Member Reviews

Thank you for the opportunity to read this book and I really thought it wouldn't live up to the level of the former ones in the series but it raised the bar and the author has taken it to a different avenue and standard that I can't wait to see what happens next and what katerina has up her sleeve in the future or miley and grey!

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I would like to thank the author, the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an ARC of this book, it was as always brilliant, the story, the twists everything. I did find one part of the story quite harrowing but felt it was superbly written.

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Really impressed by this book. It was an entertaining read with lots of twists and turns! The fast pace of the storyline kept me enthralled, I finished the book in just two settings. Being the first book I have read by the author, I was captivated by this series and the intriguing cast of characters. This series has been added to my go to list. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced copy.

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Read this in 2 days. Absolutely gripping. My heart was pounding in places and I just couldn't put this down. Didn't see the end coming at all. Another amazing book by Katerina Diamond.

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Wow! This book should come with a content warning! I read a lot of crime books and for once I did not see what was coming. An excellent book but not for the faint of heart!

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Wow! This book should come with a content warning!
I read a lot of crime books and for once I did not see what was coming.
An excellent book but not for the faint of heart!

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Right where do I begin. I have to say that this is my favourite one of the DS Miles and DS Greg series. Emotions galore in this one. Some shocks along the way including something that happens to DS Miles. Some twists and turns I just wasn't ready for and the delicate way with which Katerina wrote about some of the events in this storyline is so brave. Surely it must tear the author apart when they write about a main character that has some life changing event. This one was drastic.

If only I could have had peace to read this gem and not be disturbed by the holiday routine. I would devour this book. Any of Katerina's books are a must read for me.

And so, for me, this is my 3rd 5 stars of 2019 and it really is a must to read.

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Love all the books in this series, so was excited to read this one. It was a good read that didn’t disappoint, although it takes a shocking, slightly to graphic turn towards the middle. Many twists that I didn’t see coming. Definitely worth a read

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I had no idea what I was getting into with this book. As another reviewer said, it should come with a trigger warning. It definitely took a whole different turn towards the halfway point. It was a very uncomfortable book to read, while at the same time compelling me to read further. No spoilers here, but I literally had to look away from what I was reading with descriptions that were so real I felt true empathy with the characters. There was a lot of repetition and a lot of introspection in the dialogue. The book leaves me with a lingering sadness, yet isn't that the mark of a good book? That it moves you in some way? Though I would not read it again, nor recommend it to a friend, the author has truly done something amazing here.

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First of all, this book should come with a warning. It's graphic, violent and disturbing. It started as a normal detective mystery. Then it took a very dark disturbing turn. I won't say any more because I don't want to spoil anything.

This leads to the question of what makes a good book. Did I love this book? No. But that doesn't mean it wasn't a good book. I was uneasy, I was sad, and I am pretty sure I flinched or grimaced while reading it. I really want to discuss this book with someone else who has read it.

The writing was well done, and I was drawn into the story. I will remember this book for a doesn't blend into the thousands I've read. I am really hoping there is a sequel and that this isn't the end. Based on this paragraph, it sounds like a good book. On the other hand, if I could go back and unread it, I might.

I would give this 4.5 stars. I'm rounding down because 5 stars is a really high recommendation which screams read me now. I want you to at least think before you read this.

I received an advance copy and want to thank the publisher and net galley. This obviously didn't affect my review. Read it and see for yourself.

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This may not be a fair review, because I didn’t read the previous books in the series, but I struggled reading this book. I love the idea, but did not like the execution. Many times I felt like giving up and not finishing the story. The characters were just okay and I am not a fan of the author’s writing style.

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I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in return for a honest review.

This book is the 6th book in the Detective Adrian Miles and Imogen Grey series. I haven't read the other books previously, and although at most parts I could dive straight into this book and read it as a stand alone, I do wish I had read the previous books first so that I could understand the dynamic between the detectives better. Unfortunately there are a lot of books out there with this genre who do it very well. Although I enjoyed the book, I didn't feel hooked till the end. It almost felt like a drag and for that reason I am giving it a 2 star.

