Member Reviews

Another great book by Katerina Diamond.
This is the 6th in the series but can still be read as a stand alone.
Fast paced and enjoyable.

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DS Adrian Miles finds the body of a young women by the river Exe, while he is phoning in his discovery to the station he feels a hand grab his ankle and he is shocked to find she is alive. A dark and gritty book with some very hard to read chapters. It’s hard to talk about this book without giving to much away, it is very fast paced and has quite a few twists making it a good addition to the series. Publication date 11th Nov

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First off thank you Netgalley and Katerina Diamond for the opportunity to read this before it hits shelves next month. Now this book definitely threw me for a loop. There were some spots that were hard to read and I wish they would have been expanded on and dealt with. O sometimes wanted to slap Angela but at the same time I wanted to fold her into a big bear hug. I couldn't believe the twist at the end. Thanks again and grab this book when it hits shelves next month!

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A great crime thriller. Certain parts of this I definitely didn't see coming! Quite confronting subject matter handled very sensitively. A great book by an insightful and talented author.

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What a brave step to include such emotive subjects as a storyline. It was extremely well written and obviously well researched. I found myself feeling horrified by the suffering inflicted upon Adrian and the domestic abuse dealt out to Angela. Despite the subject matter being so horrific, it was expertly written so as to make the book unputdownable. A real thriller of a read.

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This is the first book I have read from this author and was not aware that it is the 6th in a series (my bad, maybe should’ve done some research first), however I was told that the books can be read as standalones.
I did enjoy the book and it was an easy read, and compared to many thrillers there were no complex twists or turns, I was able to follow the plot without having to think too much.
That being said, even though this book can be read as a standalone I would recommend reading the others first, just to get a little of the backstory of the main characters, as I felt there were things going on that I should’ve known about and didn’t.

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This book is number 6 in the series. Having said that you can still read this as a standalone. I quite enjoyed this and I havent read any of Katerina's other books so I will be definately doing that now having read this one.

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Thank you Net Galley, Avon Books Uk and Katerina Diamond for the opportunity to read this book. While driving DI Adrain Miles sees a group of women looking at the bushes along the river. After investigating he finds the body of a woman who he believes is dead but turns out to be alive. What follows is the investigation by his partner and secret lover, DI Grey and him. There are two very intense and upsetting crimes in this book and I believe they are dealt with well showing how people fella do react to these horrendous crimes. The love interest seems to be too “in your face” as it seems to take over the case and becomes annoying. The story was predictable with two twists but they didn’t compensate for the story dragging. It was a good book but just not great in my opinion.

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Woman in the Water is the 6th book in this series by Katerina Diamond and the second one I have read.

It is fast paced and deals with some subject matter that some readers may not be comfortable with but overall it is still a page turner.

My main reservation is the ending which I was disappointed with

If you are a fan of the series then Woman in the Water is one for you

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Wow, I have no words after this one. This was really a well-written book, that kept me guessing from one page to another. There was one scene I did not like (no spoilers), but it was done well and sensitively (if that is even the right word here). The book was a thrilling ride until the end. Highly recommended.

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I would give this ten stars if it was possible. Having a bad guy who you know is up to no good but can't catch makes this a nail biting thriller.

Katerina tackles a couple of difficult subject matters sensitively but in a raw manner that is both shocking but heart rending.


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This is one in a series of police procedurals involving the 2 lead characters of Adrian Miles and Imogen Grey. However, it can be read as a stand-alone.

I found it a decent read. A woman is found in a river, barely alive and with significant injuries. Another body is discovered and the woman then disappears. Why? What is her connection, if any, to the dead man? Alongside the detectives investigation runs the personal demons experienced by Adrian caused by his childhood memories. Plus, his developing relationship with Imogen.

I’ve got mixed feelings about this book. At times I was gripped and at others, just, frustrated.

Overall, it’s well written with solid characters and a surprising storyline.


Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the opportunity to preview in exchange for my honest review.

