Member Reviews

i'm a huge fan of Jenny Blackhurst and I was so excited to read the sampler for her new book. The prologue is intriguing and the chapters included in the sampler are an introduction to presumably the main players ... one of whom is definitely lying. I'm so looking forward to reading the full book!!

Ok, I hadn’t realised this was only five chapters. I thought when it said TEASER in the title that it meant we were getting the first look in with an ARC. I’ve never come across this before, and it was very frustrating.
The prologue is really gripping, written in the voice of someone who is already dead, and it is her murder that we are going to be investigating throughout the book.
It’s very hard to leave a review on only five chapters, as I have read books in the past that were good to start off with but then went downhill fast and vice versa. This starts off good, but I can’t endorse it without reading the whole thing.
Interesting premise and a good start but that’s all I can say! The stars given don't really mean anything as can't really rate it.

HOOKED from start to finish! This teaser is wanting me to read more and I cannot wait for the book to be released. Definitely going to be a future purchase!
The school mom mentality was relatable to many who had been at the school gates of any school and the hook at the end of chapter five was one leading me to want more.
The use of social media is another element which I loved, social media (may we love it or hate it) is now a part of society and can come with it's own limitations and problems. I do not know of many authors who can include social media without it feeling just added to bring the story into the modern day, however, I applaud Jenny Blackhurst as this has truly excited me to see how it is developed further in this story and felt more like a necessity to the story rather than an "add-on" side thought.
For anyone who enjoys a good crime/thriller/mystery genre this will be right up your alley. Cannot wait for the release of this book.

Hard to comment on this book as it is only a teaser but it looks like it will probably be the making of a good psychological thriller.
Thank you to Netgalley and Headline Publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this short story.

On the basis of these first few chapters, Jenny Blackhurst’s latest novel looks set to be a delicious read. The opening evokes both Desperate Housewives and Jo Spain’s recent book Dirty Little Secrets (a woman observes her neighbours from beyond the grave), and it looks like the affluent residents of Severn Oaks have plenty to hide. “Lying” in the title and Facebook on the first page are pretty standard in the current psychological thriller market (I’m not sure when I last read a contemporary novel in this genre which *didn’t* mention the dreaded social meeja), but
with a hidden hand at work to stir up trouble, it all looks like huge amounts of fun.
The first few chapters serve mainly to introduce the characters and set up the basics of the plot... I look forward to finding out more.

The problem with most teasers they are either too short or bear no reflection on the rest of the book.
Reading a clever prologue and the first five chapters here it seems this taster is about the right length. It also sets the book up and reveals only as much as the blurb that goes with the promotion of this novel.
Someone is Lying is one of a number of recent books where deceit and variants the verb to lie have been used in the title.
Jenny Blackhurst may still be an unfamiliar name to some yet over the years she has produced a number of standalones in this genre, that are always at the cusp of where edgy and psychological thrillers have progressed. She is the talented bow wave, an author who has pushed crime mysteries into new directions and examined the interplay between characters and the blurring of truth and reality in fiction.
So what does this sample of Jenny's book reveal?
Well, we are introduced into world that Erica has recently departed. Her "friends" continuing despite the "accident" that took her prematurely, remembering her and "honouring" her memory.
We do not have to like these women but they are recognisable from types we have seen and met. That Blackhurst has an ear for dialogue and the nose to spin such a credible cast of characters is one aspect that makes her novels stand out. Here is no different.
We may as well have been standing at the school gate. Passing before our eyes drift past, look at me Mums, gossip a lot Mums, jealous out of shape Mums, toned, narcissism driven Mums, guilty Mum neglecting their kids to work, frustrated Mums their careers on hold and voices speaking but thoughts unspoken.
We see nothing. We know no-one. We make assumptions and think we know their partners, less frequently seen around school, but returning late, meddling with the car or minding the barbeque.
Within these five chapters we have an insight into these local people; they come out of the pages like three dimensional figures, their attitude and thoughts to be laid bear. I cannot wait to meet them and the partners for the most part implied as complicit, but for now more in the shadows.
What do they know about Erica's death?
Someone knows more than most. Now they have posted on Social Media that they are prepared to out members of the community, reveal their secrets and involvement in what happened to Erica.
This isn't blackmail it is whistleblowing but to what ends?
Has each person something to hide?
Has each by neglect, omission or conscious act contributed to Erica's demise?
Were they co-ordinated acts, a conspiracy, or is one's guilt so clear they will be revealed as a murderer?
Jenny has captured another current issue.
Trolling across the internet and the ability to hide behind the anonymity of profiles and the reluctance to share information with investigating authorities that makes social media posts so damaging and destructive.
So I am hooked just a few pages in - the mystery is set and its unravelling seems a delightful experience of reading gold.
You've done it again Jenny.
Long may your ideas and words weave such amazing stories.

I really enjoyed this book. It has great main characters and a really good story line. I would highly recommend this book to anyone.

This is only an extract, so it is very hard to give a review of the book. I enjoyed what i read, but i cannot comment fully because it is not a full novel.

Oh wow. Whoever decided to add TEASER on the end of the title was not kidding when they put it there. There is only about six chapters in this teaser but what great chapters they are. They give you small bites of the cherry, just enough to have you wanting more. I have read and enjoyed a few of Jenny Blackhurst's books and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of this one when it's published.
I would like to thank NetGalley, Headline and the author Jenny Blackhurst for my ARC of this TEASER in exchange for an honest review.

This is only an excerpt but it definitely made me want to read more. There is a lot of dialogue and internal thoughts from all the main characters but none of it seemed contrived and I was disappointed when the short piece finished. It starts with a bang and was working up to a big reveal when it stopped.
I was able to read an advanced copy of this extract thanks to NetGalley and the publishers in exchange for an unbiased review and will definitely buy the book when it is released.

I don't want to ruin this book for everyone who still has to read it, but believe me when I say that you are in for a thrilling read!
The story is really well written and I could not put it away. Can highly recommend!

Sounds amazing. Just read the teaser and can’t wait for it to be released. I live Jenny blackhurst highly recommended

Okay so this is only a ‘teaser’ for Jenny Blackhursts new book, but even so I just had to have a peek at it . Oh yes this is really going to be another fantastic book by this amazingly talented author . I absolutely loved these few chapters and can’t wait to read the rest of this book .