Member Reviews

When you actively dislike the characters in the book, you know you're going to want to keep reading, if only to justify your thoughts and feelings and make sure you are right.
With so many characters to dislike and false leads to follow, it's a quick couple of sittings read.

Due to a sudden, unexpected passing in the family a few years ago and another more recently and my subsequent (mental) health issues stemming from that, I was unable to download this book in time to review it before it was archived as I did not visit this site for several years after the bereavements. This meant I didn't read or venture onto netgalley for years as not only did it remind me of that person as they shared my passion for reading, but I also struggled to maintain interest in anything due to overwhelming depression. I was therefore unable to download this title in time and so I couldn't give a review as it wasn't successfully acquired before it was archived. The second issue that has happened with some of my other books is that I had them downloaded to one particular device and said device is now defunct, so I have no access to those books anymore, sadly.
This means I can't leave an accurate reflection of my feelings towards the book as I am unable to read it now and so I am leaving a message of explanation instead. I am now back to reading and reviewing full time as once considerable time had passed I have found that books have been helping me significantly in terms of my mindset and mental health - this was after having no interest in anything for quite a number of years after the passings. Anything requested and approved will be read and a review written and posted to Amazon (where I am a Hall of Famer & Top Reviewer), Goodreads (where I have several thousand friends and the same amount who follow my reviews) and Waterstones (or Barnes & Noble if the publisher is American based). Thank you for the opportunity and apologies for the inconvenience.

Well this was a really pleasant surprise!
It has a duel timeline with two separate stories that both have intriguing storylines and pace.
At the end of each part I couldn’t wait to read on to get back to it again and this was the same throughout.
I found this frustrating in part because I just couldn’t work out his the two storylines fit together or how either had significant relevance to the other except the content in each part. Until I hit a certain reveal
Around the 80% mark everything started to fit together and fall into place and my it took me to a brilliant conclusion that was both a surprise and a shock!
It’s everything from heartbreaking to brutal, has happy moments and awful. It really is a true representation of gas-lighting and the paranoia that comes with it.
Absolutely loved it!

Omg talk about a roller coaster read wow this book kept me on the edge of my seat threw out I just couldn't put it down this writer keeps you hooked and once your hooked your not letting go I found this book thrilling the characters were fantastic and well thought out and the little clues all the way threw keep you guessing until the end this book stays with you long after you close the book this book is well worth the read I promise you wont be disappointed

I received this arc from netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I hadn't come across this author before but it had good reviews so I was very much looking forward to reading this. The characters were great and I immediately found myself feeling for Claire as Olivia isn't the easiest baby to look after! I was constantly torn between thinking that Claire was paranoid or losing her mind, or that someone really was out to get her. I suspected just about everyone during the course of this book and I was right with my main guess - although I couldn't figure out why until it was revealed and then it all made perfect sense! I was on the edge of my seat reading this and would definitely read more by this author in the future.

What a great story! This book blew me away. The book has two stories that eventually intertwine. I would think I had the story figured out and I would be wrong. Great twists and turns.

This book has two story lines that happen simultaneously. The second story line I couldn't really figure out what the purpose was of, but soon it all comes together with a massive twist at the end. Highly recommend.

I was really intrigued by the inclusion of the snippets about an abusive marriage and I couldn't work out who it related to for much of the book. The twist around that was great and I certainly didn't expect it. I was completely gripped throughout and couldn't put it down. Can't wait for more from the author!

Tense chilling a Mothers Mistake Kept me racing through the pages.Tense chilling a true page turner.Acauthor Ibwill be following,#netgalley#bookouture

The story prodded me in so many directions that I was in pieces by the time I got to the explosive reveal. And, boy, was it worth it!! The book put me through quite a wringer. This was my first book by author Ruth Heald, and with so many things happening to the main character Claire where she started doubting her own sanity, had me wondering too if I was going bonkers… I literally did not know whom to trust. Generally, with such a main character, I lose interest fast. But Ruth’s writing had me enslaved to my kindle tapping away at the pages. The question burned in my mind like a blazing fire – What was the truth? Why was this happening?
A maze of a book with so many dead ends, my mind kept gathering the suspects. I did guess, but the reason for such an ordeal to occur LITERALLY BLEW MY MIND AWAY!!

Oh my word what can I say about this book to give it the full credit it deserves. It was an absolutely fantastic read. Right from the first chapter I was gripped and it pulled me in all directions. Not knowing who was to be trusted or what to believe. If you enjoy psychological thrillers I wholly recommend this brilliant book.

What was the mother’s mistake? This book is intense and full o dark secrets and twists. I loved it and would highly recommend it to anyone who likes thrillers.

This was an interesting read. I think the main problem is that I just couldn't connect to the main character. There were some twists but most of it seemed a bit predictable.

A great psychological thriller, some good twists. Highly recommend
Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC in return for an honest review.

A great page turner that kept me awake until I was done. This rollercoaster ride built suspense throughtout and left you with a surprsing ending.

It was a bit slow to start and I thought I worked out quite early who was behind why was going on but..the reason why had eluded me. Great book!

Thank you to netgalley the publishers and the author for this ARC in exchanged for an unbiased review
Thought I worked out quite early who was behind why was going on but wow the reason why! well the ending was just shocking!!

Although you knew there were strange things going on I worked out quite early who was behind it, but not why. I found it a bit slow to start but then couldn’t put it down and was shocked by the outcome.

Overall, I thought this was a good read but I chose to rate it low because it was a bit too drawn out and there were quite a few things within the story that aggravated me. The ending wasn't unexpected but it was good nonetheless.

This was a real nail-biter, I finished it in just over 24 hrs (which for me with 3 children is a real achievement!)
Claire, Matt and their baby daughter move into his grandmother’s old cottage whilst they save for their own home. The house is just opposite Matt’s parents house and in the village he grew up in.
Matt struggles to start up his own vets business and Claire feels despair that she isn’t bonding with her daughter as she should.
Little by little Claire begins to doubt herself, her marriage and her ability to look after her baby.
Matt’s Mum invites his old girlfriend for lunch and this is the start of a tale of lies that unfold.
Thankfully Claire has her new Mummy friend Emma for support and is able to confide in her about her concerns.
Running in the background of this story is a snapshot into the life of an abused wife and mother who finds solace in a helpline.
I guessed a little of what might happen at the end, but have to admit the final twist was a real surprise. I will look out for more by this author