Member Reviews

Works well as a standalone story, having not previously read any of this prolific writer’s collection I was concerned that this wouldn’t be the case. Well paced and intriguing, an enjoyable read.

Although this is the 34th book in the 'Alex Delaware' series, in which LAPD Detective Milo Sturgis and psychologist Dr. Alex Delaware investigate the murder of a wedding guest. Unfortunately I did not finish this one as I found it dull and boring.

I haven't read any of Jonathan Kellerman's books before. I will read more. So, of course, neither have I read the thirty-three preceding Alex Delaware thrillers. I will read more.
It wasn't five-star perfect, however. One character seemed to have aged about fifteen years within two pages. Probably a typo, but one that should have been picked up, along with instances of the very irritating misuse of the apostrophe: I get very irritated when they are used to pluralise. Again, something that should have been spotted in proofreading.
Nevertheless, this is a good crime thriller that has you ping-ponging between all the characters wondering on whom to hang the guilty label, as Alex Delaware, a child psychologist and consultant to the L.A. police, and his detective ally, Detective Milo Sturgis, seek to find who killed a young girl at a wedding.
I enjoyed being kept on my toes, as well as the rapport and banter between Alex and Milo, testament to their comfortable, long-standing relationship. I was especially impressed by the fact that not once did I feel at sea for not having read any of the forerunners.
I'm now off to add thirty-three books to my Amazon wishlist.

Even though I had not read any of the other books in this series I really enjoyed this book. Off to start at the beginning and I cannot wait to do so.

I have never read a book by this author until now and I will be looking out for more in the future
A gripping read which you just can’t seem to put down at the end of the chapters
Highly recommended

Another great instalment of Sturgis and Delaware. Fantastic storyline and humour throughout. Can’t wait for the next

Characters were unlikable with exception of milo and alex. Writer struggled to make book last longer with result being boring. I skipped long periods of descriptions and didn't miss anything important to storyline.

Long time favourite Author. It was great to catchup with ‘old friends’ . A twisty plot that kept me guessing.

Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book. Unfortunately the copy to my Kindle was very badly corrupted with parts interspersed in different places which made it very difficult to read. Did try to reload it but the book had been archived. Got there in the end but the effort to read it marred the actual story greatly....I can't really remember much about it !

As always an engaging whodunit
Milo and alex are brilliant characters, really well written and enjoyable to read.

Unfortunately I read this book a while ago and seem to have missed it when writing reviews. - sadly I cant remember enough detail to give a full review.
However, thanks to NetGalley for the ARC :-)

Another thrilling ride of a book by Jonathan Kellerman, filled with suspense and lots of 'who could of done it'

I found this a difficult book to get into and so could not finish it. Fans of Jonathan Kellerman and the Alex Delaware series will enjoy it but it was not for me.

I can’t believe that this is the 34th book in the series! The author clearly has found a thriller style that works. The police team work super well and the other characters are so interesting. It wasn’t a ‘pacy’ read, but it definitely kept you wanting to read more.

an expert in historical moody fiction. He captures the mood and time with atmosphere and suspense. A true legend.

i had high hopes for the plot but unfortunately it didn't quite deliver for me. Part of the problem was the formatting, not sure if this was something to do with my kindle but paragraphs repeated themselves frequently and became very confusing. I feel I would have enjoyed the book more without this. Plot wise, I felt it started to peter out midway through after a strong start.

This is the 34th in the Alex Dalaware series. You don't need to have read any of the others, these are almost stand-alones. The book is what you would expect from a Kellerman book. Nice, quick, easy to read.

Book # 34 in the Alex Delaware series and as usual a pretty solid read. Not fast paced with a lot of action, but with enough twist and turns to keep me reading and a satisfying ending.

An exciting turn pager of a story. With twists and turns throughout. Thought I had the killer, but no I was wrong. Excellent ending, will look out for more from this author. Great read

The young woman in the red dress had been brutally murdered; her discovery by one of the bridesmaids a shock. The upstairs bathroom where she was found was well away from the wedding reception being held downstairs and on asking, none of the guests recognized the young woman in the photo.
Detective Milo Sturgis was immediately on the case along with his sidekick, psychologist Dr Alex Delaware – their most pressing concern to identify the victim. But with no identification, no recognition and nothing to point the police to, it was an uphill battle. The bride and groom were shattered, as were both sets of parents. It was going to be a long process. Could Milo and Alex discover who she was; who had murdered her and why?
The Wedding Guest is the 34th in the Alex Delaware series by Jonathan Kellerman, and I quite enjoyed it. The usual banter between the two main characters made me smile – wry and sarcastic wit which Milo does so well. The dogged determination of Milo to reach the needed conclusion is legendary; his case solve-rates high. Another great addition to an enjoyable series. Recommended.
With thanks to NetGalley and Random House UK for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.