Member Reviews

I read the first four stories of this in 2020 (16%). Not bad, but I lacked context. I thought I might pick this up again at some point, but without the main novels I never felt compelled. I am finally calling it a day. Maybe I will revisit this one day, if I should ever decide to read Ninefox Gambit, etc.
From 2020:
I picked this up after having read and liked Extracurricular Activities. No, I still haven‘t read Ninefox Gambit. I am pretty sure I should read the novel(s) first, but this fell into my hands, so here we go. Apparently the last story is a spoiler for the trilogy and I should probably avoid it for now.
“Rhehan hated museums, but their partner Liyeusse had done unmentionable things to the ship’s stardrive the last time the two of them had fled the authorities, and the repairs had drained their savings. Which was why Rhehan was on a station too close to the more civilized regions of the dustways, flirting with a jeweled woman and feigning interest in pre-Devolutionist art.
Things go wrong, Rhehan‘s past catches up with them and we end up with a fairly classic and fun heist story, with a weapon of mass destruction thrown in for good measure. Very good, I liked it.
The use of personal pronouns threw me at first, but I caught on pretty quickly.
I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher or author through NetGalley. All opinions are my own and I was not required to give a positive review.

Not really interested in reading this and it is quite old at this time. I want to try and be more selective of the arc's I request because selecting everything that sounds somewhat interesting.

Hexarchate Stories is a collection of short stories that will keep you entertained until the very end. A very well-written story it's compelling and hard to put down.

More from Yoon Ha Lee! Yes Please! these collections of short stories had me hooked from the get-go and I was unable to put Hexarchate down.
As always although the world is incredible and Lee has put so much work into the details what I love are the characters and their struggles to define themselves against their society.
Cant wait for more by Lee and the Hexarchate series itself

Note: this review contains spoilers for the Machineries of Empire trilogy (Ninefox Gambit, Raven Strategem, Revenant Gun). Read no further if you haven't finished those, and don't start these stories until you have!
Almost five years on from publication, Ninefox Gambit remains my favorite science fiction book of the 2010s, and one of the most original in both premise and style. In this short story collection, Yoon Ha Lee continues to give us more of what he's best at--rich, technical prose that takes abstract concepts and seemingly dry ideas and turns them into moving, thoughtful stories. The short story format lets his talent for scenes shine; "How the Andan Court" and "Seven Views of the Liozh Entrance Exam" are basically nothing but, small vignettes full of striking visualizations. In more plotty terms, several of the stories give us some much-appreciated background on the infamous Shuos Jedao, filling out his past in ways that are both entirely consistent with the moments of vulnerability scattered through the main trilogy and yet still surprising in their intimacy. The flashbacks induced by Ninefox Gambit's carrion glass were an arresting finale to that book, and many of these stories have the same quality despite one major difference: none of them give us the first-personal intimacy of those moments. Choosing to show Jedao through the eyes of others, except in tiny flashes, is one of the stylistic choices I admired about the main trilogy, and it's executed strikingly well here. By refusing to let us see what's in his head until it's too late, Yoon Ha Lee is able to maintain the audience's suspense while ultimately still delivering the emotional insight we crave. "Silence" in particular does this to heartbreaking effect. We all know what Jedao will become, but it is heartbreaking to see it through the eyes of someone who didn't. "Gamer's End," for me the best story in the collection, also makes use of Jedao in much the same way as Ninefox Gambit did; as a terrifying foil to a more idealistic protagonist. Second-person allows the author to bring out the presence and physicality of his world, immersing the reader in the imagery and concepts-made-images that make his writing such a powerful experience.
I'm devoting a separate section to "Glass Cannon" because of its length and its role as a quasi-sequel, carrying on the main storyline. Its high points--the re-use of the carrion glass, and Cheris's struggle to accept the younger Jedao given what she knows of who he is in full--are comparable to the best of the main trilogy. Yoon Ha Lee leans into the viscerality of his world in a way he rarely does there, and while it sometimes feels gratuitous, it is mostly effective. However, the follow-up per se, and the decision to extend the world into moth-space, does not entirely work for me. This choice was one of the less satisfying parts of Revenant Gun for me; the issue of moth sentience tracked well with the rest of the trilogy, but making Jedao specifically a moth seemed a bit of a complication there that detracted from the already-complex character and issues he faced. Here, those challenges are exacerbated by the decision to remove Cheris from her satisfying return to a simpler life and to end on another cliffhanger. I won't complain about more work set in this universe, especially if it continues to show us the challenges of sacrifice and following one's mission in the way these stories have. However, I can't help but wonder if moving on to newer characters, as was done in most of the stories, rather than focusing on Jedao as a viewpoint character, would have better served the conclusiveness of the trilogy.
Overall takeaway: 4.5/5 for the short stories, 3/5 for Glass Cannon (4/5 if considering only the prose and self-contained story, but lowered somewhat by its role as a sequel to that which didn't need one). A wonderful experience for fans of Yoon Ha Lee, and a great example of what makes his work so captivating, but overshadowed by the completeness of the Machineries of Empire.

