Member Reviews

I enjoyed this book but also found it quiet disturbing, one particular event left me feeling traumatised and wasn't sure I could finish the book. Imogen and Adrian are investigating a man who appears untouchable, all those who cross him regret it, they're trying to save his wife but not all is at it seems!!
Adrian gets dragged into Angela's life but it brings back bad memories and leaves a rift between him and Imogen, can she reach him before it's too late.
I was shocked by the ending

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This is the first book I have read by this author. I have mixed feelings. It has some very graphic scenes that I had trouble with. The villain in the book is one of the most truly psychotic I have ever seen. The ending took me off guard, I never guessed the direction it took. There is a cliff hanger at the end that I would have liked resolved. It will be interesting to see where the characters go in the next book. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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*spoiler alert*

Jeez. I read these kind of books for the save haven those broken but ultimately incorruptible men and women fronting crime series usually provide. I expect their - frankly predictable - trauma of missing family members, childhood abuse or addiction to be firmly in the past,
Except drinking, gambling, aggressively trusting no one and sleeping around, of course. Can’t have popular crime fighters without any of those.
However, this one floundered me somewhat. I learned from reading this book that I do not enjoy graphic descriptions of the hero being raped for hours and even less his all too human response of covering it all up.
I’m not saying it’s not realistic - just that I don’t want any of it in my recreational reading.
In conclusion I’m not sure what I think - heads up to the author for bringing it into the mainstream mind, or thumbs down for damaging a main character in such a horrible way. Not for the rape - but for his response. But then the poor guy has zero chemistry with his partner and girlfriend so where should he actually turn?
The rest of the novel is great - pacing, plot, setting, atmosphere,... all perfect.
I think, I chicken out on a four star and declare future offerings as ‘probably not for me’

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When a woman is found in the river, the police can’t quite believe she has managed to survive. Later, in hospital she claims not to remember the incident that led her to this fate or any of her personal information. But when a second body is found, she mysteriously vanishes from her bed.

Detectives Miles and Grey follow the only lead they have, taking them to the home of local construct5ion company owner Reece Corrigan. They are shocked to find that they instantly recognise his wife, Angela, as the woman from the water.

But the more they dig, the more frustrated and confused they become. Unsure whether this couple are exactly what they seem and the affects this case will have on them personally.

So happy to be back with Miley and Grey! I really love these Detectives and this series. I was a bit disappointed with he last book, as I felt Diamond and the characters had lost their mojo. Well I am disappointed no longer - this instalment is back to the familiar fast-paced and gritty subject matter we have come to expect from this author.

The chapters are once again short and snappy, making it extremely easy to keep turning the pages of this book. The I felt the main storyline was inevitable, and I did surmise the “twist” quite early on. But to was the secondary plot that really had me feeling a huge range of emotions. I was angry, shocked and so upset that I actually shed some tears. I’m not going to go into too much detail, but this is dark and could be quite difficult for some readers. Perhaps a warning for the graphic content wouldn’t go amiss here.

This is Katerina Diamond back at her best, and I’m so very glad. Cannot wait for part 7!!

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This was not a book I particularly enjoyed. I felt I was missing the back story since I believe it’s part of a series. I found it hard going especially with some of the descriptions of violence. A story of domestic abuse and detectives with their own psychological problems.

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This is my first book by Katerina Diamond, but apparently book #6 in the series. It appears that you do not have to read them all and this did read as a stand alone. I enjoyed it however there were a lot of gruesome parts that created a lot of mental images. Probably a good quality in a book! I would have liked to start with the first in the series.

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After reading ‘The Teacher’ recently I was thrilled to download the new novel featuring the two down to earth and rather flawed, detectives, Imogen and Adrian (I feel like I’m on first name basis here) who attempt to solve another twisty, morbid, and gruesome crime. Los of twists kept me speeding through.

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An excellent story that keeps you hooked from the beginning right through to the end. Definitely recommended to those readers who enjoy reading this type of book.

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Now I wholeheartedly adore this series of books & have read all of Katerina Diamond's books and this one did not disappoint.

I must admit it's not the strongest of the series but it sort of took on a life of it's own.

This one tackled one hell of a serious issue of male rape, something that is so rarely covered and Katerina wrote about it with real compassion and you could feel how sympathetic she was in her style of writing.

Once again we see the relationship between Imogen Grey and Adrian Miles take another step forward but at times you feel such heart wrenching emotion for the both of them as the scenes unfold.

This is one book that will stay with me for a long time.

Massive thanks to netgalley and the publishers for the ARC.

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When I started reading this I didn’t know it was part of a series. I am really looking forward to the other books. This one was super good. The villain was super icky so it was satisfying to hear the end. The only thing that was hard to listen to was a pretty graphic rape scene but this book is definitely worth the read and I’m soo.n starting the others in this series. Thanks NetGalley.

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A dark and twisted thriller with a truly vile antagonist. DS Miles and Grey know who is responsible but have a hard time proving it when everyone is too afraid to talk. The difficult subject of domestic abuse and rape was tackled with understanding and sensitivity. Having not read previous books in the series I was unsure of the personal relationship between the detectives and found Grey's constant musings cumbersome. All in all a decent read and worth going back to start at the beginning of the series.
Thank you Netgalley for this ARC.

