Member Reviews

I have been a fan of Catherine’s for quite a while now. I love her books and I eagerly await for each new book to be released. When she releases a book, I clear the decks and make reading it my next priority. I couldn’t wait to get hold of a copy of ‘Second Chances At The Log Fire Cabin’. Well I need wait no longer because the book was released on 15th October 2018. I dived in as soon as I could. Boy oh boy it was one hell of a read. I absolutely LOVED it but more about that in a bit.
I couldn’t help but take to the character of Roxy and I began to think of her as a friend. She thinks that her life is tootling along at a nice and gentle pace. She lives with her friend although Roxy is unemployed at the beginning of the book. Money is tight and Roxy hates feeling like a charity case, so she decides that she needs move out of the shared flat and it looks as though she will have to go back to live with her parents but at the last minute Jackson, her boyfriend, tells her that she can move in with him. Roxy is in love and she hopes that Jackson’s invite is a sign of his commitment to her. Uh oh. Roxy is all loved up and in a blissful state. She proposes to Jackson on live TV but he says no. Oh the embarrassment. I really felt for Roxy and if I could have jumped inside the pages of the book to give her a hug then I would have done. Roxy is mortified at what happens and she takes a job at the Log Fire cabin. She hopes that her heart will have long enough to heal and she will be able to bring in some pennies. That’s fine and dandy but then Jackson and his new girlfriend turn up at the cabin and I was rather suspicious of his motives. The rat that he is!! Roxy sounds lovely, she is kind, gentle, understanding, she loves a laugh and she will always be there for her when or if you need her. My only teensy problem with her is that she is a bit of a doormat. Will Roxy succumb to Jackson’s dubious charms or will she follow her head and not get involved with him again?
‘Second Chances At The Log Fire Cabin’ is one of those enchanting reads that is perfect for curling up in front of the fire with to escape the nasty weather outside. I was hooked on the story from the moment I picked up the book and began to read. As I felt so drawn to the character of Roxy and I warmed to her so well, I just had to keep reading on and on to see what fate had in store for her. The more I read, the more I wanted to read and the quicker the pages were turning. At one point the pages were turning that quickly that the book became a blur. I was keeping everything crossed and just hoped that she got the happy ending that she deserved. It seemed to take next to no time at all for me to get through the book but in reality a few hours had passed by. Time seemed to stand still as it were. I was enjoying the book, the storylines and the characters so much that I didn’t want the book to end.
When you pick up one of Catherine’s books, you just know that you are in for one hell of a read and so it proved for me with this one. For me, there’s a bit of everything within the pages of ‘Second Chances At The Log Fire Cabin’. By that I mean that there is lots of drama, humour, seriousness and romance. Reading this book was an emotional read for me. There were times when I felt a lump in my throat and there were other times when I could have quite cheerfully leapt inside the pages of the book to remonstrate with certain characters (yes Jackson that means you!!) for how they were treating others or for what they said. Before anybody reminds me that this book is a work of fiction, I found that the writing was so realistic and so convincing that I began to ‘live’ the story as if I was a character within the book.
In short , Catherine surely has another best seller on her hands with ‘Second Chances At The Log Fire Cabin’ and I absolutely adored it!!! I can’t wait to read what the author comes up with next. Here’s hoping that I don’t have too long to wait. I definitely recommend that you pick up one of Catherine Ferguson’s books just as soon as you can. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is a very well deserved 5* out of 5*.

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Roxy spontaneously proposed to her boyfriend on TV and when he rejects her, she is mortified. When she bumps into Poppy at the store, she agrees to her proposal to join her at the Log Fire Cabin to help out with the catering. Even though she is not good at cooking, she still decided to go. It seems like a perfect place to get her mind mind off of things, but that’s until Roxy’s ex-boyfriend shows up at the Log Fire Cabin.

I read the Christmas at the Log Fire Cabin last year and after really enjoying it I couldn’t resist reading Second Chances at the Log Fire Cabin and I was also drawn to the beautiful cover. It was a beautiful and light hearted Christmas story with realistic characters and a stunning setting. Can’t wait for the next book by the author!

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After reading the first in this series I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one! It didn't disappoint and loved the story of Roxy! To say this is the perfect book to read this Christmas to get you in the festive spirit!

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SECOND CHANCES AT THE LOG FIRE CABIN by Catherine Ferguson is as deliciously magical as its wonderful cover and I never wanted it to end.