I was provided an e-arc from netgalley to read and review
I unfortunately missed the opportunity to read

Like nothing I've ever read before, very interesting and challenging. Highly recommended and I'll check out his other novels. The author has a very unique voice and the subject material although science fiction really makes the reader consider multiple viewpoints.

I've loved the world of the Hexarchate since first picking up NINEFOX GAMBIT. Yoon's work is exemplary and beautifully harsh - no punches pulled, no gazes averted, no "you don't need to see this." We bear witness to each victory and defeat of our protagonists in his work, and HEXARCHATE STORIES is no different.
I usually tell people I'm not a short story person, and the simple truth is that I'm not. I like diving in deep with our protagonists because I'm always hungry for what happens next. I want to know more, and short stories never do justice to how much of the world I want to devour. (Shoutout to the book book of short stories I had to read in college, TENTH OF DECEMBER, for being one of the worst things I ever read lmao.) But that reason is blown out of the water with this collection - this is the background of this world that I hungered for as I read, and it's been the ultimate gift to receive it.
Especially GLASS CANNON, the novella that takes places a few years after the trilogy's end. I never checked to see what stories were included with this collection, let alone what they were about, so color me fuckin surprised to see something I'm now calling dibs on as being written just for me. I desperately wanted to know what happened to New Jedeo as well as how well Cheris would take to being in hiding, and the novella didn't disappoint. NONE of this book was disappointing, to say the very least.
I'm excited to see what else Yoon Ha Lee will put out in the future. He's stuck with me for life, I'll tell you what. And let me say, the world of science fiction would be a lot better if we had more work like this.

Other than "The Battle of Candle Arc" (which is available for free online, and which I recommend to people who were confused by Ninefox Gambit as an easier-to-understand introduction to this universe) these stories will either make no sense or hold no interest for readers who have not read the Machineries of Empires novels. But if you enjoyed those books, you'll enjoy these stories, which are basically fanfiction of the series (that is, bits of prequel, a sequel, and interstitial explorations) by its author. With the slight disclaimer that Yoon is a friend, I will say that my favorite parts of this collection were not the actual stories, but the afterword to each one in which he talks about the ideas that went into them, the circumstances of writing them, and the bits that are drawn from his life and experiences - an entertaining and down-to-earth peek behind the scenes.

I'm not one for short stories and some of these could barely be called that even, but overall I thoroughly enjoyed getting more stories from this universe. Actually, the only downside for me were the author's notes at the end of each short story. I know some people really like getting insight into the author's head and process, but I am not one of these people and I found that it just took me out of the fictional world and back into the real world. Boo. I did like the longer stories better, but I never felt like a story was too long or too short. The author definitely knew exactly what they wanted to do with each story and accomplished it with the right length for each thought. I appreciated that a lot.