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I read this book quickly. It’s one of those books you need to find out what happens NOW! It also wasn’t what I thought it was going to be. Very raw and true I thought it was written really well, without going into too much or spoiling it. Shocking, but definitely something that bring the brutality home.

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When a woman is found partially submerged and seemingly dead, a very tangled story is painfully and slowly unwoven. The detective who found her is brutally thrown into solving the case of who the woman is that he found and why she went to such great lengths to hide her identity. As the story unfolds, you are thrown for plenty more twists and turns.

Woman in the Water is a very well-written and thrilling read. In fact, the book is incredibly hard to put down! I found myself completely caught up in the story. Although, there were a few parts that I had a hard time reading. I did not realize how dark and violent this book would be.

As you slowly learn more about the detectives past as well as the mystery woman, you learn that the web is more tangled than you originally thought. Every time you think there may be a light at the end of the tunnel it is quickly extinguished. The amount of power that one person can have over others is scary. Not to mention the lengths they will go to keep their secrets.

The author does an amazing job with the characters and keeping the story moving at a quick pace. Each character was eerily believable and full of understandable flaws. All in all, I will definitely be reading more books by Katerina Diamond.

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The Woman in the Water is rescued by DS Adrian Miles who happens to be passing. Then she disappears and reemerges in a different context. The whole episode undermines the stability of the DS who clearly should not be in the police force anyway. The hope is that he might gradually realise that himself. The storyline is fairly mundane and there are few surpris s about the identity of the rescued woman. This is another book with too many detectives who have dysfunctional personal lives. Basically it is a tale of domestic abuse.

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Detectives Adrian Miles and Imogen Grey find themselves drawn into one of their most complex cases when Adrian discovers what he thinks is the dead body of a woman in the river.
As he tries to untangle her from the weeds along the bank he suddenly feels her grip his ankle.
Once stable and in hospital Adrian tries to establish who had beaten her and left her for dead.
She claims she has no recollection of what happened her.
Stranger still the dead body of a man is discovered in the water just a little up river.
No comes forward to claim him or know her.
As Adrian and Imogen set out to discover the truth they find themselves drawn into one of their most dangerous investigations.
Certainly in Adrians case one that will have far reaching effects on his whole life.
The subjects of domestic abuse and rape are sensatively handled with great insight and understanding.
I literally could not put this one down, it is a well written, dark and engrossing tale that I wont forget in a hurry.
Many thanks to Netgalley and Avon books for the chance to read this as an ARC, I cant wait for the next in the series.

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A fantastic story again from one of the best authors out there. Definitely not for the faint hearted. The story continues with Imogen and Adirian. Highly recommend xx

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My first initial thought and comment about this book is, what a hard and harrowing read

I was enjoying the book then it got to about 40% of the way through and the rape scene happened.

It was hard to read and the after process with Adrian was hard to read.

I think this scene pretty much took over the book and I just wanted justice for Adrian

It was hard to read at the end that he did not report it and that nothing was done about it. It overshadowed the story of the woman in the water

I am a huge fan of katerina diamond and I read a lot of abuse stories etc. But this book will stay with me for a while for the wrong reasons

It has not put me off her future work, and I would like to see justice for Adrian in the future

Overall. It was a good book. I just couldn’t really see past the rape scene

Thank you for opportunity to read and review this book

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This story kept me gripped all the way through. I love the two character they really work together in this story. I couldn’t wait to read the next chapter to see what happen next. Will definitely be reading the next book.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Avon Books UK for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Adrian, a detective happens upon a woman in a river. At first he assumes she is dead but then realizes she is alive. When they get her to the hospital, she claims she doesn’t know who she is and then escapes. Then a man is found dead in another part of the river and while investigating that death, Adrian and his partner, Imogene, come across the woman from the river who had returned to her previous life.

3.5 stars. This book was up and so down for me. There were times when I was really engaged and thought I would breeze through it and then I would hit a road block and sort of lose interest. Adrian became a victim of a crime midway through and his failed attempts to cope and the fact that he was pushing Imogene away were boring to me. I have not read the other books in the series so I was not that invested in his personal relationship with Imogene and maybe that is why I lost interest in this part. It that felt like filler because there wasn’t that much to the actual mystery of what was going on with the woman in the water and I didn’t think that storyline was resolved that well. As far as the mystery of the woman in the water goes, there was a twist but by then I was a little too checked out to get that excited about it.

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Katarina Diamond does it again!!! Dark, shocking, devastating and emotionally charged, we revisit Miles and Grey in their latest and most dangerous investigation.

A woman is pulled from a river by Detective Adrian Miles, barely alive, and unable to remember how she ended up there. What seems to be a routine domestic abuse case becomes anything but. They know the perpetrator, they just can't prove it.

This is a case that has triggers for Adrian, tracing back to his own childhood. Very soon it becomes apparent that Adrian is too heavily invested in this case to have objective judgement, and this turns out to have devastating consequences for him personally.

This book starts off slowly reintroducing us to the newly evolved relationship of Adrian and Imogen, building to a heartbreaking crescendo and the resulting fall out. The emotions portrayed, in an incredibly difficult subject, are absolutely gut wrenching and really, really well written and sensitively dealt with by the author, while contemporaneously being a compelling and riveting read.

I lost count of the amount of times I said OMG in the second half of this book as it hurtled towards its hugely dramatic conclusion. Is this the end of the Grey and Miles series? Let's hope not!

***WARNING: This book deals with issues of domestic and sexual violence***

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