Member Reviews
I received a copy of this book through NetGalley and would also like to thank the publishers.
A really enjoyable read,loved the characters and the way the plot developed.
Millie Gray does a great job giving us a look back at Edinburgh through the 50s toward the 70s, not only that but she gives you a truly heartstring tugging and simultaneously heartwarming tale of not just one woman but the others in her life. At first, I found it difficult to feel sympathy for Kirsten but that soon changed once you saw the radiance of her love as a mother. After that, I may not have approved of everything she did or didn't do, but I gained respect for our main protagonist. I also greatly enjoyed the look back into the pasts of some of the other characters. Kirsten's love for a mother isn't just radiant but it's real, she makes mistakes and deals with lasting consequences but you never once question the fact that she loved her children, and I think that's what really drew me to this story, the heart of it all. You wanted to cheer them on, Kirsten, Dixie, Stella, Eddie, Jane, even Jessie! I was not expecting this to make me tear up, but it did and it was a satisfying read that I really didn't want to put down until I'd finished it.
I would recommend for anyone who reads these sort of heartwarming and tear-inducing tales, Millie Gray has certainly done a brilliant job with it!
It was a time of joy in Scotland . Kristen mowat has turned 18 and Duncan Armstrong has fallen madly in love with her.The year has been good princess Elizabeth was pronounced queen. There was also bad things like the hanging of innocent men and three coldwar. I just got bored with this