Member Reviews

This was easy to read, but there wasn’t really much of a story, and that didn’t reflect the book’s title. Bell and Millie are likeable but Bell (at 39) constantly being described as ‘the older woman’ as a point of comparison grated. I think there are some powerful messages in with the narrative but it’s all a bit wishy washy. Nevertheless, it’s an easy read with a likeable cast, and no drama, which is sometimes exactly what you need!

The stories of Bell and Millie, told from both of their points of view.
Millie is an instagrammer, and from looking at her posts, her life seems perfect. but the reality is something very different.
Bell is newly sinlge, after her boyfriend of 10 years breaks up with her.
Bell and Millie meet one day at the local community centre and soon become good friends.
An entertaining read, with a warning that we shouldn't always believe what we see or read online!

Living My Best Li(f)e tells the story of Millie and Bell. Bell is nearly 40 and has just split up her with husband. She is such a warm friendly character and is totally someone I'd want to be friends with. Her new found love of photography allows her to meet Ben, who I was rooting for the moment we met him. Millie, who is a Mum to 5 year old Wolf, shares her life on instagram, posting perfect pictures of her wonderful life, but the use of filters and inspirational quotes show a picture slightly different to reality.
I loved this book instantly. I warmed to Mille and Bell immediately and loved the underlying themes of friendship, community and love. I would never have known this was Claire's debut novel! I can't wait to read whatever she writes next!

I loved this book! The 2 main characters were really engaging, very well developed, very well written.
It's a lovely story of friendship, very positive. It was also very up to date with social media aspect, very relatable.
I loved the engaging writing, very vivid language. I will definitely watch out for Claire Frost's new books.
Thanks a lot Netgalley and the publisher for this copy in exchange for an honest review.

I loved this book. I'm just sorry I've finished it. Liked having the two perspectives, Bell and Millie being different ages. I also liked the thought-provoking commentary on social media, and in particular, Instagram.

This book was an absolute joy to read from start to finish! I'm actually sad that I've finished it as it just uplifted me so much. Based around two main characters, Bell and Millie, this book is a fresh and current voice that looks at life for women in the 21st century. The perils of online dating, single parenthood, trying to juggle work and families/relationships. But it doesn't shy away from more complex subjects such as bullying, mum guilt, and post natal depression, all of which are handled sensitively and responsibly. But what I loved the most about this book was the strength of the friendships we saw between the characters. Suze who is Bell's best friend always builds her up and has her back, "You're a smart, funny and super strong woman...I am always here for you". Bell embarks on a voyage of self-discovery following a break up and circumstances lead to her meeting Millie, an Instagram influencer who is posting 'her best life' which as we all know, is less glossy behind the photos posted on Insta. Together Bell and Millie find that by living an authentic life, they do actually begin to lead their best life. As Bell pursues her dream of learning more about photography by taking an evening class at her local community centre, she also learns the value of community, and when all the characters come together in the final chapters, I adored how they all supported one another. There is usually some rivalry or suspicion when old friends meet new friends, but in this lovely book, it was refreshingly absent. The message I took from this book, is that women supporting women can change lives. Please read this book if you want to feel uplifted. It is pure joy to read.

I absolutely loved this book! I thought the two main characters where absolutely fantastic, they both have completely different lives, but when they meet they really help each other and you can tell how much stronger they have both become from their friendship. I really just wanted everything to work out for these ladies as they both seem like the kindest people.
I also liked how modern and fresh this book was, the Instagram posts etc really just made this book as most people will be able to relate.
Looking forward to reading more from this author!

Living My Best Li(f)e, Claire Frost
Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews
Genre: General Fiction (Adult),Women's Fiction
Ah no....usual moan :-( Why, why do we have women's fiction as a category? Why assume men won't/don't read romance – they do, they write it and read it.
Anyway, other than that moan what did I think of the story? Well, I'm conflicted, there was a lot that felt very true to life, and for me that's really important, but I felt that there wasn't really a main thrust to the book, a central plot I could really fix on.
There was Bell and her struggles with the ex, her having to pick up her life and restart when she though she'd be getting married, was settled for life. Millie, living the dream from her online presence, but in the real world struggling as a single parent, with an ex that's unreliable, and she's always watching the pennies. Bell's workmate and friend Suz, and her girlfriend Els seem to be going through a rough patch, and then of course there are more folk we meet along the way.
I enjoyed the story, but I was hoping for more romance, though to be fair the description doesn't say that.
I just felt we were going along with Bell and Millie in their daily struggles, but apart from the raging success of the community centre fete, which was great fun, I didn't feel we ever got past that onlooker, voyeur, feeling of their daily lives, when what I wanted was to be part of it, and for there to be a more central hook.
It wasn't a book I was gripped with, wondering what would happen, more one that I kept putting aside, picking up and trying to read a bit more. That's maybe down to me, its well written but the content just didn't really engage with me. Maybe just a little too much going on...Bell and Colin, Suz and Els, Millie and Louie, ( and Wolf – loved that kid!), the folk from the community centre, the blogging side, though we never really got further with the internet trolls, it just seemed there were several lines of interest but none really treated in depth and for me they were fighting with each other a bit. I wanted one to stand out more and the others to support it.
Like I said though, that's just my view and I can see others adore the story as it is. Horses for courses and all that.....
Stars: three, a fun and very topical novel, but for me it needed a bit more of a central theme.
Arc via Netgalley and publishers

DNF at 52%. Well, I made it to half way but it was a struggle. This book didn’t hold my interest at all. I am a big women’s fiction fan but this one was a case of good idea but poor execution. Life is too short to struggle through books I am not enjoying so I won’t be finishing this one.

This is a fantastic debut novel! I adored the way Claire grew the characters and the world she created with them. As someone who has experience in the 'influencer' world, she got that aspect spot on! I felt as if I at a blogger party when she described it. I can't wait for more from Claire as she has a fresh writing style and I love her blending social media with the real world.