Member Reviews

Unfortunately, I have not been able to read and review this book.
After losing and replacing my broken Kindle and getting a new phone I was unable to download the title again for review as it was no longer available on Netgalley.
I’m really sorry about this and hope that it won’t affect you allowing me to read and review your titles in the future.
Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

I do love a Jo Watson book and this was no exception. Completely brilliant story between Poppy and Ryan, two very different people but there is just something about each other that connects them.
They seem to drive each other mad, I'm not sure how many times Poppy seems to lose her job, but at other times she is incredibly hilarious,
I loved Ryan's personal situation, and as you get to know him, you see a completely different side to the man that is CEO of his own company, and used to terrifying his staff.
Poppy is complex, she is though completely not cut out for corporate life but she doesn't want to be she just wants to be able to pay some bills, if only she didn't seem to create drama wherever she goes.
The chemistry between them is very believable and I loved seeing them fight a rather obvious attraction.
I love reading this author on holiday and this to me is another fabulously escapist story, perfect for poolside or beach reading!
Thank you to Headline Eternal on Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily,

Really enjoyed this book. Funny, relatable and a good read. Will definitely be looking for more from this author. Thank you for the opportunity to read the book

I'm really torn with rating this book because there were times when it was so engaging, funny, heartwarming (the bra shopping for example....you'll have to read it to understand the reference) and totally worthy of a 5* review. There were also times where the story simply became completely ridiculous and absurd (the pole/blouse bit for example....again, you'll need to read it to understand the reference!) and I thus had little feelings or care for the characters because it lacked authenticity. So it has to be an overall 3* review. On the whole, it is a very (very), easy-going chick lit read which could be perfect for a sunny holiday pool-side book!

This book was quite the fun read, I loved the tension between the lead characters and how their difference is what brought them together. Both Poppy and Ryan were driven and steadfast in their own way and unnecessarily stubborn at times which made the plot funnier and more relateable. The book unveiled itself like a bingeable comedy of errors and if you are in a reading slump, this title will get you up and running in no time.

Love you Love you not is an absolutely bonkers read, suspend belief and prepared to be taken on a rollercoaster of a screwball romantic comedy.
When Poppy an actress who has just been killed off in her role as an assistant to a CEO in a soap opera she is desperate for a job, being in debt and hardly able to afford to eat. Seeing an advert where a real CEO needs a personal assistant she thinks how hard can it be she’ll just ‘act’ the role.
From then on with great dialogue and crazy situations you just can’t help but smile and laugh out loud with this story. A great story, really feel good!
My thanks to net galley and publisher Headline eternal for the opportunity to review this book honestly.

thank you for allowing me to read this book. it was very easy to read. i enjoyed the story line and the characters. look forward to reading more from this author.

Jo Watson's Love You, Love You Not book is definitely one everyone should read. It had me laughing out loud, turning to mush over the cute scenes and crying a river over the emotional ones. She brings the same sense of humour that is seen and loved in all her other books and, as usual, Jo's characters are quirky and unique. Anyone who's read a Jo Watson book before should read this and I can tell you they won't be disappointed. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next!

Sometimes you come across a book that could be so good and it’s just not the right fit for you. Even if you like the plot, and to a lesser extent the characters, the writing just isn’t your style. Which, to be honest, is what happened to me here.
Love You, Love You Not tells the story of Poppy, an out-of-work actress who applies to be Ryan Stark’s assistant in a fit of desperation. To her surprise, she gets the job, and there follows a long while of slightly odd (but pretty funny) events, during which time Ryan and Poppy fall in love.
Probably what made me like this book less was the writing style. There was just something about it that didn’t click with me. I’m not sure why, these things tend to just happen. But it would be okay for a while and I could deal, and then all of a sudden there’d be a line or two where I was just like no. And even though I liked the characters, and most of the plot, I just couldn’t get past that not-so-great writing.
But that’s all subjective. The writing thing is wholly personal and, like I said, I liked most other things about the book. The characters were funny and well-fleshed out. Ryan’s back-and-forth between kind and mean was occasionally confusing to me (at one point, Poppy commented something about how she’d got it now, and I was like, at least one of us has). I also felt like the angst at the end was too contrived. They were happy! They had decided to start a relationship! It almost felt like the angst was added just because the author thought it should have been. It kind of didn’t make that much sense either. Ryan’s getting less snappy and with fewer mood swings and then suddenly he reverts to his original character? I don’t know, it just didn’t really ring true.
But, that aside, this book was fairly enjoyable. I just think I would have enjoyed it even more if the writing and me had clicked.

I’ve read all of Jo Watson’s books, so when I saw a new release I felt like a child at Christmas! Jo has a very grounded style of writing, no boring, lengthy pages of endless descriptions, but fast paced storylines focussing on the important bits. Her stories have a good sprinkling of romance and sex, which I’ve always found added to the story rather than it feeling inappropriate.
This book had me hooked from the description. Poppy (aka Doris) takes on a job as a PA in a desperate attempt to earn a wage. She has no experience other than the fact she acted in a tv series as a PA.
I liked Poppy’s character, she was funny, clumsy, scatty and very likeable. Sometimes I felt the storyline took on unrealistic and far fetched elements, but that’s not always a bad thing in books. It would be boring if all books mimicked normal day to day life.
I loved the development of Poppy and Ryan’s relationship, it was a slow but intense burner that had me hooked.
A predictable story...but aren’t most romcoms? I’m not here for groundbreaking storylines, just a good old fashioned romance that makes me chuckle.
Loved this book!

I cannot emphasise enough how much I loved this. This was my first Jo Watson book but I’m now off to buy her others. I read this with a huge smile on my face all the way through, it is so funny, so lovely. The characters and writing are so good, so thoroughly believable. This book is a like a great big hug from your best friend. I say again I can’t emphasise enough how much I loved it, because I did. If you want a book to make you feel better, to make you laugh and smile , go read this.
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

Loved this book! Entertaining and well written, I couldn't put it down.
Poppy is desperate for a job after the character she played in a bad TV soap is killed off. With no other option she decides to apply for a job as assistant to a CEO, even when her only experience has been playing that character on TV.
Ryan is a tough boss, keeping her personal life separate from work. He doesn't want to employ Poppy but ends up doing so against his better judgment. The more time they spend together the more he lightens up. He knows she is hiding something he just doesn't know what.
The scrapes that Poppy ends up getting in to are so funny!
I received an ARC of this book in exchange for a voluntary and honest review.

I've not read many novels by this author before so I was looking forward to reading this one - the synopsis intrigued me and I loved the bright colours on the cover. It turned out to be a really lighthearted and easy read that I sped through. The characters were fun, if not totally relatable, but I enjoyed reading about them and I'm glad I decided to give it a read. There are parts that are laugh-out-loud funny which I always enjoy with a new author.
Very entertaining!