Member Reviews

A mother’s job is to keep her children safe.
Tess has always tried to be a good mother. Of course, there are things she wishes she’d done differently, but doesn’t everyone feel that way?
Then Emma, her youngest, is attacked on her way home from a party, plunging them into a living nightmare which only gets worse when the man responsible is set free
But what if she fails?
So when Tess sees the attacker in the street near their home, she is forced to take matters into her own hands. But blinded by her need to protect her daughter at any cost, might she end up putting her family in even greater danger?
There’s nothing she wouldn’t do to make it right . . .
This book started as a run of the mill story … not bad, but not brilliant. It’s such a pity it took so long to warm up. At around 75% I started to realise Tess was wrong, then I started to shout at her to look somewhere else for her culprit. It was interesting to see how things were done, and I didn’t see some of what happened coming.
Because of the (very) slow start I can only give this 4*

This book was a riveting read - I could not put it down. Tess is divorced mother of two girls who is struggling to come to terms with her life, the mistakes she has made and now the fact that one of her daughter's has been attacked on her way home from a night out. Yes, some of Tess's actions are unwise but what wouldn't a loving mother do to make her children feel safe. Tess's character is so well portrayed and her feelings so reliably believable which I found showed incredible writing ability - it was only in the Acknowledgements that I learnt the author was writing from experience (for the initial events in this book). The writing was absorbing, the plot very well constructed, the tension building and the explanations and conclusion very satisfying. Not my first book by this author and look forward to more publications.
Many thanks to Netgalley/Tammy Cohen/Random House UK for a digital copy of this title. All opinions expressed are my own.

Wow, what a read, gripping page turner. How far would you go to protect your kids. Well written, I really enjoyed this and would definitely recommend

What a great book. I was totally engrossed & read in a day. I felt every emotion, every frustration and cared about the characters. A good thrilling story, well written. I will keep an eye out for this author.

Neurotic mother, desperate to atone for past errors, makes for an easy victim here. A gentle nudge, odd comments at the right time and a lot of carefully planned interventions. Before you know it, everyone around her thinks she’s falling apart.
The story begins with a young girl being attacked on her way home. Her mother is powerless and hates the fact that someone has got away with this. When her daughter fails to pick the suspect out of a line-up she’s advised to move on and get on with her life. The mother, unfortunately, can’t let it go and starts to tail the person she thinks is responsible. Egged on by Frances, the young woman who helped her daughter that night, our narrator gets more desperate to prove her point.
Lines are blurred left, right and centre. Slowly learning about her past means we come to be suspicious of our narrator and I did wonder quite where this would go.
However, there are sections throughout by a new voice that we gather will be important, and there are enough seeds of doubt sown to keep you waiting to see exactly where the twist will come.
Unfortunately, the main character was not presented sympathetically enough to really get my full support. She did some stupid things, and her reactions didn’t always seem to make sense. I don’t want to blame the victim, but her behaviour does bring about a fair amount of her troubles.
Thanks to NetGalley for allowing me to review this in exchange for my thoughts. It felt predictable, which is a shame as the concept was intriguing.

My first read by the author. As a mother I can relate to the feelings of protectiveness this story has as we are going to do everything to keep our children safe no matter what the obstacles are.
The writing was good and entertaining, but I couldn’t connect with the characters and some were too predictable or to overwhelming.
The story overall is good but not in my top favourites unfortunately.

A very strongly written novel, well crafted. I’d worked out the premise and the ending very quickly, but enjoyed the journey and the twists and turns. Perhaps slow in places, and didn’t have the sort of style that made me unable to put down the book, but enjoyable nonetheless.

I love a good thriller and this didn't disappoint! I really enjoyed it. An easy and engrossing read and I would definitely read more titles by this author. Thank you net galley for the copy of an arc in return for a review of this book.

A highly emotionally charged story and easy to relate to especially as the author had experienced a similar situation. She obviously wrote from the heart. Felt the italic part of the story was a little confusing and not always necessary. I sped through it but felt it lacked a little punch! However, would definitely read another story by this author as I liked her style!

This was my first of Tammy Cohen's book that I've read and I loved it!! Such a great writer.
I used to live in the same part of london where it was so set, so it was very easy to fall into it.
The characters were all totally believable and the plot was fast paced. Great read

A gripping story that involves you to the end. You feel sympathy for the well drawn main character.

