Member Reviews

I loved Anna Hope's two other books - they are quiet and thoughtful with a gut wrenching turn in the plot which has left me thinking back to the tale years after I have finished reading. Therefore I read 'Expectation' with high hopes, whilst I can categorise this book as perfectly serviceable and fine, it has not had quite the same impact as her other books.

Dashed hopes aside, I did enjoy this story. Three friends from home and University, starting out in life, fresh faced and perky, only to have their hopes, dreams and expectations ruined by the cruel world and in some cases, their friends. Maybe I am old and sceptical, but that's life, perhaps modern Britain has driven me to a pit of pessimism. Anyway I read it and thought 'yeah that happens' and was slightly surprised at how forgiving the women are, because as well as being old and sceptical I am obviously unforgiving as I would not be meeting up for picnic and chats with Lissa.

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I have loved Anna's previous novels - Wake and The Ballroom, so have been eagerly awaiting new writing. A writer that truly brings something different to each novel. There is no sitting back and churning out another book in a similar vein to the novel before - the settings, the plot style, the time period so totally different every time. But what does remain is a core trio of characters - seriously why do more writers not do this - it works so so well - and brilliant insightful writing.
Expectation is the story of three friends from school days to university and beyond - into marriage, relationships and motherhood. Perfectly capturing friendships and fallouts, the struggles and otherwise of motherhood, love and marriage. The flaws in us all, the flaws in our friendships. I haven't read a book that captures the reality of it so so well in a long time.
Very different to Anna's previous novels in terms of a contemporary setting. Truly authentic wiring, I will be recommending far and wide

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