Member Reviews

A tender love story wrought with uncertainty and hardship.

The setting of this book is at once gorgeous and heartbreaking. You can practically feel the ocean breeze as you read of Lark traipsing about the island. Yet my heartstrings were continually tugged as I read of the struggles of this little isle in the midst of poverty.

I love how tender the tale of Lark and Magnus’s unrequited love story was portrayed. Lark was a really sweet heroine and I hoped for the best for her. And while Magnus had his flaws, I thought that he mostly wanted what was best for those around him.

A Bound Heart is a beautifully written historical that I think most fans of Christian fiction will enjoy.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell through NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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I enjoy books that educate as well as entertain. This book covered a time period that I haven't read much about - the political and economical climate of Scotland (and colonial America) in the early 1700's. I know the scenario of Magnus and Lark was not typical of indentured servants during this time period, but it stirred my imagination. The book ended a little abruptly for me. Will we be seeing more about this couple?

I was provided an advance reading copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely mine.

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Das Buch spielt zunächst in Schottland, auf der Isle of Kerrera im Mai des Jahres 1752. Larks Mutter, die frühere Kräuterfrau des Schlosses, war in ihrer Kindheit auch die Amme des Laird Magnus. Damals wuchsen sie ungeachtet des Standesunterschiedes, dessen sie sich auch nicht bewusst waren, zusammen auf. Sein Vater zwang ihn dann aber, gegen die Gefühle seines Sohnes, vor Jahren eine Frau von Stand zu heiraten.

Lady Isla hatte seit dem schon sechs Fehlgeburten und Magnus hat kaum noch Hoffnung auf einen Erben. Lark soll für die Herrin, die sich nun auf dem Castle erholen soll, ein Tonikum anfertigen, das bei der Kinderlosigkeit helfen soll. Doch die junge Heilerin hat bereits manches ausprobiert und glaubt selber, dass nur noch Beten hilft. Dennoch versucht sie sich auf Magnus Drängen hin an weiteren Tränken. Lady Isla lebt nur widerwillig auf Kerrera. Sie hält die Gegend für unzivilisiert und abgelegen und hält sich lieber in Edinburgh auf.

Lark und der Laird sind auch mit den örtlichen Schmugglern verbandelt, die unter hohem Risiko notwendiges für das verarmte Volk beschaffen. Salz, Tee, Melasse und Hafer.
Seit einiger Zeit interessiert sich Lark für deren Captain Rory.

Doch dann führen tragische Ereignisse um den Tod der Herrin Isla und dem Auffliegen der Schmuggler dazu, dass alle drei sich als Strafgefangene auf einem Schiff in die Kolonien Amerikas wiederfinden. Auf der Reise und vor Ort erwarten sie manche Irrungen und Wirrungen.

Dieser Roman ist sehr atmosphärisch, man ist schnell in Ort, Handlung, Zeit und Menschen drin. Dabei helfen die Fantasie beflügelnden detaillierten Beschreibungen von Land, Leuten und Lebensumständen. Die Autorin bedient sich einer der Zeit sehr schön entsprechenden Schreib- und Ausdrucksweise. Laura Frantz hat hier nachvollziehbare und sympathisch Protagonisten erschaffen. Mit Spannung verfolgt man ihr Schicksal.

Religiöse Themen sind hier die Kraft des Gebetes und der Hoffnung. Die Geschichte kommt zu einem gefühlvollen und glaubhaften Ende.

5 von 5 Punkten

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Scots, history, love, danger, a healthy fear of God! How could I not love a book by Laura Frantz! Magnus is such an honorable man, even when everything is taken away from him for wearing a kilt! Lark is a caring young woman who is falsely accused, imprisoned and sent to the new world. In spite of the hardships, Lark keeps trusting in God. I loved the use of Gaelic terms and the Scottish setting in the early part of the book! I have enjoyed all of Laura Frantz's books and A Bound Heart was no exception. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys historical fiction. I received a complimentary e-book through NetGalley. This is my honest opinion.

