Member Reviews
When Josie and Noah arrive at his Mother's home for dinner, they find his Mother face down in the dirt of her flower garden. Searching for clues, they find rosaries in the garden and a baggie containing interesting items that initially do not appear to be related hidden in her home. Noah's Mother is a well-liked woman who is a pillar member of society. Her murder is shocking and has everyone who knows her scratching their heads. Like most of the cases in this book series, this murder hits close to home and threatens Josie's relationship with Noah.
I love Lisa Regan books and particularly this series. Josie remains a strong yet flawed character who continues to deal with personal issues while conducting her investigations. She still has some growing to do and I assume that readers will see this over the course of the series. She still tends to act impulsively and poor judgement, but again, in future books, I believe there will be more growth. The reader is also shown how Noah, a fellow police officer, is coping with his Mother's death, experiences the grieving process while at the same time knowing the in-place procedures for investigating his Mother's murder.
For me, this book was an incredibly fast read. I was sucked in right away and glued to my seat. I enjoy how Regan weaves her plot and subplots together. There are some twists and turns in this book which some readers may or may not see coming. I always anticipate new books in this series and highly recommend starting at the beginning of this series. Not only are all of the previous boos in this series riveting, but character backstory/ history, character development and story arc are there.
This book was fast paced, captivating, interesting and had me doing my own detective work.
Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.
What….on…EARTH!!!!! I was NOT expecting that, AT ALL!! Again, this is where I am so glad that I don’t read blurbs because if I had, I probably wouldn’t have been as shocked by the storyline, personally.
But I was, so right now that’s neither here nor there. Seriously. ‘The Bones she Buried’ may be book number five in the series, but it is an absolute blinder of a book. I swear this series gets better and better each time!!
Josie and Noah are debating over baked goods or, in Josie’s case’ BURNT goods. Let’s just say that baking isn’t her forte but because the couple were about to go for lunch with Noah’s mum, I think that Josie felt as though she had a point to prove.
Unfortunately lunch was no longer on the menu after they discover Noah’s mum deceased in the garden. Did she have an accident, or did someone kill her?
Trying to be Noah’s girlfriend and do her job, really took a toll on Josie and that was evident very early on. Her personality is one which is so used to hiding her emotions under lock and key in favour of being practical first. If you have read the other books in the series, you’ll be well aware that that hasn’t exactly done Josie many favours in the past. With a background like hers though, can you blame her?
As I said above, ‘The Bones she Buried’ is book five in the series abd whilst it does work well as a standalone, I personally think that reading the other four books would be advantageous so that you have more of an understanding to the way Josie works, as well as why she is the way she is. It isn’t a necessity, but as I think the books are brilliant, it’s a win win situation either way.
There is a lot of to-ing and fro-ing in the storyline as Josie’s team try to make sense of the new cases that keep appearing, whilst also keeping up to date with any developments in the cases that are ongoing. Personally, I loved watching all of the puzzle pieces come together over the course of the book, and I thought the delivery in reaching the truth was so intense and a bit like the party game, ‘pass the parcel’. I knew that the truth would be revealed, but the excitement of peeling the layers to reach something which could have shown up at any time, had me on the edge of my seat with such thrill and anticipation.
This is a book which will raise your heartbeat slowly, teasing your mind with little snippets of information which you can’t help but think is important. It is brilliant, twisted, and so very clever, I did not see the outcome coming at all. I had my opinions on who I felt would be in the firing line, yet Lisa Regan completely blew that out of the water and left me thinking, ‘what the f……!!!!!’, and boy I LOVED it!!!!
‘The Bones she Buried’ blew me away. I genuinely don’t think that I would ever get bored of this series or Lisa Regan’s highly addictive, persuasive and mind blowing story telling. This is definitely a book to bump up your reading list!
I love this series. The characters are great and they develop more with each instalment. Josie and Noahs relationship goes through a lot in this book. Josie has to try and investigate his mother's death and be Noah's girlfriend at the same time. The story is gripping from the first page and full of action and twists. Definitely a great read.
Thank you to Netgalley for my copy.
The Bones She Buried is the latest in the Josie Quinn series. Noah Fraley's mother has been brutally murdered in her own home. Matters are complicated further because Noah is Josie's colleague and boyfriend. Colette Fraley seemingly didn't have any enemies and yet her murder was most definitely personal in nature. The Fraley home was ransacked and it becomes clear the killer was searching for something. This sets off a chain of events which soon leads to another murder. This is Josie's toughest case so far, with no motive how do you catch a killer? I enjoyed this book.
