Member Reviews

The book is so real to life I was able to picture it as though it was my family that was involved and I found it hard to put it down.

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This book just screamed out to be read with its dramatic red cover and its title “Stop At Nothing” it lured me like a moth to a flame.

Having read several of Tammy Cohen’s books,although I thought I knew from the blurb which direction this book may be going I know that this author is never predictable and will take me on a roller coaster of a ride!! And boy was I right.

This book was so bloody brilliant. Where do I start? First of all you had me gripped frantically turning the pages until sadly I got to the last addictive page and then I wanted to start it all over again.

Every parent wants to make sure their children are safe no matter what age they are. Just like wild animals protect their young, parents will stop at nothing to stop their children being hurt even if that means crossing the line!!

When Tess’s daughter is attacked coming home from a party on a bus, first she feels guilty for letting her come home alone and then she wants revenge when it seems the assailant will not be found guilty.

Tess is in a vulnerable state. She is going through a divorce, the menopause and falling out with her eldest daughter Rose. This is the straw that broke the camels back!! She is desperate to get justice for her daughter who she can see has been greatly affected since the attack and becomes obsessed with the assailant which sparks of a chain of disastrous events.

Would score this book more than 5 starts.

Loved the surprise twist at the end. I actually stood up and clapped when I read the ending which surprised the other passengers on the bus!!!

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy in exchange for a review.

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I think this may be my favourite of Tammy Cohen's books. I love the way it draws you in, and doesn't let go brilliant read can't wait for the next one.

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A truly gripping psychological tale of a mother's love for her daughter after an assault, the desire for revenge and the unintended unexpected consequences.

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This is a good, solid read, but, just not as good as others that I've read by this author.

A mother (Emma) tries to protect her daughter (Tess) who has been attacked. It's got twists and turns, I just got increasingly frustrated with the mother and felt the story dragged slightly.

Overall though, an OK read.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the opportunity to preview.

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There is no doubt in my mind that Tammy Cohen is one of the best writers of psychological thrillers and I was thrilled to be asked to take part in the blogtour for her latest book STOP AT NOTHING.

Once again the author has weaved a clever, gripping and twisty tale which captures the readers imagination and takes us on a journey full of fear, dread and tension.  Tess is a divorced mother of 2 girls, struggling to cope with everything including her redundancy, the side effects of the menopause, her husband abandoning her, her eldest daughter refusing to speak to her and her aged parents living with dementia miles away.

When her 15 year old daughter Emma is attacked on the way home from a party Tess' turbulent world is tipped upside and her "Mother's Instinct" goes into overdrive to protect her family and get justice against the alleged attacker.

There were so many aspects and layers in this book which gave added depth in particular watching Tess' parents dealing with her mothers dementia and her father struggling to be the full time carer but refusing to put her mum in a home; the anger and feelings of betrayal when her husband leaves her for another women; coping with the often embarrassing and difficult side effects of the menopause, the shame and desperation to reconnect with her eldest daughter and being made redundant from a job she adored after so many years.  All these aspects made STOP AT NOTHING more than just the regular psychological thriller.

Throughout the book the reader experiences a sense of dread and we know something or someone isn't quite what it seems, but I wasn't able to put my finger on who or why until the end.  Another cracking and twisty thriller from Tammy Cohen.  Recommended.

