Member Reviews

This book is a comprehensive guide with 37 questions to help you decide should you stay or go. Very simple, easy to read and comprehensible text. Good book to have on your shelf!

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Should I stay or should I go? Maybe things just aren’t the same. Maybe there’s been a major violation of trust. Maybe you have seen a greener pasture that you’re thinking about exploring. There are many reasons why you may find yourself at a crossroads in your relationship, wondering if it is time to break up or if things can be repaired. This decision shouldn’t be made lightly.

These 37 questions are designed to help you fully analyze and reflect on your relationship so that you can take the best path forward. These questions will also help you realize what lessons you have learned in your relationship and how you approach love. If you do make the choice to leave, they will help you do so gracefully and with a plan in place.

This book really makes you think about your relationship and if it's healthy, then once you figure out if it's a good relationship or not, you decide if it's time to separate or stay. This is a great helping tool if you're in a relationship and if you have even the simplest of questions, there were plenty of answers in this book. There's also advice if you have children with your significant other and how to handle that situation. This is a well written, easy to follow guide. by Janice Moss knows her stuff!

Thanks to #NetGalley for the ARC of #IsItTimeToLeaveYourLover
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2018

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