Member Reviews

Setting is in South Africa, Southerland sisters falling in love with Cavallo brothers.
Zoe is up and coming interior designer and she has an incredible opportunity to design famous boutique hotels until she finds out it is David Cavallo. He is famous architect and it could more her career if she decides to work with him. But she couldn't stand him yet she is attracted to him nonetheless. While she was at her sister's wedding ( her older sister is marrying David's older brother), he kissed her and it is driving her crazy so she decides to turn the offer down and goes to England to not face him again.
When she comes back, her contract was signed and she has no choice other than to work with David. Now they will have to work together and sparks are flying.
This could be standalone. It is perfect short for summer.
Thanks to Netgalley and Tule publishing for ARC in exchange for honest review.

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Wow. I look forward to more more by this author. Fun book filled with witty banter, sexy scenes !! Great book!

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An Impossible Attraction is book number one in Cavallo Brothers series by Elsa Winckler. This is Zoe Sutherland and Dale Cavallo’s story.

There were parts of the story that I enjoyed but this just wasn’t a favorite for me. This read was promising but just didn’t keep my attention.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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A quick, sweet, sexy romance. A lot of fun!

Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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An Impossible Attraction - 4 STARS
A Cavallo Brothers Romance
Author : Elsa Winckler

ARC received from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Opinions expressed are my own ...

Attractive Cover & Book Blurb caught my eye !

Zoe Sutherland is a interior decorator looking to grow her business and further her career. Dale Cavallo is an award winning architect - both have some serious trust issues. So when the opportunity comes for Zoe to handle all the interior design & decorating for Dale’s new hotel chain she turns down the opportunity - not looking to get involved with someone she sees as nothing more than a playboy. The sexual chemistry between these (2) is pretty immediate ! Neither of them are ready to risk their hearts however ...

Great story - glad these (2) overcame their trust issues to find their HEA !
Quick romantic read does not disappoint !!

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Zoe and Dale did not hit it off at first sight. Her sister is marrying his brother so this could be a problem in the future. They have a moment at the wedding... or was that the alcohol talking. Now he can't get her out of his mind and she wan't nothing to do with him. He hires her firm to decorate his new hotel just so he can spend time with her. His micro managing is too much for Zoe to handle. She is a strong independent woman who does not need her hand held to do her job. In this story it is Zoe who does not believe in happily ever after. Can Dale convince her that he is worth taking a chance on? Good read.

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"Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review."

Loved this book very much. It had just enough sweet, sexy romance and the storyline was great! I highly recommend!

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An Impossible Attraction is the first in the Cavallo Brothers series. Being in the romance genre, it is assumed that there will be a man and a woman who meets, who have some obstacles in their relationship, overcome the obstacles and the book ends with man and woman who get together.

The writer is a master of her genre, she manages perfectly to keep the attention and the reader can feel the sexual tension between Zoe and Dale throughout the book.

What I really liked is that the setting of the novel is in South Africa, my home country, and I loved to read of familiar places.

Knowing that this is only the first in the series, I got the uneasy feeling that they might not be able to sort out their differences before the ending of the book, but it ends like a fairytale with a wedding on the beach. Or does it?

Readers will just have to buy the next book, An Irresistible Temptation to find out...

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A lovely sweet contemporary romance. Author delivers a beautifully layered, heartfelt story that pulls at your heartstrings. A fabulous read! And I will be looking for more books by this author in the future. Would recommend

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I have to say right off the bat that this novel ahs some sizzling scenes. They completely play into the ambivalent feelings that Zoe Sutherland and Dale Cavallo have for each other. The more they tell themselves, “No Way” the harder it gets to avoid the simmering underneath.
The book moves fast and has some mysterious elements to boot. I cannot wait the forth next Cavallo Brothers book to arrive!

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We first met Zoe and Dale at his brother’s and her sister’s wedding uniting two unique, tension-filled families and their friends into one volatile combination. To say that either Dale or Zoe were smokin’ hot with sizzling chemistry from the beginning would be an understatement. Yet there is more beneath their almost instant lust-filled attraction to each other – there is distrust, some family issues that have been resolved but still linger in some minds and such stubbornness. I swear, these two would argue the exact color of their own eyes.

On the surface, it would be easy to dislike Dale based on his love ’em and leave ’em lifestyle, his arrogance and don’t forget the stubbornness. When things don’t go according to his wishes Dale is not above moving the playing pieces around to suit his own purpose, not really acknowledging or caring that these are real people’s lives and livelihood he’s messing with. On the flipside of that is the slowly disclosed fact that Dale is utterly stunned to his core at his reactions to Zoe, far beyond her beauty and sexiness but for the woman who smells like rain and ties him up in a knot every time she’s near.

Zoe’s not faring much better, on top of the leftover anger and mistrust of his brother’s suspected actions, she’s also fighting a very strong physical attraction to a man who infuriates her at his every move. Her best bet is to stay far, far away from the arrogant and tempting Cavallo brother – but he’s not above making that impossible to do.

