Member Reviews

I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.
Alyssa must help her father, fight off a group of dangerous people all while attempting to unlock the secrets of an ancient civilisation. The Hall of Records had always plagued Alyssa and her father, Kaden, ever since her mother’s death. When the time comes to unearth the Hall, Alyssa is on the other side of the world, unable to be there with Kaden. But when things take a dangerous turn, Alyssa will go on a journey she never would have expected, hopping from one part of the globe to another in a matter of days.
Kaden and his colleagues are infected with a disease, the only hint of a cure rests with a pyramid-shaped crystal found in the entrance to the Hall of Records. But to get it back, Alyssa must travel to London and retrieve it from the World Health Organization. There she meets the charming Paul and the young genius Clay. Together they figure out how to unlock the secrets of the crystal.
Paul and Clay were overly British, frequently using British slang and phrases. It was a lot of fun and instantly made me love the boys. I’m so glad Paul joined Alyssa on her journey, he was a great character, a good person and a compelling love interest. Turns out he’s a decent fighter, too.
*Spoiler Warning*
The crystal provided images of an ancient civilisation and the helmet that Clay devised lets you live them. The artefact contains someone’s memories and reveals an ancient culture much more advanced than our own. The point of view change, from she to I, was a masterful touch, making you feel like you’re experiencing the memories yourself, but without revealing who’s memories you’re following. The take on Egyptian mythology was unique and enjoyable, standing out from the other attempts other authors have made.
The evil Society was a believable mix between known secretive groups and the historical figures discussed in the book. George Renley was the first explorer to go looking for the Hall of Records and go missing. He has had something to do with the Society, either as inspiration or a member. The author was skilled at showing the dual opinions within one organisation, two approaches to the same goal.
I really loved this book. The blurb may make it seem like an urban fantasy – which it was – but a large part of it was mystery based. What is the Hall of Records? What is the disease? What is the artefact, and why does the Society want? It was an intriguing mystery, with plenty of smaller mysteries solved along the way to keep you satisfied. A truly great read for those you want a little taste of fantasy/ sci-fi in their mystery.
I am so grateful I got to read such a great book thanks to Net Galley. Heir of Ra is a book that took me by surprise, I thought it would be good, but I enjoyed it much more than I expected. It was one of my highlights of the new year! I give it 5/5 and am desperate for the next book in the series!

This review has originally been posted on my blog 'Trails of Tales' [https://trailsoftales620253622.wordpress.com/2019/01/07/heir-of-ra-by-m-sasinowski-blood-of-ra-1/]
Have I been living under a rock?
Why am I finding about this insanely magnificent book only now?
Why didn’t I read this as soon as it released?
I am so sorry you beautiful work of story telling art!
‘Heir of Ra’, the first book in a new series is a dream come true for me.
It has mythology
It has sci-fi
It has mystery & suspense
It has action & adventure
Ticks all my boxes of bookish goodness and how!!
I think… I am in love.
(On a side note, I would like to inform you that in the context of books I will be falling in love every other day. The same however, does not apply to humans)
Once you move past the gorgeous magical cover, you find yourself at the Giza plateu, Egypt in 1913. Picture yourself standing in a recently excavated tunnel beneath the foresaken sand.
You look on as a nobleman makes a thrilling discovery even though you still don’t know what it is. The ripples of the author’s written words tell you that it is a discovery like no other.
You might even feel like leaning in, wanting to understand what it is when all goes haywire. Those who entered the tunnel will never come out again.
And the desert does what is natural to it…
“…the desert sand reclaimed her land, reshaping it in the image of the wind.”
The story now shifts to the present day South Peru and thousand feet above the ground, climbing a mountain with a rope harness is a 17 year old girl.
Meet our heroine Alyssa Morgan, daughter of archeologist Dr. Kade Morgan, who tags along and participates in all of her father’s excavations.
But this time, the Father-Daughter duo are not together. Kade Morgan had to urgently leave for Cairo leaving all the responsibilities of the Peru dig on Alyssa’s ‘high scool senior’ shoulders.
Alyssa’s father is searching for the fabled Hall of Records
“a library purported to have dwarfed the great Library of Alexandria, containing the history and technology-a technology far more advanced….”
which is supposedly located under the Great Sphinx of Giza!
That is the only reason he leaves all his work and rushes to Cairo without Alyssa. Kade Morgan had finally got the sanction to dig under the Great Sphinx to search for the Hall of Records.
Alyssa tries to get to her Dad before he enters the dig but soon finds out that someone doesn’t want her there.
Things get worse when she is informed that there had been an accident and her Dad along with his team has been exposed to a virus no one has seen before, inspite of their bio-containtment suits.
Kade Morgan was now in Level-4 isolation.
But Alyssa Morgan has never let anyone else control the reins of her life. She might be just 17 but Alyssa has seen a lot of the world… literally.
She is determined to find out what went wrong at the excavation site. It has been termed as an accident but…Alyssa is not convinced.
Being the gutsy damsel who gives other people stress, Alyssa Morgan was managing things pretty well. But some company never hurts.
She unexpectedly meets Paul who becomes her loyal ally to the extent that he is willing to follow Alyssa even to the depths of hell… literally.
Now what can I possibly mean by this ‘literally’?
You would have to read ‘Heir of Ra’ to find out.
And read you should…. because you would miss out on something epic if you don’t. The effortless amalgamation of science fiction and Egyptian mythology is fascinating.
At the end of ‘Heir of Ra’ you get a glimpse of a possibly larger secret that is under wraps. A diving board to jump into the second book, if you will.
And that brings me to my humble request to the author-
Please, oh please, good Sir…give me the second book as soon as possible or I might just…… shrivel up.
NOT an exaggeration. That is a very serious book nerd condition!

