninth in the Detective Kim Stone series written by Angela Marsons, in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
Detective Inspector Kim Stone is recovering from a leg injury received during the last case she was investigating, that of Dr Gordon Cordell. This novel continues on from the last one and finds Dr Cordell who’s been brutally murdered. When his son Saul also dies, though presumably from a motoring accident, Kim has to decide whether these deaths are connected.
Meanwhile, DC Stacey Wood is following up the disappearance of fifteen-year-old Jessie Ryan, the case she started investigating during Kim’s sick leave, and who’s dependent on her medication.
‘Fatal Promise’ is an amazing novel with all the ingredients necessary to make it a fantastic thriller, suspense, tension, excitement, and an astute detective whose instinct leads her to make the right decisions despite the evidence pointing elsewhere. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading another novel with Kim and her team, Bryant, Stacey and Penn, the new arrival who’s taken the place of Dawson and who the team are struggling to accept. This novel, the ninth, has a complex plot and just as I’ve decided the identity of the killer there’s another twist which proves me to be wrong. Yet again Angela Marsons has shown her phenomenal ability in bringing together excitement and intrigue into each novel. Thank you for giving me hours of enjoyment, and no pressure, but I do hope there’s going to be a tenth!

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What a brilliant read once again from Angela Marsons, number nine in the series and they just get better and better. I don't want to give too much away as some of you might not have read book eight but the team are reeling from a tragic loss, it doesn't make it any easier when they are faced with a gruesome murder with more to come. I love the Kim Stone character, the banter and loyalty within the team makes the read more enjoyable and believable. In my opinion, the books are best read in order to get to know the background and lives of the characters.

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Book 9 featuring Kim Stone and another cracking addition to the series. Not as strong as some of them but still a fantastic read.

Here we have Kim and her team still recovering from the awful events that took place at the end of book 8. A member down, they are still coming to terms with the death of Kevin Dawson. Kim, who has just recently returned to work, will make no mention of him to the team. A huge hole has been left but Kim is unwilling to address it with her team, as is her way. When her boss forces a temporary replacement on the team, Kim takes an instant dislike to him and will not take to him at all.

The plot here is in two parts. A multiple murder investigation by the whole team and a missing girl investigation that Stacey has found and is keen to pursue. They run parallel with each other throughout the book.
Its great to see Stacey getting more page time again here. She has been such a good character in the series and has really been developed in the last couple of books. Spending time with her really is a pleasure.

The other(and main)story is an intricate one which keeps you guessing right to the end. The bodies pile up and you really dont know who is responsible throughout. Pretty gruesome and vindictive murders, there really is a feeling of unease about the whole thing. Its excellently plotted out as you are fed a couple of red herrings before finally having the reveal towards the end.

As said not my favourite in the series but another stellar addition to the series and well worth the read. If you enjoyed the previous books you certainly wont be disappointed here.

Many thanks to Netgally, Bookouture and Angela Marsons for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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What can I say? Another amazing instalment in the Kim Stone story. How will the team recover from the loss of Dawson? Will Kim forgive herself for losing one of her team? and who is murdering workers from the local hospital....and their family members. Great writing, fantastic character development and a very satisfying read.

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I say this every time, the author has smashed it again. This story brings us slap bang back into the lives of Kim and her colleagues as they attempt to find a way to live with the grief they feel on a daily basis.

The ending of the last book left the team minus one of their own, something every single one of them is struggling with as we start this book. The way each of them deals with their grief varies, but Kim seems to struggle most as she totally blames herself for everything that happened.

I honestly don’t feel I can do the story justice other than say this once more cements the authors place as a firm favourite of mine. Roll on the next one.

Huge thanks to Bookouture and Netgalley for providing a copy.

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After a shocking ending to the previous book, I had no idea what to expect from this one. Thankfully it is still as fabulous as the rest of them but at the same time, I think this may be the best book to start the series with if you didn't want to catch up on the 8 previous books.

I say this because it feels as though dynamics are changing forever, there is more insight into D.I. Kim Stone than ever before and everything is changing regarding the dynamics of her team.

But at the same time this is such a direct continuation just six weeks on from where the last book ended and the main murder victim being investigated was involved in the case in the previous book.

One thing that surprised me with Fatal Promise was I noticed myself laughing out lout a few times, which is unusual for a thriller, but some one liners just struck me as being quite funny.

The police work was as always top notch but it was Stacey's investigation that had me really interested, and although I did suspect one aspect of it, the rest was a complete mystery to me until it was revealed. I think its because I felt more for the person she was looking for than for the any of the victims in Kim's case.

