Member Reviews

I’ve loved all of Tammy Cohen’s book and this one didn’t disappoint. It was clear early on how the story was going to end, however there were still enough twists and turns to keep me entertained. It’s a fast paced story that quickly draws you in. Overall, it’s a worthy 4 stars.

Tammy Cohen is such a great writer and I always look forward to a new novel from her. Stop At Nothing was a really compelling read and I was completely entralled in this story. Tess is a protective mother who tries to do her best by her children so when her teenage daughter Emma is attacked one night in the street she is horrifed. Emma is understandably frightened and Tess becomes increasingly desperate to find the man who did this. This leads to Tess’ growing obsession with finding the man. She’s also dealing keeping an eye on her elderly parents so has a lot of stress weighing her down. I felt quite sorry for Tess as you can see she just wants to fix things but she does go beyond what a rational thinking person would perhaps do. I got so engrossed in this book and read it every spare minute I had as I just needed to know how it was all going to end! I recommend this one!

This a modern day thriller about how a mother deals with the aftermath of an attack on her youngest daughter.
When the suspect is released Tessa is devastated, coming on top of the breakup of her marriage and the menopause..
Her daughter sees the suspect near the tube station and Tessa wants to do everything to protect her.
Frances who saved Emma from her attacker becomes friends with them both.
Tessa’s dad dies leaving her mother who has dementia alone. It then appears her father has committed suicide by taking an overdose of insulin. She begins to question everything and everyone, including her own sanity.
E-mails purporting to come from her account are driving her friends away and making her more paranoid.
Things take a sinister path and Tessa doesn’t know who she can trust .
Lots of twists and turns in this book, clever imagery of good versus evil and how easy it is to let the wrong person into you and your family’s lives.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed Tammy’s previous books so I was really looking forward to this.
Unfortunately this book didn’t hit the mark for me. I couldn’t take to the characters and also worked out the twist very early on.

Tess's daughter, Emma, is attacked and almost abducted on her way home. Luckily, a young woman sees what happens from her car and intervenes to prevent anything else happening.
There's a police line up following the crime but unfortunately neither Emma nor Frances the young woman can identify the attacker. Tess, however, thinks that one of the men is guilty and sets off to try to prove that he is the attacker, leading her into dangerous territory.
I enjoyed this book even though I guessed most of what was going to happen quite early on. I liked the backstory between Tess and her eldest daughter Rosie. We don't find out what has happened between them until quite well into the story.
An entertaining if not unpredictable read. Thanks to Netgalley for the chance to read.

As a parent you are always worried about your children, when your daughter is attacked you see danger on every corner. But what is the attacker is nearby, you are already a "failure" as a mother, have a divorce, your own problems, you cannot let anything happen to her again. And when your new friend agrees well sometimes you need to take matters into your own hands!
Oooh this book grips you pretty quickly because the attack happens pretty much at the beginning and everything that happens thereafter is because of it. Tess is struggling with her failed marriage, her other daughter isn't speaking to her and Tess just wants her family safe.
What follows is some really questionable behaviour, when you are scared for your kid, rational thinking goes out the window. One event kicks off so much you are reading parts of this with baited breath. Stalking, family, relationships, friendship are just some of the themes covered in this book. If you haven't read Cohen before you really should, this is a great book, standalone, gripping and keeps you going page after page to see where it all ends up. 4.5/5 for me this time, I think I maybe have a few of this author I haven't read yet I need to get them!

Single mother Tess tries to be the best mother she can to her girls, Rose and Emma, negotiating all the teenage girl pitfalls along the way. One terrible night 16 year old Emma is brought home by a stranger after she is attacked on the way home from a party leaving her terrified and distraught. Tess is also distraught and obviously keen to protect her daughter so when she sees her attacker on a street near their home she takes matters into her own hands in an attempt to protect her daughter - no matter the consequences.
This was a really enjoyable read although I found myself frequently yelling at Tess for her terrible decision making and disregard for consequences. I did however appreciate the utter terror and helplessness a parent must feel when they believe their child is in danger and what lengths you would go to in order to protect them.
A very clever and engaging read from an author that I now make a point of reading.
Thanks to Netgalley and publishers for the ARC.

I have been a fan of Tammy Cohen's books since I read The Mistress's Revenge back in 2012 and I'm pleased to report that her novels have continued to delight me.
The chief protagonist in this book is Tess, a menopausal mother terrified when one of her daughters turns up on having managed to fight off a would-be attacker with the help of a rescuer in the shape of Frances. The brilliance of Tammy Cohen's books are the characters are absolutely those you will recognise, albeit with a touch more drama to liven the daily experience.
Tess's story is one of a mother's love, an atonement for less than brilliant behaviour in the past and a warning to us all on the ease that social media can be used as a weapon.
Really people, what more can you want from a book but relevance in terms of storyline and a real twisted plot to boot!

