Member Reviews

This one started off a little slow for me, but after several chapters I was so antsy to know what the so called "promise" was that I hung in there until it finally hooked me. The Promise follows three women, but are bound together by a promise that they made to each other as teenagers in boarding school. When their former school is going to be torn down emotions and memories get stirred up for these three former bffs. It's a unique story of friendship and how a single wrong turn can change the path of the rest of their lives.

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It took me months to get through this book and I debated whether I would even bother finishing it. I love psychological thrillers and this one was a total disappointment. The story takes way too long to reveal what the girls did, what happened to their friendship, and the final reveal. I actually have no idea how I got myself to finish this book.

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A school girl's promise reaps consequences many years later. Three friends share the secret. One is determined that the secret will not come out, after all, a promise is a promise. This was a solid mystery that I enjoyed reading. Teresa Driscoll put considerable effort into her characters and their back story. It's could easily make a good movie!

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I really couldn't get into this book at all. Basic story concept and like a mix of genres. This didn't live up to the hype albeit an ok-ish read. The main protagonist is very likeable, but not enough grit to be a true thriller novel. The twists aren't believable and the whole plot comes across as though it's trying to go for the shock factor, but fails miserably. Other novels by this author are more enjoyable, just a shame this was not as great as "I am watching you"

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When should a promise be it ever 'ok' to break one? What if it's eating you up inside, damaging your marriage, your safety...even your sanity? A promise made by Carol, Beth and Sally as teenagers to keep a dark secret hidden is at threat of been revealed. Beth and Sally are still close but Carol broke away shortly after the events that still haunt them. Now, with the secret threatened they reach out to Carol but soon find themselves and their families at risk...

I really liked this. The author has created believable characters and crucially also a relatable friendship between the three women. The twists at the end come almost from nowhere but not in a ridiculous way. Unless I've been a bit thick with this book I think the clues are there but you have to be paying close attention to work it out. It was nice to be truly surprised at the end of a book. If you're looking for a summer thriller for your suitcase look no further.

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A great thriller. Super entertaining with great twists. Less character development than I was expecting but a great read nonetheless.

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The Promise has such an interesting story line, 3 best friends, one secret they all promised to keep no matter what. Years later, something threatens to expose it.

*trigger warning for physical abuse/rape/miscarriages*

I figured I would DEVOUR this book, being a huge fan of thrillers, but I can say, I was a little disappointed. The writing was great, the story dragged a bit. It wasn’t until the last 25% of the book that it completely picked up and when it did, it was non stop twists. Besides that, I kind of wish that you had more insights from other characters. While some chapters are from sally and Matthews point of view, MOST are from Beths. I enjoyed sally and even Adam as characters, I wish I would have seen more from their perspectives.

I did however appreciate the epilogue which wrapped up everything nicely for our characters.

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Thanks to Net Galley for this ARC.

I really enjoyed this book. It's a thriller told from the perspective of several characters. About mid way through you realize what has happened and there is a slight twist at the ending, but it's more about the story rather than the thriller. The characters are well developed and interesting. I found it to be a page turner with a satisfying ending.

I plan to look into reading other books by this author because I had never heard of her before.

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This book sort of drug out for me a little but I stuck it out and it did pick up some towards the end. I wish it would have been like that all the way through though. Still a good read that you won't regret reading!

Three schoolgirls make a promise to take what they have done to the grave with them. They are not going to tell anyone. When we pick up with the story, it is thirty years later and the former boarding school has been scheduled for demolition. This news makes the girls nervous and know that they have to get together and decide what they are going to do. The problem is, Carol, one of the three girls that made the pact with Sally and Beth has disappeared. They have got to find her so they hire Private Investigator, Matthew, to help them.

The story alternates between the past and the present. While Beth is intently searching for Carol, she gets threatening messages and is being watched by someone. Does someone already know their secret? What are they going to do? You will want to read this one to the end, even if it takes awhile for the back story to be set up. I was curious as to what was going to happen and was glad that I kept reading to the end.

I would recommend this one if you like suspense. This story was well set up but the back story just took awhile. I still thought this one was pretty good!

All opinions are my own. Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for an advanced copy of this book.

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It’s about the friendship of Beth, Sally and Carol. Something awful happens when they are fourteen and they all promise to never say what happened or what part they played in it, having to keep this secret all their lives really affects them and it shows in the book in different ways.

I enjoyed this book, it had a really good storyline - the continuing secret that carried on through the book made for a gripping story. The characters were really well developed and believable. You could feel the tensions and heartache of keeping the secret and its effects on the women.