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Laura Frantz’s latest book A Bound Heart gave readers a beautiful insight into the Scottish countryside. This historical fiction novel took place in the 1700s, and the wonderful descriptions made readers feel like they were in Scotland themselves. The relationship between Magnus and Lark was somewhat slow moving due to various circumstances throughout the book. I appreciated the fact that the author used authentic Scottish words in the dialogue but it did make it a little more difficult to follow along with what some of the characters were saying. The author did include a Scottish glossary in the beginning of the book to assist readers with understanding the terms. An overall enjoyable story by Laura Frantz. Fans of historical fiction will enjoy this novel.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and Revell Publishing and was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine.

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I have waited a long time to read this book. Was it worth the wait?
That would be a resounding
Laura Frantz continues to amaze me with her writing perfection. No matter what type of historical fiction she writes about she writes about it as if she was born to do it! I've read almost all of her books and the details are magnificent. They transport me to the time period she writes about. This book was a little different for me. I've never read a historical Scottish book before but I was truly impressed with it and it's authenticity . Highly recommended for lovers of historical fiction!
Pub Date 01 Jan 2019
I was given a complimentary copy of this book from Revell through NetGalley. Thank you.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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Danger, peril, and stormy seas abound in this book by author Laura Frantz. Lots of action kept me turning the pages quickly. But the pace of the book but was not frenzied; there were enough slower portions to help make this an enjoyable read.

I loved the descriptions of the Scottish Highlands. Frantz did a really good job of putting the reader in Lark’s little cottage, for example. The wonderful descriptions continued throughout the book.

The characters, especially Lark and Magnus, were strong and well developed. They were strong in their faith, and very human. You’ll love them! The secondary characters filled out the plot nicely with personalities that made you think.

With a Christian thread from beginning to end, this book is a great read for those who enjoy Christian historical fiction. I recommend it!

I received a complimentary copy of this book but was not required to leave a review.

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I don’t know how Franz does it. From the very beginning I easily became invested in the story. She had me reading late into the night, and dreading going to bed, and trust me I love sleep. Franz has quickly become one of my favorites. It took a while to get used to the Scottish brogue, but once I did I loved it. I find myself wanting to say some of the words in my everyday language now. It kind of reminds me of how you end up mimicking your friends. I’m hoping that doesn’t make me weird. Haha. Franz had me on the edge of my seat many times, having no clue what would happen next. I knew what I wanted, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to get it. I loved seeing how the main characters often leaned on their faith to get them through the trials they faced. I can’t wait to see what she does next. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Historical Romance. I loved imagining the gorgeous landscape and how different things were back then. I received a copy of this book from Revell Publishers and was in no way forced to post a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Laura Frantz has written another incredibly well done historical fiction novel. There were so many things to like about this book. I thought learning about the court system and indenture sentence as in the Scottish courts in the 1750's was quite interesting. The back story of the relationship between Magnus and Larkin set up the current situation. I also enjoyed learning about the herbalist activities of a stillroom and the beekeeping garden. I especially loved baby Larkin and the role he played throughout the story.

Lark and Magnus both were strong Christians, and it was their faith that kept them going through the rough times the faced as well as the challenges of being transported to new countries. This was definitely a plot-driven story with a predictable ending which I thought ended somewhat abruptly. In my mind, I was thinking I want to know what happens to them now they are together. I also thought that both Magnus and Lark were very lucky in contrast to most indentured servants as they both landed in rather better than average situations. But, overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this story based on indentured servants.

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A wonderfully written historical romance! Magnus and Lark will capture your heart and take you right along on their journey. Magnus is the quintessential hero. He is strong, honorable, and best of all...God is foremost in his life and heart! Lark is a beautiful heroine. Her love for her family, nature, and the Lord is inspiring. The vivid descriptions of their surroundings makes you feel as though you're along for their adventure...the beauty, the trials, the losses, and the joy. I enjoyed every moment of their story and look forward to what Laura Frantz will bring us next!!

I received a complementary copy of this book through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Laura Frantz latest book will take you on a exciting, well researched romp to misty Scotland, in the mid 1700's. From there you will cross the big ocean to colonial Virginia and even Jamaica. Ms. Franz does such an excellent job of making a setting come to life and placing you right there. Her Scottish themes reflect her family heritage. She writes of what she knows.

