Member Reviews

** spoiler alert ** I personally found the first half very slow,the only thing that kept me reading was wondering exactly what Harriet had done (I had an inkling,and I wasn't far wrong)
The story line was predictable right to the last page.
Maybe I'm reading too many of these sorts of books.

Thanks to Netgalley and the Avon Books UK for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Harriet lives next door to Lexie and her partner Tom. They can hear what is going on in each other’s apartments but somehow have never laid eyes on each other. Lexie is struggling with infertility and believes Harriet is living an amazing life, meanwhile, Harriet is single and unhappy, longing for a life like she thinks Lexie has.
This book was a whole lot of drama about infertility. I don’t have kids and I don’t want them so this was nothing I was interested in or could relate to and it was a huge part of the book, which is not really clear from the blurb. I would have skipped it, had I known. There is also an element of imagining what other people’s lives are like without really knowing what their struggles are. There was some stalker suspense but I felt like this was really more like women’s fiction. It was well written but it really wasn’t my thing.

This book started quite slowly and I struggled with it but I am glad I did persist as it turned out to be a very good read

Wasn't too sure to start with, I must admit. Not sure if I was struggling to identify with Harriet, a composer who clearly has mental health issues, or the pace of the book.
I persevered and I am glad I did. It is not fast paced but I grew to connect with the characters of Harriet and Lexie throught their different types of emotional pain. Harriet has been emotionally, physically and on occasion sexually abused by fiance Luke who dumps her. Harriet cannot let go. Lexie has a strong, stable relationship with Tom but they cannot get pregnant and have to undergo IVF. Lexie does not want to let go of the dream of motherhood. Harriet and Lexie live next door to one another in an anonymous block of flats in London.
This story is all about perception, impressions, the view we portray to others, the things we believe about ourselves and each other, how everyone has it better than we do. Except of course we don't and misconceptions abound. The two women have a very skewed idea of the other but the difference is Lexie is very good and Harriet is so unstable that she is mostly very bad.
Hariet sets out to destroy Lexie and the question is, will she manage it?
Painfully honest about the heartbreak and rigours of trying to get pregnant with the help of medical science, and the pain and trauma of depression, psychosis, rejection and loneliness, this book won't make you laugh and it isn't full of action but it might just make you think. What it is full of is the relentless drip, drip, drip of pain. Several times near the conclusion of the book I was so anxious that all would end well that I tried to look ahead and reassure myself of a happy ending. I had enough self control to pull back though and when I eventually got there, the ending was suitably open ended and tantalisingly disquietening.
Will you identify with Harriet and feel empathy for her at any point or will you dislike her throughout the novel?
Powerful stuff in an understated way

I don't repeat the blurb.
I wasn't too sure about this at first and the rigid alternating narrators seemed aggravating to the point that I almost gave up, but I am SO pleased I didn't There's no big reveal, no mystery just gradual revealing of a sad past and the effect it has on the here and now. Really enjoyable but tragic.

Ah I didn’t really like the writing style of this book. Felt it jumped too quickly. Between characters and you lost the plot of the story. Not very likeable characters either

How well do we know our neighbours ??
This is a story about Lexie and Harriet who live next door to each other in an apartment block in London ..As the walls are quite thin -they can hear each other going about their daily routines -each believing that the other has the perfect life . However - Harriet decides to go one step further and begins a crusade to take over Lexie's life -including her boyfriend Tom..
This is a great psychological thriller -yes we can see where the story is going -but it was a great read -I thoroughly enjoyed it .
Thankyou Netgalley for an ARC in return for an honest reveiw

This pace of this book was a little slow for me.
Other than that it’s a well written book.
I liked the two main characters. Their stories were interesting to read

Wow! This book gives you a good emotional workout - fear, anxiety, confusion, concern, heartbreak, it tests you to your very limits! A really great psychological thriller which is absorbing, terrifying and has a very clever ending...!

I found it hard to get into this book but maybe it was just me. I felt it was a bit slow. Not for me I'm afraid.

Excellent read. Hard to put the book down. Right from the start you were sucked in and new this was going to be a good one. The storyline was wicked. Not quite knowing where it was going next. There was lots of twists and turns in the road.

Nothing particularly original or earth shattering here. A formulaic story of stalking and mental health issues which suffers slightly from the unlikable characters. I finished the book and found I just didn’t care how it ended. Predictable but mildly interesting at best.

Thank you NetGalley and Avon Books UK for an advance copy of this book. A well written book about neighbours Lexie and Harriet. They've never met but believe because of what they hear through the walls that the grass is always greener. Nothing could be further from the truth. Through each woman we read and learn about difficult subjects including controlling behaviour, mental health issues, stalking and fertility problems. Sometimes it's slightly slow and maybe just a bit repetitive but stay with it as the ending is worth it.

Story of obsession and paranoia. Interesting set up but not sure i cared for the main character. Bit of a psycho from the start. It's easy to see how a passing interest, a bit more of an interest and then a dangerous obsession can suddenly grow. Never mind curtain twitching - this is something else!
There's a few themes on top of this obsession such as trying for a baby and the emotions with that, domestic abuse and controlling behaviour in general.
It's an ok read but not my cup of tea in the end as it was a bit drawn out for me and so lost the impact. That cover is very impressive mind - takes you inside that window, that small apartment and grabs you by the throat for what is to come.

As always another great book Caroline would highly recommend it. Looking forward to your next book. We'll done

I wanted to like this book so much but sadly it fell way short of my expectations.
I don't think the blurb matches the content of the book. That really irritates me but it's not the fault of the author.
The opening chapters are really strong. Setting up the characters and the setting well but then it just becomes tedious. Endless almost identical chapters. The voices of the two characters become totally indistinct, this may have been deliberate but when I've got a book with such tight focus on two POV characters I want to be able to tell who is talking without checking the chapter heading, I want distinctive turns of phrase, dialect, something that differentiates them and I didn't get any of that here.
Surprisingly, the author nails the ending. It's really strong although not entirely unexpected.
Good start and good end but that doesn't save it from the tedium of the main body.

Oh my goodness, I read this book in two days and my house is now a riot!
I got sucked right in, I love the way it’s written from the different perspectives and the way it’s done ‘through the wall’ is clever and sets this book apart.
I love books that take time to develop the characters and really make you feel what they’re feeling and this book did that whilst being easy to read and enjoyable!

Told in alternating perspectives we get to know more about two neighbours and what starts as a passing interest soon becomes an obsession. Some difficult topics of domestic abuse/controlling behaviour and fertility are covered but in a way that makes you feel right there, living it with the characters. A good book rounded off by a good ending.

Sorry but this book wasn't for me, I couldn't get into the story line so I gave up about a quarter of the way through.
Thank you to Netgalley and Avon Books for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

What a brilliant book. This book has a fantastic story line, excellent characters and is just wonderful. I would highly recommend this book to anyone and I enjoyed it immensely.