Member Reviews

This was a sweet story and perfect for these tumultuous times. Dealing with some serious issues well, but overall a light and easy read

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This light-hearted, witty romantic read perfectly encaptures the Christmas spirit and is sure to melt even the frostiest of hearts.

This story is thoroughly entertaining, brimming with laugh-out-loud moments. The whole cast of characters no matter how big or small their parts are wonderfully brought to life and their quirks will have you instantly falling for them all.

An absolutely charming, feel-good read, grab a blanket curl up and be whisked away to the mayhem in Marram Bay. This was my first MacIntosh novel but I can happily declare it will not be my last!

Thanks to HQ Digital & Netgalley for sending me this in exchange for an open and honest review.


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Book started a bit slow for me, but glad I stuck with it. Ivy runs her mother's old Christmas store, and finds out the land owner is selling it out from under her. A hunky Seb shows up, and is the new owner, and he wants to build vacation homes. A few twists and turns to the HEA, and overall well done. Would recommend.

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Ivy and Holly, sisters live in a household that loves Christmas and that runs the Marram Bay village Christmas Shop all year long.  Ivy shares her love of the holiday with her late mother and Holly hates the season.  After their mother's death, Ivy has decided to take over the Christmas shop.  One day, while not expecting it, a handsome man named Seb comes into the shop.  He is charming and the two end up under the mistletoe.  Later, Ivy learns that Seb is a developer and is in the market for the property the Christmas Shop sets on.  As Ivy tries to figure out a way to keep her beloved shop and not become a bad person during the holidays, she develops some friendships including one that could be more if it wasn't for the current situation.

This book is such a feel-good little book.  There is so much tied up into it including lost relatives, family legacies, new friendships, new romances, family editions, the power of love and family at Christmas, and community.  There isn't a sad ending in this book at all, and even at points where the plot did hint to something negative or could have turned towards that, it didn't.  When you read this book it may sound a little too good to be true or like a fairy tale, and it definitely is, but when I read these types of books I always have to keep in the back of my mind that this is a holiday story and for Christmas, it is okay to be saccharine.

I will say that perhaps my favorite element of this book is the character of Ivy because she isn't your typical woman looking for a man for the holidays.  She is strong-willed and self-sufficient, and even hard-headed most of the time.  Even when Seb makes fun of her Yorkshire accent, she faces him and doesn't let that bother her.  In fact, she tries to brush off and ignore Seb for a while because he threated her village, even though she did feel attracted to him.  I really admired her spunk and attitude and how she lived her life for herself.  A strong female character is always a plus in a book!     

My review for this one isn't too long because there really isn't a lot to critique about this book.  The writing is easy and quick to read, the plot is cute and is developed, the worldbuilding of Marram Bay as a little Yorkshire village is nicely done (but could have even more if the author wanted to!), and the characters are fleshed out.  After reading this book I found out that there is at least one other book set in this same Yorkshire village Marram Bay titled, Summer Secrets at the Apple Blossom Deli. So I am quite excited to perhaps pick that one up next summer and see what I think!  Overall, this one gets a sturdy 3.5 stars that I will round up to 4.

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A lovely read full of Christmas cheer and evocative writing conjuring up festive spirit whatever the time of year.
This was my first experience of this author, an easy read and a plot varied enough to keep it interesting without deviating too much from the genres usual highs and lows.
I found a couple of the character builds a little brief and few times was left wondering why certain characters acted as they did. Perhaps a little more depth here would have added some value to the ability to identify with them.
However a minor point and overal a recommended read.

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A wonderful, heart-warming festive read that I enjoyed in the month of December. When Ivy's mother passes away, she proudly takes ownership of the Village Christmas Shop. The all-year Christmas shop is her family's legacy and her whole life. Ivy will do everything in her power to keep the shop running smoothly, even if that does mean battling the handsome man trying to tear the shop down.

I really adored the characters in this book and the way Portia describes the village really does make for a cosy read.

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Love and Lies at The Village Christmas Shop was a wonderful festive read that kicked me in all the festive feels. Its kind of hard not to when its literally about a Christmas shop. Ivy runs the the Village Christmas Shop since her mother passed on, its her legacy to her - its all her life has been and she will continue to do so, despite struggling day to day - since the roads moved and life changed, its not so much a destination now. Holly (Ivys sister) wants nothing to do with the shop, she cannot stand Christmas. So Ivy feels pretty much alone. When a handsome stranger arrives in the shop one day her world is about to changed dramatically.

I loved this, the characters were all likeable, it had the small village feel i love, the festive atmosphere was written so wonderfully that if you was to read this anytime of the year you would instantly be transported to Christmas time. Portia has written in a way that warms the heart from the inside and has you rooting for everyone all along.

