Member Reviews

A compulsive and thrilling read......
The book starts quite slowly and with a very distinctive way of writing and I wasn’t so sure that I was going to enjoy it but then it crept up on me making it extremely difficult to put down and turned out to be a real humdinger of a read. What I really loved about this book was the way the story developed and how the characters were so well written especially Izzy who was desperately trying to find the truth about if her father was guilty or not. It’s an intriguing, well constructed and intricate plot that’s makes for a terrific and satisfying read and very well recommended.
My thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Uk - Michael Joseph for giving me the chance to read the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

Thank you to Netgalley, Gillian McAllister and Penguin Michael Joseph for my arc of The Evidence Against You. I received a copy of this ebook free, in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.
Synopsis: Izzy's father has just been released from prison, he's been serving life for the murder of Izzy's mother so she's sure she doesn't want anything to do with him. But when he turns up at her restaurant professing his innocence, part of her wants to believe him. Should she help him investigate and prove his innocence or should she beware the man who was found guilty of murdering her mother?
This is the third book I've read by Gillian McAllister and I really liked the way the her books are written, the hidden agenda and the way not everything is as it first seems. This one was kind of like that but a lot slower paced than I've found with her previous books. I just didn't enjoy this one as much. I didn't feel like I couldn't put it down, and I wasn't excited to return to it. It took me much longer to read and I didn't really engage with any of the characters. Izzy in particular was very difficult to like or sympathise with. For example she was 17 when her mother was killed but speaks about it as if she was a small child, e.g she doesn't remember much about her mother, she wishes she had a parent to remind her to take gloves and an umbrella when it's raining outside when she goes on a ferry trip aged 18. These seemed just a tad ridiculous surely things like that are taught to you by your parents long before you're 17. Also she completely had no feelings about anything, she reopened her mums restaurant even though she hates it, hates cooking and hates running it, she wants her bedroom to be like a hotel room, why? This is made into a big thing but never really explained. To be honest the pace was just too slow. It didn't grab me, didn't keep me on the edge of my seat and I didn't feel there was any big mystery to be solved.
I'd definitely read more from this author in future based on previous reads but this one just didn't do it for me.

Family lives ruined forever in this cleverly thought out story how the victim's family deal with their different feelings of guilt and innocence. A different kind of 's no dit it?'

An amazing page turner from start to finish following Izzy who’s dad was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of her mum. Izzy is extremely brave to try and piece the story of her mothers murder even if it means putting herself and her marriage at risk. Excellent writing and a sort of happy ending but leaves you wanting more.

Another cracker from one of my favourite authors. A truly sad story but I absolutely love the ending. Well worth the read

This is a book about finding out the truth even though it looks clear cut. Izzy's mum is murdered and her dad accused and sent to prison when Izzy was just seventeen. Almost twenty years later Izzy's dad has served his time and has come looking for Izzy and protests his innocence. Izzy starts her own investagation and is shocked to find out several secrets that her family have been keeping. I really felt for Izzy as she was clearly so lonely having lost both her parents on that fateful night . This is a gritty story full of love, abandonment and sorrow. I rate this book 4*

What a great book! It is full of twists and turns and it kept me guessing until the end - and what a denouement at the end.! This is a story about a mother a father and a daughter. The father has just got out of prison after 18 years for the the murder of his wife. His daughter doesn’t want to see him - he murdered her mother, but he tries to make contactwith her. Izzy, the daughter had a loving relationship with her father until he went to prison, since when she has had no contact with him.. Her father wants her to know that he didn’t kill her mother - but did he? She wants to believe he didn’t but the evidence against him was strong.
Of course there are other characters in the book and they all flesh out the story perfectly . The writing is excellent, the characters are believable and the story really pulls you in, you won’t know who or what to believe .
I recommend this book unreservedly

Izzy’s father has just served a life sentence for the murder of his wife. The question is, did he do it? After his release, Izzy attempts to find out the truth. This book is gripping with twists and turns along the way with atheism biggest punch being delivered right at the end. A gripping and page-turning account of one woman’s quest to unravel the truth.

Izzy’s childhood was, she thought, a happy one with parents who loved each other and her. At seventeen years old she had a lovely boyfriend and a promising future as a dancer; then her life was ripped apart when her mother, Alex, first disappeared, then was found murdered, and then Izzy’s father, Gabriel was convicted of the crime. Her dance career abandoned, Izzy has to take over the running of her mother’s restaurant, which isn’t a natural vocation for her.
Eighteen years later, Gabriel is released from prison and his top priority is to talk to Izzy and convince her of his innocence. Torn, Izzy (and indeed the reader) has no idea who or what to believe.
The story kept me guessing throughout as we follow Izzy’s experiences in the present and Gabriel’s gradual account of what happened from his perspective.I really didn’t know whether Gabriel was innocent, as he claimed, or guilty, as all the evidence suggested. A lot of the time he seemed pretty guilty, but the evidence was largely circumstantial; could there possibly be an alternative explanation as he maintained?
While there is a mystery to be unravelled a lot of this book deals with both Izzy’s reactions to the horrible situation she’s in, and the changes in the formerly rather free-spirited Gabriel after eighteen years of incarceration. He’s clearly not the same man he once was, and that too is hard for his daughter to deal with, let alone wrestling with whether or not he murdered her mother.
While it was a very enjoyable read I found it at times a little less gripping than Gillian McAllister’s previous work and sometimes lost track of what evidence had been presented so far and what it might mean. (This is probably due to a lack of sufficient attention on my part, though.) At the end I found I was slightly hazy about why certain things had happened, though again this is likely my fault rather than the author’s.
All in all though an excellent read from the always reliably intriguing and insightful Gillian McAllister.