Roxy has scars from her past that have really changed the way she perceives herself and relationships. So when she finds herself in a whirlwind romance with Jackson whom she is about to move in with, she takes a drunken leap of faith and proposes to him on national tv where he says ... no. Humiliated, unemployed, and now single again, this Christmas isn't looking too festive for Roxy but when a chance encounter leads to a job of sorts, Roxy finds herself at a stunning cabin where anything is possible. That is until Jackson shows up with his new girlfriend! But he isn't the only person at the lake and as Roxy forges new friendships, she may just begin to trust herself and a special someone with her heart.

Compelling, engaging, and completely spellbinding, SECOND CHANCES AT THE LOG FIRE CABIN by Catherine Ferguson, is the epitome of a wonderful Christmas romance. There is plenty of drama, misunderstandings, confused emotions, and love to keep you hooked and the setting is like something from a fairytale Winterland that will make your heart melt. There are one or two characters that you will dislike instantly (you'll know them as soon as you start reading about them) but the rest of this gang are everything you want and need in a great story.

SECOND CHANCES AT THE LOG FIRE CABIN by Catherine Ferguson is simply divine and I cannot wait to read more from this author.

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Review: Firstly, I would like to thank Avon for asking me to review and be apart of the blog tour for Second Chances at the Log Fire Cabin. 

Second Chances at the Log Fire Cabin is a laugh out loud, cosy Christmas read. Perfect to read on a night in from the cold winter nights wrapped in a warm blanket in front of the fire. 

Roxy needs to lick her wounds after an embarrassing moment on national TV and arrives at the log fire cabin, however she may want to escape her life for a little while but her life is following her here. Roxy is a girl who is brave enough or perhaps crazy to take chances even though she may not be the best at them to try to move on in life. Roxy is a girl who I took to my heart. 

A brilliant Christmas read.

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This book had a great premise. Roxy proposed to her boyfriend live on TV while drunk and got rejected. The blurb made it sound like Jackson would make amends for his initial decision and finally realized Roxy is it for him.

That's not what exactly happened. First of all, Jackson was a manipulative, arrogant jerk. This is clear from the moment he appears on page. So I didn't shed a tear when i realized he wasn't the main hero. Thank God. By then, I had lost interest in the book already. Roxy was fine but she wasn't very interesting. The people at Log Fire Cabin were okay but not very interesting as well. Even Roxy's new love interest didn't really make that much of an impression.

Second Chances at the Log Fire Cabin reminded me a lot of a Jill Mansel book, which is probably why this felt too predictable to me. But that's not the biggest reason why I didn't care much for this book. The main reason is despite its great premise, I couldn't emotionally connect to its characters. And I'm the type of reader who has to connect to the characters to be fully invested in the story. Unfortunately, I just wasn't invested enough to appreciate Roxy's journey.

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Heartwarming, hilarious and wonderfully addictive, readers are sure to fall in love with Catherine Ferguson’s enchanting new novel, Second Chances at the Log Fire Cabin!

Roxy is convinced that her boyfriend Jackson is the one. Jackson seems to have stepped out of every woman’s fantasy and Roxy is sure that Jackson is the man with whom she is destined to spend the rest of her life with, and when the opportunity comes along to propose to him on live television, in a moment of madness she decides to throw caution to the wind and ask Jackson to marry her. However, Jackson seems to have other ideas about the future and when he rejects her in front of the nation, Roxy is embarrassed, mortified and in desperate need for a place to hide, lick her wounds and figure out what on earth she is going to do next.

Forgetting Jackson and consigning him to the past is easier said than done. She is unable to stop herself from thinking about him and from wishing that things had turned out differently for the two of them. A new job is just the thing to get her mind off her heartbreak and mortification and when she starts working at the Log Fire Cabin as a bakery assistant, Roxy quickly finds herself making some new friends and feeling settled for the first time in a long while. Her heart may be broken, but her lovely colleagues and friends and the delicious treats served at the Log Fire Cabin certainly help to make things that little bit easier…

However, when Jackson turns up at the Cabin unexpectedly, things soon begin to go wrong! With Christmas fast approaching, will Roxy manage to heal her broken heart and secure the happiness and fulfillment which have come to mean the world to her? Or is she destined for more heartache and anguish?

An utterly delightful read from one of my favourite writers, Second Chances at the Log Fire Cabin is best enjoyed under the duvet, with a cup of hot chocolate and your phone firmly switched off. Catherine Ferguson writes books that touch the heart and warm the soul and Second Chances at the Log Fire Cabin is a fabulous tale about fresh starts, unexpected twists of fate and falling in love that I absolutely couldn’t stop reading.

Uplifting, deliciously feel-good and a joy to read from beginning to end, Second Chances at the Log Fire Cabin is another must-read by Catherine Ferguson!