Its hard for me to enjoy a book where I don't like the protagonist. I feel like there has to be an element of sympathy or understanding there. In this book I found Tess thoroughly unlikeable which kind of ruined the book for me. I saw the twist coming in the second chapter. All in all not great.

This story really got me as you could see where Tessa was and why she was feeling like she was, but you can see why people think she is going mad! A great hook in and lots to keep you entranced from beginning to end.

Well, I didn't really like anybody in this story. Tess, a divorced mother tries hard to be the best mother she can be to her girls. After her youngest daughter Emma is attacked one night, Tess's behavior is getting out of control. She has to protect her daughter, no matter the cost.
I liked the story, it was a solid read, but I didn't love it. There was no "hooking me in" as I was expecting there would be.

My thanks to Netgalley and Random House for a copy of “Stop at nothing “ for an honest review.
I found this an enjoyable read, I could identify with the main character being of a similar age and going through some of the same life’s trials as she does. The storyline kept me hooked and itflowed well, Although I guessed how things would finish it didn’t stop me enjoying how the ending was reached.
Would recommend.

Strange psychological thriller which took forever to get going. Invert family dynamics but not for me.

I have read a number of Tammy Cohen's books so I was really excited to get hold of Stop At Nothing. Tess is a 50 something woman. She has been made redundant, is having bad menopause symptoms, her husband has left her & her eldest daughter lives with him after a row. So she is not in a good state when Emma, her younger daughter, is attacked on her way home one night. Fortunately a helpful passer by scared him off before any serious damage was done. Frances seems like a guardian angel. She is kind & considerate & tried to help. A man is apprehended but neither Frances nor Emma are able to confidently identify him. Tess become obsessed with this man & is determined to bring him to justice no matter what & in this she has a staunch supporter in Frances. How far is she prepared to go?
Unfortunately I guessed very early on what the twist was going to be & although I accepted Tess had her problems, I became very irritated with her. This book was a disappointing read, but I'll still be keen to read Tammy Cohen', next book. hanks to Netgalley & the publisher for letting me read & review this book.

A gripping thriller that had me hooked from the beginning. Fast paced & addictive i would recommend this to anyone.

This was a really enjoyable book, I was gripped all the way through. It’s the second book I’ve read by this author, and will continue to keep a lookout for more by her. A real page turner and will recommend to everyone that enjoys reading this genre.
Thank you netgalley for the opportunity to read this

Emma, Tess's youngest daughter is attacked on her way home from a party. Luckily a passerby called Frances scares him off. Emma is unable to say for sure that her attacker is in the police line up and Tess is convinced it's a specific guy who is getting off scot free and makes it her mission to call him out.
Frances, who was passing at the time and saved Emma infiltrates their lives initially to help Emma and Tess but over time she becomes an irritant to Tess who feels she's always appearing at inconvenient moments and needs to move on.
Tess's mother is suffering from Dementia and her dad is struggling to cope. She' watches them on CCTV which she's installed in their home to make sure they're ok. Something happens which turns her world around and she finds it could be someone closer to home who's to blame.
I can't say I liked the prickly character of Tess, but she's been through a lot of stuff - her husband's left her for someone else, she's estranged from her older daughter and was made redundant from the magazine job she loved. She makes it her mission to make sure Emma's attacker pays for what he's done....
It's a fast paced read with a twist I didn't see coming. Would recommend.

The book opens with Emma at the police station trying to identify the man who had attacked her on her way home from a party. Frances, a passing motorist, had stopped and frightened the man off, called the police and taken Emma home. Emma’s mum is Tess who has recently been made redundant from her job, her other daughter has left home after a fallout and her husband has also left the family. With the description that Emma has given of her attacker Tess is convinced that one of the suspects in the line up was Emma’s attacker and takes it upon herself to find out who he is, follow him and try to prove his guilt. Frances then keeps turning up at their home and tries to become friends with Emma and Tess. Why? Things then get out of control for Tess and she becomes convinced that this man wants to destroy her life. The story is mainly told from Tess’s point of view. There are many layers to the story, with strange happenings and lots of tension. We also learn of Tess’s battle with the menopause. I did, at times, question her behaviour as a mother but found the book an enjoyable read.
Thanks to NetGalley and Transworld for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

Great book, a real page turner of a thriller. Highly recommended.
Many thanks to Netgalley and Tammy Cohen for the copy of this book. I agreed to give my unbiased opinion voluntarily.

Predictable and not the best I've read by this author.
Still better than others I've read with a similar premise.
I really didn't feel a lot of empathy for the main character...