Member Reviews

i literally couldn't put it down my favourite crime book of 2019 .Highly recommend you read both M.W. Craven's books you will not regret it .

Oh my word, where the heck do I begin with this story. Honestly I am totally lost for words and I’ll apologise to anyone who knows me because after I read The Puppet Show (Book 1) I never shut up about it, my daughter read it and even my 81 year granny-in-law read it because I raved about it so much and I’m doing the same with Black Summer. It’s soooooo good.
It’s great to be back with Poe and Tilly, they’re like a special drop of medicine. No matter what kind of situation they find themselves in, the chemistry these two have will bring a smile to anyone’s face. Poe is quite charming, he’s determined but he doesn’t always like to play by the rules and Tilly is extremely clever, very socially awkward and doesn’t have any filter when it comes to sharing personal information but they work so well together and are a complete joy to read about.
In Black Summer Poe and Tilly find themselves with a very difficult case on their hands. When Elizabeth Keaton vanished, Jared Keaton her father was sentenced to life for her murder with the help of Poe’s testimony. Now Elizabeth has materialised as if from nowhere throwing a complete spanner in the works. Poe was convinced Jared killed his daughter but how can she be alive and dead at the same time and to make matters worse, Elizabeth goes missing again.
I honestly think I spent maybe 3/4 of this book with my mouth hanging open, especially at the beginning of the book. What a way to open, I’ll not say anymore but oh boy. I’m not sure how Mr Craven comes up with these plots, he maybe has a warped mind or maybe he is just very very clever but wow, I salute him. There isn’t a page where I wasn’t totally invested in the story and the characters and I really couldn’t see where this story was taking me. Each twist and turn was a surprise.
I could probably ramble on and on telling you how good Black Summer is so I’ll just let you find out for yourselves, obviously after you’ve read The Puppet Show if you haven’t already and if you haven’t, then why not? It’s super good too.
Black Summer could be read as a stand-alone but I definitely recommend The Puppet Show first, not only is it a cracker too but it gives you a real feel for the characters and they are just brilliant.
So to everyone I know and buy Christmas presents for, guess what you’re getting?

I’ve just finished Black Summer and needed to spend just a little time to consider this novel to try and gather my thoughts into some semblance of order. It’s beyond hope that my review will do justice to the sheer brilliance of this second novel in the Washington Poe series and to explain the sheer complexity of this intricate plot will only give the game away and that would be an absolute disaster.
Poe is such a great character, he’s belligerent, obstructive, supremely flawed as only great fictional detectives are allowed to be, and yet, when he teams up with Tilly Bradshaw, literary magic happens, right there on the page. And then, of course there’s Tilly herself, kooky, quirky and filled with a zealous fervour to protect Poe, and let’s face, Poe definitely need protecting, usually from himself, but more often from someone who seems hellbent on bringing him down, and in Black Summer there really is someone who is determined to destroy Poe, good style!
I never thought it would be a joy to read about the most heinous of crimes, but the author makes it an absolute delight to turn the page, crossing the high Cumbrian fells with Poe, and his energetic springer spaniel, Edgar, is so realistic that you smell the turf, feel the pull of the wind and find yourself turning your battered Barbour against the slant of the rain.
Black Summer is a very, very clever crime thriller by an author who knows how to pull the reader into a complex criminal investigation. It has all the trademark twists and turns which we have come to expect with a few real surprises thrown in for good measure. I started the story on one of those dank and cold afternoons which are so typical in the north of England, where it's going dark by 2:30 pm, and didn't look up except to make restorative cups of tea until I had finished the story in one sitting.
I'm already looking forward to book #3