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Ivy has always loved Christmas and when get mother dies she takes over the family business the Christmas shop, as her sister Holly isn't interested. The shop however isn't doing well as a new road to the town has been put in and they no longer get the passing trade, and then Seb moves into town making the landlord an offer he can't refuse on the land so that he can build a new holiday complex........ but as much as Ivy would like to hate Seb she can't so she will just have to fight him to keep her beloved shop.

A lovely story with great characters and full of fun. Seb and Ivy were both people that you take to and so you are rooting for them to sort things out. A good lighthearted read.

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This is what Christmas is all about.
An easy read that is full of Christmas cheer.
This is a first for me by this author and I really enjoyed this read and loved the idea of the Christmas shop. I felt warmth for all the characters and wanted them to all have their happy endings.

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A feel good romance with Christmas thrown in for good measure. A very easy read and you really felt empathy with the characters and obviously wanted to get the outcome of 'happy ever after'. The background stories of the two sisters did give some of the explanations needed as to why one of them would love Christmas and the other hate it, although how anyone with two children would really hate Christmas is difficult to understand.

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I really liked the book - the main characters were warm and you wanted them to reach an understanding and a happy ending for them both.

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This story is as Christmassy as it gets; set in a Christmas shop, with Christmas decorations, Christmas baking, the full works.

Ivy is a cool, Christmas-obsessed aunt, working in the Christmas shop her mum started. After their mum died, Ivy’s twin Holly wasn’t interested in being involved in the shop, so it’s Ivy’s sole responsibility to keep her mum’s legacy going while Holly looks after her own family. But after a new road was built, customers are no longer discovering the shop’s existence and the shop is struggling. And then a handsome stranger, Seb, waltzes into town with plans to build a holiday village right on the land Ivy’s shop sits on, offering the shop’s landlord an offer he can’t refuse. Ivy is threatened with being jobless and homeless, but she won’t give up without a fight.

This story is told in first person and is a great romantic comedy with plenty of conflict, tension and misunderstandings. The characters are funny and interesting and I really enjoyed Ivy’s narration. I enjoyed the chemistry between Ivy and Seb and the fiery battles between them.

I felt the story resolved itself a little too quickly at the end, but the story works really well as a short and sweet Christmas romance.

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Brilliant author always get excited when portia's got new book out.
Guaranteed laughs fun. Bit of everything
Thank you

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(I was given an ARC copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley (thanks!) All opinions expressed here are voluntary, honest, and my own)
The Christmas Shop is a family run business open all year round. Ivy took over the ownership after her mother died. Her father died when she was a child. It’s December, and business is slow. This is due to the location of the shop now not being by the main road into town. Ivy is also worried because she’s in danger of eviction and her livelihood, and home, could be knocked down and replaced by holiday homes by businessman Sebastian. Who she happens to find rather attractive. Add to her worries her twin sister Holly is behaving out of character.
And so the story ensues where Ivy is trying to raise the money to buy the shop herself, and coming up with new ways to bring in customers, including a Santa. Santa is a tattooed man called Gaz, and I’m sure everyone knows a Gaz. The love and lies plays out between Sebastian and Ivy. I loved the interaction between the pair.
The one liners are funny ‘It’s true what they say: men are like buses. And, no, I don’t mean they’re dirty, unreliable, and will let just about anyone ride them. I mean you go from having none in your life, only for two to come along at once.’
I identified with Ivy completely as she’s a reader, especially with these lines ‘I do feel guilty, buying books when money isn’t exactly great, but the day I begrudge myself a £3.99 book (when reading is my favourite thing to do) is the day I really need to think about selling a kidney.’ There is a poignancy in the book, exploring grief and life too. Sebastian and Ivy bond over the fact that neither of them, really, have a life. They have both isolated themselves, and concentrated on their work. I loved the setting of Marram Bay.
Love and Lies is a compelling festive read. I can’t think of a reason not to give it five stars!

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This was such a wonderfully festive read. It’s set in a Christmas shop where the festive atmosphere sprinkles its magic 365 days a year. When they lose their mum, Ivy has a strong need to carry on with the family business and realise her mums dreams. Her twin sister Holly wants nothing to do with it.
She is up against a developer wanting to redesign the whole site where the shop is situated. Ivy needs to come up with a huge pot of money to save her business.
I loved the characters. Her resident Santa is so amusing! The idea of a book set in a Christmas shop is just the ultimate setting for me. I can imagine the clockwork decorations and twinkling fairy lights and the shop window beckoning you in.
It’s such a heartwarming read.

