Member Reviews

'How could I fritter away my life in such fear and on so many refusals, saying "no" at the wrong forks in the road and "I don't know" at the important ones?'

This is the first novel I have read by Nina George and I had no idea what to expect. I certainly chose an emotional tale to end 2018 with!

The writing is beautiful, emotive and dramatic. The storyline is so rich and complex in places that it is hard to explain but essentially we follow Henri as he ends up in a coma and is in the precarious state between life and death. He has a son, Sam who is with him throughout and has gifts which are weaved into the story. We also follow Eddie, the love of Henri's life and Marie France, Sam's mother.

The interaction between the characters took me a few chapters to get used to but I was hooked from the first chapter, we go straight into the action.

The writing is so powerful that even when I wasn't reading this, I was thinking about it. It raises questions about mortality and really makes you think about how precarious life is. Characters dream about different versions of the same event, bringing home to the reader just how crucial every life decision can be and the bearing it can have on your future.

If you are looking for lighthearted, happy endings and comedy, this is not the book for you, but I would highly recommend it and will be reading others by Nina George in 2019.

Published on April 18th by @simonandschuster.

Thank you to @netgalley for the opportunity to review.

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I love this author's writing and the novel flowed very lyrically but I didn't like the coma dream like sequences of the book.Not for me as it made me feel really sad and melancholy. Not one for locations but this is a lovely character study and a story of family and what matters in life.

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