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Im a huge Katerina Diamond fan so I was thrilled to receive this advanced copy! The tone of this book felt much heavier than the previous books. What happened to Miley was devastating and I hoped for a more positive outcome, where he accepts therapy and help, and even is open to Imogen about what happened. I really appreciated Diamond having those helpline and numbers at the end of the. book, however, I don't think Miley's behaviour matched up to something more positive and inspirational for men in his position: where he can get the real psychological help he needs. I know this is only a novel! but as a suicide survivor, these issues hit close to home for me.

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This is the sixth book in the DS Imogen Grey series, I do own a few of the previous books but hadn’t realised they were part of a series until I received this one. Although this book can be read as a stand-alone novel, sometimes it does help to have a back history of the characters.

This is a well crafted story, at times it is dark, shocking, emotionally charged and devastating. So much in one book, phew!

Detective Adrian Miles just happens to be in the right place at the right time, when he is told there is a body floating in the water, when he drags the female body out he finds she is still alive, just, she claims to not know how she got there, further investigation of the scene reveals the body of a male. But when the Detectives go to speak to the woman at the hospital she has gone. It is pretty obvious that the two are linked in some way. The detectives seem to know who committed the crime but without proof, or evidence their hands are tied.

This story is well written dealing with some very emotive subjects, sensitively, if you are reading this I will say there are some triggers as some of the things in the book include rape, extreme abuse, as well as the feelings and emotions that have to be dealt with after these events.

The pace is fast, characters are relatable, the dialogue and mannerisms are all easy to follow.

Thank you to #netgalley and #Avonpublishers for an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest, fair and unbiased review.

We do see Detective Miles struggle with the case, as there are triggers leading back to his childhood. He cannot be objective about and his judgement is affected.

My only slight gripe is that as a police procedural it did focus a lot on the personal relationship between DS Grey and Detective Miles, seeming riddled with insecurities and reassurance. Along with some of the other team members. When really they should be focused on the victims involved, putting aside any personal problems until the case is sorted. I realise that this is a story and characters are a big part of a series, and are important to readers, to see what’s happening to them as well, as officers how they deal with and cope with crimes of this nature.

I still feel the victims should be the big focus and then how the characters deal with it after the suspect has been caught and charged.

Some parts of this book were difficult for me to read personally, but I do like the more dark, gritty stories. With a good twist at the end, which I didn’t expect, I admit it was quite sick and twisted.

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Being my second book by the author, I already knew what to expect to a point about this story and I wasn't disappointed at all, more so I was surprised by the turn that it took.
It starts with a few moments where Adrian is presented as a very self-aware male and being a detective helps more to make a better image of him as a reliable character.
When he rescues a woman from the river, his instincts kick in and he can't back away until he finds out who she is and what happened to her to be found almost dead.
We get two stories within the book, as in his personal love life with his partner Imogen and the case of Angela as she gets back to her life as if nothing happened after an ex-employee of her husband's company is found dead.
It's a very fast-paced story, with a mixture of characters that blend together perfectly in this gripping psychological thriller that will keep you on your toes until the last page. There are so many twists and turns that I thought I had them figured out but I didn't know anything honestly and that's what makes for a perfect story in my books.
There's one major element of the book that brings so much more attention and awareness of our real-life events because we don't hear or pay attention as much as we should and I'm happy that the author has done this with this story.
This sentence pretty much resumes the story: "Add child abuse, neglect, murder, rape, incest and God only knows what else to Reece Corrigan’s list of crimes."
After reading this book, we probably need to pay more attention to small details that happen with our loved ones, especially the male part as they usually tend to suffer more and maybe never open up about it, but it's real and it's happening

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Detective Adrian Mile's discovery of a woman in the water is just the start of a roller coaster of emotions that will test him to the limit and put an impossible strain on his burgeoning relationship with his colleague Imogen. His determination to understand what has happened to the woman and why takes over his life as he uncovers a web of cruelty, control and cover-ups. The characters are clearly defined and easy to relate to. This is a good, gripping crime story.

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I did enjoy reading this book but from the description on the back of the book I thought it was going to be a physiological thriller and it turned out to be more of a police procedural. Personally I've gone off reading police procedurals recently so I found it a disappointment in that regard but thats not say the book was a bad one.
If you like that kind of a book then give it a go!

