Member Reviews

What a heartbreaking read. The emotion flows from the pages. Hard to read at times but so worthwhile. Whether you are a parent or not you would need to hardhearted for this not to affect you.

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This book will stay with you long after you finish it. An honest depiction of a father-son relationship when battling addiction. It really highlights the destruction that addiction causes to entire families.

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A tough read, especially as a parent. The helplessness, despair and desperation of the father are heartbreaking, his unending hope, an inspiration. Did feel that the father centred himself a little too often and that the whole experience was ... er, cashed in on, with multiple books being written by both father and son. Or perhaps I'm being cynical. But it certainly illustrated the horror of meth addiction and the far ranging effects it has on the addict's family. Every parent's worst nightmare.

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A sad and revealing memoir of a fathers experience of his beloved, happy and fun son's decent into addiction and the struggles to save him from self destruction,
This book is a hard to read as it's so sad to hear of the struggles experienced by both Nic (the son) and David (this father). To read about the impact of drug addiction on Nic's life, and his family is utterly heartbreaking.

A very emotional read.

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Unfortunately, I have not been able to read and review this book.

After losing and replacing my broken Kindle and getting a new phone I was unable to download the title again for review as it was no longer available on Netgalley.

I’m really sorry about this and hope that it won’t affect you allowing me to read and review your titles in the future.

Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

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Lovely lovely story. Believable characters and storyline. I was engrossed at the start and to the end.

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Read this book after hearing about the film of same name. Excellent read and thoroughly enjoyed. Thank #netgalley for letting me read this for a review

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To put it bluntly, Beautiful Boy is as blind and as obtuse as a young boy addicted to methamphetamine. Rallying against the dangers of divorce and marijuana as a gateway drug, David Sheff time and time again fails to even start to identify his own blame in his son's sorry tale. Because, of course, the divorce is the fault of the courts and not his own inability to keep his penis in his pants (a point that he speedily jumps over in less than half a dozen offhand remarks); and marijuana is its psychoactive properties and not the fact that he was one of the main instigators behind his son's use of it. Unintentional or otherwise, the fact that he continuously overlooks his own role - instead preferring to shout endlessly into the void about what he did wrong, only to ignore the answer echoing back - means that he fails to even comprehend the true realities of the problem; centring his own pain and suffering over that of the addict, and basically enabling the addiction to prolong the cathartic release that he gets from it.

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Interesting to read a memoir around the impact drugs have on a family. Emotional at points and very real. Will look out for the film.

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What an awful book.
It was a huge disappointment and it didn’t capture me at all.
I thought the book would have been better than it was

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A Beautiful Boy is a powerful and heartbreaking true life story of addiction. This is a mesmerising read.

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Based on a true story David Sheff shares with us some of the harrowing times his family have gone through while trying to help son Nic fight against Meth. Nic is a beautiful, clever, loveable young boy who like many people do fell Into the addiction trap. Once in that trap it is a constant battle to get out and if you do manage, staying clean is a whole different battle.
Doesn’t matter what the addiction is drugs, drinks, smoking, food, etc. An addict will crave for and do anything to get their drug of choice.
I enjoyed reading this book sadly I’ve known people in this position and it’s heartbreaking seeing your loved ones going through the pain. The book is a real eye opener hopefully will make people stop and think. All it takes is one time. Addiction is for life you will be fighting it until you’re dying day.

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as a mother of 3 boys I was interested to read this book and found it very emotional..i did enjoy it but I would not be so sure about going to see the film..

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I have so much respect for anyone witnessing a loved one implode into an addiction. It doesn’t just affect the addict, it spirals an entire family out of control on so many levels. To put this all into words is beyond comprehension to some degree, but this story resonates....

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I've been keen to watch Beautiful Boy for a while now,so to fill the time until release,I read the book.
David Sheff has a very easy way with words,making such a heart breaking situation so easily read.
Each time Nic fell lower and lower,my heart broke more and more.
The excuses and lies,just continued month after month after and it all seemed so bleak... but meth addiction is bleak.
I've a feeling I won't be coming out of the movie theatre dry eyed,and most likely will be bawling at the first "everything " knowing what's to come.

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A father's memoir about his son's descent into and subsequent recovery from a serious drug addiction.

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