Member Reviews

This book was okay. It didn’t grab me and make me want to read more. The characters were lovely and quirky but I felt there wasn’t much of a story.

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Sadie lives and works in a mews along with several others. They are a mixture of characters, some more developed than others but all with their secrets and problems, Sadie is grieving for her husband and child, killed in a car accident which she believes she was to blame for. When the (horribly names) Hero comes along, she wants to move on but finds herself tied to the past.

This is an OK read. There's a twist about halfway through which I found hard to swallow. The repercussions of this are partially explored but not nearly enough in my opinion. But it's a kind book with understanding and inclusion at its heart. I wish I could have liked it more but I found the writing patchy and the narrative jumpy in places.

Thanks to the publisher and to NetGalley for the ARC.

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It is a thoroughly delightful book. You couldnt help loving a book set in Cherry Blossom Mews!
It was a fascinating case study of relationships, and I enjoyed learning more and more about each person as it was revealed. Cher, Hero, Mary, Arthur, so much to tell us, so much that we could see changing and happening in their lives. Sadie holds the story together and is a wonderful character.
Juliet draws her characters with sympathy and knowledge.
Thank you for a review copy, I very much enjoyed reading this book.

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This was such a feel good book, that was very timely or summer. Sadie loses everything and she starts over to build her life back again. It's full of hope, love, inspiration and more. I'd definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a light, happy book. I absolutely loved it.

Thanks a lot to Netgalley and the publisher for this copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this book. It has such a captivating plot with lots of unexpected twists and turns (some of them verging on the unbelievable!) that it holds your attention from beginning to end.
The setting is also very special with this secluded space in a buzzing city like a safe haven where you long to live.
But the most important point is the motley crew of characters. You can't help loving them each even the most spiky ones. All of them have their own story that interwoven creates a rich tapestry.
I loved the way the story is presented in a very enjoyable prose. This is not the first book by the author I read and loved and I am sure it is not the last one either. I'll be looking oout for the next ones.

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So many twists and turns in this book i couldn't keep up with it. But i stuck it out and I'm glad i did, it was charming and made me giggle out loud on more than one occasion. The many characters were likable, funny and sad.

The story revolves around a group of neighbours and business owners in Cherry Blossom Mews. Who all have a story to tell. Some tragic, some funny. Sadie McQueen is the central character, who owns the spa.
It was a good feel good story with some hilarious moments.

I would definitely recommend it as a good beach/back garden sunny day book.
Thank you, NetGalley for the opportunity to review this for you.

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I very much enjoyed this gentle novel of a ragtag group of misfits living on a private mews in London, and their assorted trials and tribulations as they meet in a weekly residents' association meeting. Sadie McQueen, the titular character, is running from a terrible past only a few years previously, and over the course of the book she starts to accept and embrace who she is now, and how her past has changed her in a way which is really lovely to see. But she's not the only strength of the book. Her friends and neighbours on the Mews are all battling their own demons, and seeing how they bond and bicker over a weekly meeting in which nothing ever gets done was a wonderful slice-of-life piece of escapist fiction.
This is the third Juliet Ashton book I've read, and they all share the same closed group feel. In The Sunday Lunch Club, it was a collection of friends and relatives. In The Woman at Number 24, it was a group of flats in a converted house. This time it's an assortment of living spaces and businesses in a mews. This could, given that this is the third I've read in three months, become claustrophobic or repetitive, but surprisingly it doesn't. Ashton has hit on a winning formula here, with each chapter opened by a notification of a residents' meeting, giving us an insight into the personality and dynamics of each character.
Plotwise, there was a lot going on here, particularly for Sadie. There were several instances of coincidences which just seemed too much to be true, but I'll let them slide in the interests of moving the plot onwards. There was one moment midway through the book which made me go WHAT out loud, and stare out the window in shock. Also Tish, a character we see very little of, managed to engender serious hatred in me even through the two pages that she appeared on.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and will definitely be reading more Juliet Ashtons. Thematically and tonally she reminds me of Jill Mansell, with a varied cast of characters linked together in different ways, but bonded by love and shared experiences. This is definitely worth the read and a great entry into Ashton's catalogue.

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I didn't enjoy this latest novel of Ashton's as much as her previous two. "These Days of Ours" was exceptional. I think what didn't help was that I had a digital ARC which was not formatted very well - no chapters etc. So I found reading it a bit confusing at times, when a scene changed, not always being sure who was speaking etc. I know it's an ARC, but surely there should have been chapter headings.

