Member Reviews
This is a long book (almost 6 hours on the Kindle), although once I started it, it kept my attention all the way through to the end. I don't read as quickly these days as I used to, so it took me more than a week, but I did stop and start as well, so that accounts for some of the time.
When you think of WWII, you think 'good vs bad', 'Hitler vs The World' and you forget that on both sides of the conflict there were ordinary, everyday people who farmed, worked in shops, were butchers, bakers, housewives, teachers, children - people who simply worked hard every day to make ends meet, raise families, worked in their gardens, etc. There were also people swept up in the ideologies of a madman (madmen), who felt the cause and reason for the war was justified and worth the sacrifices.
You read and hear plenty of stories of British and American soldiers, who fought against this fascism in far flung corners of the globe, and it's easy to lump all Germans into the 'Nazi/bad' category, when that is not the case. It's easy to become biased, and forget that it was actually Germans who plotted to kill Hitler (although it failed, it shows that not everyone believed in what he was doing).
This is a story of two ordinary, everyday German kids who struggle through the war years, one being conscripted in the desperate last days of the German fight - while battle weary and hardened soldiers are deserting and trying to make it back home - and both just trying to survive whilst the British and Americans bomb cities flat, in an effort to intimidate the enemy.
I enjoyed the majority of it, and only lost some interest when it started to become a bit like a cheesy romance towards the last 25% or so. I appreciate, however, that it's more or less a biography so the author (the daughter of the two main characters within) is trying to show how her parents survived a horrific time and despite everything, fell in love.
A MUST READ for those interested in this time period of our History. I read this in one sitting. I couldn't put it down.
Being my favourite genre and period in history I didn't doubt that I'd enjoy this book. It's moving, all the more so for being based on real life historical events. Definitely recommending this well-written and researched book to family who also enjoy World War 2 writings. Thanks, Netgalley and publisher for allowing me to read this in exchange for an honest review.
I enjoyed Surviving the Fatherland: A True Coming-of-age Love Story Set in WWII Germany and am giving it four and a half stars.
There are times in life when a book affects us as readers so profoundly that, for whatever reason, we can't get it out of our heads. Surviving the Fatherland is interesting, absolutely gut wrenching, heart breaking and ultimately, soaringly inspirational.... Lilly and Gunter are heroes. Quiet, resilient survivors. I am proud of them and honored that I got to hear their story through this book.
*thank you to Netgalley and BooksGoSocial for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*
4 stars.
Stories such as this are very emotional reads. I would not recommend this to people who are very sensitive. The horrors of what happened during World War 2, still continues to tear me up inside each and everytime I read a story from people's own experiences during that awful time. Saying this story was enjoyable is not the right word, but I did love it. As heart breaking as it is, the story was very well written and definatley one that I would recommend reading.
Surviving the Fatherland is a gripping story based on real life events in Germany during WWII. The story is told from the perspectives of two children—Lilly and Günter—whose families were torn apart because of the war, and the hardship they endured during Hitler’s rule.
A very good read and I highly recommend to those interested in WWII history.
Thank you to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I love historical fiction particularly around WW2 but this book is extra special as it is based on the true story of the parents of the author. This story is incredible - a totally different side of the war that I had little knowledge of - the German civilians. The saga follows the couple as children growing up during and after the war. It does not hide any of the horror of the madness of Hitler and the atrocities during this time but gives the side of the innocent civilians caught in this madness. The people were truly in famine with nothing left. It covers the bravery of these young teens and how they coped. I was particularly moved by the bringing of the country back together. How the young adults made up for their lost youth and how people had to overlook and move on from what their neighbours and colleagues had done and been during the war. A five star read. I will be recommending to all my friends and family.
Hard book to review. How can you say you enjoyed a book about 2 families struggling during and after the war? Annette Oppenlander wonderfully shares her parents love story.....and more importantly their struggle during and after war in Germany. These memories need to be preserved
A coming of age story set against the backdrop of Germany during WWII, Surviving the Fatherland is a unique view of the atrocities of that time. Lillly and Günter are young when their fathers head off to fight for the fatherland, Germany, and the burdens of their families fall on their very young shoulders. The fact that this book is based on the author’s own parents adds an extra layer of compassion and empathy; their resilience, their cunning, their fears, even their hunger are evident in every page of this book. We follow their stories from the beginning of the war, through the war and the bombings and starvation, and after the war as they enter adulthood in a country, in a world, that is forever-changed. Lilly is an extraordinary character...only 7 when the war starts...her feelings toward her parents so conflicted...yet somehow she faces each terror-filled day with determination and intelligence beyond her age. Thank you to the publisher and the author for allowing me to read this fascinating book.
I tend to gravitate toward nooks about the WWII era. I find them interesting . I have to say that this is the first one I have read from the perspective of the German population under the Hitler regime . I found this book to be absolutely fascinating. It gave me much perspective of what the general population might have felt instead of focusing solely on the beliefs of the fanatics.
I received an E-book of this book in exchange for a fair review. Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to do so.
