Member Reviews

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 STARS

I enjoyed the message of this story, to have faith and know that God is in all of us. The simple and straightforward words found in this story was easy for my daughter to grasp. She liked the illustrations and how vibrant they were. God In Me by Jay Monty is an EPIC read and will join the ranks of the BIBLIO-ARISTOCRACY!!!

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This was a beautiful book to read with my preschooler and because of the repetitive nature proved to be effective in helping my child know “God is in me”. I would recommend this book as it is a powerful truth put so simply that children can grasp its concept. Thoroughly enjoyed.

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Beautifully written to teach children about God and positivity. My child thoroughly enjoyed this book. Thanks to BooksGoSocial and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Teaching kids to hold fast to God, regardless of what they face. That they can be bold and love with their whole heart because God first loved them. this is wonderful!!!

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I thought this book was charming. It gives children a number of reasons to be thankful for the little things in life that God has afforded them. It is nice to read in short bursts as it almost gives a thought for the day . It is also easy for children to read and access. My only niggle is that I am a British reader and this is quite American.

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A sweet book which has some value for those with a faith or as a gift for a Christening, for example.

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This is such a precious little book that is a fast and easy read, and quite meaningful. The heartfelt message in this book teaches children that God loves them unconditionally, is always interested in their well being, and He is always with them. This is a message I believe all people need to hear, and the illustrations in this book help bring this message to life for kids. This is an excellent book to have in the home and read to young children.

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Jay Monty’s God in Me
By: Jay Monty
The affirmation that God is in me is repeated throughout this book. The words are meant to bring encouragement and peace to those who believe it. I think the repetitiveness of these words help little ones remember better.
I had a problem however with a few of the ideas. I understand that the concepts in this book were meant to be simple however I was frustrated but a few of the statements. As a mother, I want to be clear about what my faith means to my boys. It is not always perfect and life is not smooth. This book gave the impression that as long as we acknowledge God is in us that everything will be fine. That is a very shallow idea in my mind. In fact, God specifically says that we will face trials. Therefore, I struggle with letting my boys read this and think that as long as they have God in their hearts and believe in him that things will be good. The other idea that bothered me was that these were all blanket statements making anyone who is not in an ideal home and situation will not feel connected. For example, “I am healthy and energetic as a honey bee.” “I have no worries; my mind is calm as a sea.” “I am full of love and no one is my enemy.” All these statements exclude and don’t provide solutions to anyone outside of their points. There are kids who are suffering from health problems, abuse, and sadly mental health problems. Rather than making the point that with God in me my life will be smooth I would have rather the point been that with God in me I can face all that comes my way.
On a different note, my opinion is that the graphics were weak. They seemed thrown together and eclectic from page to page.

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This book has bright and bold illustrations which will be great for children. It's short and therefore good for a young child's attention span. I do have concerns about it though. I think a better title would be God With Me rather than God In Me. It makes no attempt to explain what God In Me actually means although I realise this is hard to explain to a child. The message that we are loved and protected and that we should pray is good and the first few rhymes are catchy and work well. I feel though that the book sends mixed messages. The second rhyme states that there will be storms and we'll want to flee but to remember to stand firm as God is in me. It's good to highlight that life will bring storms however we are then told that "Even if I fall and scrape my knee, My body will heal because God is in me". I think this is where it'd be important for an adult to explain to a child that while the natural body that God gives us can heal things like a scraped knee there are other things that aren't always healed but that even then God is still with us helping and loving us. I'm not sure I could give this book to a child in a hospital ward for instance as it might raise false hope of healing. The next rhyme states because God is in me I am full of love and no-one is my enemy. I think it might be better phrased that "God's love helps me love even my enemy", emphasising that loving your enemy is usually learned rather than automatic. Next the book teaches that the child has no worries and is calm because God is in me. Again this would be better phrased as "God calms my worries" as otherwise it's effectively saying the child has no worries, which is unlikely to be the case. I don't want to be overly critical but the next rhyme says "My life is sweet as a glass of ice tea. It is all because God is in me." I'm not sure that a young child would be aware of what an ice tea is and once more I can't imagine giving this to a child who comes from a difficult background where their life isn't so sweet. The same applies to the last rhyme "I am healthy and energetic as a honey bee. I know this because God is in me." If the child is healthy and energetic as a honey bee then great but plenty of children have ailments which prevent this and they would not feel included or may even feel that if they don't feel so healthy then maybe God isn't in them! At the end there is a section to list 5 things we are thankful for and a Bible quote about us being the temple of God's Spirit, although the reference given is Corinthians 3:16 but there's no indication of whether it's 1 or 2 Corinthians (it's 1) but this may have been fixed for the published version. The final quote is from the author saying "Adults will help you stand strong through the challenges you will be given. Challenges will help shape you into a strong and awesome individual." To be honest this is more helpful that the rest of the book as I would only recommend this book for a child if an adult reads it with them to explain it better and add caveats. It's a shame because the illustrations are big, bold, colourful and eye catching while the rhymes are short and catchy and would be fun to memorise. But the actual teaching, in my opinion, needs revising and would be much better to read to a child with just a bit of editing. I'm afraid as it stands it sounds too much like everything will be all rosy in the garden with God and for many children this isn't the case. With a bit more realism this would have been a great book but as it stands I'm afraid I doubt I'd use it or I might use it if I first revised it myself! Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC copy.

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Beautiful imagery, both pictorially and morally. Teaching kids to hold fast to God, regardless of what they face. That they can be bold and love with their whole heart because God first loved them.
A fast but thought provoking read. I enjoy these gentle reminders that God is the great provider, especially in the storms of life.

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God in Me is a cute story for young children. Lots of colorful illustrations. In the beginning I thought it was going to rhyme, but then it didn't toward the end of the book, which I thought was unusual. It is a pretty good book for early readers.

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