Member Reviews

Twist and turns that keeps me guessing with each turn if the page , and had me on the edge of my sit as well .

What an amazing thriller this had so many twists and turns I felt like I was on a rollercoaster and I love a good plot twist fantastic keeps you guessing roo the very end

A domestic thriller of sorts with an unreliable narrator in Diane, who has no memories from a period in her life and is spiraling downward. She's also kind of unlikable. That. however, doesn't mean that this isn't a fast and entertaining read. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.

An unreliable narrator with an unravelling mind makes for a rapid page-turner that's ideal if you like a bit of shade when enjoying your beach read.

Thank NetGalley for the ecopy for my Kindle.
There was suspense and some twists that I didn't see coming, so overall, it was an easy read.

Valerie Keogh's novel "The Housewife" started off with a depiction of a wife and mother who is recovering from a breakdown---Diane has no memories from several months and is trying to piece her life together after leaving an institution designed to help her.
In typical, domestic thriller form, I spent a lot of time trying to decide how I felt about the husband (because it's always the husband, isn't it?). Keogh manages to cast doubt on many characters throughout the novel, including Red and Anne, who women Diane meets after volunteering at a consignment store.
My only critique of the book is that the character of Diane was sometimes frustrating. She quit her volunteer position after one day and failed to tell her husband about it, she hires a babysitter to pick up her daughter, drive her home, and watch her without actually meeting her in person (what kind of a mother does that?).
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was a fast, fun read.

I read to the end but did almost give up a couple of times. It was hard to feel much sympathy for Diane, the main character, as she didn't seem to be doing much to help herself. I found the story a bit boring at times and skipped quite a few pages, but must admit the ending did come as a surprise.
Thanks to the publisher for a review copy.

This is the first book I have read by this author and it won't be the last. I was gripped from the first page. The housewife Diane is a well portrayed unreliable narrator and the ending I raced towards took me by surprise. I recommend this book.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to read and review this book.
After losing and replacing my broken Kindle and getting a new phone I was unable to download the title again for review as it was no longer available on Netgalley.
I’m really sorry about this and hope that it won’t affect you allowing me to read and review your titles in the future.
Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

The book was a page turner to the end. I read it in one sitting and hated when it was over. Great job.

A slow burn thriller. I'm pretty well versed with thrillers and continually read them, so I was somewhat let down with this one.. It's more of a domestic thriller. Not memorable, but a book still worth reading.

The Housewife is a domestic noir thriller. Diane a doting housewife and mother to Emma, feels that she is being stalked. Who is this woman following her? Is she really there or is it all in her head? Diane is pushed to the point of no return; she’s on the edge of another breakdown. Will she get a grasp on reality and the truth or is it too late? 3.5 stars

I was gripped from the start and genuinely couldn't work out whether Diane was imagining things for a large part of the book and who she should really trust. Full of tension and very compelling. I'll look out for more from Valerie Keogh in the future!

Just an average sort of read. Not very thrilling and it would have made a better short story then the pace could have been tighter.

A thrilling read which kept me turning the pages, characters you care for and just brilliantly written. Great novel!!

This is labelled as a psychological thriller which is a genre I love. It was for me just an ok read . It wasn’t a book that I couldn’t put down but at the same time I wanted to finish it to find out what happened . The middle of the book was in my opinion a bit dragged out as all it seemed to focus on was wine drinking and the child sleeping . Only a 3 star read for me .

A great page turner with pace and tension that kept me turning the pages until the end. Thanks to NG and the publisher for the advance copy,

New author for me but pleasantly surprised. Thank you for the approval and look forward to a book relationship with other reads in the future,

Every time I read a story like The Housewife I feel like someone is telling my story via their own. This book kept me awake, kept me reading (I even missed my train station). It kept me thinking.
Simple enough title and premise: bored housewife, uninterested husband, perfect child and perfect house. But the perfection can be misleading. The secrets swept under the expensive rugs can be deadly. The humans can be cruel to unimaginable extent.
Read this is you are a housewife. Read this if you are a husband. And definitely read this if you are.... well, you will have to read it to figure it all out.
The author has done a great job with creating the suspense, the dreading of something bad happening. And when it was all revealed... the dread did not dissipate.
Five stars to the author for creating such characters that work together so well to tell this story.

This book did not life up to the hype for me. Not a bad story overall just couldn't get into it for some reason. Just ok, sorry. Thank you publisher and netgalley for this arc in exchange of an honest review. I do appreciate the opportunity.