Member Reviews

This book dives right in from the very beginning and I absolutely love that. There’s no painful build up to the fact that we know someone died, these women who were girls at the time feel they are responsible and that there is an obvious threat to their secret being revealed very soon and possibly destroying their lives even further. There’s no guessing game as to why the secret might be revealed—their boarding school where the literal body or bodies are literally buried is being torn down and redeveloped. So we don’t have to wait on strange letters from an anonymous source to start showing up saying “I know what you did.” There are still plenty of big reveals, shocks, crazy drama and a whole lot of OMG moments. This is more than a mystery or a suspense. This is a love story, a story of endearing friendship, and one hell of a crazy good story! In the same vein of Big Little Lies—this book has great women leads facing a lot of everyday and crazy things and doing it together, which is always great to see in a story or in real life. I’m not sure why the reviews aren’t better as of yet, but I’m sure once we have more readers who are huge fans of Big Little Lies, they will recognize and appreciate the story of this book and the characters. 5 Star Read!

Amazing book! Couldn't put it down.
Was hooked all the way through. Really enjoyed this book!
Would really recommend this to others
Great work

Thanks to #NetGalley for this ARC of #ThePromise
Teresa Driscoll writes another respectable novel.
A sinister secret that three best friends made from their time at boarding school has threatened to be revealed. Thirty years has passed and that secret could now destroy the lives they have built. Beth and Sally must reconnect with Carol in order to ensure their actions never come to light. But when Beth begins to have second thoughts, things begin to take a dangerous turn. Someone is watching and it seems they will do just about anything to ensure the three women’s actions never come to light.
This book moves quite slow in the beginning as it attempts to build the plot. That time could have been used more adequately to add more depth to the characters as it was hard to become fully engaged with any of them. While the storyline does pick up midway through the novel, by this point in the book the reader has already formed an opinion of the characters and is no longer invested in the outcome. I do not feel that it was a poor read, but for this genre one would expect more development and heightened anticipation from an experienced author. 3 stars.

I am a fan of this author having loved her debut novel... I am Watching You..
The Promise is my third book by Teresa Driscoll and although not my favorite out of the three, I still enjoyed it and will be eagerly waiting for her next book. It is a slow build... Three friends, a boarding school about to be demolished, a secret and a promise made all those years ago... Will the girls keep their promise? The ending was worth the slow build. I do wish however that there were more flash backs and more of the time in boarding school spent on the book.. I found Matthew's chapters to be unnecessary. Overall however, I found this an enjoyable read and really enjoyed the story between these three friends.
A huge thank you to Amazon Publishing and NetGalley for allowing me the opportunity to read the advanced copy of this book!

The Promise by Teresa Driscoll is a slow building tale of three friends who find out that the boarding school where they met when they were children is about to be closed and demolished. This puts them all into a panic because of a terrible incident that they have all kept hidden for many years and promised never to reveal.
I would like to thank NetGalley and Amazon Publishing for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you NetGalley and publisher Amazon UK for the ARC.
I really enjoyed this book. The writing flowed so naturally. Told between the 'then' and now' of three girls' lives since having met at their convent boarding school, and the burden of a secret they all share - but only one of them knows the full and shocking truth. I did think the development of the story and characters was a little lengthy up to the middle of the book, and then things moved on very quickly to some very surprising conclusions.
Keep reading - all will become clear!

The Promise has many twists and turns. It had a few slow spots, but the end was worth it. The characters were well developed and Teresa Driscoll is a good writer. I would read another book from her again anytime.

Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to preview the Promse by Teresa Driscoll.
Thirty years ago a promise is made to keep a secret - teenage girls know that if they tell anyone their lives will forever be changed.
Something happens and their secret may be exposed - and this is something they vowed to keep in their memories and never speak of again..But someone knows, and this can change their lives if they talk about this - and they did keep a promise....
Started slow and then got better. Driscoll is a good writer and fans will like this one.

Really enjoyed this,, I loved the way the story unfolded from past to present mainly through Beth's eyes. The friendship between Beth and Sally is strong due to what they'd gone through at school but they thought they'd lost their close friendship with Carol but not for the reasons they thought.
I was surprised by the ending has hadn't seen it coming

I was given in advance readers copy in exchange for an honest review.
The sad thing about this book is that by the time it really starts to get going two- thirds in, I had already lost interest in the characters and the story. This book could use some serious editing and maybe could have been published as a more interesting novella . Or you could just skip the first two thirds of the book to get to the payoff. 2.5 rounded up.

I always enjoy these types of stories - e.g. ones where you are kept guessing throughout, subtle hints in chapters as to what is to come in future chapters. I was surprised that there was a big reveal 2/3rds of the way through the book and perhaps the pace started to drop a bit from here. I guessed at one element - not the big secret but what was happening with Carol but this did not make it any less enjoyable. Overall, a recommended read.

Really enjoyed reading this book a lot. The story seemed to flow very naturally and the characters were believable.
The story itself had some gripping and tense moments and I was very happy I got the chance to read it.

Carol, Beth and Sally did something terrible when they were teenagers, but they have kept their promise to each other to stay quiet about the event. Three decades later, it looks as though their secret may come to light. What are they willing to do to keep their past from destroying the lives they have built? I enjoyed this story, there was more than a little of “what goes around, comes around” to this tale of adolescent mistakes