Member Reviews

I received a free ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I am a fan of twisted fairy tales so I was drawn to this one. I liked the drawings and the retellings A fun book.

A fun twist on fairy tales with discussion points and activities at the end of each tale that teachers can use in classrooms.
Thank you NetGalley.

My Thoughts
I do love good retellings, and when the modern day twist on the familiar starts with the words ‘Once upon a time, there was a misty blue mountain. Below the misty blue mountain was a wild, dark forest and by the wild, dark forest was a village‘ – then I know I am going to simply adore it!
This cute book of twisted tales is one such example where four favorite familiar fairy tale characters return to your bookshelf to teach important values without preaching.
Cinderella, Snow White, Beauty, and Jack (from the beanstalk story) live in the same town, and also feature in each other’s stories in this book. Each one faces different challenges and learns the importance of being kind, honest, responsible, and of being a team player.
I loved the bright, colorful illustrations that add to the story. Each story also includes discussion questions and suggested activities, that make it perfect for the intended audience.
In Conclusion
A great book for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classrooms, as it provides a lot of avenues for discussion and group activities. And a sweet book to read aloud to little ones at home!
Disclaimer: Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the digital review copy of the featured book. These thoughts are my honest opinions of the book.

My daughter loved this book with characters from different fairy tales integrated into the story. The pictures are full of details that you can look for as you read the book. The story is fun with lots of different messages that come across, such as kindness, teamwork, being honest and take responsibility. This book has good talking points.

I love this style of illustration. This is a great little (big) book of twisted fairy tales (Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Jack and the Beanstalk, and Snow White) that gives a new and engaging twist (as expected) on traditional tales.

If you love fairy tales, you will really enjoy these more modern versions. They are safe for children to read, or for you to read to them. There are many valuable life lessons within these pages as well!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I love finding new takes on fairy tales which I can share with my class and this is an excellent addition to my collection. The tale are not really 'twisted' but have been updated to be easily relatable and they address social and emotional qualities such as kindness and honesty. These stories would be enjoyed by a range of ages and I could see them used as standalone stories or a starting point for discussion about how people behave.

Fabulous book with lovely art work which holds plenty of interest to children. The book created from four fairy stories lessons in living a good like, with Cinderella, Snow White, Jack from beanstalk fame and Sleeping beauty, the book presents stories that teach about kindness, responsibility, honesty and teamwork. In addition there are reinforcement notes for activities for children to participate in.
A really nice book with good lessons in todays age.

This book was received as an ARC from Quarto Publishing Group - QEB in exchange for an honest review. Opinions and thoughts expressed in this review are completely my own.
I was so stoked to see that a book like this will be available very soon. Fairy Tales are very popular in our library and if they have a twist such as Cinderella taking Ballet classes but she can't afford her ballet shoes and just when things couldn't get more weird, Jack breaks the beanstalk and lies about it to his parents. This book had to be in my top twisted Fairy Tale books along with The Frog Prince Continued by Jon Scieszka and The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka. I know a lot of the elementary school teachers will really enjoy this book and it will do very well on our J Non-Fiction shelves.
We will consider adding this title to our J Non-Fiction collection at our library. That is why we give this book 5 stars.

Twisted Fairy Tales takes a twist on four well-known fairy tales to teach a different concept with each tale. Kindness, responsibility, honesty and teamwork.
The artwork is cute, the stories are well-written. But I am not sure whether the message of each story will come across IF the discussion questions at the end of each story (big plus) aren't used. Yes, discussion questions at the end of each story to engage in whole class discussions. Also, there is a little task to expand on the subject of the tale.

Four bright and incredibly asinine fairy stories, set in one village, and where one old granny figure is godmother to four friends. Cinderella doesn't get dumped on by remarriage, but still needs to find a shoe that fits in her story; Beauty is a spoilt bitch; Jack has a different take on climbing beanstalks, and Snow White (oh the irony! She's a POC!!) wants to play football but is too damned selfish. All well and good, and reasonable – if simplistic – moral tales for the very young, but that's not what I came here for. Next Step – learn what the adjective "twisted" means, for this promised some much-sought-after freaky variants on old-fashioned fairy stories, and not what we got here. A reasonable book, misrepresented. One and a half stars.