The Puppet Show saw Washington Poe on the trail of the terrifying Immolation Man but in Black Summer the last major case he worked on in Cumbria before moving south comes back to haunt him and it turns out to be just as horrific. Six years ago he was responsible for putting celebrity chef, Jared Keaton behind bars for the murder of his daughter. Elizabeth Keaton's body was never discovered but the forensic evidence and Keaton's refusal to explain the discrepancies in his version of events on the night she was killed, resulted in him being found guilty of her murder. Poe was able to see the psychopath behind the charismatic television personality with legions of fans and slept well the night he was convicted. He is understandably stunned when he is summoned back to Cumbria and informed that three days previously, Elizabeth Keaton walked into Alston Library. DNA tests seem to prove she is telling the truth which means Poe must have made the worst mistake of his career and with the shadow of doubt cast upon him, his career and reputation are in jeopardy.
This is an incredibly complex case but despite the singular nature of it; is Elizabeth Keaton the human equivalent of Schrödinger's Cat - both dead and alive? - the whole novel feels grounded in reality thanks to M.W.Craven's ability to capture the very essence of a person, place or scene. The first chapter of the book is actually set towards the end of the investigation and features a gourmet dining scene which is described with the same gruesome attention to detail as if it were a sickening crime. Just this small moment gives a real insight into the two men involved and although the actual consumption of the dish is inconsequential to the case, it is repulsive and absolutely chilling. It's not just this scene which is so vividly realised; throughout the book there are equally astutely observed descriptive passages. At one point Poe and Bradshaw visit a pub and it sounds exactly like the sort of establishment my dad was talking about when he warned us off going to pubs with flat roofs,
'It was the type of place that lowered the average life expectancy of the whole community.'
Not everywhere is as grim, of course, the immersive sense of place M.W. Craven creates is perhaps at its best when he writes about the stark, dangerous beauty of Poe's beloved Shap Fell.
The characters are just as skillfully brought to life, with Washington Poe proving to be one of crime fiction's most memorable protagonists. Like many of the best detectives, he is a maverick with a troubled personal life, a healthy disrespect for authority and a personality which definitely tends towards misandry. However, through his interactions with others - most notably Tilly and D.I. Flynn, we see a principled, honest man who cares deeply about his friends. It's notable too, that he is surrounded by women and is never threatened by their strength.
Tilly Bradshaw is as wonderful as ever and even though Black Summer can be enjoyed as a standalone, I would strongly recommend reading The Puppet Show first, as not only is it a superb book, it's also a delight to see how she has grown in confidence over the course of the series. I loved that she is now in charge of her own team of analysts who call themselves the Scooby gang and although everybody else calls them the Mole People, it's clear that they are viewed with increasing respect.
She still marches to the beat of her own drum and much of the humour in the book comes from her interjections but this time around, her self-awareness has improved and there are moments where she reveals a more knowing wit too. The endearing closeness between Poe and Tilly adds much needed warmth to a novel which features the worst of humanity and though an unlikely friendship, theirs is one which plainly means they are prepared to do anything for one another.
The excellent characterisation obviously extends beyond the two main protagonists and even those who have only a small part to play are absolutely real. I particularly enjoyed the description of one woman, Poe encounters as looking, 'like the type of woman who smiled at roadkill.'
I've purposely not mentioned much about the plot as I don't want to give anything away, suffice to say that this is another dark and fiendishly twisted story with some disturbingly visceral scenes. This is an emotional case and yet some of the horrific acts are necessarily described with a matter-of-fact bluntness which underlines the often cold, brutal nature of crime and the subsequent investigation. Oddly enough, it was a less bloody scene which really played on my mind and gave me bad dreams but unfortunately I can't say any more than that! It is an indication, however, of just how much Black Summer got under my skin. It's one of the few books I've read twice this year and I enjoyed it just as much second time around.
The Puppet Show deservedly won the CWA Gold Dagger Award and after all its acclaim, it must have felt a little like releasing a second album when it came to publishing the sequel. However, the return of Washington and Tilly is another triumph and having a case which turns out to be so personally important to Poe is a masterstroke. Black Summer is irresistible; a twisted and nightmare-inducing thriller. I loved it!

