Member Reviews

'The Ultimate Guide to Surviving in the Wild' by Clive Gifford is an ebook with information to survive in various circumstances.

The book envisions various dire survival situations like Lost in the Sahara Desert or Alone in the Amazon. It talks about why this might have happened, and what your main priorities are (hint: it's usually water and shelter). There are sections on deadly animals, where to find food and water and how to flag down help.

This is the kind of non-fiction book I would have read when I was younger. It's got interesting information for a variety of scenarios, lots of great pictures, and survival stories by others who have made it out of similar circumstances.

I received a review copy of this ebook from Quarto Publishing Group - QEB, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

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I read this book and found it very informative. I don’t know how many of the situations are ones that I may find myself in. However, it was entertaining nonetheless. By reading it, though, it may help a person to survive other, similar situations.

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Here is to hoping that you never have to use this book in real life! Witty and informative, this book is a treat to read!

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From the writeup it looks good, but it didn't display properly on my computer, so it is hard to make a judgement. This looks like just the kind of thing that a lot of middle schoolers are interested in.

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There is a lot of good information in this book. Having lived in areas where you could easily have to put some of into use, I appreciate the time and effort Clive Gifford spent to put together a comprehensive guide to help keep you safe when travelling into a naturalist area. Even if you never have to use the information, it's a very good read.

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This is a fact packed and fun book that would make a great gift for every little adventurer you might have in your life.
It covers 7 dangerous scenarios and provides information that could help you survive the most dire circumstances. For example: being stuck in the Australian outback, lost at sea, or stranded in a rainforest.
I don't know that this book has prepared me to actually survive, but it has definitely made me cross out any places near/in rainforests of my travel list (if your child is very scared of bugs, they might do the same).

To conclude: I hope none of us need this book, but I think most adventurous or curious children would love this book. It gives you the next best thing to actually being Indiana Jones: pretending to be Indiana Jones whilst sitting safely on the couch ;)

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"The Ultimate Guide to Surviving in the Wild" is mostly for extreme outdoor adventurers and world travelers, or those with an interest in these things. In this book you'll find information and a few tips on how to deal with some of the harshest outdoor conditions in the world—specifically, in the Sahara Desert (northern Africa), Rockies (mountain range in North America), Amazon rainforest (mostly in Brazil), polar wilderness, Pacific Ocean, Australian Outback, and adrift at sea.

I must note that the layout/format/design of the e-book edition is horrible in comparison to the book in print. For this reason, I urge anyone interested in reading this to go with the print version and not the digital version.

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I received an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. While this book was a lot of fun to read and I am really hoping that I never have to use any of the fun facts that I learned. Great bit of info and fun to read parts and pieces.

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The colorful and dynamic photos are wonderful in this book. The maps are helpful as well with chapters including information on survival in such places as the Polar Wilderness, Rocky Mountains, the Outback, at Sea, Amazon Rain Forest and the Sahara Desert. You’ll learn about animals in the area, rules of surviving in the area as well as signaling for help. The tips are helpful in these environments for all skill levels.

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When I requested an ARC of this title, I didn't realize it was written for kids. But our children's librarian happily ordered a copy for our collection. Fun and full of interesting information!

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Quarto Publishing Group and NetGalley provided me with an electronic copy of The Ultimate Guide to Surviving in the Wild. I was under no obligation to review this book and my opinion is freely given.

Although I am definitely not part of the target audience for this book, I thoroughly enjoyed The Ultimate Guide to Surviving in the Wild. The helpful hints and tips are wide ranging and would work well in many different situations and circumstances. The chapters cover scenarios such as being stranded at sea, in the Sahara Desert, the Amazon rain forest, the Rocky Mountains, the Outback, on an island in the Pacific, and in the extreme Polar wilderness. Of course, many readers will not find themselves in these exact areas, but the advice given is still invaluable. Each section features the story of a real life survivor, so readers are able to put into perspective the dangerous terrain and conditions.

The Ultimate Guide to Surviving in the Wild has brightly colored pages and will definitely draw the attention of young readers. I particularly liked how the author gave pertinent facts about each area, including the weather, the dangerous elements, and the skills needed for survival. As an adult who has gone tent camping and hiking, I nevertheless still learned many useful tips. I heartily recommend The Ultimate Guide to Surviving in the Wild to all readers who are looking for an interesting read about using nature to their advantage, despite the harshness of the conditions for which they might face.