After finishing each book by this author I have read up till now, I was left gobsmacked. This one had the same effect on me. I don't know how she does it, but she manages it over and over again.
I love Josie Quinn. Her background makes her an even more interesting person and that adds some extra pizzazz.
The prologue of the book already turned my blood cold. The author keeps you waiting for a very long time before she reveals what happened, because during the biggest part of the story you wonder how and where it fits in. I like that very much. It certainly makes sure you are alert :)
One of the characters really got on my nerves because of the way he acted. I was very pleased to find out that he was one of the culprits. Way to go, Lisa LOL
.In my opinion the author has created a great series and I hope she is not ready to say goodbye to the Denton police department for a very long time. I most certainly am not.
I will be counting the days until book 6. 5 stars.
Josie Quinn is a detective, her partner Noah Fraley is not just her work partner, they are also in a relationship.
So, when the pair go to his mothers, and find her dead in the back garden, it begins an emotional roller coaster of a ride for Josie.
Noah’s mother was Mrs Perfect, she kept a beautiful house, cooked, baked and was generally accepted as being a pillar of the community. Mainly the opposite to Josie.
So when her death is found to be a murder, and it looks like she has been keeping secrets for years, Noah has difficulty believing the evidence. In his sister he has an ally who really doesn’t like Josie.
Noah’s moms house had been searched by whoever killed her, but nobody knows what they were looking for.
When the garden is examined the investigators find a set of Rosary Beads and a file with a name on it. The file is labelled with the name of a famous missing person.
What is Noah’s mom connection with Drew Pratt, an Assistant District Attorney who has been missing since 2006. Is this what the murderer was looking for.
The investigation continues with Josie and her team, minus Noah, trying to solve the murder and re-examine the disappearance of the ADA.
The trail leads them through historic crimes and looks at who is trying to tidy up the mess from years earlier, and why do it now, what has happened to make somebody start to kill people to cover a crime from over 12 years ago.
It’s not just the case that makes this story a good read. It’s the strain it puts on the relationship between Josie and Noah. Both have guarded pasts that not everybody knows about. They rely on each other to keep themselves safe both physically and mentally.
Josie isn’t used to working without Noah, and is less used to him putting up barriers, but as long as she is insinuating his mother knew something about the crimes of the past, the more distant he becomes.
With Noah’s sister feeding the increased fire that is coming between him and Josie it is hard to see the relationship lasting, and if it does fracture can it ever be repaired.
This is a cracking series of books. I love the relationship between Josie and Noah. I love the big city investigations in what is little more than a big town, with a small town Police Force.
The crimes are always realistic and are set in a great area.
This book takes the series to a whole new level. The investigation of a crime that involves a family member has brought a tension to the text that is palpable.
I really could not put this one down, this is the book they invented the phrase “page turner” for.
Roll on the next book in the series. I really need to know what happens next.
Josie Quinn is back and better than ever!
This is the fifth book in the Josie Quinn police procedural series and it is just as strong if not stronger than the previous books. I have a love hate relationship with this series, I love when a new book is out and I hate waiting for the next book! I mean seriously Lisa Regan can’t you write a little faster? Kidding! Lisa is able to write four stellar books in a year, I am most impressed and I can’t possibly complain. Although after this ending I am more than eagerly anticipating book six!
The book starts off with Josie and Noah about to go have dinner at Noah‘s mothers house, Noah‘s mother hasn’t exactly warmed up to Josie as of yet. Josie is a girl after my own heart, she is attempting to impress Noah’s mother and ends up burning at least three desserts in the process. This is all quickly forgotten because when they arrive at Noah’s mother’s house they discover her laying face down in the dirt without a pulse. It turns out Collette (Noah‘s mother) has been murdered suffocated with the soil in her garden, a terrible way to go. The house has been searched, what was the killer looking for? Why would anyone possibly want to kill sweet Collette? Josie discovers some hidden items that might have something to do with the murder, but how are they linked? That’s all I’m giving to you about the plot, don’t want to spoil anything.
Josie is a great character, she has grown so much over the course of these books, but she still does some pretty foolish things. There was One or maybe two times during this book I wanted to reach through the pages and shake some sense into her. I’m glad she has Trinity in her life now to tell her what’s what. I was happy to see all the characters from the previous books, it’s like visiting old friends. I especially liked seeing Gretchen again after the previous book where all her dark secrets were revealed, she is probably my favorite after Josie. I have a saucepot for Noah as well, however he did frustrate me a bit in this book, had to remind myself that he had just lost his mom a couple times. There are a few new characters introduced and I am curious to see how they develop and what part they play in the series.
Once again I had a brilliant time playing detective along with Josie and the gang! I will be enthusiastically awaiting the next book in this wonderful series! Recommend!