Hexarchate Stories is a collection of brief glimpses into the characters and worlds of the Machineries of Empire series. The stories read as an anthropological look into the everyday lives of this future society. It’s a great character study that examines a number of basic scenarios made entertaining thanks to Lee’s personable writing style.
A few highlights:
Omens gives a brief snapshot of two important cultural touchstones: architecture and theatre. Lee paints a vivid architectural picture of an epic theater done in a historical style. Coupled with a tragedy centered on a love triangle, the story makes for a great insight into the artistic side of this world.
Silence is a quick family story, showing the interactions of a group of siblings at the dinner table. The story feels like a bit of anthropology, giving the reader insight into the daily lives of these characters. We get the sense of tense relations in a far off part of the world and of the toll war takes on young soldiers.
Birthdays paints the concept of a birthday in a different light. We see the juxtaposition of society that celebrates the individual versus a society that assigns the same birthday to its citizens. I found it to be an interesting tidbit, something I hadn’t considered when thinking about the differences in worlds, societies, and their customs.
The Robot’s Math Lessons tells the story of a quirky robot who forms an unlikely bond with a young girl through a love of equations. I love the concept of a brilliant artificial intelligence purposely writing equations incorrectly as an inside joke. It highlights the human side of robots nicely.
On a final note, the greatest parts of the collection are the personal notes following each story. We get insights into how the stories relate to the series at large and how Lee’s own experiences tie into the narratives. It’s a deeply personal touch that shows Lee’s dedication to the material and its readers.
Review to be published on 8/13: http://reviewsandrobots.com/2019/08/13/hexarchate-stories-review-everyday-lives-of-the-future

A year after the release of Raven Stratagem, it's time to go back to the world of reality-bending calendars and the military technologies they make possible! This collection is, as the title would suggest, entirely set in the Machineries of Empire world; stories range from "The Chameleon Gloves", set in the pre-Heptarchate era, before the system of factions became what it was, to "Glass Cannon", a direct sequel from Raven Stratagem which brings Shuos Jedao and Ajewan Cheris back in a fun and explosive way. Between these longer pieces (the post-trilogy story is a novella) is a whole bunch of flash fiction ranging from poetic worldbuilding exercises ("How the Andan Court") to cute sidelines about the clean-up of cat hair in space, ("Irriz the Assassin-Cat"), to more emotionally resonant moments, mainly involving Jedao, offering additional snapshots and the occasional "what-if" about the characters' inner lives.
While there's lots to love about the world of the Hexarchate and much of that is on display here - "The Robot's Math Lessons" a story about how young Cheris originally learns machine language and starts befriending robots is particularly endearing - this is a collection with Jedao at its centre, and those who don't find the character compelling are likely to find themselves skipping forward. Though I'm generally a fan of the lad (and was really impressed by the direction taken in "Raven Stratagem", I did get a bit sick of him during the sequence of flash pieces focusing on his human life; it was nice to reach "The Battle of Candle Arc" and the turning point around then, and things get a lot more varied at that point. Even if you're skipping through some of the flash fiction, however, Hexarchate Stories is worth picking up for its longer pieces alone: Hugo finalist heist "Extracurricular Activities" is here and still brilliant, and "Glass Cannon" is practically essential reading for anyone who enjoyed the novel trilogy, and forms an intriguing potential bridge to further Hexarchate adventures. Kudos also for the design and curation of this collection, which includes author notes after every story that help elaborate on the process and intention behind each piece. It'll only work if you've read the novels, but if you're following along, this is going to be a welcome addition to your Hexarchate experience.

This is a fantastic collection of stories that will appeal to any fans of Yoon Ha Lee's Machineries of Empire trilogy. It serves to flesh out many of the characters who appear prominently in the main series, including Jedao and Cheris. Reading stories surrounding their childhood and upbringing is a pure joy, and definitely makes me want to reread the trilogy again.
While most of the shorts have been published elsewhere previously, it's lovely to have these in one self-contained novel. I've never been a fan of having to hunt down links online, and there's a joy in having a companion novel sitting on the shelf alongside the primary works.
That said, this collection is NOT a good introduction to the series if you've been waffling on whether to commit to Ninefox Gambit. This contains spoilers for the series, and is definitely supplementary as opposed to stand alone.

Many of these stories are purely filler but I gave it four stars for the longer works, especially the new epilogue. I am not sure it was necessary though. The trilogy ended all be it not on the happiest of notes and this opened up a whole new realm of possibilities. Still, I am happier that everyone seems happier now. I also really liked seeing young Jedao and those are bittersweet considering what happens in the trilogy. Mostly, I would recommend this to anyone who enjoyed the trilogy and wants more, but this book will be relatively meaningless to a new reader.

