Member Reviews

This book was good, a little slow and not amazing but I would definitely pick the sequel up at some point!

I'll give this book 3 stars because I'm holding out hope for the series. This book is good, don't get me wrong, it just isn't fab, but it has promise and potential as the series goes along. Many people liken it to Eragon or Harry Potter. I don't see Harry Potter, there really isn't magic in this book, but I guess Eragon due to the dragons and Elves. I liken it more to Lord of the Rings, there are Elves and mentions of Dwarves, but more than that, this book is the set up for what comes next. You have to spend years as Jahrra grows up, she learns, trains, endures bullies, the loss of her adopted family, and being raised by an elderly dragon, never knowing who she really is or the responsibility resting on her. Unlike Harry Potter or Eragon, you aren't immediately sucked into a book you just can't put down. However, the promise of what to come is tantalizing. #NetGalley #TheFinding

I received this via netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
I enjoyed it but wasn't my best read. This book was just slow. I couldn't connect with the characters. The world building was fun and unique but just slow for me.. However, the characters were very well flushed out but I just didn't connect with them. I will continue reading. This is book one so I am sure the world is just being built. .

The Finding (The Legend of Oescienne, #1)
by Jenna Elizabeth Johnson
What an enlightening book. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I think this book would be a great resource for teaching children. The quote from this book that is of a particular note is the Dragon Ideal the Great Crest of the Dragons. The concept that Three Qualities, Knowledge, Strength and Loyalty. Each balanced by two aspects, Knowledge by Truth and Understanding, Strength by Patience and Endurance, and Loyalty by Love and Honor. It is this concept that makes me want to use this book in a classroom. Something to teach children how to see the world by a perspective of understanding, patience and honor. The adventures of this young human in a world of elves and other magical creates can show students that we are not always accepted by everyone, but that through understand we can defeat our antagonists. The series is off to a great start will place the author on my watch list so I can continue the rest of the story.

While this book is admittedly not the action-packed fantasy novel I was expecting it does set the scene for action in the rest of the series. The majority of this book focuses on Jahrra starting school and dealing with the bullies in her class which I think would be quite enjoyable for a younger reader.

I love the world that Johnson creates here. My main issue with this novel is that it is slow. Not much happens, although I love the spunkiness of the main character and the dragons too - although they do tend to smile a lot. The plot is very slow for an adult, but I think for a much younger reader, it would be quite enjoyable to go through all of the daily events that Jahrra experiences. The entire novel revolves around Jahrra being found and growing up. For an adult or even young adult, this is not a lot to engage in, with only vague threats indicating the future direction of the series. I would recommend this for younger readers, mainly middle school students. I think it is a beautiful world that Johnson has created and would be a great introduction or continuation for a young reader's journey in the fantasy genre.

DNF 20%
I just couldn't get into the plot. I tried twice to pick up this book and get myself to buy into it but I couldn't get there.