Member Reviews

I enjoyed this one. It was a fun quick read. I'll definitely be looking for more by this author in the future.

Not a book I typically would pick up but I'm trying to expand my reading choices to be more varied. Content was explicit but it carefully navigated consent which I appreciate. I'm positive this book will be loved by many, the rating reflects that it wasn't loved by me.

Not my cup of tea, but I feel people can appreciate what it brings to the genre. I think more graphic novels should look to this work as an example of not being scared to push the limits and explore intimacy on this level.

At first I thought it was weird, but actually I kinda liked it. It was very sex positive, funny, interesting perspectives! I like how it viewed consent and having those conversations with your partner. Kinda wish I still had my copy, would re read!!

I love how sex positive this novel was.
Erotica.. Yes!!
sex positive... Yes! Yes! Yes!

A fun, sexy superhero themed graphic novel that featured a very diverse range of characters and some attractive art.

Fun and real! This book is so sex positive and enjoyable, every couple was fun to read about. With the differing body types and sexualities, it is so open and welcoming to anyone wanting to read about healthy couples and their fun sexy times! Loved it, definitely worth recommending!!

*I received an e-arc from Net Galley in exchange for a review*
4.5 Stars
I had read this collection a while ago and had just skim read the stories, so I re-read the stories just before making my review. There are a total of five stories with all LGBTQ themes which are: Worst Case Scenario, The Pre-Fuck, Good Foundations, Safe and The Responsible Parties. After each story there is small profile about the two characters in the story, as they are all in a super power type world.
Worst Case Scenario: Male/Male couple, both have superpowers and one is quite sarcastic. Kind rivals to lovers type story
The Pre-Fuck: My personal favourite of the collection, super adorable and lovely. Female and bisexual male couple. The title is pretty self explanatory and the word kitten may be used a few times in this story.
Good Foundations: Both characters are super villains and the couple are male/female and are having deep conversations and revealing parts of them they have never shared. The female character also have some sort of spider qualities superpower.
Safe: Second favourite story, female/female couple planning a role play scenario that has some interesting outcomes.
The Responsible Parties: Male/Male with an assassin and a civilian couple discussing the assassin's career and how he is getting too old.

This was a unique read... I wasn’t expecting that at all from a comic book! A bit wierd in places for my liking... but that’s only my personal opinion. Artsy one might call it!

I enjoyed the art style but the plot and characters were just not my favourite. Graphic novels are difficult for me to rate but I'm settling on a three because although I didn't connect to much, I do feel like that is a personal complaint and not a reflection on the book.

The graphics in this book are really great! But they are detailed! I made the mistake to read this at work during a lunch break! Don't do that! I enjoyed this, but I don't think anyone i know will want to read this. Look forward to Vol 2.

Loved this! It was a really unique look at life, love, and relationships. I wasn't really sure what to expect when I first started reading it, but the story pleasantly surprised me.

I love superheroes/supervillains and I loved that they were an integral part into showcasing these little stories that were sex-positive and gender and body-type inclusive. The cover leads you to believe it's a mere cute read so you don't quite expect the dash of sexiness but it surprisingly works!

This book was more than I was expecting in terms of how erotic it was. I was interested in this book because of Booktube, and it sounded like a fun LGBT graphic novel. I already am not a huge fan of graphic novels, but after hearing good things about this I thought I would give it a try.
Unfortunately, there was no real meaning or connection that I found, and the art was more graphic than anything I was expecting. Because of these few but major issues, I would not recommend this book.

I heard so many fantastic things about this graphic novel and now I know why it's so hyped. I actually didn’t realise this was erotica for picking it up but I'm thankful I went into fairly blind. In all honesty, I might not have picked it up if I had known. Adult romances are great and all. I like to dip my toe into on occasion but this erotica is not something I normally pick up.
... but this was brilliant. As soon as I finished it, I immediately went ahead and read it all over again. The exploration of consent was just flawless, especially the way it took the time to discuss kinks, safewords, and ‘Pre-Fuck’ negotiations. (A sentence I never thought I would write). In the world of fanfic and Fifty Shades of Grey, it is so damn important to make sure these discussions are brought to the forefront.
I adored the art style. The superhero theme tied it all together perfectly. It was just an altogether fantastic read that I know I'll return to again and again.

This is a pretty cool collection with some great art but I would have liked to see more superhero type stuff but I did enjoy how much diversity is in this book. I'm a big proponent of representation matters.

Thank you, NetGalley for the preview of this graphic novel.
Super Fun Sexy Times by Meredith McClaren is a very sex-positive graphic novel that has some content for everyone out there. Though it was a little too explicit for my taste, I still did enjoy it. Though I do wish some of the stories were a little longer, so we could have gotten to know the characters better.

As the title suggests, it is Super fun sexy times.... 4 emotional tidbits, super sidekick heroes discussing their sexual preference with their partners and things are about to get naughty....
Warning: Don't read in front of your kids, as they might want to read it with you, thinking it is 'cartoon' book', it certainly is not people...*wink

I love finding something different, something I haven't come across before. This is definitely that. I had no idea what would happen next. It's odd and interesting, and I'm having a difficult time describing it any other way. It's relationship dynamics and sexy times from beginning to end. Oh and the characters have superpowers and stuff.

I thoroughly enjoyed the couple of stories that I read, unfortunately the license expired before I had time to read more. I usually read books a week or two before publication as I have to keep a strict timetable, 120 books a year can be a little unwieldy.
I loved the characters, the whole colour pallette and the gentleness of this title. There was a really warm and loving feeling, and I think that this is definitely the way forward. There has been a distinct lack of sexual positivity in visual form, and hopefully this is the start of a move in the right direction.