After reading The Lacemaker, one of my top favorite books from 2018, I couldn't wait for her next book to come out.

This book was filled with faith, trials, suspense and heartbreak. It was a perfect balance of all of that. You may want to have tissues handy.

I loved the character of Lark. She was innocent, honest and such a sweet believable person. The love between her and Magnus was heart breaking at times. Their relationship was close, having grown up since babies together.

Fans of Christian historical romance will not be disappointed with Laura's new book.

I received a complementary copy of this book from Revell through NetGally. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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I loved reading this novel! Magnus and Lark who grew up together in Scotland and formed different outcomes of their adult life are thrown together under unusual circumstances. Each are accused of crimes that have no merit and are sent to the Americas to be indentured servants. This is where the bond between them really grows and strengthens. Each is faced with hardships and wondering if they will ever be together. I loved the perseverance between them and how it paid off in the end. It kept me wondering in some parts! This is definitely a love story. The language is clean and the storyline keeps your interest. Now I am even more excited to visit Scotland!

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Title: A Bound Heart

Author: Laura Frantz

Chapters: 40

Pages: 400

Genre: Christian Historical Fiction Christian Historical Romance

Rating: 5 Stars

A Bound Heart took me on a journey from Scotland to Virginia. A Journey I was expecting and didn't know I needed. A Bound Heart is the tenth book by Laura Frantz and the most emotional one to date. There was more twists and turns in it than The Mistress of Tall Arce and Love's Reckoning combined. There was plenty of times through this one that I almost gave up on a happy ending, well not a happy per say just on the way I wanted the story to end.

Ever since Outlander I've been on a bit of a Scottish Highland or Scotland setting in general, because something was missing from Outlander that a main stream series can't fill. And that's characters with strong faith and a clean story. But that's what A Bound Heart gives readers. A Christian historical fiction novel with romance set in the same time period of Scotland. Though the story doesn't stay in Scotland. The last Jacobite rebellion pretty much ruined the highland way of life.

Magnus MacLeish and Lark MacDougall grew up together on the island of Kerrera but as adults their lives couldn't be more different he's the Laird of the castle and she's the keeper of bees and the stillroom. When his wife dies unexpectedly be he and Lark finds themselves indentured servants headed across the Atlantic though for different reasons. Both characters will have to hang to their faith to see them through.

Much like with The Mistress of Tall Acre the character who most stole my heart wasn't a main character nor an adult but a wee child. I loved seeing another hero in Laura's book have a strong faith. I loved Magnus more than I thought I would but not enough to knock General Seamus Ogilvy out of my favorite hero of Laura's spot but I do believe Laird Magnus MacLeish ties for first place. I'm still not sure will Lark ranks.

A Bound Heart has me wanting to find more historical fiction books set in Scotland I'm not ready to leave Alba behind. For those not familiar with Scots, there is a Scots glossary at the beginning of the book.

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves Christian Historical fiction and romance. Anyone who loves historical fiction in general as well as books set in Scotland. This book is also perfect for fans of Outlander who would love a cleaner faith filled read.

I received a e-copy of this book from the publisher through netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

I also won a copy of this book from Goodreads.

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A sweeping, heartfelt tale.
While I am usually the person who wants a fast paced book, I was glad I took the time to read this book that slowed me down and transported me from Scotland to Virginia.
Very well written.
I felt fully in the place and setting as I watched the story unfold.
Filled with nuggets and glimpses into the past, this book is for anyone who wants to "feel" like they are in another time.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the Publisher through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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A journey that begins in Scotland. Almost fairytale-like. Lark and Magnus grew up together, although Magnus was the Laird-to-be of the castle of Kerrera Isle and Lark the servant's daughter, they were educated together and a special bond formed between them. Magnus married but Lark did not.
When Magnus' wife dies, both Lark and Magnus are accused of things they did not do. They are trialed and send as indentures - one to Virginia Colony and the other to the West Indies. During their crossing, they rekindle their old friendship and love grows, but can love survive such a great distance over a long time?