Where do I Start? This highly anticipated and much longed-for sequel to The Puppet Show is all we hoped for and more - just as intense and twisty. I am a huge fan of Craven's writing and the story alone is sheer brilliance - but you get the added ingredients of Washington Poe and Matilda Bradshaw d they for me, utterly make these books and Black Summer carries their tale alone beautifully. Their friendship is boundless and despite their obvious differences, they work so well together - as partners in fighting crime and as friends.
Tilly's total lack of tact and awareness of socially acceptable boundaries makes her the South to Poe's North - his common sense and astute experience of reading situations and people's behavior make up for anything lacking on Tilly's behalf that her intellect and computing skills counldnt solve. Her IQ alone is off the scale and there isn't a question she couldn't answer........
Except maybe - How can someone be dead and alive at the same time?
We find Washington Poe, mud smeared and on the verge of being arrested. Reverse back two weeks to follow the story of how this has all occurred.
Six years ago Elizabeth Keaton went missing, presumed abducted and murdered, considering the amount of blood found forensically, in the kitchen of her celebrity chef father Jared Keaton's restaurant Bullace and Sloe was discovered. Keaton was imprisoned for her death, despite her body never being found.
Six years ago, Washington Poe had secured the conviction of now what appeared to be an innocent man.
Six Years ago, Keaton was imprisoned for her death, despite her body never being found.
Then from nowhere, Elizabeth walks into the monthly police clinic in the tiny rural village of Alston in Cumbria. She claims to have been held hostage for the past six years but struggles to describe her kidnapper and despite her obvious emaciated and filthy state of attire, due to having walked for 4 days across the Cumbrian hills to find human contact, a reluctance to be examined medically does make sense after such an ordeal but also makes the situation seem even odder.
Poe is instantly under pressure to find where she's been held, find out whats happened to her and also to apologise to Jared Keaton whos already requesting to see Poe. Poe's in no rush to do one of these things, and yet he cant ask Elizabeth anything, as she seems to have gone missing, again.
Poe calls on the one person he can rely upon, Tilly Bradshaw. His colleague and best friend, after Edgar his beloved Springer Spaniel of course.
Poe and Tilly go on the hunt for Elizabeth, starting from scratch, retracing the crime scene, speaking to old contacts and find new ones and revealing new information, and thats when they find the missing piece of the jigsaw they need.
Old colleagues come through again too, DI Stephanie Flynn and DC Andrew Rigg help Poe and Tilly out, I'm really hoping DCI Wardle suffers a terrible incapacitating fall in The Curator - Craven's next installment. When I hope to see some more of the new character Victoria Hume and more Stella Doyle too, please Mike.
Quite simply - M.W. Craven has the mind of a genius - he must have, to not only have created such a dream team with Poe and Tilly but to engross the reader in such a manner that we can not put the book down. Well, I know I couldn't. Black Summer is an enthralling, gripping and strongly compelling piece of writing that will keep the reader glued until the bitter end. Its sure to grab the attention of new fans worldwide and keep the current ones very happy too.
Luckily, in the paperback version of Black Summer - holds Chapter 1 from book 3 - The Curator, and not that I am wishing time away, but I honestly can not wait for what Craven has planned next for Poe & Tilly.

From the grim fate of the Ortolan Buntings at the start to its grisly conclusion, Black Summer is a work of macabre genius.
Poe is a detective as stern and unyielding as the Shap fells he calls home.
Tilly just gets more and more endearing.
A fantastic novel.