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5☆ Enchanting, Uplifting, Must Read, with a little Christmas Charm!

Second Chances at the Logfire Cabin is a heart warming story filled with memorable characters, beautiful storylines, romance, drama and a lil Christmas Charm.

Wow oh wow, I was completly captivated by this Gorgeous Book. Not only is the cover stunning, the plot is simply enchanting.

Roxy is down on her luck.... after a whirl wind romance with the handsome and popular Jackson, Roxy feels its time to lay her roots. So she has a wee bit too much to drink and makes a shock proposal to Jackson on TV. Only for him to decline her offer of marriage!! Oh My!! Horrific hey!
She was due to move in with him that day but now finds herself jobless & homeless having to move back with her bestie.

It gets worse..... they split up.
Roxy still is out of work.
But on a chance meeting in a supermarket, over a bag of flour, Roxy meets Poppy!
Poppy is in the catering business and is desperate for help.
Roxy agrees to help her.... even though Roxy can't cook LOL!!!... I mean what could possible go wrong right?!?!

So Roxy sets off to the gorgeous and enchanting Log Fire Cabin where she begins her new job with Poppy.
But who should happen to be there......
Yeap you guessed it.... Jackson!!.... But he has a new bit of arm candy, and she is a bitch!! With a Capital B! Lol

No more plot talk.... don't want to give anything away 🙊

But this story isn't just about Roxy.
All of the characters are beautifully written, and I really warmed to them. They are relatable and memorable. Such wonderful additional stories weaved alongside Roxy's dilemma.

The pace flows along perfectly. It's a warm and cosy read I just couldn't put it down.
There is plenty of drama, Mishaps, a few secrets, humour, romance, friendship, relationship drama, scrumptious tummy rumbling food and A Christmas Setting with an ice rink.

I would definitely recommend reading this gorgeous book.
This book is part of a series, but can be read as a standalone perfectly fine. I had no problem as this was my first book.

Thank you to Avon books for this copy which I reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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The Blurb :
When Roxy proposes to her boyfriend Jackson in a moment of madness on live TV, she’s mortified when he rejects her.
To escape the embarrassment, she takes a job working as baking assistant at the idyllic Log Fire Cabin. Roxy hopes the new job will take her mind off Jackson, because to her eternal annoyance, she hasn’t been able to stop thinking about him…
But when Jackson turns up at the cabin unexpectedly, things begin to go wrong. With a sprinkle of snow, the help of new friends and more than a couple of mince pies, can Roxy heal her heart in time for Christmas?

My Thoughts :
Having loved the first book set at The Log Fire Cabin, I couldnt wait to return this year. This can be read as a standalone but I would recommend reading the first one so you can familiarise yourself with the charactors and the beautiful setting. I also love the covers on these books, this one was just as pretty as last years.
In this book we meet Roxy, she has just proposed to her boyfriend Jackson on national TV of all places and having been turned she suddenly feels lost and just wants to crawl under a rock.
When Roxy bumps into a stressed Poppy at the store, she jumps at the chance to help her out with her catering business and sets off to The Log Fire Cabin for a few weeks before Christmas. Although she is no cook she figures she can muddle along.
Everything seems perfect that is until her ex boyfriend Jackson and his new girlfriend are amongst the guests at the cabin. Can Roxy heal and move on or is she heading for more heartbreak!?.
This is a beautiful Christmas story, one that includes, past events, romance, friendships and some very yummy festive food.
Although the first one was my favourite, we are still in for a real treat.
I really love Catherine Ferguson’s work and cant wait for the next story she has in store for us.

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I was so drawn to this beautiful cover I just had to read this book, this is the perfect book to read at Christmas or any other time of the year, it's the perfect love story, I loved every minute of it.

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This was an enjoyable, cute read. It's a bit predictable and you have to suspend your belief a bit when Roxy gets hired to help Poppy, but I liked the story. The characters are likable (save for Jackson and Sophia of course) though I did have a few moments where I got frustrated with Roxy and her feelings for Jackson. The setting was very picturesque and it makes me want to visit somewhere snowy and festive this winter season. These are the kind of books I like to read when the holidays come around so it hit that sweet, frothy spot.

