Member Reviews
In every stage of life making decisions is a necessity. Sometimes they are simple, easy choices. Other times they weigh heavy on our souls because of their gravity. If you find yourself in the midst of big decisions, this book is for you. If you find yourself caught up in the rush, the frantic pace of never having a moment to stop and reflect, this book is also for you. Emily P. Freeman's writing will speak directly to your soul. Each chapter brings simple, yet beautifully profound wisdom.
In describing her practice of "making space for your soul to breathe", Freeman gives the reader a true gift. It is a pathway to decreasing your pace enough to give God room to move in your life. It is a reminder of the power of being present and intentional about your choices. This book is well worth the time it takes to read it. It is as if Emily is sitting across the table from you, sharing insight that reminds you of what truly matters. I look forward to returning to her sage advice time and again.
Analysis Paralysis! That best describes my mindset the past 6 months as I have made lists of pros and cons about a decision Emily P. Freeman would call a Dream Decision, not a daily or deadline decision, but it was taking up so much heart space. Following Emily's steps to creating a Rhythm of Life helped me discern what my Next Right Thing should be. Do you have Analysis Paralysis? Get this book. I received a free copy of this book for my honest review.
The Next Right Thing is a great faith based book for those of us who need help making a decision. Emily reminds us to slow down when making our decisions. She also says “Decision making takes practice” and “Unmade decisions hold power.” Have your highlighter ready as I have found myself highlighting many great points. I love that each chapter finished with a prayer and a practice section. I was fortunate to be able to read an early copy made possible by Netgalley.
What can I say about Emily P. Freeman! When I found “The Next Right Thing” podcast a year ago, she became the next best thing in my day. I couldn’t get enough of trying to catch up with all that I had missed, and then when I did, I couldn’t wait for the next one to come out! Then the announcement came that she was writing a book of the same name. I couldn't wait to read it! So here I am telling you that this is one book you are going to read from cover to cover before putting it down. And then you will pick it back up so you can soak in all the soulful guidance, as Emily’s joy for life and love for the Lord shines through each page. You will hear her voice as you read each word. She speaks directly to your soul, inspiring you to breathe deep and become still. “Stillness is to my soul as decluttering is to my home.” "My goal is to help you create space for your soul to breathe". Each chapter will help bring you closer to doing “The Next Right Thing”.
I wish I had adequate words to express the way my heart feels at the completion of this book...but at the moment the only one I can think of is “PERFECTION”. The author has written a beautiful work of art, it is in my eyes - perfection.
As a fan of Emily P. Freeman’s previous books and podcast, I was not surprised to enjoy her latest book. However, I was slightly caught off guard at how powerful it was, and how through her words I viscerally felt my Heavenly Father’s love for me. Her masterful way of weaving words together into reflections of truth inspired me and also testified to me of how true her message is. I highly recommend this book to anyone facing decision fatigue, but really - I recommend it to anyone who enjoys books that speak truth and help your soul to breathe. This book will be a respite from the noise of the world.
(I received an advanced reader copy of the book, but the views in my review are strictly my own, that I have reached after reading the book.)
A few months ago I stumbled across Emily P. Freeman when she was a guest on another podcast that I loved to listen to. I immediately got hooked on to “The Next Right Thing” podcast and was excited to hear about the book!
Emily is an amazing story teller and her rhythm of story, prayer and spiritual practice gives a great guide for those wanting to take the next right step in love.
I can’t wait to go through the book again and work through some of the practices in my life.
I highly recommend this book! #mynextrightthing
I received and advanced reader copy from
I received an advanced copy of this book through Netgalley.
The Next Right Thing by Emily P. Freeman certainly delivers on the cover’s tag line. It is a simple, soulful practice for making life decisions. But it actually offers the reader so much more.
In this book, Emily is a gentle guide and mentor in helping us understand the decision-making process and, in turn, how to navigate through life, one next right thing at a time.
She points out that we make thousands of decisions every day. Decisions shape our lives. They reveal and create our character. And unmade decisions carry weight.
As someone who tends to overthink, worry, procrastinate, and second-guess, I found Emily’s words to be supportive, inspiring, and at times, challenging (in a good way.) She speaks of silence and stillness, listening and naming, making space and getting rid of soul clutter. Learning to say yes, and being ok with saying no.
She reminds us that we have a God who walks and talks with us, who moves in us and through us. That Christ delights and dwells in us. In Him, “we live a narrative of joy”. And ultimately, while decisions matter, the main point is “becoming more fully yourself in the presence of God.” And then we can learn to do the next right thing, in love. I didn't want this book to end!