I loved his first book and was keen to read his second book. I was not disappointed. The first page and first chapter had me saying "oh I can't read this, it's horrible" but I could not put it down, my fingers were eagerly turning the pages. Loved the storyline and twists and turns throughout the book. I was trying to think what would happen next and I loved the plot. I feel as if I know the main characters very well now and I missed out on some sleep reading late into the night as I was keen to know how it ended. I was not disappointed and would recommend both books to friends

Best crime thriller of the year!
This complex case is played out extraordinarily! With the clues being teased throughout this novel, so intricately planned into the plot and expertly brought together in the mind-blowing finale, Craven is either a writing genius or a criminal mastermind?!
I absolutely love Poe and Tilly's characters this dynamic duo will slip off the pages straight into your heart. Perfectly in-tune despite being polar opposites, Poe a gruff and sarcastic whereas Tilly is a socially awkward genius. It's so refreshing to read characters with no romantic intentions but a fiercely protective bond, they would literally do anything for each other. Keaton is the perfect unnerving psychopath, I had an uneasy feeling about him from the start.
Fast-paced, dark, twisted, mind-blowing and oh so clever! Not-to-be-missed - I implore you to go and grab yourself a copy now, I promise you won't regret it! I'll be counting down the 230 days until I can get my hands on the next Poe and Tilly instalment.
Thanks to Netgalley and the Little Brown Book Group for sending me this in exchange for an open and honest review.

Black Summer is the 2nd in the Washington Poe series. Having read and loved the Puppet Show, I could not wait to read the sequel and I was not disappointed. What a fabulous read.
A Celebrity Chef is imprisoned, convicted of murdering his daughter Elizabeth.. Washington Poe was the convicting officer but 6 years into his incarceration Elizabeth Keaton turns up at a police drop in center.
Poe is now under suspicion, but is resolute that the right man was put away This was a brilliant read and I love the characters of Poe and Tilly expecially.

Written by MW Craven — The Puppet Show was one of last year’s top reads. It got a five-star review here on Crime Fiction Lover, is on the long-list for the 2019 CWA Gold Dagger Award and has a whopping 4.8 Amazon score. The book introduced us to a most singular double act – Sgt Washington Poe and NCA analyst Tilly Bradshaw – who immediately wheedled their way into the hearts and minds of readers.
Now Tilly and Poe are back, in a police procedural which sees Washington Poe in deep, deep trouble. Six years ago, as a Cumbrian police officer, he played a big part in a murder case involving celebrity chef Jared Keaton. Although her body was never found, Poe was convinced that Keaton had killed his 18-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, at the restaurant they ran together. A jury agreed, and Keaton was put in jail for his crime. All well and good – but now a woman claiming to be Elizabeth Keaton has handed herself in to a local police officer. How could Poe have been so wrong?
Or was he? Poe is still convinced he was right about Jared Keaton, a charming psychopath he describes as “the complete manifestation of evil”, but with so much evidence stacking up against the original conviction, he is going to have his work cut out to convince anyone else. When you have Tilly on your side though, the odds should appear a little more in your favour and she soon sets to work in her own unique way, hoping to find a chink in Keaton’s apparently armour plated plea of innocence.
Fans of Masterchef, Gordon Ramsey and The Great British Bake Off will really enjoy this book. It offers a sneaky behind the scenes look at a three-starred Michelin restaurant, and food has a huge part to play in the tasty narrative. Black Summer sets out its stall early doors, opening with a humdinger of a chapter which is likely to put you off fine dining for a quite a while – don’t say I didn’t warn you!
Anyone who read The Puppet Show already knows the ins and out of the unique relationship between dyed-in-the-wool copper Poe and geeky, gawky and utterly adorable Tilly. If you’re new to them then never fear, because Craven deftly brings newcomers up to speed without missing a step.
It’s when things begin to look particularly bleak for Poe that Black Summer really comes into its own, via some cunning plot work and utterly on point characterisation that’ll have you cheering him on from the sidelines. Once more, Cumbria is at the heart of the tale, and in this author’s hands it lives and breathes and is a vital member of the cast. Craven liberally peppers his text with fascinating snippets of trivia that’ll have you stopping and pondering in amazement. They might also be useful in a pub quiz sometime, so maybe make a note!
Some books treat the readers as mere observers, others pull you right into the heart of the action. Black Summer definitely falls into the latter camp and it’s really tempting to just sit down and read, and read, and read, until you reach the juicy finale. Have snacks and drinks on hand – because you won’t be wanting to leave its side for very long.
All the signs are there for book number three, which is excellent news for the Tilly and Poe fan club, and should equally be welcomed by fans of police procedurals with a side order of sneaky. Grab your copy of Black Summer right away, then sit back and enjoy the ride…
For more Cumbrian crime, try Sarah Stovell’s Exquisite and for gastronomic crime fiction there’s also the Winemaker Detective series.
CFL Rating: 5 Stars

