Member Reviews

The Great Partnership is a interesting take on the relationship of the Generals and although there is much of this information on hundreds of books out there, it gives us a different take on it. Keller has done a great job.

One can not praise a book on the Civil War with out good reason. Why? Because there are more books published about this conflict than perhaps it deserves. So many are written re-hashing the same information and arguments.
It is therefore with some pride at finding this wonderful book by Keller, The Great Partnership, that I can say behold, a Civil War book you should really take a look at.
Although much of the information can be found elsewhere, the beauty of this book is in the analysis. Using partnership of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson Keller gives us a masterful study of effective professional military relationships. This relationship Keller shows in all its facets and brings a very keen eye to showing why it was successful.
This book goes well beyond the historical details. Keller draws out understanding and clarity about what makes professional relationships such as this work. I would recommend this to anyone interested in the Civil War as well as those interested in the dynamics of professional partnerships. such as this.