Scotland - the ocean voyage - Virginia Colony - and the West Indies. I feel like I have traveled to these destinations - a feat only a skilled author can accomplish. Lark and Magnus are wonderful characters, easy to fall in love with. There was a part I found less interesting, but overall this was a wonderful read. As always, the author's writing voice was very pleasant and kept me glued to the pages.

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A Bound Heart by Laura Frantz is a wonderful new addition to her stories. Laura's books are always entertaining and this book does not disappoint. Magnus and Lark grew up together. Magnus as the future Laird on the Isle of Kerrera and Lark is the beekeeper and herbalist. After accusation are made against Lark and Magnus they are sold into indentured service and Lark sent to the Virginia Colony and Magnus to a sugar plantation in Jamaica. There is romance, danger, betrayals but also there is a hope for the future. A lovely book. I'm am looking forward to more books from Ms. Frantz.

I received this book from Revell through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Laura Frantz transports the reader to Scotland’s rugged isles in this historically rich and emotionally deep novel. I love how Frantz can draw the reader into the story, whether the setting is the wilds of Kentucke Territory or across the ocean in the old country.
Lark is a sweet, compelling character, with a depth of character that compels her to do what’s right, even against the pressures of the culture and people around her. And to her own danger at times. Magnus is a strong hero, eager to step in when needed, but still flawed. As these two find themselves in a mess too tangled to undo, they must learn to trust each other and to trust God to lead and guard them.
While I enjoyed this story and the history it is steeped in, the pacing threw me off. I expected the story to move towards their time in the New World much faster. Looking back, I appreciate the way Frantz drew the story along, but as I was reading it, I felt like I kept waiting to get to that part of the story.
In all, though, I enjoyed this latest read from Frantz. She delivers in the areas she’s so good at: history, romance, and depth of story. While this is not my favorite of her novels, it has earned a spot on my shelf.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

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When I found out that one of my favorite authors, Laura Frantz, was releasing a new novel with a highlander hero coming to Colonial America, I let out a peal of delight. I admit that part of that reason was because I was in the throes of penning my own highlander-come-to-the-colonies novella, and I wanted to see how a popular author like Ms. Frantz handled it, but largely, it was because she always, ALWAYS comes through with a marvelous story. A Bound Heart is no exception. Spanning the Atlantic Ocean from Scotland's craggy shores to Colonial Virginia and the Jamaican Islands, Ms. Frantz weaves a story the longing for home, of change when the future isn't ours to control, and especially of love deferred.

In A Bound Heart, the author not only touched on a spectacular tale of romance, peril, and adventure, but she delved into another era of history I've long enjoyed studying, that of the indentures that came to the new world for so many reasons and were "bound out" for so many more. In A Bound Heart we find characters from various stations of society, all bound together as prisoners from Scotland. First their is the Laird of Kerrara--Magnus Macleisch--and what a hero he is. He is conflicted, intelligent, and oh-so-handsome. His love interest, Lark McDougal, lives in a humble croft with her granny, but she has long had links to life in the Macleisch castle and brings life-saving healing to the people on her island. Another character who I really liked was "the captain" - Rory MacPherson. Rory was a dangerously intriguing character, handsome and devilish. BELOW IS A SPOILER ABOUT RORY.


SPOILER ALERT: Don't read this if you haven't read the book yet. But if you have, go ahead. I'd like to know your thoughts.
I feel like Rory was very complex, and he brought something really special to this story, even though we all knew he wasn't right for Lark. I was sad to hear that he was killed at the end. Unless...does Ms. Frantz have a sequel in mind? Is it truly the last we've heard from the notorious captain? I really have no idea, but if this were my book, I'd definitely bring him back for some redemption.

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It might be just me, but the lady on the cover reminds me of Demelza from Poldark.

Anyways, I had been eagerly waiting to read this book. I must say that I was not disappointed. The descriptions in this book made the book come alive. A Beautifully written story that takes us on a scenic journey from Scotland, across the Atlantic to Virginia, even to Jamaica. I loved Lark, even admired Magnus a bit. A lovely story about second chances.

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An engaging and warm story. The characters are great. The plot is interesting. It's a good read overall.

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