A phenomenally good read!
I didn’t know what I had really been expecting from reading Black Summer by M. W. Craven but I certainly never imagined I would enjoy it as much as I did. Things got off to a bad start when I failed the download the book before it was archived, but it was all onwards and upwards from there, as I suggested this book as a purchase at my local library and they granted my wish!
The plot-line for this novel, so cleverly devised by M.W. Craven was in another league. I was fascinated as to how anyone could have come up with such an ingenious and inventive story-line as this crime-thriller possesses. The characterisation was truly wonderful, especially that of the enigmatic Detective Sergeant Washington Poe. All of the characters had their quirks and personality traits but Poe really fascinated me to the point where I was becoming rather infatuated. I loved all of his idiosyncrasies and even his eating habits appealed to me. Tilly Bradshaw also stood out for me with her brilliant technological prowess and lack of social skills. I felt totally immersed in this story and would have loved to have enjoyed a drink or two with these detectives in Poe’s local - the Shap Wells Hotel.
The setting, Cumbria in England’s North-West was wonderfully portrayed by M. W. Craven and this also contributed heavily towards my total absorption of the story, having visited the area on many occasions.
Craven writes in such an absorbing manner that I was lured in immediately and the whole story was believable and highly addictive. The pacing was perfect and there was always something happening - the next lead to chase up, some more fact-finding or another place to visit.
Craven had the tone exactly right, a sly sense of humour and solid knowledge of procedure as well as the geographical area, all added up to a really enjoyable novel. I am totally in awe of this clever author who for me is a master of his craft. I already have the first book in the Washington Poe series on my e-reader, demanding to be read and I hope it won’t be too long before Mr Craven writes a third.
I received a complimentary copy of this novel from Little, Brown Book Group UK/ Constable via NetGalley at my own request. This review is my own unbiased opinion.

The second in the Poe and Tilly series, a real page turner, not for the weak of stomach. Loved the connection between the main characters and cannot wait for more. Tilly has become a firm favourite for me. Gripping and well worth a read if you are new to MW Craven

I can’t start my review without mentioning the first chapter. I will say that I would highly recommend avoiding food while reading the beginning of this book unless of course you are into some very gruesome or strange eating habits! 😉 Once you have put your food down please continue because you really are in for an extreme and bumpy rollercoaster ride of a story!
If you are a regular visitor to my blog you will know that I love short and snappy chapters, Black Summer has this down perfectly. You know the ones where you find yourself saying just one more chapter but soon find yourself completely engrossed and then don’t want to put the book down. Yes, that is exactly how Black Summer grabbed hold of me! I have to admit that ever since I finished The Puppet Show I have missed Poe and Tilly but I didn’t realise quite how much until I was drawn back into their world again. With Tilly’s direct approach and Poe’s wonderful dry, sarcastic and overall brilliant personality I was instantly reminded of how much I love these characters. Individually these characters are brilliant but team them together and it’s magic, let’s just say I think they are pretty awesome!
In Black Summer Poe finds himself in quite a tricky situation, one where the past comes back to bite him. Renowned chef Jared Keaton is currently serving a life sentence for the murder of his daughter, Elizabeth. However shockingly Elizabeth has just reappeared and this sets off a chain of events that kept me glued to my Kindle! What follows is an addictive story one that made me ask question after question. I loved not knowing where I was being taken it made everything even more entertaining!
Black Summer is a dark and twisty story but I love how M.W. Craven mixes in moments of humour that had me giggling away to myself. I really loved this combination as it helped to make me feel even more connected to the story and characters. Even though Poe and Tilly are the stars of this book even the minor characters bring so much all helping to build a strong and addictive story! The plot of Black Summer is cleverly crafted and easily kept me on my toes the whole time along with the tension being ramped up constantly with a race against time to discover the truth!
Black Summer has easily worked its way onto my list of top book picks for 2019, it really is a stunner!