An interesting collection of stories set around the authors' trilogy. This is definetely not the way to get aquainted with the Hexarchate universe, but a tasty meal for those, who loved the books. Most of the stories are set before events of the novel. Some are two-three pages that tell us about the past of Cheris and Jedao. The final - and the largest story, a novelette - takes place several years after the end of "Revenant Gun".
I liked this collection, but can't say it's required reading.

As soon as I saw there was a new book by Yoon Ha Lee, I jumped at the chance to read it. I loved the previous trilogy, even if the level of science-fiction at times meant I didn’t have a clue what was going on.
I hoped Hexarchate Stories would be more manageable, especially as it has been some time since I read the trilogy. Short stories of varying lengths meant it was easier to digest and it was fun connecting back to the characters.
I don’t think I can identify a favourite: there were a few that really grabbed me. The ones featuring Jedao when he was young – especially looking out for his little sister – were the most entertaining. They were light-hearted and featured a Jedao before he was a tortured, confused wreck of a man. I loved him as a character in the main trilogy, and this introduced a deeper level to him.
The final story was by far the longest as it returned to Cheris and Jedao and the next step in their adventure. Out of all of them, this was the one that threw me off the most because it referenced the trilogy heavily and I honestly can’t remember what happened or where things were left with those two. Their dynamic was great though and they’re both as devious as each other.
Each story has its own rhythm and feel. There’s a poem; there’s longer stories; there’s a visit to a brothel which was hilarious reading on a train; there’s childhood pranks; childhood nightmares; training scenarios… Pretty much every combination you can ask for and all are as enjoyable as the others.
The majority of the stories feature Jedao in some way, although his participation varies depending on the story. While that was fun, it was also enjoyable to connect to new characters, especially as different styles of writing were used to introduce them. You could tell there were some stories that were experiments as the style is different – and the author himself admits as much.
The stories themselves were thoroughly enjoyable. But perhaps just as entertaining were the author comments that went with each story. It gives us a small snap-shot into the author’s life and I loved them. The way he spoke: mentioned flash-fiction, using terms that I had only associated with fanfiction beforehand, just increase my respect of his work. He was so down-to-earth, which I know is silly because why should I expect anything else? But reading these parts were just as entertaining as reading the rest of the book.
If you enjoyed Ninefox Gambit, you’ll love this addition. I’m not certain you need to have read the trilogy either – yes, some details might not make sense, but you can still pick up on the atmosphere and the writing styles and enjoy the book as a collection of short stories on their own.
It was fairly quick to read and was light-hearted with some more serious undertones. A definite recommendation from me!

Arc received in exchange for an honest review.
Check out my youtube review for my complete thoughts, tl'dr i'll say this is an absolute MUST READ for fans of the trilogy. I wasn't expecting this but the final story--a novella length sequence set 2 years after the end of Revenant Gun--actually raised my general feelings about that book. There is a lot to chew through in "Glass Cannon" which i know couldn't exist as a part of Revenant Gun, is also excruciatingly necessary for it to feel like a satisfactory end to this series.
For fans of the original trilogy.

