Member Reviews

What an amazing thriller this had so many twists and turns I felt like I was on a rollercoaster and I love a good plot twist fantastic keeps you guessing roo the very end

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This was a brilliant read. As soon as I started reading this book I just knew I was going to love it. Highly recommended

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Thank you publishers for letting me read this book.
This book had a great story as well as plot as ever with Louise Candlish. Well worth a read

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Absolutely brilliant book , lots of twists and turns. Great characters . I love this author and can’t wait to read more . Definitely 5 star from me

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I honestly preferred Louise Candlish's Our House (soon to be televised) to this book but it was worth a read.

From snobbish neighbours to the neighbour from hell. You'd be alone If you didn't sympathize with the residents of Lowland Close when Darren and Jodie move in. The question is what would you do, if anything, to rid yourself of all the trouble they are causing? Would you turn a blind eye or be consumed with such rage or despair that there can only be one way out?

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A haunting insight into the way that relationships break down and actions escalate. Really enjoyed the perspectives of all the different neighbours as the story unfolded.

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The writing was great. For me this was quick paced and a good storyline. the suspense made me not want to put the book down and keep going till i got to the end.

this book is really worth buying!

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This was another book that had been sitting on my TBR pile for too long. I was looking for a book for the psychological thriller book club at work and having previously read Our House I thought this would be perfect.

Louise is excellent at taking something so real and turning it sinister. I found myself hating Darren Booth and his girlfriend Jodie. I was furious with all their goings-on and their lack of respect and common decency. I can honestly say that if I had lived down that street I would be just as angry as the characters in this book. I felt so bad for them. I have a neighbour who can be quite noisy which has been irritating during lockdown but let me tell you I feel like a fraud for complaining about him when I read this book.

I can't say that I liked all of the residents on the street if I am honest. I found some of them a bit snobbish and while Darren and Jodie are the neighbours from hell that no one wants I can't say that if the rest were my neighbours that I'd be making friends any time soon either! That being said they did have my sympathies.

Louise does a stellar job of creating mystery and intrigue. I spent so long trying to work out who it was that had been killed and of course who had been the one to do it. It was so well done. I was not expecting what happened at all. It was a very addictive read that I could not put down.

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I am in charge of the senior library and work with a group of Reading Ambassadors from 16-18 to ensure that our boarding school library is modernised and meets the need of both our senior students and staff. It has been great to have the chance to talk about these books with our seniors and discuss what they want and need on their shelves. I was drawn to his book because I thought it would be something different from the usual school library fare and draw the students in with a tempting storyline and lots to discuss.
This book was a really enjoyable read with strong characters and a real sense of time and place. I enjoyed the ways that it maintained a cracking pace that kept me turning its pages and ensured that I had much to discuss with them after finishing. It was not only a lively and enjoyable novel but had lots of contemporary themes for our book group to pick up and spend hours discussing too.
I think it's important to choose books that interest as well as challenge our students and I can see this book being very popular with students and staff alike; this will be an excellent purchase as it has everything that we look for in a great read - a tempting premise, fantastic characters and a plot that keeps you gripped until you close its final page.

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Unfortunately, I have not been able to read and review this book.

After losing and replacing my broken Kindle and getting a new phone I was unable to download the title again for review as it was no longer available on Netgalley.

I’m really sorry about this and hope that it won’t affect you allowing me to read and review your titles in the future.

Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

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I hadn't previously heard of this author but will be checking out her other books after this. A gripping read from start to finish, loved it!

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Can you tell I'm doing a bit of a clean out of reviews at the mo? Since Covid-19 has hit I have read the princely sum of three books, and my slump is showing no signs of abating. Instead, the other night I began to look at books I'd read in my reading prime (January), and unfortunately not reviewed, as I was in a blogging slump (join me next month when I moan about a possible writing slump that is surely due, lol!!). This is another book I jumped for, having heard raves and raves about it. It started out with a problem a lot of people consider when moving-imagine we end up living next door to people we don't like? And so, here we are, in a quiet, idyllic to some, suburban estate, where rules are abided by and everyone's friends. We meet the new neighbours and there's a bit of a run in that makes you think 'yeeks, not a great start,' and then you begin to get an even worse feeling as you realise the new people don't give a you know what and soon everyone are beginning to show sides of themselves that give us a build where you know something has to happen. 

