Member Reviews
Really enjoyed this book. Great plot and engaging, believe characters. I was drawn right into the story. Would definitely recommend.
This love story which took place in the 50's had me hooked from the 1st.chapter.
It was almost impossible to put down,but sadly I was unable to read it in one sitting,as other chores kept me busy as well.
The story starts when a daughter wants her 81 yr.old mother to get a computer.As she knew nothing about the computer or even how to get on the net,the job is left to her 12 yr.old grandson to teach her.
He comes over,turns on the computer and she is able to look.up an old friend she had lost touch with and with that simple reaching out and with a prompt reply from the old friend,she drifts back to the 50's.
She was from a comfortable home but far from rich and she met and fell in love with a rich gentleman,at least his parents were.
They disliked her and almost immediately and his brother was despicable in his treatment of her.
They let them go ahead and plan for their wedding and the groom's father even bought the bride's gown,all at his own insistence. Invitations were sent out,at least on the Bride's side?
They were given an apartment,furniture moved in and everything was ready for the wedding or was it?
To tell you more,would ruin the whole book and it's too good of a read to do that !
A huge thank you to,the author Dave Riese for writing "Echo from Mount Royal" and to Net Galley for giving me the opportunity to read and review.
I really like this novel and thank #netgalley for the opportunity to read it before publication.
I found myself drawn in from the first page to a world unlike any I had experienced or read before—Jewish Canada of the early fifties—which felt very true to the time. This story is told from the point of view of an old woman remembering her life as a young woman in college awakening to love, life and possibilities beyond what she is used to. I really like and felt for her character and most of the other characters too. Some were not nice but how they acted was understandable in the context of the story.
Read #echofrommountroyal for the joy of discovering another way of life in another time.
Didn't care for this book, the plot or the characters, didn't finish it! Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I admire the author for publishing his first novel at the age of sixty-eight. However, although I read to the end, I thought the story was a little bit old-fashioned and not particularly interesting. He did capture the period quite well with the clothes and other details, but the sex was a little overt for the time. The characters did not ring true to me. Why would the feisty Rebecca fall for the weak and moody Sol, surely looks would not have been enough for her. in the long term. The prologue and epilogue did not add much to the story.
Echo From Mount Royal is a charming love story. It's told in hindsight so the perspective is unique. It's well written and unfolds at a good pace. The characters are likeable and richly drawn. Thanks to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.
I received a copy of this book through Net Galley.
A very interesting story line,although I think thst dome of the characters could have been developeped further ,such as Ezra,and Jacqeline to make the story a super read,alghough I thought that the story finished a bit abruptly for the reader,it needed a bit more polishing out,but after saying that it was a good read and can be used as discusion points for a book club or classroom debate about how society was in the past.
This book was so much more than the typical love story. It captured the emotions and excitement of first love. I loved how the story was told via a Rebecca that is older. This was just so well written that I am going to seek out more from this author.