This collection was amazing, though I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who hasn’t already experienced the wonder of the Machineries of Empire trilogy. Without the background of the previous three books, a lot of the short stories in this collection may be confusing, and definitely would not be enjoyed to their fullest. Glass Cannon in particular follows on from Revenant Gun in such a way that I actually ended up reading it straight afterwards to remind myself of the events of the book (review to come), and only ended up half convincing myself to re-read the first two books as well.
There is a fascinating variety of short stories included in this book, from delicate open-ended poetry (How the Andan Court) to action packed adventure-comedy (Extracurricular Activities); flash fiction that gives glimpses into some of the Machineries of Empire trilogy’s best characters (Hunting Trip) to entirely unexpected, but well-written erotica (Gloves). Gamer’s End even dips in to second person, and shows once and for all that Yoon Ha Lee is an incredible author, with pretty much boundless range. The author’s notes after each story are one of the highlights of the book, mentioning the inspiration for certain habits, characters or scenes; and providing fascinating insights into Yoon Ha Lee’s personality and past.
The constant among the stories in this collection is the impeccable world building, gripping character development and diverse cultures and characters that fans of Yoon Ha Lee have come to expect. Almost every significant character from the Machineries of Empire trilogy has a moment to shine, with Jedao’s past being explored in the most detail. Cheris is not ignored, however, nor are various servitors and side characters from the series1, even Mikodez’s green onion gets a mention.
Glass Cannon deserves its own mini review, because it is essentially the follow up to the Machineries of Empire trilogy, and it has made me incredibly sad that there probably won’t be any further novels, especially because the plot lines and complications introduced in Glass Cannon could easily become at least one more book. I want more!
The plot is fast paced and interesting, with Jedao and Cheris’s viewpoints alternating throughout the novella. Some questions Revenant Gun left open are answered, other answers are implied or hinted at, and a lot of complications that I hadn’t considered are brought up. Cheris, Jedao and several other characters I’m not going to name to avoid spoilers interact in fascinating new ways, and we get to see Mikodez out of his depth for once. There are moments of levity, some fascinating, unique situations surrounding responsibility and morality, and one of the most classic science fiction questions of all: what makes us human?
I was very glad when one of the (many) injustices left in place at the end of Revenant Gun causing people to hate Jedao (himself included) is cleared up a little in this book. He and Cheris don’t become friends, I think that would be too much to ask, but by the end of Glass Cannon, they seem to understand each other a little better. Glass Cannon is a satisfying, entertaining read, with plenty of angst, humour and action. In all, a great conclusion to the Machineries of Empire trilogy, I’m just sad that it has to end.
I cannot recommend this book highly enough; Yoon Ha Lee is the author that made me give science fiction (LINK TO PROBLEM) a chance. Anyone who loves science fiction will definitely find plenty to enjoy in Hexarchate Stories, but I also believe that anyone who enjoys great characterisation and ethical dilemmas in the vein of Jim Butcher’s Codex Alera series will also find plenty to enjoy. Anyone who enjoyed the military drama of RF Kuang’s Poppy War should consider reading this series. People who enjoy the political intrigue and personal anguish of Michelle Sagara’s Chronicles of Elantra series, those who loved the unique magic systems and morally grey world of Robin Hobb’s Liveship Traders or Farseer novels and basically anyone with enough patience to immerse themselves in a nuanced and incredible world filled with fascinating characters should read this book, just make sure you read the Machineries of Empire trilogy first.

Yoon Ha Lee’s Hexarchate Stories is a collection of short stories set in the universe of Lee’s Machineries of Empire series, and, more specifically, mostly revolving around the life of everyone’s favourite mad general, Shuos Jedao. And it’s just now hitting me that the series is really, truly over.
Hexarchate Stories is exactly what I wanted it to be: not a single lens on the universe but many—as many eyes to see through as the Shuos ninefox. The stories in the collection range from standalone shorts with plots to single pages’-worth slices of life. While I enjoyed the shorter tableaux, the fully-formed stories kept me turning the pages. (Novelette ‘Extracurricular Activities’ is a stand-out, previously published in 2017 at Tor.com, and finally telling us the tale of Jedao’s first inventive use of variable co-efficient lubricant.)
The collection ends with the novella ‘Glass Cannon’. It’s a story that reunites Cheris and the young Jedao of Revenant Gun following the events of the trilogy, and it is very much cast from the the same mould: full of ruthless fighting, body horror, and emotional introspection. Plus, in ‘Glass Cannon’, Lee takes the opportunity to explore more of the resurrected Jedao’s physical nature, which is something I’d wanted to know more about while reading Revenant Gun.
‘Glass Cannon’ makes the collection unmissable for a fan of the series. Without it, not only are Cheris and Jedao’s stories incomplete, but so is the story of the hexarchate in general. The implications it throws up—and yet only extrapolating from the events of Revenant Gun—are immense.
Each story in this collections is followed by an author’s note from Lee, exploring the circumstances around the writing of the story and other thoughts. These are the real gems in this collection, in my opinion—they elevate the collection from merely extra hexarchate content to a series of glimpses into the author’s process. Yoon Ha Lee’s notes are charming and easy to read, so are a pleasure to spend time with.
If there’s anything I wasn’t fond of while reading Hexarchate Stories, it’s possibly that Lee lets his characters spool out their inner thoughts a bit too freely, most noticeably during ‘Glass Cannon’. A hallmark of the Machineries of Empire series has been the rich interiority of all its perspective characters—but in this book I found myself getting irritated with Jedao’s running commentary on every nuance of every situation. (I know, I know—he’s Jedao, noticing things and snarkily commenting on them is his deal. Still.)
If you’re a fan of the Machineries of Empire series, you need to read this collection. Whether you prefer traditionally fanfic-like snippets of extra content or big space opera stories, you’ll find what you’re looking for in here. What’s more, you’ll miss Lee’s characters. No matter who your favourite was, you’re going to want more. And more? Is here.

