Member Reviews

I have a close friend going through fertility problems so this book was especially meaningful for me. I truly felt for these characters. It was an emotional book but I loved it. I will purchase this book for the library and will encourage others to read it. Keep a box of kleenex close.

Amazing book! I didn't want to put it down. The story kept getting better as I turned the pages. I definitely would recommend this book to everyone! Keep your tissues close!

This story is absolutely heartwarming and heartbreaking all at the same time. Milly has always dreamt of being a mother. When she discovers she has a less than 1% chance of conceiving, her best friend Anna offers to carry the child for her. The baby is delivered prematurely. As much as Milly tries, she just cannot form a bond with baby Alice like she had longed for and gives the child to Anna to raise. Part two of the story picks up when Alice is five years old and the choices Anna must make to save Milly's daughter.
The book is written in alternating viewpoints, between Milly and Anna.
It will make you want to hug your BFF and probably share a good cry with them. Have the tissues ready for this one. Great read.

This was an honest and compelling read. To what ends would a woman go to have a child and to keep that child, what would a friend do to help her friends. This is the story of Milly, Matthew and Anna and how their sacrifices made and broke their friendships. I really loved the characters and my heart went out to them. This book evoked lots of emotions in me and I would definitely recommend Not my Daughter.

This was a great read and kept the reader captivated all the way through. The story centres around a couple Milly and Matt who are unable to have children. They decide to have IVF using Milly's best friend Anna and Matt's brother Jack.brother as donars. The author skilfully navigates the emotional dynamics of the arrangement and how it impacts on their relationship with each other. There is a focus on the relationship between Milly and Anna who have been close friends for much of their lives. Once you have read the book it is clear that the pregnancy and birth was only the start of thier journey. Milly's post natal depression shows how vulnerable being a new mum is.
The relationship beteween the four characters is complex and challenging and this is highlighted throughout the book. The pitfalls are huge and there is much sadness and anger at times. When their daughter Alice is diagnosed with Batten's disease this opens up even more challenges both on an day to day basis and emotionally. This is a heartwrenching story which is set within a backdrop of human fraility and kindness. However, love conquors all in this case and although a hard read it gives a true sense of how human beings are able to overcome the extrememe difficulties that life may throw at them.

Milly has been trying for a baby and receives devastating news that she can’t have one of her own. She really wanted to have a child of her own because she is adopted. She wants to feel a connection to her own blood. Her best friend Anna offers to help by donating her eggs so Milly can carry the baby. They consider all the options and decide this is the best one. Milly and Anna stay close during the pregnancy but even then Anna starts to wonder the full impact of what she offered. Milly has a traumatic birth and rejects the baby, Alice. Anna steps in to help while Milly is diagnosed and treated for depression. Anna really bonds with Alice and really starts to wonder what if this were my baby. Milly recovers and finds out Anna’s intentions. Milly asks Anna to leave their life. However years later Milly needs Anna again. It is is heartbreaking story that addresses so many issues, infertility, depression, the issues with complex friendships, and the potential impacts of helping a friend.
I really enjoyed this book. The only reason I rated it 4 stars what there was a LOT going on in the book. It was easy to follow but I think some issues could be expanded on and the book would have been just as good. I would recommend this book!

With Not My Daughter should come with a box of tissues. Kate Hewitt has written a gut-wrenching story of a mother’s love, friendship and the difficult decisions that life often forces us to make. Anyone who made youthful choices that are now haunting regrets will identify with Anna. Anyone who has ever loved a child will identify with them all.
For anyone with fertility issues the plot is not out of reach. It is both believable and plausible which make the ramifications that these people faced even more heart breaking. Written from Milly’s and Anna’s perspective, both sides are treated equally. The author is not trying to make the reader take sides, I know I would have found it impossible to do so. I was reminded of C.S. Lewis’ comments concerning the severe mercy from God as I read Not My Daughter. I don’t claim to know what that means but perhaps the daily joys amiss so much heartache that these characters faced is part of it.
The publisher/author gave me a complimentary ARC of the book which I voluntarily chose to read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Milly has always wanted to be a mother. When she learns that she will be unable to conceive her own child, her best friend Anna offers to donate an egg so that Milly's dream will be fulfilled. When Alice is born, the relationship between these women changes.
This is a beautiful story of friendship, love and the impact of keeping secrets even from those you love the most. It is captivating and written with sensitivity. I appreciated the storyline including post partum depression and I believe the author does a great job describing Milly's feelings during this time.
This is an emotional read but one that also celebrates living despite the challenges that confront us every day.

I received an ARC copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for my honest opinion of it. Anna and Milly have been best friends and inseparable since grade school. Milly receives devastating news at the age of 34 that she will never be able to conceive a baby. This comes after years of trying through specialists, keeping track of her cycles and many more. Her options are surrogacy or adoption. Milly was adopted as a baby and has no desire to go that route as she was never able to be in contact with her birth parents even though her adopted parents are amazing. What happens when her best friend, Anna, offers one of her own eggs to combine with a donor sperm so Milly can actually carry and deliver a baby of her own? Is their friendship strong enough to handle this? I read this book in a day! I loved all of the characters and this story puts you through so many emotions. I highly recommend!