At any point I had to put the book down, I felt a wrench as I wanted to keep reading it, I was completely hooked on it, and just wanted to see what direction it would take us in next.

Despite really enjoying it it isn't my favourite in the series although I'd be hard pressed to name a specific book, but thought this was an excellent book in regrouping, and I'm still upset with that ending of the previous book, and know that a good amount of ground work has been put in, reading the police officers and their team to build on for the next book.

Bring on D.I. Kim Stone book 10 it can't come soon enough!

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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OMG I couldn't put this book down. I absolutely love Kim Stone. Angela Marsons how do you keep writing these amazing books. Can't wait for book 10!

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Thank You, Net Galley, Angela Marsons and of course Bookouture, who kindly approve all my requests.

Here with have book nine in the series with the great character Kim Stone, and her loyal sidekick Bryant.

When the body of a doctor is discovered brutally murdered in local woodland, Detective Kim Stone is shocked to discover the victim is Gordon Cordell – a man linked to a previous case she worked on involving the death of a young school girl. Gordon has a chequered past, but who would want him dead?

As the investigation gets underway, Gordon’s son is involved in a horrific car crash which leaves him fighting for his life. Kim's sure this was no accident.

Then the body of a woman is found dead in suspicious circumstances and Kim makes a disturbing link between the victims and Russells Hall Hospital. The same hospital where Gordon worked.

With Kim and her team still grieving the loss of one of their own, they’re at their weakest and facing one of the most dangerous serial killers they’ve ever encountered. Everything is on the line. Can Kim keep her squad together and find the killer before he claims his next victim?

The killer is picking off his victims at a terrifying pace, and he’s not finished yet !

After the great and shocking ending in number eight, so good to be able to read this so quickly, which takes place only weeks later.

I have never yet given a Angela Marsons book less than a four star, and mostly five stars, so why a four star. In all honestly I was frustrated as the team were, with the case not moving enough, which caused the story just to be a little slower than usual., that's all !

Do I love the characters, oh yes, and Bryant has a stronger role in this and as ever we learn about the personality behind DI Kim Stone.

I just admire an author then can give you such "real" characters than you really feel you know.

Learning more about each character with every book.

Yes finishing strong as usual, with lots of shocks, twists, just a little heavy in the middle, otherwise great.

Four stars from me.

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Angela takes us on a Rollercoaster of a Ride as always. A well deserved 5 stars.

Note to readers: – Read book 8 first as this book contains too many spoilers, also book 8 is outstanding so you will not be disappointed.

I must admit I always wait with baited breath for the next Angela Marson’s book as I want cannot wait to catch up with Kim Stone and her team.

There are two stories running through this book, one about a missing girl which Stacey is investigating, which I solved pretty quickly, but this storyline is more about how Kim is beginning to trust Stacey’s judgement and let her take the lead in an investigation. The murder that Kim is involved with refers back to the events in book 8 and I don’t want to give anything away. What I will say is that I Angela kept me guessing till very near the end, Well Done!!

Kim Stone is a complex but extremely believable character and the author never shies away from showing the lighter and darker sides of her nature. The evolving working relationship between Kim and Bryant is a joy to read.

I cannot wait for the next instalment of Kim Stone, especially the dynamics of her team!

Take a bow Angela Marsons, all your books are superb!

By the way – why has no one bought the rights to these books. The story of Kim Stone would make a fabulous TV heroine!

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If you’ve not read Kim Stone books before I envy you as you can go right back to book 1 and binge read them. This has to be my favourite series ever. Fatal Pronise starts a few short weeks after the previous book with the team struggling to come to terms with the death of a colleague and the introduction of a new one. On top of this is a vicious killer leaving their mark.

A must read

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Can you actually believe that we are here at Kim Stone book 9. Now before I waffle on about what I thought of this book, I need to tell you I am a huge fan of this series, and I believe if you decide to read these books they really are best if read in order.
Silent Scream
Evil Games
Lost Girls
Play Dead
Blood Lines
Dead Souls
Broken Bones
Dying Truth ​