Hexarchate Stories by Yoon Ha Lee is a collection of short stories set in the same world as the Machineries of Empire series (Ninefox Gambit, Raven Stratagem and Revenant Gun). Although not all the stories require familiarity with the main series, I generally recommend having read the series before picking up Hexarchate Stories since some of the flash pieces and especially the concluding novella work better with knowledge of the characters and series events. (Though many of the stories absolutely stand alone.)
The essential short story collection set in the universe of Ninefox Gambit.
An ex-Kel art thief has to save the world from a galaxy-shattering prototype weapon...
A general outnumbered eight-to-one must outsmart his opponent...
A renegade returns from seclusion to bury an old comrade...
From the incredible imagination of Hugo- and Arthur C. Clarke-nominated author Yoon Ha Lee comes a collection of stories set in the world of the best-selling Ninefox Gambit. Showcasing Lee’s extraordinary imagination, this collection takes you to the very beginnings of the hexarchate’s history and reveals new never-before-seen stories.
I really enjoyed this collection. Even given the slightly unusual way in which I read it; skipping over stories I had previously read meant I skipped some award worthy reads. (The reviews for those stories, by the way, are copied from my original reviews of them in italics below.) I was particularly taken with the three longer stories that were new to me: "The Chameleon's Gloves", "Gamer's End" and "Glass Cannon". The first two are meaty stories more about life in the universe than about the specific characters that featured in the series (although Jedao does appear in "Gamer's End"). "Glass Cannon" is a novella that takes place after the trilogy and, as such, is pretty spoiler-heavy for the events at the end of Raven Stratagem. Mostly because "Glass Cannon" dominates this collection in terms of page-count, my usual summing up is after the story mini-reviews (and after a spoiler shield).
“The Chameleon’s Gloves” — A fascinating story about a Kel outcast set before even the Heptarchate came into existence. And if that sentence made no sense, it’s a story about a thief given a job no one should have ever had to sign up for.
“How the Andan Court” — Flash/prose poem that I’ve read before: A flash piece that is more of a love letter explaining the absence of roses.
“Seven Views of the Liozh Entrance Exam” — Longer flash musing on Liozh examinations, told from a relative future perspective, after the faction had fallen.
“Omens” — A short story about a couple’s date, dripping with significance if you’re paying attention and have read the Hexarchate books.
“Honesty” — A short story about very young Jedao and his even younger sister.
“Bunny” — Another young Jedao and sister, this time dealing with a missing cat. A cute story.
“Black Squirrels” — A hilarious story of a Shuos academy prank.
“Silence” — A family interlude told from the point of view of Jedao’s older brother Rodao. A straightforwardly enjoyable read.
“Extracurricular Activities” — previously read: Set in the same universe as Ninefox Gambit and Raven Stratagem, this story follows Jedao while he is still young. He goes on an undercover mission to extract a friend from academy. I really enjoyed this story. It was funny with serious moments. A good read for both readers of the novels and new comers to the world.
“Gloves” — Pretty much smut, with a bit of character exploration thrown in. I can’t imagine the framing details working very well for someone who hadn’t read the series.
“Hunting Trip” — A vignette featuring Jedao and a general stopping at a zoo en route to a hunting trip.
“The Battle of Candle Arc” — already read: Shuos Jedao leads a Kel army to victory against heretics. I had some memory of this particular battle being mentioned in the novels (Ninefox Gambit and Raven Stratagem), but misremembered the context. In any case, an interesting read, even more so since it was published years before the novels. Clearly the authors has been living in this world for a long time. Also, the explanations of the factions and calendar were done particularly well, especially given how complicated they can get. This story is a good introduction to the world.
“Calendrical Rot” — Things get weird. Apparently this was almost the prologue to Ninefox Gambit, so it’s interesting to me that it works as a short story.