Surviving the Fatherland: A True Coming-of-age Love Story Set in WWII Germany by Annette Oppenlander is a true story written about Oppenlander’s parents, Günter and Lilly. Both of her parents grew up during World War II and this showcases their struggle through both Hitler’s Regime and Post-war Germany.
Oppenlander’s ability to explore her parent’s past is remarkable. Showing both the bad and good things they did without sugar coating things to make her parents, and grandparents, seem like better people than they were. They were humanized through their faults and mistakes which made the novel read more like a historical fiction novel than a nonfiction novel. I truly forgot that it was a nonfiction book while reading it and only remembered when i got to the last 50 or so pages. Her ability to connect you to the characters also makes you want to read the snippets that she added to the back about what the characters are doing now. Which I also highly appreciated knowing about instead of their memory disappearing during their 20’s.
I appreciated that Oppenlander focused more on Post-war Germany instead of the time period of Hitler's Regime. The Holocaust is important but many people at least have a general knowledge about concentration camps and Germany’s economic struggles. Often, however, it is assumed that Germany was fine after WWII ended, but this is not the case. It took many years for the economy to recover. Both Günter and Lilly struggle to find food and survive. Which is only different from during the war because Günter could be at home and not hiding from the Military so that he could avoid joining Hitler’s Army and parishing with the rest of his classmates.
Curiously, there were somethings that were changed that could add some confusion as to how much of the novel is fact and what is fiction. Oppenlander adds in two fictional characters Herr Baum and Karl Huss. Both of these characters appear often in the novel itself. Oppenlander does state this in the Gallery of Characters at the back of the book and are based in some fact, but it does seem strange to put fictional characters in a nonfiction novel. Oppenlander does change a few names in the novel but she does this for clarity as both Lilly and Gerda’s real names are Helga. This makes sense to me to do as they are often together and this would become confusing to read, but I still have a hard time with making up characters.
While the topic of this novel is a heavy one Oppenlander shows glimmers of hope through the friendships created and the love story that ultimately comes into fruition. I found myself hoping that Günter, Lilly, Helmut and Gerda had happy endings in a time where happy ending are few and far between. While she offers up hope she also shows heartbreak, with Günter’s difficulty to cope after the war was over and the economy finally took an upswing. With Lilly’s mother’s favoritism and her father and mother’s relationship. She combines the two beautifully, allowing the reader to have a full range of emotion in such a depressing time period, which makes for the novel to be not as emotionally taxing as WWII novels tend to be.
I really enjoyed Surviving the Fatherland, and I’m glad that I was able to read it. I would recommend this specifically for people who don't know what Post-war Germany was like and those who want to learn about it. This novel is also good for people who usually enjoy Historical Fiction as this novel is not fact heavy and reads very much like a fiction novel.
A very moving story and one that gripped me from start to finish. Historical novels has been one of my all time favourite genres, especially when it comes to WW11. I have been to two German concentration camps and heard so many heartbreaking stories from the Guides, not only of those within the Camps, but the ordinary people trying to cope with daily life during that time. A well written book and one that i would read again some day.
I do recommend this book and do thank Netgalley and the Publishers for my copy. This is my honest review, freely given.
Thankyou to NetGalley, BooksGoSocial and the author, Annette Oppenheimer, for the opportunity to read a digital copy of Surviving The Fatherland in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.
I thought this book was beautifully written. It was a hauntingly sad, true story on how the war effected the two main characters, their families and the people around them. It is a powerful story that will stay with me for a long time.
Well worth a read.
Definitely 5 stars. I can see why this book is so loved. Very engrossing, deeply moving and character you will not forget. Everyone that loves a well researched historical will want this one.
A young adult's story of coming of age during the war years and the continued strife of the following years. Life is difficult for young people, add in the confusion of war, starvation, oppression and genocide you have a generation of young people with anger and depression issues. Recommend to teens and adults. Highly readable.
Surviving the Fatherland: A True Coming of Age Love Story Set in WWII Germany by Annette Oppenlander is so much more than a love story. This book should become a classic story of the German people during and after World War II because of the knowledge it imparts to each reader. Hitler and his minions tried to destroy the Jews but at the same time Hitler tried to destroy all Germans. Whether Hitler was demon possessed and/or a madman only God can answer but the entire World was affected by his evil. It was a difficult book to read because of the human suffering but very honest with no excuses. I doubt few people today could survive the hardships that these people endured under the Socialist Party of the Nazi Government or the Russian Socialist Government. This is a book of truth, love, courage and endurance during a time of unbelievable oppression by socialistic governments. My thanks to the author, the publisher and netgalley for allowing me to read and review this extraordinary book.
This is a fascinating and in places a heartbreaking read. It is an honest, true, look at how two peoples lives were affected by World War 2. It tells how they grew up through the war and how they met. It is touching and honest and emotional. It is definitely a story I will remember.
Thank you to Netgalley for my copy.
This was a wonderful and sad true story of WW11 and the years after. It is truly unlike any of this genre I have read and that’s alot! This story went into the true trials of strength, hope and love of the survivors of this era. A very remarkable book that everyone should read. Thank you netgalley for letting me give an honest review of this book.