Now for me this is an easy 5 star read. Kim is back in action, she might have a bit of a dodgy leg, which is still healing from injuries after what happened in the last book, and she's been advised to take things easy, which is not something Kim understands, she never has. Also missing a team member which is not only having an impact on Kim but the others around her also.
Faced with investigating the Death of a Doctor, one that Kim and her team certainly know, it's now time to put herself and her team into work mode. Her team have a new member, DC Penn. It's time to figure out if this new team can cut it, if they can learn to work together and be the best the force needs.
I think the character of Kim Stone has been amazing through the last 8 books and felt we were really getting to know her, however in this instalment I found I was learning a hell of a lot more about her through her counselling sessions with Ted. You really do begin to believe that Kim Stone is someone you know on a personal level. As much as I love her, there are times when I could happily tell her That she's out of order. That said I wouldn't change here at all.
There are and have been some amazing characters through this series, and some we love, some we hate, which if an author manages to engage a reader so much that they actually have real opinions on the characters then that is certainly a job well done. Angie certainly knows how to draw in the reader.
There is so much I want to say about this story that I know I would end up giving to much away. I think the sales and reviews for these books speak for themselves. If you love a damn good crime series that is one of the best out there, then this is the series for you. Anyone who has read the previous books will have had this one pre order, will have been counting down the days until this book was released. They will then devour it in probably a matter of hours, and wish that they had taken there time, because then you have to wait for the next one.
This book is certainly an amazing roller coaster of a ride, Angie Marsons is managing somehow to just blow each book out the water, for me personally I think each one tops the last one, and at the end of each one, I've said to myself 'no way can this one be beat' and each time I'm loving the fact, I'm proved wrong. I know I've said it before, but Angie I don't know how you do it, but please keep doing it. Us readers need Kim Stone in our lives. This is one of those books that you really need to clear your diary for. Get comfortable and get stuck in, but make sure you have no other plans, because this book will take over.

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I really enjoyed this book. It's a well written murder mystery that kept me guessing and which, despite me not having read others in the series, introduced me to the characters in a way that made me care about them and be intrigued by them in equal measure.

DI Kim Stone heads a team in which one individual has recently died. This is affecting all of the remaining members in different ways and alongside this, they also have an intriguing murder to solve and one of the team is also investigating a missing person.

The storyline moves at pace and really gripped me throughout. I'm guessing it would be best to read the earlier books first, but, this absolutely stands alone as a good read.

Thanks to NetGalley, Bookoutre and the author for the opportunity to preview in exchange for my honest review.

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I love the Kim Stone series, and always get very excited when a new one comes out! This latest one certainly didn't disappoint. Kim and her team are struggling to cope with the death of their colleague Kev Dawson, and this is affecting them all in different ways. The case they are now working on is the murder of a doctor who also appeared in the last book. When his son is then involved in a fatal car accident, alarm bells start ringing. Who has the doctor upset, and who will be the next victim? This is a great page turner which will keep you guessing until the end. Can't wait for the next book! Thanks to NetGalley for a preview copy.
Copied to Goodreads.

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After a couple of average reads I neededed something that I knew would not let me down and be brilliant. Angela Marson's Kim Stone series always fits that bill. After the shock that was the ending of book 8 Dying Truth I was desperate to read book 9 but at the same time I wasn't sure if I was ready to move on. I am so glad I picked this up and devoured it over 2 nights.

With the team still grieving the loss of one of their own life still must go on. And the murders keep coming. This time when Kim arrives at the scene she realises that the body is that of Gordon Cordell who had links with the teams previous case. In the following days Gordon's son is involved in a serious car crash and a women also with ties to him is found murdered. What is going on and why are these victims all linked. The team has to pull together with their new team member who they are struggling with not being Kev. They are all dealing with their loss in their own way and Kim is also still physically recovering.

I love this series! Kim is a complex character that you just have to admire. She is tough and honest but deep down she is struggling more that she will ever admit to. Penn has to try his best to become part of a team who just want Kev back.

Big thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for my advanced copy of this book to read and enjoy. All opinions are my own and are in no way biased.

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Angela Marsons has done it again!
I have been a huge fan of Kim Stone ever since I read the first book and I always jump at the chance to read a new story.

Kim is a fantastic character, she just jumps off the page and makes you want to know more about her. The story is written extremely well and full of tense moments. I can highly recommend this book.

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Fatal Promise is the latest in the Kim Stone series by Angela Marsons. Full disclosure, I have read the entire series, and when I finished each one hated to have to wait for more of them! Fatal Promise is a stand alone, but so much richer for having read previous books and feel like the characters are old friends. I was given an early copy to review.

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What more can I say than AMAZING. I love Kim Stone so much. This one is no different than the rest in the series. Always eagerly await the next instalment!

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After the ending of #8 I was a bit dubious about starting this book. How are on earth could Ms Marsons claw herself back into my favour? By throwing out yet another fantastic installment, thats how. And by gum, thats exactly what shes done. I love that we're finally starting to understand Kim more and more. A little more insight into Bryant would be nice. And Stacey in the tough marshmallow as always. Roll on #10.

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