This was a very cute book that my son and I enjoyed reading together. Each character was recognizable with their fairytale, but the stories were unique and give a nice quick moral for the kids. The art in this book was fantastic. The colors were vivid and it was an absolute dream to look at.

Hmm. The title of this book was deceiving. I was thinking of a darker kind of fairy tales...dark enough that it won't scar little kids but...this book was twisted in a different way. It almost felt like I was reading parables, but in a lighter, kid-friendly tone. That was the twist!
Sadly there are only 4 tales here, all with familiar characters interpreted differently from when we were kids (finally inclusivity).. There should be more! The situations are familiar and easy to understand. And the pictures in the book were all so nicely done, so pleasant to look at.
I'd get this for my kids or give as a kids.
Thank you NetGalley and publisher for a copy of this book!

I hope that the grammar and spelling errors will be fixed in the final copy. I liked the concept of the book; taking familiar characters and teaching moral lessons. I just think it needs to be flushed out a little bit more.

The Big Book of Twisted Fairy Tales: Stories about Kindness, Responsibility, Honesty, and Teamwork, written by Sue Nicholson and illustrated by Flavia Sorrentino, is part of The Fairytale Friends series. It brings fairy tales into the modern day and features scenarios that young children can relate to and learn from. Each story in this new picture book series focuses on a different fairy tale character, a different strength or core virtue, and a challenge to overcome, often with the help of their friends. Readers will enjoy spotting characters from other books and recognizing key elements of the original fairy tale while enjoying the new twist. Notes and questions at the back of the book will summarize what the character has learnt and prompt further discussion while activities will provide more fairytale fun.
Cinderella wants more than anything to have lessons at the new dance school opening in the village, but she doesn’t have any ballet shoes! Can Cinderella’s fairytale friends help make her dream come true? This story teaches children about the value of kindness. Beauty has a lovely pony called Flick, but having a pony is hard work and Beauty can be a bit lazy sometimes. Then, one night, Flick runs away. Will he ever come back? This story teaches children about the value of responsibility. Jack loves climbing, but he isn't allowed to climb the beanstalks in his garden. One night, Jack can resist no longer and starts to climb the tall, green beanstalks. Will Jack's Mum find out? And will he tell her the truth? This story teaches children about the value of honesty. Snow White is one of the village football team's best players. But she wants to score all the goals herself and never passes the ball to her friends. Will she ever learn to play as part of a team? This story teaches children about the value of teamwork.
The Big Book of Twisted Fairy Tales is a collection of fairy tales with a twist, which is one of my favorite things to read. Each of the stories is connected and takes a classic tale and makes it more relatable to young readers. Most everyone has faced the dilemma at the core of each story and I like they way they are woven into these tales. I was a little worried about the lessons being too heavy handed- because one of my biggest turn offs in any book is being preached to or talked down to (which happens across genres and target audience) but this book managed to keep that to a minimum. I enjoyed the art style, I loved the colors and the expressions that were clear on the character faces. There are some activities for the eager parents or caregivers to make sure young readers understand each story and its lesson. I think this would be good for bedtime reading or trying to get some of these lesson through in a fun way in a preschool or home environment.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley.
This book basically puts a modern day realistic twist on some of our children's favorite fairytales... It has some great storylines and morals... and overall makes it easier for our kids to relate to the newer situations!

Very cute story. I like how the author used popular fairy tale characters to teach lessons. I think children third grade and below would enjoy hearing and/or reading this book.

With familiar characters from well-known traditional tales this is a good collection of stories to teach children about important values. The stories featured Snow White, Cinderella, Jack (of beanstalk fame) and Sleeping Beauty who each encountered a dilemma that saw them making a choice about whether to act in the way they should, or the way they wanted to. Through the stories, children can learn the importance of honesty, teamwork, kindness and responsibility, Each short story focussed on one main character, however the others all featured too. While I’m not sure they really meet the criteria for ‘twisted tales’ as I feel they should be based more on the original story, the stories would be good for children and easy to relate to, as each situation the characters find themselves in could be one experienced by young children. The pictures were bright and the stories easy to follow. If I had this in my class book corner I’m sure lots of the children would pick it up.
I received an eARC from the publishers via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

***Thanks to the publisher and #NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***
This was a fun and funky take on some classic fairy tales.

Retelling of some classic fairy tales with emphasis placed on sharing, kindness, honesty and being part of a team. Discussion points and other extension ideas included.