When the man suspected of attacking Tess's teenage daughter is released from custody, she is frustrated and furious. Neither Emma or the lady that came to her rescue that night could identify the man in a police line up. A couple of days later Tess sees the man in the street and swears that she will make sure that he doesn't get the chance to attack any other young girls. With the support and encouragement of her daughter's rescuer, Frances, she embarks on a mission to 'out' her daughter's attacker and destroy his reputation.
Oh my this is like poking a bear with a stick, you get a few little warning growls to back off to start with but there is nowhere to hide if you go too far. Tess's mental state isn't in a good place with her life and health having more cracks in it than a condemned building as she is emotionally torn between her aged parents, her daughters, and ex-husband.
Tammy Cohen has again served up a heart pounder that makes reading the addiction it is to me. Loved the interwoven storylines of menopause, dementia, single parents and accepting that kids love their dads too. But most of all I loved how Tess was portrayed. This modern-day single parent coping with aged parents, in the care in the community system that real means get family to support more, and learning to let go of not only grown-up children but past relationships. This all rolled up in the hormonal battle of menopause.
I wish to thank NetGalley and the publisher for an e-copy of this book which I have reviewed honestly.

I love this author’s writing style. I thoroughly enjoyed this story and my brain was in overdrive as I was reading through. It is based on a terrible true life event, which was heart wrenching to read as a parent.

More excellence from Ms Cohen. Brilliant premise and utterly assured writing. A very talented woman.

Don’t you just love it when you pick up a book, you’ve read the blurb so you think you have an idea of what you’re going to be reading and then it totally blows your socks off? Well that’s what happened to me when I read Stop at Nothing. Socks totally blown off.
As a parent, you want to protect your children no matter what and when Tess’s youngest daughter Emma is attacked on the way home from a party and the man responsible isn’t charged and set free, Tess is in turmoil. Emma’s struggling but trying to hide it from her mum and Tess doesn’t know how to help her.
You’d be forgiven for thinking that this book is a simple book about a mother’s revenge, that’s what I got from the description but it is so much more. Tess is going through the menopause, she’s struggling to come to terms with her husbands betrayal and their divorce, her eldest daughter won’t speak to her, her parents are struggling as her mum suffers from dementia and she’s been made redundant from a job she loved, honestly there are so many layers to this story it’s packed full to the brim and a real page turner.
It’s starts off at a steady pace, you get a feeling for the characters but as the pages turn the tension builds, I couldn’t put my finger on why I had this sense of feeling that something just wasn’t quite right, which made me want to turn the pages quicker but also made me hesitant because I was scared of what might come.
Stop at Nothing is a cracking psychological thriller, it has many twists and turns and many layers and it keeps the reader on their toes and the edge of their seats. It’s difficult to put into words how good this book is and why without giving too much away so I’ll leave it there and just say I’ll definitely be recommending Stop at Nothing and it’s a book you have to read.

I felt the story was dragged out too much unfortunately. A mother's nightmare for your daughter. I didn't read it all as I felt a bit lost at times.

Stop At Nothing was an incredibly thrilling and compulsive read - in this instance, inspired by events in Tammy Cohen’s own life, as she disclosed in a postscript.
Unlike virtually everyone else it seems, Tammy Cohen is a new-to-me author and I think I have been missing out, but not any more!
I loved everything about this book from the love-to hate characters, the fascinating plot, the brilliant pacing and the astonishing and completely unexpected ending.
I will be catching up with some this author's previous work, probably starting with The Mistress' Revenge.
A very worthwhile read and a well deserved five stars.
I received a complimentary digital copy of this novel, at my own request, from Random House UK/ Transworld Digital via NetGalley. This review is my own unbiased opinion.

Every parent wants to make sure their children are safe, just how far are you willing to go to do that?
Tessa's life isn't easy, her husband has left her for another woman, her relationship with her eldest daughter is complicated and now her youngest daughter, Emma has been assaulted on her way home from a party. After Emma not being able to pick her attacker out of the line up, Tessa is convinced it was number 8 and is taking matters into her own hands.
I wish I could say I liked this book, but I didn't. I did not like any of the characters, especially Tessa's, overall she was just stupid and reckless.
It was obvious what direction this book was heading, and the 'plot twist' wasn't at all shocking. This book just didn't sit well with me and I was just glad to be done with it when I finished, which is never a good feeling when you finish a book.
Thank you net galley for providing a copy in exchange for an honest review.

This story primarily focuses around Tessa, a divorced mother of 2 girls. We learn about her fragmented relationship with Rosie, although the story is built around the after math of her daughter Em being attacked on her way home one night, but is rescued by a woman called Frances. When her attacker fails to be identified in a police line up, Tessa is keen on revenge for the man she is convinced attacked her daughter. Frances encourages a friendship between herself, Emma and Tessa, and although initially very supportive, becomes very overpowering.
This book had twists to the end as to the identity of the attacker. It portrayed very well a smothering relationship alongside manipulative behaviour.
I would recommend this book.

Having read previous books by Tammy Cohen, I knew what to expect and was not disappointed. A stellar plot with plent of suspense, twists and turn and a surprise twist ending that I didn't see coming. Kept me awake into the small hours to finish.