Anybody who follows my blog will know how much I raved about The Puppet Show in January and it's no secret that I was eagerly awaiting Black Summer for months.
When I've loved a book so much I'm always a little wary of reading the next in the series in-case it doesn't live up to my expectations but I had little need to worry here! Black Summer is as thrilling, twisted and engrossing as The Puppet Show and I am a big a fan as ever and I'm confident now that this series will continue to go from strength to strength.
Jared Keaton was caught and jailed by Washington Poe for the murder of his daughter years ago. So, how can Elizabeth Keaton have just walked into a police station in Cumbria? All evidence points to Elizabeth being genuine but Poe cannot shake the feeling there is more going on. When Elizabeth disappears again, Poe seems the most likely suspect. With the help from his colleagues and his trusted genius best friend Tilly Bradshaw, Poe becomes part of a race to uncover the seemingly impossible truth before he finds himself in the frame for Elizabeth's murder.
The plot is so intricately done and planned out that I am convinced Craven is a criminal mastermind himself. He does not write simple who dun it? style stories or even a catch the killer style. Black Summer has the most thought out and cleverly woven plot I have ever come across. The way little things are smoothly and covertly woven into the narrative and then all brought together in the mind-blowing last few chapters is just pure genius! I spent the whole novel trying to figure out what was going on and came nowhere near close but when I did realise....
Anyone who has read either novel will tell you they are madly in love with Poe and Tilly. I love how well they work together with no romantic interest at all but a such a protective bond.
In Black Summer we begin to learn more about Poe's past and despite keeping his tough exterior, we also see more of his vulnerable side too. The character of Tilly has been developed the most and I loved how she had grown in confidence and professionally but still kept a lot of the endearing and amusing aspects of her personality. I'm hoping that those never change across the series.
If you haven't read either book (where have you been?) then I cannot recommend them enough. They are dark, twisted and mind-blowingly clever.
Now how long until books 3?

Celebrity chef Jared Keating was jailed for murder even though the body of his daughter was never found. Now, six years later, Washington Poe has been called back to his beloved Cumbria because a woman claiming to be Elisabeth Keating has appeared and all tests indicate that she is who she says she is. Poe is not convinced and reopens the case but Keating is a clever psychopath and he is turning the tables on Poe. Suddenly Poe is the central of the hunt for a murderer and only his team from the NCA can help him.
I came to this book cold, not having read the first in the series and I wish I hadn't. not because this book is hard to pick up, but because I feel I've missed out on the start of a really terrific series. Craven has the tone just right, a sly sense of humour and solid knowledge of procedure as well as the geographical area - it all adds up to a really enjoyable novel. to be critical, the plot is a little far-fetched at times, some links are lacking credibility, but it doesn't stop the enjoyment of a speedy and exhilarating ride!

Black Summer is the second book in the Washington Poe crime series and WAHOO, what an amazing read! I was gripped from the beginning and couldn't put it down until I reached the final thrilling chapter.
Six years earlier Poe helped put celebrity chef Jared Keaton behind bars for the murder of his daughter Elizabeth. Although a body was never found, Keaton's conviction was largely down to Poe's testimony. Fast forward to the present day and a bedraggled young woman turns up out of the blue claiming to be Elizabeth Keaton. Although her DNA is a perfect match, Poe remains convinced she's dead. Now all he has to do is prove it. . . again.
I'm really loving this fantastic series by author M. W. Craven. Washington Poe and colleague Tilly Bradshaw are just wonderful together. She's a socially awkward intellectual and he's a hardened detective; yet they're a perfect combination.
The story hurtles along at a breathtaking pace and throws up all manner of unexpected twist and turns. It exciting, thrilling, suspenseful and very well crafted. It's British crime fiction at its very best.
If you get the opportunity to read this book, grab it with both hands! I can't wait to read the next installment.