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A woman in the water by Katerina Diamond is the 6th Book in the Detective Miles and Grey series and I must confess that I have only read one other in the series. This book is a shocker of a book. So, it is not for the faint hearted. This can be read as a standalone.
Detective Adrian Miles is called to a Woman’s body in the water to only find out that she is still alive. Adrian pulls her out of the water in front of onlookers and is filmed and the footage is later found online. Another body is found later, also in the river but unfortunately the man is brutally murdered.
Detective Miles with Grey visits the woman in the hospital. She can’t remember what happened to her. She has clearly been beaten up by someone and left for dead. But they can’t believe that no one has come forward to find out who she is or reported her missing. She then gives them both the slip and disappears from the hospital.
The only lead they have on the pair is Reece Corrigan. So, when they visit, they are surprised when they find the woman from the water Angela Corrigan is there. Now all dressed up like nothing has happened and she doesn’t want to go any further with the investigation. But something is not right and when they delve into Reece Corrigan’s past. They find out that people on his pay role seem to go missing helping Angela and Corrigan seems to be getting away with it.
This is quite a violent, graphic novel of corruption, abuse and rape which wasn’t easy to read but, as this was a hard-hitting subject, I thought the author wrote this well and true to form. This is a great read.
Thank you NetGalley and Avon for a copy of this book.

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Thank you to Netgalley for this ARC.

This is the 2nd book I’ve read by this author. Whilst her books are in a series they can also be read as stand alone books. I really enjoyed reading this story, and felt the two main characters were likeable and worked well together. A woman is found in water beaten up and is too scared to help the Police and give evidence against the person who had done this to her. For one of the officers investigating this became a very personal case and a reminder of an unhappy childhood which led to horrifying repercussions where the author dealt with a very sensitive issue sympathetically and with care. The Police know who is behind all this, yet no-one is willing to come forward to make a statement or give evidence and the victim takes matters into her own hands. I felt this was a compelling read, and couldn’t put it down. There were unexpected twists and turns in the story and an ending I never saw coming!! Will be looking at authors other books in series and also to see how the next book goes and hope it sorts out unresolved storylines left over from this book 😀

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I very eagerly anticipated the release of Truth or Die earlier this year and thought it would be another year before the next book in the series came out. I was super happy to discover that Woman in the Water was also publishing this year. While I did enjoy it, I have some mixed feelings about it, as well.

I don’t know if it’s because the book was maybe rushed to release this year or if it’s because of a new editor (in the Acknowledgments the author mentions a former editor, so I’m assuming the editor of this book was different than the others), but the quality didn’t seem quite as good as the other books in the series. The dialogue felt a little awkward sometimes, there was a lot of repetition, and the mystery left a little to be desired.

That said, I love Adrian and Imogen and I was just happy to spend time with them. I knew since they finally got together in the previous book that there would have to be something to throw a wrench into their relationship this time around. And there is. First, Adrian loses his head a bit during the investigation, as it brings up a lot of bad memories from his childhood. Then, he ends up having something very traumatic happen to him. It’s hard to talk about without having spoilers, but it was very hard to read and most the rest of the book focuses on him trying to come to terms with it. In true Adrian fashion, he deals with it in the least emotionally healthy way possible, which includes lying to Imogen and pushing her away. While that was frustrating, I do think Adrian’s reactions were authentic and it is definitely an important topic.

I thought the mystery was intriguing and had a lot of potential, but it kind of failed to reach it. We’re told over and over how evil Reece is and I kept expecting something big to be revealed, but he was kind of your run of the mill bad guy. We never really get the motivation behind his particular brand of villainy and the big reveal at the end seemed tacked on for shock value instead of being a satisfying or shocking twist.

Overall, I loved spending more time with Adrian and Imogen, but Woman in the Water was not my favorite book of the series. The subject matter of what happened with Adrian is important and I thought it was pretty well done, but I wish a little more development went into the central mystery. The story ends with some big changes going forward and I’m eager to see how those develop. Though I didn’t enjoy this book as much I hoped to, I’m still a big Katerina Diamond fan and can’t wait to read more from her.

Overall Rating (out of 5): 3.5 Stars

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