Member Reviews

I really enjoyedThe Night You Left, and read it in one sitting. Grace’s fiancé Nick goes out for a walk to clear his head, shortly after proposing to her, and doesn’t return. Convinced something is wrong, she reports him missing to the police but is reluctant to tell friends and family immediately in case he loses his job, or that he might just turn up. Eventually she has to admit he is missing, and his parents move in to Grace and Nick’s home and try to take over. An ex partner, Grace’s daughter’s father inserts himself into the drama and a new addition to the school gate mum’s all add to the mix. Grace becomes convinced that she is involved, and starts her own investigation. She soon finds that events in Nick’s past may have had an impact on his disappearance and when a bag containing his belongings is found she becomes a suspect in his murder.
The book links the story from past to present in an unexpected way, with well rounded characters, who make you love and hate in equal measure. Looking forward to more from Emma Curtis

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What would you do if the man you have lived with for the past 7 years, who had given you a beautiful home, safety, financial security and love and was helping you to raise your daughter, went out for a walk one evening and never came back? This is what Grace has to contend with and in doing so we learn about her troubled past and the history and secrets of Nick, the partner who disappeared. We are also treated to the stories of long ago, of Nick's childhood and one fateful summer spent at the Moody's house in Devon. We meet Taisie and we meet Anna, we meet Nick and Cora and Angus and bit by bit more secrets and questionable behaviours are revealed which all combine in a heady mix of deceit, betrayal, love and loss.
I absolutely loved this book and cannot recommend it enough. Maybe I am feeling particularly magnanimous as I have read most of the book whilst on holiday. Some might have found a particular twist very near the conclusion to the book a little implausible. Not me. It was unexpected and made me want to carry on reading. I was totally immersed in the lives of Grace and Nick and enjoyed all the tiny links that joined so many key players in this story together.

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This is a thrilling read. It's very twisty turny and tense throughout. I had to close the book and scream at a couple of points. I found the main character a bit too passive and was at times frustrated by how little control she was able to exert over her life, but this theme was credible and she had a backstory to give weight to it. I liked the flicking back and forth to past and present and found myself immersed in the former lives of some truly awful people!

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I could not put this book down as needed to know what was going to happen, where was he, did he mean to leave and how does all the little clues fit together. His parents were very unlikeable but as the story unfolded you could see that life had not always been as they wanted and bad choices led them to where they were. Great twist at the end!

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You can pick your friends, but you can't choose your family.

When Grace's partner Nick disappears shortly after proposing she starts to discover that there are lots of things that she doesn't know about Nick and his family. Moving with ease between past and present Grace not only has to cope with the growing hostility of the future parents-in-law, her over-bearing ex-partner and being a suspect in his disappearance. She also learns that Nick's ties to his boss are more tangled than she realised and those new friends may not be as they seem. It is intriguing and I really found myself rooting for Grace.

However, the ending fell a little bit flat for me because it just wasn't believable.

My thanks got to the publishers and Net Galley for the advanced copy in return for an honest review.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The reader got a real sense of the characters and the emotional dilemma that they all faced. It also demonstrated how the other players in the story followed their own selfish path. I felt the author captured the climate of fear, confusion, love and anger very well. Although it is impossible to say how a person may feel if thier partner actually disappeared this book gave the reader a taster of the endless possiblities. On a practical note it also highlighted the downside of not having any legal documents supporting a couple's living arrangements..

I found the book absorbing and unsure how it was going to end. The tale was gripping in places but also unbelievableit at times. The ending was unexpected and in my view highly unlikely, however this did not detract from the book.

For me an easy and enjoyable read !

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I'm afraid, this just wasn't for me. Nick proposes to Grace and then disappears. What follows is a confusing story of past and present and I just found it difficult to follow and with characters that weren't likeable or relatable.

It felt like a short story, elongated.

I'm very grateful to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to preview and I wish it much success.

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This story starts of very slow and I almost gave up until it went into fast forward. I wish it had sped up a bit sooner at the start. A nice enough story that kept me engaged once I was past the first 20%

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This story begins well but reverts to the old formula of going backwards and forwards in time. Unfortunately I have read a lot of books lately that use this strategy and it's beginning to be a trifle tedious. Just I personal view but I feel that the story is weakened by going into another time just when the plot becomes interesting _ and this novel zigzags to an alarming extent. Like the start the ending is dramatic and gripping _ so all in all not a bad book but rather tedious in the middle.

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A huge thank you to netgalley and Random House UK for the ARC.

I can honestly say this has been one of my favourite reads of the year so far.

I was hooked right from the start and it just got better and better.

Full of suspense, intrigue, mystery, twists and turns and fantastic plots. It has been written amazingly well, the way so many characters and their own personal stories entwine into one was a complete joy to read and I was so pleased that girl once I didnt guess the ending!

This book is a complete rollercoaster, the start clicks along nicely, you then reach the peak and hang for a short while before heading down and full speed with loops along the way right until the brakes go on!
Loved loved loved it!