*** many thanks to Bookouture for my copy of this book ***
Thank you NetGalley for the e-ARC of The Bones She Buried by Lisa Regan. When Josie and Noah arrive at Noah's mom's house for dinner, they find Noah's mother dead in her garden. Mystery surrounds her death. More questions are raised as Josie investigates the death. This is a gripping thriller that you will not want to put down.
Painful to read how the relationship between Josie and Noah is an the verge breaking because of what happened to Noah's mom and a sister with no love for Josie. Almost till the end I had no idea what was going on whatsoever with the case. Great story with likeable and not so likeable characters. Five stars and a must read series!
I chose to read this book and all opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased. Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture!
This is the fifth book in the Josie Quinn series but only the second one I have read. However, it works completely as a standalone and, although I am sure if you have read all of the books in the series there may be minor enhancements you would pick up from knowing more of the back story of the characters, new readers should not be at all put off starting the series with this book, with the delights of reading the back list then waiting for them!
This time around the crime is very personal to Josie, and to her boyfriend Noah, as it involves the murder of his mother, Colette. I really enjoy the way that the novels are revealing more and more about the personal lives of the officers in the Denton Police Department, it makes the reader more invested in the series as it goes along… very clever! The story line also allows Lisa to portray strains on the main character, Josie, in both her professional and personal lives as she struggles he demands of solving a tough murder case along with dealing with Noah’s grief and she doesn’t always get it right. It gives the book a very interesting dynamic and an extra level of tension for the reader which I greatly enjoyed.
The murder itself is very complicated, involving a decades old case and trying to work out how Colette could be involved. Lisa is very good about only dropping tiny clues and throwing in plenty of red herrings, extra bodies and lots of action, so you will be gripped from beginning to end and I certainly did not see the resolution coming right up until it was revealed right at the end. From that perspective, the book is very satisfying for fans of the genre. I will say that the whole plot is completely improbable and requires the reader to suspend their disbelief to quite a degree. However, for me, this is part of the fun of these books and a signature of Lisa’s writing so I say, go along for the ride and enjoy it as the escapism that it is.
I really love Lisa’s writing style. It is extremely accessible and easy to read, gripping and with plenty of impetuous to keep the book rolling along. Josie is a fantastic character, I love her drive and forthright manner, she is an easy protagonist to identify with. Lisa always does a wonderful job of leaving you with the odd little question about the characters and what will happen next, making you want to pick up the next book to find out. This is a series that still has plenty of places to go and I am sure her many devotees can’t wait for book six. I know I can’t.
This is book #5 in the Detective Josie Quinn series. I have read all the books of this series and whilst they can all be read as standalone novels, to understand the story I would recommend reading the books in order.
I’ve loved each and every one of these books and was excited to be returning to what feels like my old friend Josie! The story picked up nicely from the previous book where we were just seeing Josie starting a new relationship with colleague Noah. This book begins with a bang and straight into the action when Noah’s mother, Colette Frahley is found dead in her garden, her mouth filled with soil. I felt, not only for Noah whose obvious grief was insurmountable, but also for Josie who appeared to be stuck between what to do for the best – be there for her partner in his time of need or try to find who killed Colette. She certainly took flak from both Noah and his sister for how she was running the investigation and I have to admit, I admired Josie so much for her patience and tolerance in how they behaved with her – I’m not sure I would have been so understanding, no matter the circumstances!!
The storyline was fantastic and, with a fast pace throughout, the plot twisted and turned all the way to the last page. Trying my best to work out who the killer was and why they did it before it was revealed to me, I was left wrong guessing at every turn! The writing was so cleverly done that I just couldn’t work it out until it was spelled out on the page for me. Whilst I’m not usually keen on US based thrillers, I love this series and where it is based. Set in the small town of Denton, Pennsylvania the location was described perfectly. Coming from a small town in the Midlands with houses as far as the eye can see I always struggle to comprehend the vast open spaces and remote houses that this series of books shows me!
I really enjoyed this latest instalment in Josie’s life… actually, I LOVED this latest instalment!! The series is getting stronger and stronger with every book and Josie is fast becoming my favourite female detective. I love her character and despite having such a traumatic life, she is such a strong and determined woman, not only as a police officer but also in her personal life. The other regular characters throughout the series all complement Josie’s character so well, and I loved having Gretchen back working with her, even if it was only behind the desk!