Anyway, I liked all the characters, the setting, and the way the romance was developed. I was surprised by the plot twist. That said, I felt there were some flaws. I find it unbelievable that Sadie went three years thinking her daughter was dead. I know an explanation was given, but why, for example, didn't Sadie question where her daughter's grave was? We know she went to visit her husband's, so it begs the question, where did she think her daughter was?

The second plot I think was questionable was the idea that Mary and Arthur went so many years without speaking. They were living close by, and Arthur saved Mary from a fire. If he was watching over her, surely he knew she didn't marry. Why didn't he go and speak to her?

I did enjoy the book overall, and maybe I'll read it again when it's formatted, but in my humble opinion, this book is not as strong as Ashton's first two.

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I love this book. Sadie, a woman who lost everything and goes on to pick herself up and start again. A book if hope, love, and a lot of happiness. A feel good book that we all need to pick ourselves up and spark some inspiration. Will recommend to others. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review.

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. I like this author and al what she has written and this one did not disappoint. It is about love, laughter and community spirit. A good read.

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This a tale of how friends become family and a lesson on avoiding isolating yourself. It used the life of a woman living/running a business in London to cover a variety of serious topics such as mental health, addiction, bereavement etc whilest still having some light hearted and amusing moments.

Overall I found the story enjoyable and well written but slightly to staged in places - so many slight misunderstandings that cause a ripple!

Would recommend to a friend for a summer read.

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An odd assortment of residents live in Cherry Blossom Mews, among them is Sadie McQueen. Sadie has lost everything dear to her and she is struggling to pick up the pieces of her life. We follow Sadie as she tries to put her life back together. We also get a glimpse into the lives of the other residents and the reasons why they came to live on the Mews.

This is a wonderful book. Although it deals with the hard hitting subjects of addiction, grief, and domestic abuse, it also has many lighthearted moments. A great story with a surprising twist which I would recommend.

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Juliet writes quirky communities so beautifully and Sadie McQueen is another gorgeous read. It's full of heart, humanity and humour - a sweet oasis in a dark world, I loved it.

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What a brilliant book. This book has a fantastic story line, excellent characters and is just wonderful. I would highly recommend this book to anyone and I enjoyed it immensely.

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I’m not a touchy-feely sort, but this book makes me want to give it a big hug! I found it charming, laugh out loud funny, but also capable of producing tears of joy. A ragged assortment of tenants occupy Cherry Blossom Mews, a converted stable block somewhere in London. All of the residents are on a journey from some type of addiction, alcohol, social media, abusive boyfriends, etc. together they form a family of sorts and get on with life as it is.
In this time of bad news and negativity everywhere, this is a true escape. Once I started this book I found myself reading through meals and through television shows I had wanted to watch. Sadly I finished and now I miss Sadie and all the residents of Cherry Blossom Mews.

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'The Fall and Rise of Sadie McQueen' was a surprising and thoroughly enjoyable read. The style reminded me a little bit of 'The Flatshare' by how easy it was to read and how the writing just flowed. I often forgot that I was reading and felt completely part of the story. Juliet Ashton's style is very natural.

I hovered between liking and disliking the plot for a while. At first I thought that it was moving too quickly and that the rest of the book would be trying to spin out the beginning at the risk of being boring and melodramatic. I was wrong. This book is so full of surprising twists it kept me hooked all the way through! I liked how there were also quite a few subplots but how none of them were confusing.

The way the book explores family relationships and friendships is really touching and not at all cliché in how it tackles them. It deals with grief, alcoholism, abuse but most of all love. Set in a lesser known London neighbourhood, the inhabitants come from all different kinds of backgrounds and families and Juliet Ashton weaves all their stories into the novel.

I really enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend it.

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This is another lovely book by Juliet Ashton with an increasing family of characters (in the literal sense of the word) all based around the London corner that is Cherry Blossom mews. Told through the eyes of Sadie who has been a resident for a couple of years now we uncover heartbreaking secrets, lies, jealousy, love and community. It’s a very good study of human weaknesses and thoughtfully written. This isn’t lighthearted by any means however there’s a good mix of gentleness in it so it’s an easy enough read non the less and I would definitely recommend it,

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