AN IMPOSSIBLE ATTRACTION is an intense, enjoyable romance with sizzle, snark, bantering, a puzzle to solve and characters who will grab your attention (one way or another) throughout Zoe and Dale’s story. Dale’s brothers only add to the mix with the tease of that mystery as to why one brother is so set against his new in-law family… hmm, we shall see soon on that one, I hope.

I enjoyed myself, I had fun and that’s the whole point. Looking forward to the next romance in line.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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Another good romance read from the pen of one of South Africa's best romance writers. Elsa Winckler writes romance with substance and although this is not my usual choice of book anymore, I thoroughly enjoyed it and all her other books as well.

Interior Decorator Zoe Sutherland gets the dream job to work on super star architect David Cavallo’s glamorous new hotel. She is in seventh heaven until she meets David. He is attractive and sexy, but he is also the most arrogant and mysterious man she's ever met. From the beginning they bump heads about almost every aspect of the work and he also tries to make her see that all work and no play makes you a dull girl.

But the David meets his match in Zoe, and his previous motto about love them and leave them bites him in the backside. He also does not know if he can trust Zoe with his more daring project to date. So he decides to keep his enemy very very close.

I enjoyed this read a lot, even though one knows that all will end well.

Thank you #Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this

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What drove me crazy about this romance, is the over the top fever both had for each other and their week attempt at staying away from each other. Zoe refuses to work with Dale but ends up being manipulated into doing so. While Dale plays the caveman not letting her make any decisions and sexualizing their work relationship. I didn't buy their feelings for each other as genuine and the story fell flat to me.

Thank you Netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Honestly, it was just an okay fast paced read. Nothing really stood out for me. I had trouble feeling the chemistry between Dale and Zoe. Also, I definitely felt like I should have read the first book before this one. I was a bit lost there in the beginning.

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An Impossible Attraction is part of a new series, the Cavallo Brothers by Elsa Winckler. Having read Where the River Bends, I had thought that this would be connected to it. It is romance with a South African setting but the story-line is very different.

An “opposites attraction” story, bordering on “enemies’ attraction” story, it also has the billionaire or wealthy male main character that seems so popular right now. There is also family drama, business issues and distrust, doubt and overriding physical attraction between Zoe Sutherland and Dale Cavallo.

The story is well written but contrived at times. Maybe not, what do I know, I certainly don’t run in the same circles as the Cavallo. However, after reading about Dale arrogance and high handiness I am not sure that I would enjoy doing so. Fans of billionaire romance would enjoy this story, I think. As for me I liked Where the River Bends much more.

An ARC of the book was given to me by the publisher through Net Galley which I voluntarily chose to read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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3 Stars- The first book of a series. Take a wedding between the main woman's sister and the brother of the love interest. Sparks fly and keep flying!

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I thoroughly enjoyed this story. There was an immediate attraction between the Zoe and Dale, at Zoe's sister's wedding. Dale needed more, so he hired Zoe to revamp his hotels, Dale is only interested in one night stands but Zoe might just change his mind. The problem lays that Zoe does not believe in happily ever after, so can Dale change her mind.

Their sexual chemistry is hot, loved the little black panties. Zoe's mom is a hoot, a romance writer. She had me laughing out loud. Lot's of family drama, can't wait to read more about the siblings. This is the first book in the series and can't wait to read more.

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Set in and around Cape Town, An Impossible Attraction is Elsa Winckler’s latest story and the first in her new Cavallo Brothers series. For me, the gorgeous settings made this story special, possibly because I used to live there decades ago and I could easily imagine the stunning botanical gardens, the quaint Cape Dutch cottages in Stellenbosch and the rather more grand houses of Hermanus.
This story is very much on the steamy side with both Zoe and Dale suffering from a strong sexual pull towards each other that they find hard to resist from the first. Cue black panties sneaked into Dale’s pocket and you get the picture. It flows well and makes for an entertaining, though perhaps not entirely spectacular read. I did read it cover to cover in an afternoon, but to be honest that was a little more because I had to rest than because I couldn’t wait to see what happened next. Largely that was pretty obvious and perhaps that was my problem. Overall though this was an enjoyable story and I do look forward to the next book in the series.

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Unfortunately, this is not the book for me, though I know I might be alone in that stance! I found that although the storyline was interesting, I didn’t enjoy the writing and the characters, to me, were not as compelling as I wanted. I liked Hannah’s storyline and felt like it could have been more interesting than Zoe’s. I didn’t like Dale as a person, and this might have contributed to my rating. The love interest has to be just as interesting and relatable as our protagonist for me to really be interested in a romance. Again, this is not the case for most people! I’m not sure I would ever reread this, but I am interested in where the story goes, especially for Hannah.

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This was an ok read even though I thought the storyline was very predictable and the chemistry between the main characters of Zoe and Dale seemed lacking. There isn't anything wrong with the story but there isn't anything WOW about it either.

There is an immediate and intense attraction between Zoe and Dale. An attraction Zoe fights hard to resist but when Dale tricks Zoe into working with him on his latest project the sparks really begin to fly and resisting becomes almost impossible.

This is a fun, quick, easy read that even though not my favorite is a book I would still recommend.

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