Many thanks to Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I really enjoyed this book, not read anything from the author before and so wasn’t sure what to expect.

It’s about the friendship of Beth, Sally and Carol. Something awful happens when they are fourteen and they all promise to never say what happened or what oartvthey played in it, having to keep this secret all their lives really affects them and it shows in the book in different ways.

A great read that was pretty tense in parts but highly enjoyable, wasn’t sure what the secret was to be honest can usually guess, I really liked it and would read more from the author.

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Three girls who become friends at a boarding school are involved in something which happens to another girl and the three swear to keep the secret for the rest of their lives. Eventually the school is due for demolition, will their secret finally be revealed?

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced reader copy of Teresa Driscoll's new novel, The Promise. I enjoyed Driscoll's writing, especially her pace. Two twists, and I only foretold one of them. Kept me reading!

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When three friends promise to take a secret to their grave, they had no idea what the future will hold. Thirty years later, that secret is going to come to light. Can Beth and Sally find Carol and convince her that they need to tell the truth? Who else knows the secret and is threatening Beth's family?

This story is told from Beth's POV, but occasionally there is a chapter for one of the other main characters. There are also chapters from the past and the present, so the story hints at what happened that caused the girls to make this pact. I was not sure what the secret could possibly be, but I had my suspicions, they were wrong. This was a book that had me up late at night trying to finish it. There were some twists, some unexpected turns and the final reveal was so surprising. I liked that this book was about friendship and how there are trials that cause the best of friends to have a hiccup, but when it comes down to it, they are there for one another. There is some unhappiness, terrible situations and more secrets than just the one from their school days. This was a well-written and paced story that had me feeling for the characters, even knowing they had done something terrible. The supporting characters also play an important part in the story and were well developed considering the role they played. I enjoyed this book and will look for more by Teresa Driscoll.

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Three girls. One secret. A promise about to be broken.

Beth, Sally and Carol are all fourteen and pupils at a Catholic boarding school. They are all incredibly close but a tragic event happens that will change their lives forever.

This started off quite slowly and I was willing it along at one point. That said, once things got moving it was like an avalanche. Lots of things occurred and lots of information came to light that my head was spinning slightly when I’d finished reading. I did like the characters in the story and I particularly liked the way the writer portrayed Carol, it was cleverly done.

Many thanks to Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The Promise by Teresa Driscoll had a far more ominous sounding synopsis than the story that actually unfolded within its pages. Three women, who had once roomed together at a private school, have a dark secret they promised never to reveal. Two of them have remained good friends while the other, too upset by what happened when they were young, moved away and barely keeps contact. When something happens that threatens to expose what they were involved in so many years before, they fear the discovery and its consequences, but what can they do to stop it?

Sounds good enough, right? It just didn’t deliver for me, though. The secret, when we find out what it is, was nothing like what I imagined. It was tragic, yes, but nowhere near what was being alluded to in the book’s description. I was scratching my head over why it was apparently so huge that someone would want to threaten or kill them over it which seemed to be the way things were headed.

There was a twist that came in at the end, but by then I was so unimpressed with the way things were going that it didn’t do much for me. I wasn’t a fan of the characters, couldn’t get into the budding romance between two adults that the author forced awkward issues on, and I was just disappointed, in general.

Sadly, I do believe that nearly my entire outlook could have been completely different had the book been described in a way that was more accurate rather than misleading. This is just proof as to how important a well thought out teaser is. Did it entice me to read it? Absolutely! Would I now buy it for my library? Unfortunately, no, because The Promise promised one thing but delivered another.

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What secrets do girls keep as they grow-up and what distances happen with time. Good story with unexpected twists and turns.

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I enjoyed this book, it had a really good storyline - the continuing secret that carried on through the book made for a gripping story. The characters were really well developed and believable. You could feel the tensions and heartache of keeping the secret and its effects on the women. The portrayal of what happens when a secret is kept and how it can impact on later relationships was powerful and full of emotion. I felt a little let down at the end as the childless woman snatches a child - it felt a little cliched and predictable. Not all childless women abduct babies. However, a great read.

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Three girls, and one dark secret. This story is told in multiple POV and in past and present timelines. It did feel a little slow to me, but I didn't feel that took anything away from the story. I look forward to more from this author!

Thank you to NetGalley for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is my first book from this author and I thoroughly enjoyed it!
I loved how the suspense of the book built up and then began to rapidly unravel towards the end.
The ending will shock you!
Overall I give this book four stars and I look forward to reading more books from this author.
I received an advanced kindle copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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