Member Reviews

*4.5 stars. Firstly, I'd like to thank Netgalley and Cornerstone for the eARC for an honest review. I got the audiobook from Libby (the library app).
I've had this on my Netgalley TBR for an embarrassingly long time so when I saw the audiobook on Libby I knew it was time to read it. This is my first book by Araminta Hall and I really enjoyed it. It's a dark twisted read about Mike, the MC, who can't let go of his ex, Verity even when she's about to marry another man. The writing is brilliant as we have a unobscured view into Mike's thoughts and feelings. He's an unreliable narrator with black outs and gaps in his memory. Still I can't believe Verity is completely innocent with holes in her own story and behaviour that suggests otherwise.
I don't want to give anything away by talking about what happens but it is such an interesting read that gave a new meaning to psychological thrillers. It was nice to read a book set in London which I don't do regularly enough. I got through it quickly and hope to read more from Hall in the future.

I really could not read this book.
The writing was not the greatest and it all felt forced like the chapters were repeating the same old stuff constantly.
I unfortunately had to DNF it.
This book was not for me
but thank you for approving me for the ARC.

This was a weirdly odd book, and dealt with some uncomfortable topics. It was a good solid read, and recommended.

A brilliantly twisted tale of obsessive love, delusion, sex games and trauma told interestingly from a male perspective (makes a welcome change from all the unreliable female narrators) Unnerving and uncomfortable at times, this is wonderfully written and holds your tension as well as your unwavering attention.

Mike and Verity totalluy devoted to each other. They like to play a game called "Crave" on their nights out where in a bar or nightclub Verity will stand on her own waiting to be chatted up while Mike watches, he will then "save" her from the situation. They would both get incredibly turned on by this game leading to sex in the toilet, down an alley or back at their flat. When Mike accepts a job in New York for two years they try to keep the relationship alive but after confessing to Verity that he has had a one night stand Verity ends the relationship. After returning from New York Mike learns that Verity is engaged to a man called Angus. From this point Mike heads down a mentally destructive path. He thinks is is still part of the Crave and is determined to win Verity back.
The book is cleverly written from only Mike's point of view and his obsession with Verity was hard to read. He came across as weak, desperate and sad. Towards the end I really lost interest in his character and found Verity to be annoying, selfish and egotistical. The ending left me up in the air and disappointed.

You spend most of this book not knowing who to trust. It is a fast paced, beautifully crafted story that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish

This story has energized my mind ! This was one helluva psycological ride that had me anticipating how it would all end.
I do not want to go into detail about Mike and Verity's past, but in summary, they were together for 8 years and their relationship seemed very compatible as far as playing lust-y games and all were concerned. However, Mike had to leave London for work and their relationship couldn't survive the distance. At least from Verity's side. In Mike's mind, there was no way that he and V would not be together. But, now V's getting married to someone else! And Mike thinks it's another game of theirs.. But he doesn't know the rules of the new game. So, he starts looking for signs to understand what V wants him to do. And the entire story revolves around how he interprets all the so-called-signs V gives.
I think the author deserves accolades for the court scenes. It made the possibility of Mike's version having credibility. Xander was one kick-ass lawyer and the way he put up the case against V was amazing to read. I somehow felt that V was not all that innocent in this entire charade. And this was the best part of this story. And while Mike's obsession was clear, was V totally innocent in all this? Actually, some part of my mind was expecting this to be V's master plan right from the beginning.. May be I am being too harsh.. Maybe she just fell in love with a wrong person..But Mike was not all that wrong before, maybe a little controlling.. But isn't even that a little suffocating..
Sigh, I am feeling terribly confused about how I feel about V and Mike. While I feel bad for V, I feel bad for Mike too. I am a little annoyed with V and Mike too. I do feel like V played around with Mike without thinking through.But she is a young girl, people do stuff without thinking it through. Oh God.. now I am trying to justify both of them in mind.
In the end, I would like to ask "How much love is too much love ? When does it become obsession ? "
I feel like Mike is not to blame at all. V played an equally important part in becoming his obsession. What I'd give to know what would happen once they are free. Love it, though !

A huge Thank You to The author, The publisher and Netgalley for providing the e-arc in exchange for a unbiased review of these works.
dark and twisty this read really got me thinking as the chapters switched and changed i questioned everyones story!

I really enjoyed this book! A great story line that kept me hooked and excellent main characters. I would highly recommend this book.

A very dark and disturbing read that’s pretty twisted too; just how I like them!!!
Wasn’t sure who to belive and who’s version of events was the true version and still am not too sure now I’ve finished it to be honest!!!
A really good book about love and obsession and the dark nature of humans, and how events can mould you in the future, it’s a cracking read I loved it and wish there was more like this out there!!!

If you like your books incredibly dark and alluring then this is the story for you!
Mike Hayes had a horrific childhood and only felt he really recovered when he fell in love with Verity Metcalf. His beloved V taught him about relationships and what love really should be like. They had an intense and passionate courtship which ended when Mike had an affair (for which Verity could not forgive) whilst he was working in America.
Mike is determined that he will come back and make life perfect for him and V. He buys an expensive house and fills it with the things he knows she loves. It doesn't matter that she's not returning his calls and emails...or even that she's met someone new and is getting married. Mike knows that only his love for her will do and will go to any lengths to make sure that he wins her back.
The book is told entirely from Mike's point of view. He is a very unreliable narrator, but oh so fascinating. As we delve into the depths of Mike's obsession with Verity you understand the depraved undertones, which Mike genuinely believes is all a part of his love for a woman that needs proof of his feelings for her. But things take a very desperate turn and when Mike lands himself in jail for something so heinous, he really believes that Verity will be waiting for him (when his act has hurt her the most).
As Mike's mind unravels I became utterly hooked. This was one hell of a story. It will stay with me for a long time. I look forward to other offerings from Hall!

I was intrigued from the first chapter. This is a well written psychological drama where you change your mind from one chapter to the next as to whose perspective is correct. I’m still not sure, even having finished the book. A well deserved four stars

I'm a bit torn with this book. I read it to the end, and did enjoy it, but the second half was a struggle and I skimmed a fair bit towards the end. The problem is that this is a first person psychological thriller, so you're close to the thoughts of the antagonist, and those thoughts became very repetitive and predictable very early on. Another down vote for me was the final third turned into a courtroom drama, something not mentioned at all in the blurb.
Still, some nice writing, better than a three, so rounding up to a 4.

A dark and twisted novel all about obsession, a great read very deep, not everyone's cup of tea. A little hard to get into at first, but stay with it. Recommended.

I struggled to read this book to the end as I didn’t feel any connection between myself and either Mike or Verity the two main characters. By the end of the tale I was wanting to hear something from another perspective preferable Verity’s. It was a dark story but not an interesting read for me.

I have read this book in 5 hours & am sitting here wondering what the hell just went on!
This book had me gripped from beginning to end & I'm desperately hoping there is a sequel to this story

I was intrigued by this book & it didn’t disappoint. The characters irritated me a bit at times but good strong storyline & well written.

An unusual and intriguing story but I didn't care for any of the characters and was a little disappointed with the book after all the hype surrounding it.

Grabbed by the title, the blurb and the cover, I was excited to read Our Kind of Cruelty, a psychological thriller. Mike is obsessed by his love for Verity and V has married another man. Is this part of their game or has she really moved on?
The first half of the book moved quite slowly, but the premise and the darkness of the story, compelled me to continue. The book is very different, chilling and disturbing about two selfish, unlikeable characters, yet still was to hard to put down.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Some self-centered characters who live in a delusional world. Who can guess what the truth is. Not my cup of tea.