Member Reviews

Did not manage to download this book on time. I am very sorry that I did not manage. Thanks for the opportunity.

Quite funny, made my 9 year old son laugh tirelessly. The kind of book you pick up for a giggle now and then

even my dad thought this was so little and the "jokes" if you can even call them that was just pitta-full. I was really looking forward to funny dad jokes. this is a bust.

Dad Jokes, as the title says, is a collection of jokes that you might hear your dad say. Puns and word play create jokes that are bad enough that you have to laugh at them.
Each joke is accompanied by illustrated dads that tell the jokes. It's a short book, but many of the jokes are worth reading again. There are several that I am going to wait for the proper time and spring on others. It's nice to have a collection of jokes that can be told quickly, and are family friendly.
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

This was very corny, exactly what you would expect. I wish I had a child to read this book. I’m sure a young boy would get a hoot from this book.

The title tells you—and is a perfect example of—all you need to know about the contents of this book. Some kids might giggle at this, some adults might guffaw, but basically these jokes are designed to make you groan, so with that expectation it does a really good job.
I grudgingly admit I chuckled more often than I thought I would, mostly when the punch line took me by surprise. A few of my faves:
“If you rearrange the letters of postmen. . . it makes them really angry.”
“I don’t have a dad bod. I have more of a father figure.”
“I was accused of being a plagiarist. Their word, not mine!”
“I removed the shell from my favorite racing snail, thinking it would make him faster. But it’s actually made him more sluggish.”
“My wife said she didn’t understand cloning. That makes two of us.”
“What do you get if you cross a centipede and a parrot? A walkie-talkie.”
“How many eyes does a cyclops have? None, if you’re spelling it correctly.”
“What’s blue and not really heavy at all? Light blue.”
These are the best ones. Read the rest at your own risk. You might notice, though, that most of the favorites I listed above would not be understood by most kids.
3.5 pushed up to 4/5

This was an enjoyable book but I just didn’t find some of the jokes that funny
It is well laid out and can definitely see it being a hit with some younger children. I did notice a couple of the jokes were repeated in the book though.
3 stars from me for this one, love that cover though, very apt for the book!

Thanks Netgalley for the opportunity to read this title.
Elias Hill is back with another short set of question/answer jokes that use dads as foils ad/or joke-tellers. As with any collection of jokes, some are good, some and OK, and some are just plain lame. Another issue is the talking heads that come with the jokes, they are reused and are not funny as a rule more than about once. But you can find a few fun jokes in this collection.

This book was just okay, in my opinion. The jokes were funny enough but I would’ve enjoyed it more if it wasn’t one joke per page. I expect joke books to be FULL of jokes.

Clean jokes can be funny. Dad jokes are mostly punny. The good new is that you can leave this one with your 5th grader and watch them get tickled. The bad news is that you might hear these jokes over and over. Seriously, great resource for clean jokes and inexpensive groans.

For dad jokes they were funny 3/4 of the time. I would recommend them. There were a few that were a little difficult to understand.

Some new to me some old, but only about half interesting. The baguette joke is in there twice. The one joke per page thing with the meme-y faces was a bit weird to me but not a total deal breaker.

I'll be buying this book for my husband. This is right up his alley! I enjoyed the simplicity of the book. Short enough to keep your attention and to be able to recall the jokes. I will check out the other Dad-Joke books as well. They would make good stocking stuffers.

To be honest, I don't know what I expected from this little book of jokes. I know that a so-called 'dad joke' is not supposed to be actually funny, but rather cringe-worthy - that's not the problem. I knew what I was getting into. The fact is, I usually actually laugh at many dad jokes, because they're so bad they're good. There are those jokes that aren't really funny, but they make your brain ache, they make you tired, they make you feel actual physical pain...so you have no other way to deal with them but to hysterically laugh out loud. That possibly hit the one who told them.
Well, I think those are what I was more or less expecting, and I feel like that's not what I got. They weren't..bad. For dad jokes, I mean. Some were more creative, some were less, some worked, some didn't... at least, for me. This little book kind of entertained me, but not as much as it's promised. Most of the jokes weren't good enough to laugh at them, but they weren't bad enough to make me groan, either.
I can still imagine there would be people who would like it, and it would be a funny gift to give them.

These jokes were so bad that they were good! They gave my husband plenty of ammunition for years to come, have pity on the family at Christmas! We will have to listen to these jokes for years to come! In all honesty myself and my family have not had so much giggling fun for ages! Thank you x

Written by Elias Hill and illustrated by Catherine Hogan, this book of puns hit on all the right cylinders – for me anyway. I might suggest that this may be the perfect reading material for the times when you're feeling a little brain-dead. How often is that? As an added incentive, these nonsensical one-liners may be the perfect solution to those times when authors are suffering from infamous writer's block - whatever works. That's all folks.
I send my appreciation to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for this ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

My family enjoyed this book of Dad jokes on our road trip. I read through the book while we drove down the road and got some chuckles and some groans. This book is exactly what you would expect from a dad joke book! My favorite joke from the book...
“What do you call a camel with no humps? - Humphrey!” Lol
Thank you to BooksGoSocial and NetGalley for this e-copy, my opinions are my own.

It'll take you 30 minutes to read through these jokes. Some you might already know (I did). But some are quite funny.

As a lover of “dad” jokes, I found these to be great!
I will be telling these to my dad and son, even though I’m a mom.
A quick and funny read. A definite must have in an arsenal of jokes!

Unlike previous iterations of Dad Jokes I really enjoyed this one, with some that are very "shareable". Well put together. Enjoyable.