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Love and Lies and the Village Christmas Shop is a festive read which I really enjoyed. Heartwarming, witty and engaging. With a cast of interesting and likeable characters and a lovely Christmassy location, this is a story of family relationships, friendship, fun, laughter and some romance too.

Lighthearted but heartwarming, this is a festive treat. Ideal for an afternoon on the sofa with a cuppa.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I really liked this book. it's very festive and a fun read. the characters are well developed and the story flows well. this is a nearly perfect romcom for the Christmas season.

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With thanks to Netgalley and HQ Digital for this ARC in exchange for an open and honest review.

I am a big fan of thrillers but at Christmas I can't resist a christmas romcom. Portia Macintosh is a new author to me but I will definitely read more from her in the future.

Twins Ivy and Holly Jones grew up around Christmas. Their mum Audrey was a fan of the season so she opened the Christmas Everyday shop. Holly hated christmas because their father died on Christmas Eve, however Ivy remained a big fan like her mum.

When Ivy was grown up she became a chef who specialised in confectionery. After Audrey died Ivy sold her properly and took over running Christmas Everyday. Holly went on to marry her childhood sweetheart Lee and they had two lovely kids together.

Although the shop was mostly quiet, Ivy was happy reading and doing small tasks in the shop. Ivy lived in the small village of Marram Bay, she was single and never met any men apart from the local postman. That Is until a man called Seb came into look in the shop, he loved it and on impulse kissed Ivy under the mistletoe.

Ivy hoped to see Seb again untilbshe found out her landlord was due to sell Christmas Everyday to Seb a properly developer. Ivy felt Seb tried to trick her. Annoyed that a newcomer was about to destroy her mother's legacy, Ivy vowed to save her shop with the help of Gaz a randy santa.

I really enjoyed this book which had me laughing out loud at times I especially laughed when the police could smell alcohol on Ivy`s breath but it was actually the christmas cake she had hidden in her handbag to give to Holly`s kids. It was also funny but sweet when she danced with her nephew at his school nativity. Ivy didn't know the dance routine so she did the routine to a steps song instead

The description of Marram Bay sounded lovely and I could just picture Ivy`s shop. I liked Ivy who was feisty and loyal to Holly and the children. Although I liked Seb who was thoughtful and bought Ivy three ball gowns. My favourite man was Gav who was very UN PC but loyal to Ivy and the shop.

I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys books about village life and festive cheer.

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Ivy loves Christmas, which is good since she’s the proud owner of Christmas Every Day, a shop where it’s—well, Christmas every day. However, while she adores running the store in her mother’s memory, sales have been slumping and bills are piling up. Everything changes when a mysterious businessman, Seb, waltzes in and spellbinds the tiny town of Marram Bay, promising new holiday homes and a bustling economy. All he has to do is knock down the Christmas business and he’ll have the perfect spot. But Ivy won't let her shop go without a fight, even if Seb is ridiculously charming.

There’s nothing quite as quaint as a Christmas store and author Portia MacIntosh pulls out all the stops to ensure Christmas Every Day is deeply alluring. Christmas trees in every corner, baubles in every cranny, and bit of a cheeky Santa all make an appearance in this festive story. Moreover, Ivy is running her dream business, passed down from her deceased mother, raising the stakes and making her completely compelling. Ivy is a hardworking, delightfully jolly woman who grounds the entire story and gives it its heart.

This is not to suggest that the rest of the cast is slouching. What good is a Christmas read if it doesn’t have quirky secondary cast? Holly, Ivy’s twin sister, hates Christmas and needles Ivy about her lack of love life. Gaz, a trained actor and professional Santa, doesn’t totally understand workplace etiquette. Then there’s rest of the town, which struggles with wanting a change for the village while also not wanting to betray Ivy. It’s a series of plots that expertly intertwine into the perfect present.

Of course, then there’s Ivy’s main foil, and MacIntosh deserves extra praise for her handling of the slick Seb. His appeal is apparent and his actions are realistic and understandable while remaining completely frustrating. It’s an impressive execution, leading to a desire for Ivy’s business to succeed, Seb’s to fail, and their obviously budding romance to blossom—each thing contradicting the other. The end result, though, is something deeply satisfying.

This is a perfect Christmas read, blending the romance, nostalgia, and confusion so abundant in the season. In a way, MacIntosh has crafted a book that feels like I imagine Christmas Every Day would. It’s brimming with expertly packaged holiday cheer while holding an underlying warmth and tenderness. Simply, it’s pure love.

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A fun Christmas read, this has likeable characters and an engaging storyline. Perfect for this time of year.

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