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3.5 stars, rounded down.
I pretty much guessed this book way too early (in the first third) and so the majority of the book did drag for me. It was cruising for just the three stars until the end when the author did manage to salvage a win as she threw me a curve ball that I wasn't expecting. Hence the extra half star, sadly not quite enough to warrant rounding-up
Emma is attacked on the way home from a party. It could have been a lot worse had Frances, a fortunate passer-by, not intervened and save her. Frances then takes Emma home to her mother Tess and explains what happened. The police are called and they start their investigation and soon hone in on a suspect. But things go a bit south when neither Emma nor Frances can pick said suspect out of a line-up. Then Emma thinks she sees the man in the street near where they live. Tess isn't having any of the police inactivity and, supported by Frances, starts to take matters into her own hands...
As I said already, I guessed this. Now, whether this is because the author made it a bit too easy or if, due to the fact this is my bred & butter genre, I just recognised certain signs along the way; I'm not sure. But it happened, and it kinda ruined the majority of the book for me cos instead of being shocked and surprised at what I was reading, I was tending towards rolling my eyes at it. It's a shame really as I have read this author before and have been impressed by what she served up.
It probably didn't really help that I failed to really connect to any of the main characters. This is a key elements in this genre book for me as I need to care about what they are going through but sadly, quite frankly, I didn't really care too much about what Tess had done, was going to do, or what happened to her. She did play the drama-queen-victim a little too well for my liking...
All in all, it was a quick easy read for me but failed to deliver the punch I expect from this genre. As the author already has a good track record with me, it won't prevent me from reading more by her. My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

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Overall, this is a good read. I did feel quite frustrated witht he main character at some points and felt that it was a bit too long.

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Overall this is a good read. I thought though that it was too long in places and almost rambling. I think I would have liked the book more if it had been shorter.

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy.

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Tess is a single parent of two teenage daughters. Her husband Phil left her when he met and fell in love with Joy at the gym they both attended. Emma, her youngest daughter, lives with Tess, but Rosie has lived with her father and Joy since she and her mother had recently fallen out. Tess is full of guilt and dearly wants her daughter back at home, but Rosie wants time to cool off and think about what had happened between her and her mother. Tess misses her old life, being part of a team with her family safely around her at home where she could care for them and be the loving mother she knew she had always been. Unfortunately she had also been made redundant at work, so all the changes in her life had left Tess consumed by unhappiness, regrets and feeling out of sorts.
Then late one night her daughter Em returns home from a party with a stranger, whilst Tess is fast asleep. She is bruised and deeply shocked. The stranger, Frances Gates explained that she had rescued Em fighting for her life and in the stranglehold of a burly male attacker. Frances was passing by when she witnessed the attack through the window of her car. She stopped and shouted out loud, frightening the attacker into fleeing away. Tess is beside herself and filled with guilt that her daughter was attacked when on her way home whilst Tess was blissfully asleep, and gushes out her thanks to Frances. They become firm friends. The nightmare has started and Tess is full of rage, suspicion and feelings of powerless, especially when Em fails to pick out her attacker from the ID parade and the man she is certain attacked her precious daughter is set free. Detective Byrne, in charge of the investigation, even scales down the hunt. Tess is furious. She initiates her own investigation. What mother wouldn’t feel the same and want to protect her daughter? It’s her job! She will stop at nothing for revenge and justice for Emma. What happens next is then told in the rest of this absorbing and page-turner of a story. It is powerful, fuelled by Tess’s obsessive behaviour and full of menace. It gallops along like a bolting horse, totally in the zone. It is terrific!
This novel is full of tension, twists and turns and suspense. Tammy Cohen is a fantastic storyteller with a particular talent for this genre. She has based the plot of ‘Stop At Nothing’ on a true event in her family and with her daughter Billie’s full consent. Billie was attacked in very similar circumstances and went through the feelings Emma felt; fear, revulsion, worry and anxiety. Tammy therefore has lived through the same emotions as Tess and that is one of the reasons why the novel is so compelling and authoritative, that and the meticulous research undertaken by the author, giving her novel further credibility. I loved the back story of mistakes made by Tess and her consequent desire to make it up to her adored girls, to be the perfect mother that existed inside her. I loved the way she finally resolved these issues with the help of a surprising character (no spoilers here) and I loved Emma, full of wisdom beyond her years and also with courage, empathy for her mother and loyalty to her family. I really enjoyed reading this novel and would like to thank NetGalley and the publisher Transworld Digital for my copy sent in return for an honest and fair review. It’s a 4.5* review from me.