I'll admit with so many characters, and not many of them quite sticking with me, I couldn't get into it as I could have if I was fully invested in them, but saying that, I enjoyed it, the scene most definitely well set, and will definitely get back to some of the author's back catalogue, especially The Swimming Pool, which I hear to be stunning! Thanks so much to Simon and Schuster and Netgalley for the book in return for an honest review.


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Great read which kept me guessing right through. I really enjoyed this book and finished it in two sittings.

I will certainly be checking out more of Louise Candlish's books. Highly recommended.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an advance copy of this title in exchange for an unbiased review

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A great book about a close knit neighbourhood and what happens after the arrival of a neighbour from hell! Fab story told from everyone’s perspectives with some great characters and twists and turns!

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Thank goodness I don’t live in Lowland Way or have awful and inconsiderate neighbours like Darren and Jodie Booth but sadly the reality is that somewhere, someone will. Everybody likes to live in a peaceful and friendly environment and when houses go up for sale it’s every person’s worry, as to who will buy the house and whether they will change the way things have been for so long. “Those People” literally scares the life out of you, if Darren turned up with his fleet of rusty cars your heart would sink.
From the first page I felt stressed (in a purely entertaining way) and truly felt for the residents of Lowland Way. Although typically snobs who don’t like change from the systems they have installed for the street, they are responsible people and look out for each other’s interests. The author has done a fabulous job of making sure the reader actually feels like they lived there on the street and I personally could feel the tension building with each day as something further occurred. By the end of the book I actually felt sleep deprived like Ant and Em!
I liked how the novel was set out, with the police house to house inquiries and then the flashbacks to the event mentioned.
The only negative I have is that it is drawn out a touch and for the morals of the story to be ‘careful what you wish for’ and ‘better the devil you know’ a lot of nothing happened to arrive at the conclusion.
The characters are very over the top and probably unrealistic but I was entertained and anyone who enjoys character driven novels over plot would find this book for them.
I loved the author Louise Candlish’s previous novel ‘Our House’ and did prefer it over this one but I still enjoyed and would happily read more by this author in the future.

3 stars

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Another great read from Louise Candlish. You can really feel the sense of community on the street and the closed ranks between the neighbours. As we never hear Darren/Jodie's side of the equation, we only have the neighbours' version of events, which helps to cast doubt on who is telling the truth. Plenty of twists and a lot of tension. Highly recommended!

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This is a wonderful look at middle class suburbia and what happens when new people who don't fit in with the existing householders idea of ‘the right sort’ of neighbours move in.

Lowland Way in South London is a seemingly perfect model of suburban harmony where the people are pleasant and friendly, houses and gardens are large and well maintained, the children go to good schools in the area and on Sundays the road is closed to traffic to allow them to play games together in the street. But then Darren Booth inherits his aunt's house and moves in with his girlfriend and the dark underside of the street emerges. Darren really couldn’t care less about fitting in or keeping onside with the neighbours. He immediately knocks down a wall, cuts down a treasured tree and turns his front yard and surrounding street into a used car lot with numerous cars in various states of repair. He then starts on haphazard house renovations, running power tools at all times of the day and night and when he isn't doing that he's blasting the neighbours with loud music.

Most all the neighbours are suffering from them living there. The young couple who live in the adjoining house have a young baby who is being woken up by Darren’s banging and drilling at all hours of the day and night. If not that then playing music very loud. They are getting very little sleep.

Sissy, who lives opposite is divorced and makes her living running a B&B. She is finding that her bookings are dropping off as her ‘rating’ on the booking website is going down due to the noise, parked vehicles and construction going on.

Although the other residents are not quite as affected they resent the impact Darren is having on their pleasant street and band together to think of ways to get rid of him, especially as they have tried the police to no avail and the council have also been no help. Any action through the system could take some time and the situation will get worse.

How do the residents cope with their new neighbour and what actions will they take?

Most of the residents are not very likeable but you can see their lives unfold and fall apart because of how they are and how this has an impact on devastating actions. There schemes to remove Darren fail and their true relationships with each other appear. Eventually someone goes too far and the whole street finds themselves under suspicion.

I really enjoy Louise Candlish’s writing having read Our House. Ii will be reading more titles very soon.