This book had everything you could want in a police thriller – plenty of murders, lots of suspects, bagfuls of suspense and secrets by the bucket load. You will definitely need your detective cap firmly in place to be able to work it all out before Josie does and when you do get to the end, remember to breathe because if you’re anything like me, you’ll be holding your breath in the anticipation of what is revealed! Fabulous!! I wouldn’t even consider giving it anything less than 5 stars!!! Roll on book #6!
Josie Quinn is looking forward to a dinner with main squeeze Noah Fraley and his mother, Colette, but discovers her body in the backyard instead. Noah is a high-ranking member of Denton's police department along with Josie. Enter the vicious, despicable murder of Noah's mother and his sister, Laura, makes a hasty appearance and then serves as the malicious counterpoint to Noah's shattered persona. Gretchen (on desk duty) is a close friend of Josie and serves up a level-headed and sympathetic posture.
Jaw-dropping scenes between Josie and Noah took me totally by surprise. Must have been his feminine side lashing out. That perspective set my teeth jangling while Josie doggedly pursued the investigation and it would not have been the first time I'd have tossed a partner to the curb, right along with his sister. Right in the middle of this befuddlement comes Luke (her ex-fiancé), who I thought, "great, the perfect alternative!" Or maybe not...(what's his history again?)
As Josie gets deeper into the investigation, however, the plot takes a decided twist and dives into a complex, somewhat convoluted conspiracy. Colette is the first, but not the only one to succumb to the antagonist and as the plot becomes more far-reaching reaches into the realm of plausible deniability.
Josie seems a rather damaged protagonist whose personal life (and romantic choices) fall below the average. Having a nebulous background, she is driven to compete in a male-dominated field, but hasn't yet discovered quite where she is most comfortable and still appears a bit vulnerable. I had a problem relating to several of the characters and never quite invested in Josie. The book could function as a standalone and, for me, too much over-wrought background on Josie would only have served to further alienate the main character. And Noah? No...just, no.
I received this ebook download from the publisher and NetGalley and appreciated the opportunity to read and review and this is my own opinion. Recommended for fans of the author and this series or for those who enjoy a fast police procedural, crime fiction read. 3.5/5 stars
This book was a intense and emotional read. It came on strong, and did not let go. With the crime hitting so close to home for the characters, we get a upclose view of the shattering effects murder has on a family. Once again, Josie proves she is a force to be reckoned with, and stronger than she ever realized she could be. I love this series, I can't get enough of it!
Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the arc.
What a tragic beginning to a enthralling story! Stressed out, but happy to be with her partner Noah Fraley, Detective Josie Quinn is headed to his mother's for dinner. Devastatingly, thy discover Noah's mother, Colette, dead in the back garden. Shocked, weary and full of disbelief, Noah is beside himself. Josie is in full cop mode. She desperately looks for the killer.
Josie must act fast, because things look very, very bad. Upon searching through Colette's home, a hidden file is called and it is labelled "Drew Pratt". This puts a difficult layer on whatever has happened to Colette. The woman was practically a saint. However, there was a lot of damaging things turned up and it seems Colette was involved in nefarious activities.
Can Josie track down anyone related to Pratt? Unfortunately, inasmuch as they locate Pratt's daughter, she, too, has been murdered. What was Colette keeping secret? Well, these murders proved to be only the tip of the iceberg. To say more would definitely be adding spoilers.
With Josie investigating Colette's background it is no surprise that this wedges a gap between her and Noah. So, this crime thriller has a great emotional edge. All the while, secrets and lies are being exposed. I have read two of the books in this compelling series. Although it has been months, when I read the first two or three lines, I clearly remembered Josie, Noah, Gretchen and others. I felt a strong sense of connection as I moved deeper into the pages of this book.
I love Lisa Regan's style of writing. It is sharp, It is affecting. The ending was a shocker, a true shocker. It left me wanting for more.
Many thanks to Bookouture and to NetGalley for this ARC to review in exchange for my honest opinion.
Oh my gosh this was an incredible book. I loved learning more about Noah and seeing how his relationship with Josie was challenged by such tragedy. I so felt for him and wanted to give him a big hug. They've come so far as a couple and it was interesting to see her being the one to support him through a dark time as it's usually him being supportive of her. I'm already looking forward to the sixth book.
I love this series of books featuring Detective Josie Quinn and her team. This book grips you from the first chapter. Josie and her boyfriend, fellow police officer Noah, are going for a family dinner with Noah’s mum, Colette, but when they arrive they find her body in the garden and it become evident that she was murdered. Josie is determined to find Colette’s killer and also is trying to support Noah at the same time. The house had been ransacked and it was apparent that the killer was looking for something. Josie then finds a hidden box containing items which are linked to missing people from years ago. Noah refuses to believe that his mother had any secrets which puts a big strain of their relationship. This is a very difficult case for Josie to solve as more bodies start turning up and the killer seems one step ahead of her. There are lots of secrets to be uncovered and lots of questions to be answered before the truth is revealed. This is a fantastic read, with plenty of twists and turns and an unexpected ending, I can’t wait for book number six!
Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.
"Sometimes people just got it wrong...It was so easy in hindsight to know what someone should have done."
Josie and Noah arrive for dinner at his mother's house to find her dead in the garden. Sure, Colette had been confused lately, but why did the house appear to have been ransacked? The cause of death appeared to be asphyxiation and Josie knows it was murder. This investigation is going to be extremely complicated as the team is short a detective (Gretchen is on desk duty) and this case is hitting way too close to home. Noah is a mess and soon his and Josie's relationship is in danger. (Probably due to Noah's pregnant sister being mean). It seems that Colette Fraley was keeping a secret -- one worth killing for. NO SPOILERS.
This was typical police procedural and the fifth in a series that I've read from the beginning. Lisa Regan gives the reader some backstory about the characters in the event that others are reading this as a standalone or out of order, and there's enough information for anyone to figure out most of the past even though it's all quite complicated, especially with regard to Josie's personal life, past marriage, and her familial situation. I must admit that I found the interaction and relationship situation between Josie and Noah to be quite jarring. I get it, he is grieving, but honestly he was acting like a jerk and so was his sister, and what didn't make any sense at all was him questioning what Josie was doing as far as trying to solve his mother's murder. I mean, he's a cop!!
The plot was complex and the case quite complicated and it took ages to get to the why and who of the crime and get that secret revealed. No real surprises at the conclusion and the explanation was quite a stretch considering all the deaths. I'll probably want to read further installments in this series but this particular book wasn't as exciting and thrilling as previous titles, at least for me.
Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for this e-book ARC to read and review.
I do love a Josie Quinn investigation! This is a series I just love getting into, being back with the team. I must admit I do still need to read book 1 and 2, and this book did refer back to book 1 in particular. But I read this book just fine without having read them so you can too. I just want to know more history!
Anyway onto this book! The Bones She Buried! Wow this was a little blighter of a book! It kept me guessing throughout, like trying to make a circle peg fit in the square peg, something just did not fit properly! It was not until the final chapter when Josie and the team found that circle peg and made it fit did you see what was going on. With the murder of Noah Farley’s mum, Josie knew this would be a big case but she had to balance her personal life with Noah and his family, to her work life and solving the murder. All turned out to be so much bigger and closer to home in many ways that either of them could imagine.
Josie’s life is just never easy! I do not remember a time when things have not been so hard for her! Come on surely she deserves a break! Or a case where it does not include one of her team members in one way or another. Can this be arranged?
To solve this, Josie needed to uncover some big secrets, look back at cold cases and try to figure out how the hell she could stay one step ahead of this cold murderer. I mean how is everything linked? Is it all linked? It is a needle in a haystack for sure!
This was not my favourite book in the series, but it is still a strong story in its own rite. I had a couple of niggles with a couple of elements in the book to do with Colette’s murder and the reasoning behind it, as to me, it was obvious that it did not fit. However, the team have to learn themselves and we watch them realise this. Actions of one of the team were questionable and it will be exciting to see what fall out there is in the next book.
I do love this series! I am invested. I flew through this book in two sittings as it was action-packed, something was always going either personally or at work for Josie. I could not foresee how this would end and with so many red herrings it does keep you guessing a lot! With a bittersweet element to the case, the next book is definitely going to be interesting! I certainly did not see it coming!
I can not believe that we are on book 5 already! It feels like I was only starting the series yesterday!
The Bones She Buried by Lisa Regan is the 5th book in the Detective Josie Quinn mystery series, and my first book by this author. Josie and her partner Noah arrived for dinner at Noah mother, Colette, house for dinner. When they were unable to find Colette in the house they looked outside and found her body in the garden with her mouth clogged with dirt. Wow this book grabbed me from the very first page, and kept me going. This book has more twists and turns, that kept me reading page after page. Just when I thought I was on the right track, I realize I wasn't. I found this book to be a quick read, with a well developed plot and characters. I am looking forward to reading more books by this author. If you love mysteries like I do, than I recommend this book.
I reviewed a digital arc provided by NetGalley and the publisher. Thank you.
Do we really know our parents past ? When Noah's mum is found murdered in her garden, Josie has to dig into her past to find why someone would kill a seemingly innocent gentle lady whilst trying to help Noah with his grief
This is another gripping rollercoaster of a read that keeps you gripped and guessing from start to finish