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As parents we all want to protect our children, and when Tess’s daughter, Em, is attacked on her way home she fails to pick him out at an identity parade. Then when Em believes she sees her attacker again on the street and the police can’t do anything, Tess becomes obsessed with finding her daughters attacker.

The storyline is interesting, but ultimately I thought the book was a bit too long and dragged a little in the middle. I loved Tammy Cohen’s previous books, but I didn’t think this one was quite the same standard. Nevertheless I did enjoy it and will certainly read more by Ms Cohen.

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I have read other Tammy Cohen novels and was really looking forward to this one.

The premise sounded brilliant. Tessa’s daughter Emma is attacked on the way home. Unable to pick the assailant out in a line up it looks like the attacker will get away with it.

But Emma sees her attacker in the street and Tessa becomes obsessed in getting justice for her daughter. What mother wouldn’t do this?

Parts of this is a gripping read, and parts you just want to shake Tessa at the potential damage that she is doing and acting without thinking. There is a “Red Herring” in the novel which I wondered about, and at times I felt the “Red Herring” dragged out. Tessa’s dog gets dog-napped but I was left wondering why, and what did it add to the story? Maybe that was just me.

A good solid read but unfortunately its not one of Tammy Cohen’s best.

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I enjoyed the book but I felt very frustrated with Tess, as she seemed hell-bent on making a bad situation even worse. Her young daughter Emma is attacked on her way home from a party, a good samaritan steps in to help Emma home but is she all that she seems? On the whole a good read but perhaps it could have been condensed a touch.

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Oh this was brilliant! So much of this book rang true for me, it fact some of it I could have written myself about past experiences. Tammy Cohen is very good at getting characterisation spot on. I enjoyed this as a domestic/family drama and in several parts I could definitely identify with the main character of Tessa. However, this was also a psychological thriller, with someone out to sabotage Tessa and her family. It was also a warning about oversharing on social media!
Tense and unsettling, this was an excellent book, I loved it!

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I never repeat the blurb.
Interesting premise, and obviously personal to the author. Sadly the 'baddie' was all too obvious from the start and the aggravating 'stream of consciousness' mystery narrative made this a little too 'trying to be clever for the sake of it' but in a dissatisfactory manner. Shame really.

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A great book. A really tense, dark and chilling tale of revenge. My heart raced the whole way through. Another fantastic book from Tammy Cohen. Highly recommended

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I have read all of Tammy Cohen's books previously under her different pseudonyms and typically enjoy them. She is very skilled at creating atmosphere with good solid characters. This book was as enjoyable as the other books I have ready by Tammy. Yes perhaps it was a bit predictable but I didn't think that made it any the less enjoyable. Interesting themes around obsession, revenge, loss, the need to protect, all of which are very relatable. Look forward to the next one!

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Tess' teenage daughter Emma is attacked on her way home one night and taken home by a Good Samaritan that happens to be passing by.

For Tess, the attack triggers a deep obsession to find the attacker and seek justice for Em. In doing this, she must also face truths about herself and her own parenting. But will her choices make things worse for everyone? In seeking justice, is she putting Emma in even more danger?

I don't want to say too much about the storyline because I went into it blindly, certain that I knew what way it was going to go, but I was surprised several times and I thought the story played out excellently. My heart was in my mouth for most of it.

This book took me out of a six-week reading slump (I accepted the chance to read an ARC based on my reading of some of Tammy's previous books, which I highly recommend) - I devoured it in one sitting.

Tammy Cohen is fast becoming one of my go-to authors for thrillers. She's a master at writing a gritty, twisty book with really believable characters. Watch out for this one!

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Another brilliant book by Tammy Cohen who is a favourite author of mine.
This is a tense, chilling suspense novel full of secrets and lies within a family. I absolutely loved this well-written story with many twists and turns that keep you guessing.
Stop At Nothing is another absolutely fantastically crafted book from Tammy Cohen. Highly recommended.

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I thought this book was very drawn out and even though it was a good story I would have enjoyed it more if it had been shorter

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