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Yet again like Louise Candlish's previous book, our house, Those People centres on someting 'normal life' and then adds a twist in! For this story we follow what happens when the neighbours from hell move in on and idyllic street and then trouble begins to happen. We get to see the goings on from several points of view and try to piee together who did what and why. It kept me hooked and I wjust wanted to read more to find out what was going to happen! I would definitely recommend this book.

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Lowland Way is a quiet, community - and family friendly street in South London. The neighbours are a tight - knit community and they were even awarded for a great concept "Play - Out Sunday" that allows children to play safely on the street when it's closed to traffic on a Sunday. Until everything changes, when one day the Booths move into number 1, immediately starting with the bad neighbour things such as loud music at all hours, noisy renovations, running the illegal car dealing business from home, taking all the free parking spaces there are on the street, forcing the residents to look for a space somewhere further away. And generally, they're unfriendly and not willing to cooperate.
The neighbours gather their strengths again the Booths but the complaints go unheeded and it seems nobody can do anything, their hands are tied. They can't even sell the houses it they wanted because the prices radically went downhill. And then someone dies - but is it really so obvious what has happened? It turns out the list of suspects is as long as Lowland Way itself...

The characters were brilliantly drawn, however none of them were especially likeable but I guess it was intended. However, they feel like real people and I could really follow their frustrations, desperations and anger. But no matter my own feelings towards the characters, I really felt empathy for them, and I could easily imagine how the whole unfairness of the situation made them feel. What was interesting was the way the characters were portrayed - there were many of them, and it takes time to eventually get them all under control, knowing who is who and to whom they belong, and, as I have already mentioned, not likeable at all, and all of them seemed so happy with their lives on the surface, but it turned out that all of them, literally all, had murderous tendency - though, perhaps, it's not a wonder in those circumstances. However, as much as I was a bit disgusted with them, I thoroughly enjoyed their stories. Because of the multiple points of view it takes time for the mystery to unfold, to actually begin, but the characters were honest and genuine, so we really know what they think. Louise Candlish has a great sense of observation and she really knows how to write about domestic dynamics and manipulation, and it was really sometimes shocking to see the real faces of the characters as the cracks started to appear after not everything runs as smoothly as they wish.

I liked how much interpretation there is left to us about "those people", because I've found myself, more than once, wondering who's really worse. I mean, I wouldn't accept breaking down walls, playing loud music, parking wherever you want, not following the general rules but then, on the other hand, would I accept neighbours policing the neighbourhood, meddling everywhere, thinking they have the right to decide about what's good and what's wrong? Oh my, I am blessed with my neighbours, really... I also liked the pace of this book, it was fast and the changing points of view made it feel even quicker. It was great to read not only about their feelings about the new neighbours but the author also gave us a deep insight into their private lives, letting us see what's really happening behind the closed doors.

Sadly, I enjoyed this book, but not as much as Ms Candlish's previous novels. There were moments that made me feel wow, especially the accidental death, I couldn't get by it, but there weren't enough of those moments. When I finished reading, I though, and that's all? The ending, in my opinion, felt a bit too rushed compared to the fact how long the main story was, and I don't know, but it was not completely this what I was expecting.

"Those People" is for sure a gold standard example of domestic noir/suspense, a genre that Louise Candlish has already proven herself in. Her writing style is so vivid and descriptive, and really, I could easily imagine the horrors of the new neighbours, could hear the shrills, thrills, loud music through her words. Altogether, it was, sadly, not my personal favourite by this author. I think there was so much potential in it but the execution just missed the mark for me, this "something" that I always found in Louise Candlish's books.

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Those People by Louise Candlish is a book that really got under my skin within the first few chapters because of the subject matter “Neighbours From Hell” which I think most people can relate to. Luckily I’ve never experienced anything quite as bad as the residents of Lowland Way, but living in a semi-detached house and having new neighbours recently move in this book really hit home!

Lowland Way is an upmarket residential road with beautiful houses, happy families and at first glance somewhere everyone would want to live. When Darren and Jodie move into #1 Lowland Way everything is turned upside down and this harmonious residential area is turned into a living nightmare for all the neighbours.

This book has a multitude of characters and, to be perfectly honest, none of them are likeable however Darren and Jodie are utterly revolting, obnoxious and vile and I personally wouldn’t wish them on anyone!

Those People is a story of how a bunch of despicable snobs and utter thugs can’t live in harmony and the lengths they go to to protect their homes.

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