“Birthdays” — Young Cheris and her family move out of their ghetto and have to give up some of their traditions. A nicely told flash story.
“The Robot’s Math Lessons” — previously read: An adorable flash story about a robot making friends with a little girl (who I think is Cheris from Ninefox Gambit). — And yes, it was Cheris. This story is referenced in "Glass Cannon".
“Sword-Shopping” — Cheris and her girlfriend go to buy a sword. A cute flash piece.
“Persimmons” — A cute flash story about a servitor arrived at Kel Academy from a small village. Who doesn’t like sentient robot stories?
“Irriz the Assassin-Cat” — A cute flash featuring a cat soothing a child.
“Vacation” — Different characters take a trip to the zoo in this flash piece.
“Gamer’s End” — A second person short story about an advanced trainee sitting a test under Jedao. It’s one of the longer stories in this collection and is not so much filling in past anecdotes as telling a self-contained story set in the same world. And the second person narration adds some interesting flavour.
“Glass Cannon” — This is a novella (well and truly; it takes up the entire second half of Hexarchate Stories) set after Revenant Gun. It contains a lot of spoilers for the end of the Machineries of Empire series and I definitely don’t recommend reading it without having read the series. Not only will it be confusing, but it will also spoil some of the surprises and enjoyment of the series. In fact, a proper review of it is spoileriffic, so I will restrict it to my full review of Hexarchate Stories.
Full review with massive spoilers for Revenant Gun/Machineries of Empire. Do not hover over/highlight the spoiler-shield below if you don't want to be spoiled.
“Glass Cannon” was an excellent read. Taking place after the end of Revenant Gun, it follows Moth!Jedao after he escapes imprisonment by the Shuos. His one desire in life is to get his memories back from Cheris and gain some sort of closure regarding the gaps in his memory, many of them from his youth. Cheri’s, meanwhile, is living a normal life in a settlement of her own ethnic group (much depleted after the events of the main series). She is just starting to get bored with a normal life teaching maths when that life gets disrupted by the escaped Jedao and the soldiers on his tale. Despite the inconvenience to her life, she agrees to transfer Original!Jedao’s memories to Moth!Jedao, since they have been haunting her. And so they set out on a quest to retrieve a device necessary for the transfer, and run into various troubles along the way.
Aside from being a really enjoyable story, “Glass Cannon” also manages to address some of the aspects of the world building that did not fit into the main series. Certain revelations from Revenant Gun — let’s say those loosely related to servitors and their factions and the human (non)regard of them — is raised here. So as well as following our beloved characters, we get to follow a little bit more progress in the Hexarchate, admittedly, not quite to completion, since that would be a much longer story.
I definitely recommend reading “Glass Cannon” as a sequel to the series if you enjoyed Machineries of Empire. I think Hexarchate Stories is worth buying for this novella alone, but the other included stories were also worth reading (but if you have already read the longer short stories/novelettes, the flash fiction may not feel weighty enough to bother buying the book for, but “Glass Cannon” certainly is).
This was a great collection, even if it was a little unbalanced in story lengths, and I definitely recommend it to fans of Yoon Ha Lee's books. While some of the stories are good entry points to the series, the majority of the flash stories work better if thought of adding something to the universe, rather than full stories in their own rights. For the prospective reader who wants to read Hexarchate Stories but not the trilogy (but why?), I see no reason why the first half of this collection can't be enjoyed, but I repeat my caution about "Glass Cannon" being full of spoilers and probably confusing without the trilogy context. On the other hand, if Lee plans to revisit the Hexarchate/Heptarchate universe again, sign me up for reading more stories/books set in that world.
5 / 5 stars
First published: June 2019, Solaris
Series: Machineries of Empire, stories set in the world of
Format read: eARC
Source: Publisher via NetGalley