Did he murder his wife or has he spent his time in prison concocting a lie to tell his daughter?
The blurb made this book sound fantastic, but unfortunately it has a very slow start and even the twists were not enough to keep me enthralled. Hopefully it is just me as I have read previous books by this author and enjoyed them.
Give it a try.

Having read McAllister's previous works and loved them I was excited to start reading this. Izzy with a dark past of her mother being killed by her father, her present thrown into chaos on his release. The story has a lot of twist in it and you really do know whether her father is telling her the truth of not. Her own investigation into her mother's death along with Gabe's account feels very slow in the build up so the final end twists seem to come all at once and almost feel rushed. I enjoyed the book when reading but. There were times I wasn't immediately wanting to pick the story up again. I didn't feel completely drawn in. I am glad I persevered during those times as overall I did enjoy the story itself, though I wished for more slow completion to feel completely satisfied. As a fan of McAllister's work I will always be eager to read more from her.

Having read a couple of other books in this series, I was looking forward to reading this one.
Unfortunately, I could not get into the story. The premise was good, a man’s released from from prison after serving 18 years for the murder of his wife. His daughter, 18 at the time, has always assumed his guilt but now he’s back and trying to convince her that he’s innocent.
It has all the makings of a great crime story but I really didn’t like the characters. Even the daughter comes across as weak, needy and self absorbed. I realise that she’s gone through a terrible, traumatic event but at no point did her grief seem genuine. She’s drifted along in the intervening years, taking easy ways out and then blaming everyone else for her failures.
My main problem with her though, is her reaction when she finds out some truths about her mother. Excusing her actions because she was ‘acting in the best interests of her family’.
I couldn’t identify with this at all and it spoiled the book for me.
My thanks to Netgalley for this copy.

Well written & very enjoyable book. Found it a bit slow at places but other parts more than made up for that. Would recommend this book to anyone.

I really enjoyed this book. Izzy English's life changed forever when she was 17. Her mother was found dead and her father was convicted of her murder. Now, 18 years later, her father has been released. His one aim in life is to prove to Izzy that he was wrongfully punished. Izzy is desperate to believe him, but the more she digs in to what happened back then the more confused she becomes. This is a real page turner which will keep you guessing to the end. Thanks to NetGalley for a preview copy.
Copied to Goodreads.

Whilst a teenager, Izzy English’s mother, Alex, is brutally murdered. Her husband (Izzy’s father), Gabriel, is charged and eventually sentenced to life in prison. After 17 years he is freed on parole and imm,ediately seeks out Izzy at the restaurant she eventually reopened after her mother’s death. He pleads innocence but everything points to his guilt - or does it? Doubts creep into Izzy’s mind, though her husband does his best to persuade her otherwise, and she embarks on a secret search for the truth, which finally leads to an intriguing twist in the tale. Gillian McAllister weaves a brilliant web in this gripping psychological thriller - fans of her books and readers discovering her writing for the first time, will not be disappointed.

I am a huge fan of Gillian McAllister and this was another great book.
I did find this one a little slow to start but it picked up and as usual there were some great twists and turns to keep the reader guessing.

Another great book by Gillian McAllister. I did find the first half to be a bit slow and slightly repitive however once the second half kicked in there was a lot more going on with plenty of twists. The Evidence Against You is a clever story and makes you wonder, if all the evidence pointed towards a family member, who has always protested their innocence, could you bring yourself to hear them out? Overall this was an enjoyable read and I look forward to the next book by Gillian McAllister.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for a copy of this ebook in exchange for my honest review.

This book is a real did he or didn't he suspense / thriller which I thoroughly enjoyed. Main character Izzy's mothered was murdered when she was a child and her father was jailed for her murder. Now 17 years later, he is released from Prison and wants to reconnect with his daughter and try and get her to believe his innocence. A real rollercoaster of emotions from both characters in what is a really gripping and sometimes tragic tale of a mis-carriage of justice ... or is it - well you will just have to read it for yourself - you wont regret it! I thoroughly enjoyed this book and thank netgalley for my ARC in return for an honest review.

This book was incredibly slow to start and at some points I considered abandoning it! However as I’ve read previous books by McAllister I persevered, the ending was a bit of a twist but not totally unexpected.
The characters in this book were somewhat lacking, some with little point other than to detract.
A 3 star at the most if only were the ending.
Thanks for allowing me to read!

The evidence against you.
Gillian McAllister.
Izzy's father, Gave has just been released from prison after serving 18 years for the murder of her mother...
Was he guilty? Or wrongly accused?
After a bit of a slow start, I'm glad I persevered with this book as the story soon picked up pace and when it did, it kept me guessing and was full of twists and turns that i wasnt expecting.
A gripping read and a must for fans of psychological thrillers
I look forward threading more of Gillians work in the future.
Thank you to the Author, publisher and Netgalley for allowing me to read in return for an honest review.
4 stars.