I highly recommend this book!
As a devoted podcast listener and reader of Emily P. Freeman’s works, I was elated to discover that The Next Right Thing would be published April 2, 2019. My family and friends have also all benefited from excerpts I have shared from the The Next Right Thing book leading up to official launch. This is a book that I will continue to savor and revisit over the years. I’m looking forward to gifting The Next Right Thing to graduating seniors this spring.
One of my favorite quotes comes from chapter fifteen: “I’m learning that the decision itself is rarely the point. The point is becoming more fully ourselves in the presence of God, connecting with him and with each other, and living our lives as though we believe he is good and beautiful.” Thank you, Emily P. Freeman, for your wise, encouraging, and clarifying words.
As someone who always struggles with decisions I was relieved when I found The Next Right Thing podcast, and having all this information in a book is even better. In each chapter Emily tells stories and gives ideas of ways to just figure out how to just do the next right thing. Each chapter starts with a quote The end of every chapter has a prayer and an action step. This book is sure to be pulled off my shelf again and again as I face more decisions in my future.
You Must Read This Book!
As I read The Next Right Thing: A Simple, Soulful Practice For Making Life Decisions by Emily P. Freeman, I could not put this book down. It is beyond fabulous! The Next Right Thing gets to the core for making decisions, that is the soul. Emily P. Freeman discusses the importance of caring for our souls to make wise, intentional, and thoughtful choices. She describes practices or exercises that when applied, bring the soul to quietness and stillness. This is the place of fully connecting with God and understanding His will. The Next Right Thing has helped me approach decision-making with a new mindset. I often struggle with making decisions, second-guessing myself, and over- thinking things. But as I have studied the very applicable practices in this book, I now have the tools to make decisions in line with my core being. The practices Emily P. Freeman offers are not complicated, but are ideas that are easily overlooked for caring for one's soul. Fully implementing these ideas will encourage better, stronger, more solid decisions; and to strengthen the soul, caring for its deepest needs. I very highly recommend The Next Right Thing. Don't miss this very important book!
Emily welcomes you into her space by creating a soft landing place for anyone who is just plain exhausted by the hampster-wheel of decisions that show up demanding our constant attention. With decisions swirling around us constantly, whether they are big or small, the constant demand and process is draining. Pouring life into those of us with decision fatigue, Emily opens the door to reflection and rest within the decision making space. Her words speak to your soul on a whole different level - with not just a profound message, but cup-filling, God-centered love. This book is an extension of her podcast in every sense, providing more insight, more wisdom, more faith-based guidance than I could have imagined. While acknowledging that having decisions to make is in fact a privilege, Emily walks you through practices to remain God-focused while carrying the mental workload that is decision making. I was lucky enough to receive an advanced reader e-copy of the book via Netgalley and can't wait to get my hands on the actual book, so that I can highlight, read, re-read, and share.
The book aside, the free bonus material that Emily provides for pre-orders of the book is literally life-changing. It's real-time, applicable tips that can be put into practice right now. Don't wait - pre-order, enjoy the bonus material, and count the minutes until this book shows up on your doorstep.
I think you’ll find this book to be like a trusted friend–the kind you call for coffee and sit and talk for hours on end or only 15 minutes if that’s all you have. That’s what this book will be like for you in its richness and wisdom. The content is easy to read, written in Emily’s easygoing manner. The chapters read like friendly visits and when it’s time to leave she gifts you with some actions/reflections and blesses you before you go. . . until the next chapter. It’s one of those books that you’ll keep going back to again and again. (It’s also a great gift idea for upcoming graduates as they start their way in the world making many decisions – just a suggestion!)
This book is a beautiful extension of Emily's podcast The Next Right Thing. With gentle gudiance Emily shows us truths about decision making in a practical, honest way. Love this book. Cannot recommend it highly enough.
Emily offers practical, wise, insightful advice. In my current season, I’ve felt so scattered and stuck, and even the smallest decision can feel crippling. Emily doesn’t tell you which decision to make - she gives you the tools to make decisions in a better way. I’m so grateful for her words!
"The decision itself is rarely the point. The point is becoming more fully ourselves in the presence of God."
And yet we have to make decisions every day. Thousands of them, in fact. How can we do this without becoming paralyzed in indecision? How can we make choices that we feel good about, that speak to who we most deeply and truly are?