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Grace and Nick are happy together, and Nick has just proposed marriage. Then Nick disappears. Grace is completely at a loss. As the time since his disappearance grows she begins to wonder whether she knew him as well as she thought. This is quite a page turner with many twists and turns to leave you guessing. I will keep a look out for further Emma Curtis titles.

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A great thriller, with an interesting set of characters. I was hooked by the voice from the start, and eager to find out how the present day, and the chapters from the past, would tie together. I did find it a rather slow read, not quite as fast paced as I'd usually like, and it took me about a week to finish it. However it is well thought out and well written, a great summer read.

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The Night You Left is an amazing read. Without going into the characters or giving the plot away, this tale is full of unpredictable suspense, a fabulous psychological thriller. I read it over two days whenever I could sneak off to read a little more. I would recommend Emma Curtis and as a newbie to her writing I am gripped and want to read all her books. Amazing.

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Grace and Nick are happy together. He has just asked her to marry him although she has noticed he’s been a bit moody lately. Then one night Nick goes out and doesn’t return. Where has he gone? Why? Is he still alive? The answers to these questions are slowly revealed as we hear from different characters’ perspectives and learn more about Nick’s past. Grace has secrets of her own, too.

All of the characters are well drawn and many of them are pretty unpleasant but the pace keeps you interested as the twists unfold. A thriller that’s a bit of a cut above,

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Grace and Nick have just got engaged but he has just disappeared. Left with her daughter, an overbearing ex partner, Nick’s parents who have moved in and cause Grace absolute hell. There’s so much going on and all Grace wants to do is find Nick.

Nick’s story involves childhood friends who make his summer hell which could impact his adult life. This was a good solid read and although it took me a little while to get into it I really enjoyed it. Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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The day after the happiest day of her life so far where her partner Nick purposes to Grace . Nick disappears without a trace. But the question is why? and what has happened to him,
It is a well written strong story. Well written characters some that you will love and other that you will take a dislike to.
Thank you to both NetGalley and Random House UK/ Transworld Publishers for my eARC of this book in exchange for my honest unbiased review

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This was a slow burner that was still able to hold your attention throughout. The different time lines between the main characters, Nick and Taisie, was handled extremely well. You could feel all their emotions, it was easy to imagine them in their different roles within the hierarchy of the three families. Strangely enough I couldn't see Grace, there wasn't enough description of her as a person apart from her difficult upbringing. There was nothing to get a hold off, and having the name, Grace, I kept on imagining her as a frumpy, older person, which i know she wasn't. So my only criticism would be that her character requires more in depth description in appearance and personality, similarly Lottie was a bit lacking as well. Having said that, this book kept me interested and once i reached two thirds of the way through, when Anna arrived on the scene, I was hooked till the end.

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This is a really good story with a lot of twists. Some of the characters were really interesting and others were hateful. I was totally surprised by the ending and thought that the story was really well written.

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy.

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The Night You Left, Emma Curtis

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre: Mystery and Thrillers, Women's Fiction

Moan: women's fiction – why alienate potential readers? Men write books enjoyed by women and men alike, and they read the same.
I was on the fence about this, I love books about missing people, makes me wonder what happened, why, what were they thinking etc but there were a few reviews that made it sound not my kind of read. Still, took the plunge and really enjoyed it.
Unusually for me the majority of the people in this were irredeemably awful, and usually I need to like the majority, though enjoy a few bad to the bone folk. The only one's I liked ( apart from Lottie and Kai) were Nick and Grace.
The book flits from past to present, at varying times and occasionally I needed to backtrack to see just what time we were in. I felt for Nick as a teen, his parents even then were self obsessed. Taisie, typical kid in her actions and if any of the parenst had looked beyond what she wanted them to see they'd have put a stop to things. Fact is none of the parents were really bothered what the kids did so long as it didn't interfere with their fun. Pretty rough, and of course had some terrible consequences, not just immediate but long term.
Where the story fell down for me was the timing, with everything from years back coming together over just a few days. there's a saying that truth is stranger than fiction, so to a degree I can deal with what seems like just too much co-incidence but in this book there really was a bit more than I could believe in. Still, I wanted to see what happened to Nick, couldn't believe he'd just walked out but that's what it looked like and I wanted to know why, and if not, what had happened. Its actually something that happens very often in real life, people do just walk out, start another life, but I didn't feel Nick would do that. He seemed to adore Grace and Lottie, and even when Grace began to find out the secrets he hid I still don't feel he'd just walk out. As things come to a head more and more long held secrets come to light, bringing in some very real dangers.
Its a nicely paced story, letting things come to light slowly, and though I'd guessed some of the things that happened, there were others that came as a real surprise.

Stars: Four, a story that had me reading “just a bit more” needing to know what happened. I do feel some events stretched credulity too far and that's what stopped the five rating.

Arc via Netgalley and publishers

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This was a good story, and well-written, but I am getting quite bored with books about people who are hiding a secret from their past, which inevitably comes back to haunt them. I have started suspecting all my friends of having dark secrets in their early lives, and I know it is only a matter of time before someone moves into the house next door, to expose my past life. Seriously, this is an entertaining book to read on holiday, but it's very forgettable.

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