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A fascinating guide into survival techniques should you get lost or marooned in some of the harshest environments on the Earth: the Sahara desert, the Rocky mountains, the Amazon, a Polar wilderness, the Australian outback and the Pacific ocean. You learn about the dangers specific to each place, animals, plants (both edible and those to avoid), the weather- the book is packed with information and facts presented in small memorable chunks. I also loved the selection of beautiful photos that bring the text alive.

Did you know that should you get stranded in a desert you should try to light three fires in a triangular pattern 9-18m apart? this is an internationally recognized distress signal.
How fluent are you in the cloud speak? Do you know the difference between cirrus and nimbostratus? one brings fair weather, while the other one is a harbinger of heavy storms.

A great present for somebody with an adventurous spirit who would love to learn how to be ready for every imaginable situation but never have to use these tips in real life.

Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group for the ARC provided in exchange for an honest opinion.

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If you don't know Leia and Caroline Carrico to ask them personally how to survive the wilderness as they did for two days recently, then this book is your next best bet. They made it out of the woods using survival training, and with what's in this book you can too - or out of the frozen tundra, or the parched desert, or the thick of the Amazon.

The book is short, but it's packed with useful information and it worked well on an iPhone so it's very portable. Anything more might be overwhelming, but something like this is memorable and handy. It covers several different types of locale, from the Sahara desert to the Arctic desert to the salty sea, and from the jungle to the mountains, and it offers simple and readily understandable tips about survival, finding shelter, making shelter, finding food and water, and avoiding dangerous animals.

Also included are real life stories of people who were smart, who did nothing foolish and everything right, and who made it out of being lost in each of these areas. In truth there's nothing better than getting direct advice from people who have been there and who know the risks and solutions, but failing that, this book will help to make a difference. I'd personally have liked a bit more detail on finding water and food, with photographs of the food sources and how to identify you have the right kind rather than something similar which is dangerous, so I don't know if I'd agree that this is quite the ultimate guide, but that aside, I consider this a worthy read which will at the very least inform you of the dangers and some realistic solutions.

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The Ultimate Guide to Surviving in the Wild
by Clive Gifford

Heaven for bid I would ever get lost in the desert, but if I did this guide tells you what you need to do to survive. This is a good reference book for clubs that teach outdoors safety.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


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Couldn't download this so I can't really review it. Seems really interesting though, sounds like something I would check out.

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Here is a book you may enjoy reading but you never want to put into use.
I'm a coward; while I enjoy programmes about bush craft and survival shows, I am a voyeur from choice not a participant. I love reading incredible tales of fortitude and endurance where people have survived against the odds. They say an instinct to live drives you on to survive and hope for rescue.
This is therefore a special read. It places us in various scary wilderness scenarios and for each chapter provides life sustaining advice and techniques to maintain fitness and increase chances for rescue.
It warns of the dangers that can overwhelm you, from lack of food and especially water, the correct clothing, when to travel if at all, where to shelter, where help may be found. I didn't like all the creatures that may find you part of their survival plan; a wolf might not generally attack humans but I'd more than likely stumble across a hungry one.
There are also tales of those who have walked out of the wilderness or survived the shipwreak. I'm encouraged but no more keen to place myself in a similar situation.
Sometimes the commute to work can be a little disconcerting but I'm not that keen to test out my off the radar accomplishment of shelter building, fire making, beachcombing, river crossing, water desalination skills, play dead for bear techniques and weather observations. Give me GPS or a mobile phone link to the emergency rescue services.
I appreciate things can go wrong and this book could save my life. In a nuclear winter I'd hope to remember large sections of text when supermarkets ran out of food and wild berries and rabbits were my choice for lunch.
The most amazing tale shared in this book is from the early part of last century when Ernest Shackleton, polar explorer kept his crew alive: "Shackleton's extraordinary leadership skills contributed to these 27 men successfully braving the nearly two years they were stranded in the Antarctic, when the expedition ship, the Endurance, was trapped and then crushed in the pack ice of the Weddell Sea."
Now that is a story worth exploring some more but the only ice I require is in my gin.

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Thank you to Quarto Publishing Group - QEB and NetGalley for a digital copy of this book to read and review!
This is an awesome book about tips on how to survive in some of the world's harshest places! I thoroughly enjoyed reading facts about the Sahara Desert, the Rockies, etc and details and facts about how to survive the wilderness, wildlife and conditions! This is a well put together book that is sure to captivate young readers with their hearts set on adventure-safe adventure!

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