Honestly, I avoid choosing sad books but reading this one was cathartic. Not My Daughter crushes Milly's dreams at every turn but she rises from the dust a stronger and more fierce, mother, wife, and friend. The lesson, hold your children close and appreciate every little thing about them!

I’ve read books by this author before and they have all been powerful and emotional reads, and this one was no exception! Millie and Matt are unable to have children of their own but when Millie’s best friend and Matt’s brother offer themselves as donors so Millie can have her own child, their dream of being parents may finally become a reality.
Just by reading the description I knew this was going to be a bit of a weepy! The story grips you from the beginning and you get into the hearts of the characters straight away. The story switches between Millie and her best friend, Anna, and as their story moves on you realise just how deep their friendship is.
The story takes a different direction when a shock diagnosis is made and it’s at this point in the book where I reached for the tissues as the tears started to flow. The characters are all so realistic, you can’t help but feel their emotions and their pain as they all begin to process what that have been told and the decisions that they have to make.
There are a range of topics covered in this book and, to be honest, none of them are particularly ‘easy reading’! Some may find it difficult to read such things about infertility, egg donation and post-natal depression, so a word of warning if this is a trigger. It has though all been written sensitively and with compassion and understanding.
This book certainly takes you through a rollercoaster of emotions ranging from the heart-breaking sadness to the love that only family and friends can bring. Would definitely recommend, but be prepared for tears!

Kate Hewitt has been one of my favorite authors ever since I read A Mother’s Goodbye which was one of my top read books of 2018. Hewitt continued to blow me away with one of her next release, The Secrets We Keep and again another one of my top reads of the year. Never could I have imagined that Hewitt would ever top A Mother’s Goodbye, but I was so wrong. Not My Daughter is THE book of the year! Hewitt just continues to surprise me and surpass all of my expectations with each new release and is one of those writers that pens an emotional and heartbreaking story that evokes every emotion out of you so expertly. Hewitt just knows all the right buttons to press to make me cry over and over again. Not My Daughter is one of those books that will stay with you for a long time to come.
Milly and Anne have been best friends since childhood. Not only were they best friends, they were more like sisters. So when Milly and her husband Matt receive the devastating news that Milly had a less than 1% chance of ever being able to conceive a child of her own, Anne steps up and offers to become an egg donor. This is what a best friend does afterall. Anne knows how much Milly wants a baby of her own and is determined to make her best friend’s dream come true. Only no one ever expected the heartache that would ensue.
Not My Daughter touches on a lot of subjects such as infertility, adoption, friendships, sickness, and even hope. The story is told in alternating points of view from Milly and Anne’s perspective and here is where the story really shines for me as I was able to relate and feel compassion both both of these women. I think every reader will be able to take something away from this story and apply it to their own life at some point. While, I might not be a mother, I can certainly feel empathy for Milly and Anne as both women have a story that is so heartbreaking and so real. I feel like I got to know both of them intimately which made the story seem all that much more real and honest.
This is not an easy read by any means, it is filled with heartache and grief and so much emotion that I could not stop myself from crying. Not My Daughter is a tear jerker and I don’t think I have ever cried as much as I have with another story like this one especially during the second half of the story. I was completely devastated and to be honest writing this review even has me teary eyed just remembering certain parts of this story.
Kate Hewitt writes multi layered and three dimensional characters that you can’t help but feel empathy and compassion for. Hewitt immerses you into Milly and Anne’s lives so thoroughly making me feel as if I know them both personally and intimately. For me, Hewitt has some of the best written characters in all of her stories and she really shines in character development. While Milly may not have always been my favorite and I may even found her to be selfish at times, I still felt so much sympathy for her as a wife and a mother going through one of the toughest things anyone could ever go through.
Not My Daughter is a heartbreaking and unputdownable story that is both compelling and touching. I read this all in one sitting and the closer I got to the end the more emotional I became because I never wanted the story to finish. To say this story is a five star read is an understatement. There are not enough stars in the world to show how much this book has touched me and for that reason alone Kate Hewitt will always be one of my favorite go-to authors.