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What a fun, light Christmas read just in time for the upcoming holidays!
Roxanne is in love, or so she thinks, with the handsome Jackson, but when one night of drinking goes awry Roxanne finds herself proposing to her boyfriend on national television! Humiliated by his very public rejection, Roxy retreats to her unemployed life and tries to hide herself from further public scrutiny. On a chance encounter, Roxy meets stressed out caterer Poppy and comes to her rescue, two weeks before the biggest order of her business needs to be filled on Christmas Eve. Having no experience in baking, but in possession of the only bag of flour left in town Roxy jumps at the chance to help out the friendly stranger. The two click and Roxy hopes this new job will help take her mind off of Jackson, while learning a few things along the way.
Roxy is instantly surrounded by a cast of characters that are lively, fun, and dealing with issues of their own. Just when things are starting to get comfortable…Jackson unexpectedly arrives at the lodge throwing a whole new twist into Roxy’s world.
Catherine Ferguson weaves a humorous tale of mince pies, mixed signals, and winter romances in a lively, colourful English tale just in time for Christmas. And of course, Roxy’s happily-ever-after.
I quite enjoyed the read and look forward to picking up more novels by Catherine Ferguson.
I received an ecopy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Well written romance. Good plot, character development and writing. My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for my digital arc this is my unbiased review.

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Second Chance is a lovely Christmas romance.
Roxy is a shy and self conscious girl who feels lucky just to be in a relationship with Jackson.
Jackson seems perfect, but a bit self centered.
One night, after having one glass too many, Roxy makes a decision that will lead her life to change in a way she never expected.
I loved the way the characters were presented, with any the insecurities anyone may have.
I will certainly be in the lookout for more books by this author.
Thanks NetGalley and the publisher for my ARC.

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Roxy has a moment of madness and proposes to her boyfriend on live tv- and he rejects her. She flees to the country where she luckily meets Poppy at the store and finds herself working at the Log Fire Cabin. Bad luck= her ex shows up with his new girlfriend. Yikes! The charm of this book, like the last one, is in the cast of characters. Don't worry if you missed the first one- this is fine as a standalone. Roxy had a very bad thing happen to her in her past which has stymied her relationships but all is different now. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. This is light and fun with good Christmas cheer.

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Great Christmas tale! Fantastic setting, brilliant characters, beautiful cover, definitely one to curl up with this winter

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How shall I put this? After a shocking start which had me thinking that the heroine is completely demented, I ended up giving it a 4.5 stars rating. It must be just October, but I am completely in a Christmas swing inside my mind and the cover was irresistible, to begin with. Then there is the title which gives out the very spirit of Christmas, the season to forgive and for second chances. And I was instantly hooked.
As mentioned above, I was a bit judgemental on Roxy. Who in their right mind will propose a boyfriend (with whom she is not that comfortable) in live TV? Aaagh! I don't even want to imagine the humiliation of that rejection. Not a very good first impression. But as the plot thickens, we do start loving Roxy, her baking spree and caring nature earning her a lot of friends during the short span of the story. Once the skeleton in the closet is revealed to the readers, there is no turning back.
This novel is part of a series, but I would never have realised it while reading. Poppy, who plays a major role in here is part of the first book too. And the other guests in the Log Fire Cabin makes this story amazing and complete. It is not only about Roxy but also about Poppy and Jed, Clammy and Ryan and Ruby, Gloria and Alex. Among these Ruby is my favourite; she is one grown-up lady in the body of a naughty but perceptive seventeen-year-old. On the whole, this is a wonderful festive romance that will have you eagerly waiting for the magic of December.

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This book was an OK read IMO. I really struggled to like the h Roxy. She read more like a 20 year old than a 30 year old, and was very wishy washy. The ending was sweet but underwhelming as there wasn't a "real life" resolution to the issues. The book did have a few funny moments, but not enough to move my rating higher. Overall, a decent story that I had trouble connecting to the h. *I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and this is my voluntary and honest review.

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This is a first for me by this author... but won't be my last... I didn't realise it was the second in the series of Log Fire Cabin... I'll have to read the first and hopefully they'll be more to come.

Roxy makes an extremely public (live TV), drunken proposal to her boyfriend, and suffers the humiliation of a refusal. To escape the embarrassment and to help a stranger, she accepts the role of baking assistant at the Log Fire Cabin, only there is a slight problem with this, in that Roxy doesn't actually bake and this was where some of the funnier moments came in... that and the other problem being... is that Roxy’s ex – Jackson, is one of the people staying at The Log Fire Cabin... with his new girlfriend!!!

Can she put her feelings for him to one side or will she succumb to his advances? Can she heal her own heart this Christmas? Or is someone waiting in the wings to help her…?

A wonderful enchanting Christmas story that will have you hooked from the start.
I look forward to more form this author.

Thank-You Netgalley for my ARC.

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I had been so excited to read this book. Sadly I was so disappointed with the follow up book. It lacked substance. And I found it drowned on and on. Was very disappointed as I’d loved the 1st in the series very much.

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