A new author for me but I will certainly be looking for more.
A cracking read with a good plot, well written and fabulous characterisation. Would definitely recommend.

Another cracking read from this author I absolutely love his work. I love the character of Washington Poe, the way parts of his world seem never to line up but then it comes true in the end

So this is the second in the series but it can be easily read as a stand-alone but I suggest if you’ve got the time, you should read the Puppet show too, because it’s such a good book.
Poe’s past comes back to haunt him as Elizabeth Keaton, a young woman he thought dead, turns up at a local library. Her father Jared Keaton has spent six years in jail for her murder. Jared is complete psychopath, out for revenge and he has Poe in his sights.
Elizabeth goes missing, again, Poe is the one and only suspect. Can he clear his name and solve this puzzling mystery?
It’s nice to be back with Poe and Tilly! I absolutely could not get enough of this dark and disturbing sequel, it really kept me on my toes while I was reading it! Dare I say it’s even better than the first book...
I think this series would make a brilliant TV show. It’s got everything, quirky detectives, great setting and intriguing mysteries...what more could you want?
Poe is the type of character that seems to get into trouble no matter what. He is a brilliant detective but has the ability to rub people up the wrong way, specifically police officers, but just can’t help but warm to him.
Like with the first book, I found the beginning a little slow but it soon picked up the pace and had me gripped.
Black Summer is a dark and thrilling mystery that I couldn’t get enough of. I can’t wait to see what this author does next!

My initial thought, apart from Mike Craven is a f*cking genius, is how the hell can I do justice to this book in a review? If I said, just go and bloody buy it, would that be enough? I'm writing this with a crashing book hangover after finishing the book this morning and I really don't know how I'm going to be able to pick up something else and read it now!
Black Summer is the second book in the Washington and Poe series and follows the also brilliant Puppet Show which was released last year. You can read Black Summer as a standalone but I'd urge you to go back and read the Puppet Show too just because it is worth it!
I really don't need to tell you much more about the plot other than what is contained in the blurb. It really will grab you in and spit you out in pieces at the other side. You may also be a little wary of dining in those Michelin Star restaurants as you are left asking who is the real person behind the chef whites! With a killer hook opening that will quite possibly turn you vegetarian, this one has all the ingredients for a PERFECT read!
Mike draws each character beautifully, they effortlessly step out of the pages and into my life. I want to give particular reference to the stars of the show, Washington Poe and Tilly Bradshaw- I can see them, I can hear them and I’m wholly invested in them. Tilly will take a little bit of your heart, I can promise you that. We have watched her grow and develop under Poe's watchful eye. This is a genius pairing and I am hoping that this is going to be a long running series as I cannot wait to meet them again!
The bad guy, Jared Keaton, is superb! He is the definition of a psychopath! Cunning and masterfully evil he plays out that storyline to perfection.
And how I'd love to see the search history for Mike Craven's research for this book! I had no clue how things were going to pan out, it was really a work of genius and so damn clever. Right until the very end it kept me on tenterhooks!
And as usual the author provides the perfect sense of place, I defy you not to find yourself in the wilds of the Lake District and the seediness of Botchergate in Carlisle. Settle yourself down to be transported into another world!
The plot is twisted and it’s intelligent; it’s perfectly executed and this along with the sense of place combine to provide one of the most outstanding reads of the year.
So just go and read it! You will NOT be disappointed!
review will be posted on my blog Chapterinmylife