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I wanted to like this, but sadly gave up less than half way through. Could not get on with the author’s writing style and didn’t like the characters at all!

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I received a copy of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley.

While waiting to see if I was approved for an ARC I borrowed the first in the series from the library, but quit after a few chapters. I then hoped I would get turned down for the ARC, but here we are...

I am also quitting this one (at 23%). This time I felt the plot did get moving fairly promptly, although there were plenty of repetitious paragraphs about Imogen and Adrian's decision to keep their relationship secret. I just can't keep going though: the writing is off somehow (people just don't talk like that), I find Imogen's constant musings about Adrian juvenile, and when a witness stabbed himself in front of them I was done.

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Woman in the Water is the latest book in the series about DS Miles and DS Gray. This series is one of my absolute favourites and Katerina Diamond is a very good author. Each book can be read on their own as each has it own individual story, however each book builds on the lives of the characters of Miles and Gray. I find these books to be accurate in their portrayal of police process, nothing jumps out as wildly inaccurate and you very quickly become immersed in the story. This one is as the title states, about a woman found on a bank of a river and goes on to describe what happens and the horrific circumstances of her life. I thoroughly recommend all of Katerina Diamond’s books and this one is as brilliant as the first. I look forward to the next one - I hope there will be another one!

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DS Imogen Grey and DS Adrian Miles are once again investigating dark dead in and around Exeter. I believe that this is the 6th book in the series. It stands up well on its own merits, but I would recommend trying to read some of the earlier books if you can. This helps with the background in to the team of detectives.

I liked the pace of the book and the characters are very well crafted. It is the sort of book which creates disturbing mental images, rather than being gratuitously grisly. However the subject matter is not for the faint-hearted.

From the outset it is clear that the woman found in the water has a complicated history. However I must take care not to spoil the story. Suffice to say that the team of detectives are up against it in this case.

If you enjoy crime thrillers with a dark edge to them, then you'll enjoy this novel.

I give my thanks to Netgalley and Avon Books UK for a copy in exchange for this review. Finally I am left wondering what will happen next.

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Woman in the Water an intense chilling read.So well written so tense Highky recommend. #netgalley#avonbooksuk,

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I didn't realize that this book was part of a series, several books in which might have affected my decision to read it had I known. I don't think you had to have read the previous stories, but it may have helped explain the relationship between the two detectives, Adrian and Imogen. As it was, I found neither of them truly likable, more irritating than anything, much like the woman in the water, Angela, who Adrian rescues. The story revolves around why this woman pretended not to know who she was before disappearing to go back home to her abusive husband. This reminds Adrian of his childhood with an abused mother and he feels a need to help Angela no matter what. There's apparently no one in her husband's life who he has not threatened or already harmed so the detectives have no assistance in their investigation.

The plot itself is decent, but very simple. The story felt way too padded with repetition, mainly of the internal dialogues of Adrian and Imogen. He continually lies about how strongly he feels and things that happen to him, pushing Imogen away and damaging both their personal and professional relationship. I was annoyed with him for his behavior and with Imogen for putting up with it. Angela doesn't come across as anything more than a battered wife who believes life is hopeless and she'll never escape, her husband will always win, etc. The story needs more action and less reflection . MUCH less reflection, there are just pages and pages of it. And the dialogue is so stilted and awkward that it was often hard to read and I found myself continually thinking that people just don't talk that way.

I wish I had enjoyed this more, as there was great potential but it just didn't follow through. The twist in the end was good and I'm glad something happened after investing all that time reading, but it couldn't save the story for me.

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Woman in the Water has left me speechless! I didn’t realise this was part of a series, I haven’t read any of the other stories and this one works well as a standalone.
Extremely fast paced and tackles some difficult situations that broke my heart to read about.

I really enjoyed the writing style and would give Woman in the Water 4/5.

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Woman in the Water is a fantastic fast paced thriller. The characters are well developed and the storyline is entertaining.

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