In her gracious and kind voice, Emily Freeman walks readers through this very real and very daily problem. Her primary advice is simply this: do the next right thing. And she spends the whole book unpacking just exactly how to figure out what your next right thing is. This book is both deeply soulful and immensely practical: each short chapter is followed by a prayer and a practice you can implement as you work through dicerning your next right thing.
This book is full of more great advice than I can absorb in a single read-through, and I imagine myself returning to it over and over again as I make try to make whole-hearted decisions in my own life.
I have enjoyed Emily Freeman’s work for several years, first as a member of the writing group Hope*Writers and then as a reader of several of her books. When Freeman started her podcast The Next Right Thing not quite two years ago, I immediately began listening. I enjoy podcasts and listen to a number of them in several different genres. I tend to listen to podcasts as I am driving in my car, cleaning around the house or taking walks. Since I am not normally in a place to take notes on any ideas that the podcast sparks, I don’t usually take much action on what I learn from them.
I have been in a season of change over the past nine months or so, since my youngest child graduated from college. I have been trying to discern my “next right thing”. When I learned that The Next Right Thing book was being published I seized the chance to read it as soon as I could. Freeman does not disappoint in the book.
The quote near the end of the book exemplifies its purpose for me. “We want to make good decisions, but the decision is rarely the point. We want to live a good life with our good and beautiful God. Doesn’t it all come down to trust?” This book serves a thoughtful guide for the person who has change occurring in her life and wants to make good decisions.
The chapters are short and each of them end with a prayer and a short suggested action.
Freeman has a beautiful writing style and the stories in each chapter are personal and illustrate her points perfectly. If you read this book and take the actions which are appropriate for you, I think you will draw closer to God and be more confident in your choices. As Freeman says, “it’s not a black-and-white world, which means decisions are rarely right or wrong. It doesn’t matter which road you choose. What matters is God with you.”
I highly recommend The Next Right Thing for anyone who wants to grow in her spiritual walk with God.
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher on Net Galley in exchange for a review of this book.
Wonderful new read from Emily Freeman! This book is about decision making, but is not a self help book with 10 ways to make a decision that will guarantee when you make a decision, it will be the right one. Rather it is a look at making decisions by listening to God as you sit in His presence. It guides you in the stripping away of those things that get in our way of making decisions. Quotes like- minimalism is not that you should own nothing, but that nothing should own you; you really never get enough of what you don't really like; if this horse is dead, it's time to dismount; challenged me to clear the decks of my soul so I can do the next right thing in my decision making. Emily urges us to not be so busy willing airplanes to stay in the sky that we miss what's happening right outside our window. I would place this book on your spiritual formation genre "to read" list.
I received a preview copy from Revell Publishers in exchange for an honest review of this book and I am a part of Emily's Launch Team.
Space for the soul is the complete description of this gem of a book. Emily P Freeman Crete’s a piece of art that really spoke to me. Reading this is such a breath of fresh calming air reading her thoughts on taking care of the most important part of ourselves, our souls. I highly recommend the book. Also I will be referring back to this quite often it’s that good!
“We want to make good decisions, but the decision is rarely the point.”
A year ago I discovered The Next Right Thing podcast. I have been a fan of Emily P. Freeman’s work since 2010 when I discovered her blog, Chatting at the Sky. Her voice is consistent, her heart is gentle and her words are wise. She truly focuses all of her efforts on “making room for your soul to breath” and now has added to that the purpose of “so you can do the next right thing in love.”
This book provides numerous practical insights and actions for making decisions.’s also so much more! As Freeman puts it, “This is a book about making decisions. It’s also a book about making a life.” She goes on to say, “The decision is rarely the point. The point is you becoming more fully yourself in the presence of God.”
That’s the beauty of this book, Freeman will never tell you which decision to make. Instead, she will gently point you to Jesus and remind you that you can trust Him in the journey. I can not recommend this book highly enough. Whether you have a looming decision or not, this book has the potential to be life changing. It is not just a repackaging of the podcast, but expands and expounds upon what she’s already shared there in ways that make it interesting to both regular listeners and a new audience.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received an ARC via Netgalley free from the publisher as a member of The Next Right Thing launch team. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
I knew I would love The Next Right Thing by Emily Freeman as soon as I read "stillness is to my soul as de-cluttering is to my home." In this hectic fast-paced go big too busy world we live in it's so refreshing to read a book that inspires stillness, silence, and freeing of one's time long enough to fully get to know and embrace The Next Right Thing.