Wow, thrilling adventure that leaves you on the edge of your seat. Characters are likable. If you like mythology and action-packed books, give this one a try!

Being a fan of the historical adventure genre of books I was looking forward to reading this and it was an enjoyable read although I personally struggled with the main characters and with believing that the male lead would endanger himself so greatly with someone he’d just met. That said that’s me just being picky maybe. The book examines links between ancient Egypt and the fantasy of Atlantis which I did find interesting and caught my attention and also the pursuit/chase moments in this book are exciting and keeps you engaged. A good book for any fan of mythical adventures.

DNF at 21%. The writing is good enough, but it feels a bit naive and I can't suspend my belief enough to cheer for characters. I may revisit it once again next month, but for now I pass. Sorry.

Ok - I’m going to start with my overall impression - this was a very entertaining read! It had some downsides for me (see below) but despite those things, this is still a 4 Star book for me! This was a very interesting take on explaining Egyptian mythology and I really liked it!! It’s set up for a continuation, and I’ll definitely be looking for the next book in the series!
This was certainly an action-packed book, but was still somehow kind of slow-paced. For me, the story and character development seemed to be sacrificed for a lot of that action. That’s not to say it wasn’t good - but I think I would have liked more story development/Ancient Egyptian mythology and fewer car chase and narrowly-escaped-danger scenes (if that makes sense).
The other downsides, for me, were that the story was kind of predictable at times, the main bad guy was a stereotype of the angry scary villain, and the motivations of the evil “Society” didn’t feel very genuine (hard to explain what I mean here - I understood what they wanted, but it just didn’t seem very fleshed out - again, maybe another casualty of all the action scenes). Also, some of the character’s motivations/actions weren’t always super clear.
Finally, it jumps to different character’s points-of-view randomly, and it wasn’t always clear at first whose thoughts we were in. The majority of the time it seemed unnecessary to be changing narrator, but maybe that’s just my preference.
Still, I give this book a solid 4 stars! I can’t wait to read more in this series!
*Thank you to Kingsmill Press and NetGalley for providing me with a free ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review. This review will appear on my Facebook page, GoodReads, and retailer sites.*

I received a copy from Netgalley for a honest review.
This story was so easy to read. I really enjoyed the action and learning more about Egipt. It was perfect for the beginning of a new year. Thank you for the copy!

I really enjoyed this book it was really interesting it was very fast paced and I was on the edge of my seat throughout the whole book. I really liked the characters especially Alyssa and Paul they were really interesting to read about. I really liked the story it was so well written I really liked the mythological aspects of it as well as the really good action packed story it was. So overall I liked this book and will continue the series when there is more out to read.
-Got this book from Netgalley for an honest review-

WOW! If you're looking for a book to keep you on the edge of your seat, well then hear it is! Heir of Ra by M. Sasinowski is a fast paced, interesting read with lots of adventure. This book makes it very easy to be transported into the story. the author does an amazing job world builing as well as creating likeable characters. i can't wait for the sequel!

Thrilling action packed book. That grabs your attention fro the beginning an leaves you wanting more. I am ready to read the next book.

Sasinowski pulls you and and does not let go. My first thought was this book was be a terrific mini series on tv. Characters are well developed and plot doe not let you put the book down. I am hoping for a sequel.

Egypt 1913
george renley has an Arab guide while he studies the bird of prey carving in the stone door at dig sit.”Lord rely grasped that he would die alone buried under the great sphinx with pain and shadow his only companions Haim stumbles out of the tunnel. Pleading saa’indi with blood pouring from his eyes and mouth.the men back away in horror. A suspenseful beginning.
South peru present day
Alyssa father is called back to Cairo with her left in charge of the south peru dig site . Her father is obsessed with the hall of records after long struggle. With permits he is finally allowed to dig there.Kade ,Alyssas father,is preparing to dig while professor Baxter is held at gunpoint. A desensitized of Lord rely wants to hold him captive for his help . “You want to fuse ancient genetic material into modern DNA to harness the power of an ancient civilaztion.” ” That hall it cost my family so much. My grandfather’s reputation and sanity,my mom’s life and now kade. I loved the excitemen of every thing going on with hall of records very suspensful. I loved how close Alyssa was with her father