A heart-wrenching story
Kate Hewitt, best-selling author of contemporary and historical romance novels and novels that deal with challenging topics presents "Not My Daughter: An Absolutely Heart-Wrenching Page-Turner" which is published by Bookouture. The book plays in Redland in the neighborhood of Bristol and is divided in two sections. The first one tells the story up until Alice's birth. Milly wants nothing more that to be a mother but she will never be pregnant because she suffers from premature ovarian insufficiency at the age of thirty-four. She is not really open for adoption because she was adopted herself. Anna, Milly's best friend offers to be an egg donor., but Matt, Milly's husband cannot imagine to give his sperm for the IVF. Jack, Matt's brother becomes the sperm donor after accepting the request from Matt. But the pregnancy is not without challenges and ends with a premature birth. Milly suffers from postpartum depression (only later she finds out that the reason why she was giving up for adoption was an even more severe case of postpartum depression by her biological mother). Because of Milly's depression it is Anna who cares for Alice after the birth and Alice bonds with her which ultimately causes problems and a seemingly break of the friendship between Milly and Anna.
The second part of the book picks up when Alice is about five years old. Slowly Milly realizes that Alice's health declines and she and Matt are searching for an answer. After Milly informs Anna about Alice's struggles Anna accidentally finds out from her own mother that she had an older brother who died very young of Batten disease. Anna never thought that her gift of an egg for her friend would bring such a lot of heartbreak, especially when it is confirmed that Alice indeed suffers from Batten disease. In the end this diagnosis heals the relationship between Milly and Anna and brings Jack back from France where he had moved.
Kate Hewitt writes in her letter at the end of the book: "... at its heart, "Not My Daughter" is not so much a story about ethics, as about the hidden grace we can find in sorrow and tragedy, and how the worst of circumstances can lead to surprising joy - something I truly believe and have lived out, in a smaller way, myself." It is indeed an emotional, hear-wrenching, sad, and challenging book with great characters and surprising twists. The chapters alternate between Milly and Anna telling the story which is quiet interesting. I highly recommend this book for readers who are not afraid of an emotional challenging story that deals with tragedy.
The complimentary copy of this book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley free of charge. I was under no obligation to offer a positive review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
#NotMyDaughter #NetGalley

I love this author's books and this one was just beautiful! An incredible, moving, heartfelt story that took me on an emotional journey alongside the characters. Love, in all its forms is explored so delicately and sensitively in this beautiful book. A story that makes you think, to care, to bleed, Amazing and very highly recommended.

I received a free e-copy of Not My Daughter by Kate Hewitt from NetGalley for my honest review.
This is the first book I have read by Kate Hewitt. Amazing, emotional and heartfelt story.
Milly and Matthew are heartbroken when they find out that they they have fertility problems. Milly, who was adopted, has dreamed of having a child of her own. She talks to her best friend, Anna about the news. Anna then offers to donate her eggs so that Milly can have a child. She didn't even ask Anna, she just offered without hesitation. Milly then talks with Matt about it. Matt then goes to his brother, Jack and asks he he would donate his sperm.
Joy is suddenly all around as everyone has committed to help Milly and Matthew with their dream of having a child. Several months pass and Baby Alice is born prematurely. Milly is struggling with her emotions as she feels no maternal love for the baby. She decides to leave the baby with Anna and Matt while she goes off to find herself some rest, meditation and help to be the mother Alice needs.
Finally Milly feels well enough to go home but when she arrives she discovers she has a lot more things to deal with. A heart breaking emotional story of love, hope, friendship, lies and despair.

Thanks to meatballs for a chance to read this early copy in exchange for my honest review. Wow totally blown away, honest emotions dealing with post natal depression egg donation and infertility, great read.

This book has so many raw emotions. It’s about friendship and a mother’s love for her child. Milly is unable to have any kids on her own so her best friend, Anna, volunteers to be an egg donor.
Told in dual perspectives between the two friends the author doesn’t hold back when it comes to talking about postpartum depression. There are some very realistic problems brought up in the book. Is Anna her “mother” too? Can she help raise the child she helped create?
I enjoyed reading this story but I was iffy about the “friendship” between Anna and Milly. On the other hand I love that they were flawed. I’m not a mother but I was still able to enjoy this book and the topics it brought to light. It makes for a good discussion.
Thanks to NetGalley, Kate Hewitt and Bookouture for my advanced copy.

Sometimes a review does not need to be long. After reading this book I am gobsmacked, blown away and totally lost for words.
When (not if) you start this book, I am sure your will share my feelings and I suggest you keep the tissues handy.
My heart broke about a dozen times, but the author always found a way to mend it again.
In my opinion, this story deserves a thousand stars and more.
Thank you, Kate Hewitt, Bookouture and Netgalley.

A really lovely story beautifully written with love at it's heart which makes it a very poignant read loved everything about this novel even the sadness a real page turner with a lovely ending a 5 ⭐read

I have mixed feelings about this book. I think I would give it 2.5 stars. It wasn't my favorite book. I think it was the characters. I didn't love them and never felt like I really knew them. Milly and Anna's friendship seemed one-sided. Everything was always about Milly. Anna could have spoken up. She decided to keep what happened to her a secret from Milly, although she found it easy to share it with two men she hardly knew. Matt and Milly pretty much dumped their newborn baby on their friend. I understand Milly was suffering from postpartum depression but Matt had no excuse. Anna did go to the extreme but she was put in an awkward position. From the moment Matt and Milly decided to use Anna's egg , I just knew it wouldn't end well. I'm still not sure why Matt refused to use his sperm. His reasonings sounded ridiculous. Anna was a wonderful friend to Milly. Whenever Milly needed her, Anna was always there. Lara was definitely the worst HR person.
I recommend giving the book a try, especially if you are a fan of the author's previous book. This just happened to not be the book for me. I look forward to reading more books by the author.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bookouture through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.