Member Reviews

Three couples going on a Spanish summer, beach holiday - sounds perfect, right?
Add in four kids, three of whom are under two and the idea of perfect catches a wobble and flops.
Katy & Ben, with their almost 6 year old Millie and nearly two year old Jack.
Braindead (aka Craig) & Abby, and their 15 month old son Logan.
Daniel & Gabriel and their daughter Silvie - all of nine months old.
They all decide to take a week long package holiday in Spain. The fun (for the reader at least) starts on the (cheap) 2 and a half hour flight to Spain........................
................and into the hotel room allocations.........................and into cot searches...............................and into meeting various characters along the way - the drunken hen-party for a bride who does NOT want to be there and Ollie, who is on his NOT honeymoon.
Amidst the chaos of kids, highchairs, beds and booze, veins of unhappiness rise to the surface of things parents struggle with - feeling unsure of your position as a parent and/or partner; trying to balance all aspects of your life - parent/professional/partner/lover.
A hilarious read, perfect for the beach as it is an easy, uncomplicated read, one you can finish in a day or two. But it is also thought-provoking and a bit deeper if you consider it carefully - a good reflection of parenting and marriage.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me the chance to experience this book.

This was a break from the type of books i normally read but i thought i would give it a try on my holidays.I am glad i did as i really enjoyed it,Kate is looking forward to a holiday with husband Ben and their children plus Ben's best friend Braindead ! and his wife and also Kate's workmate Daniel and his husband,what Kate is hoping for is a nice relaxing week by the pool with good company and good food but what she gets is quite the opposite as they meet up with a hen party on the plane and Ollie who was supposed be on his honeymoon which results in a series of funny situations Kate never thought could happen,a well written book which if you are looking for a lighted hearted funny read for your holidays then i would recommend this excellent book.4 stars for me.

Lol comedy returns in the 5th of the ‘No One Ever Has Sex’ series.....even though its book 5 it can 100% be read as a stand alone
It is though good to be back with the gang as this time they go to Spain for their hols and have a rip roaring laugh a minute disaster on disaster week
Its a quick hearty read and really did make me laugh many times
Its a light but warm read with a few surprising hidden depth moments added for a contrast to the general chaos of proceedings
Its a bit like a modern carry on, not ( surprisingly as the title may suggest ) crude humour like Benidorm but more a farce that starts with the packing and ends as they return to work!
If you want a good fun no hassle Summer read then this is for you, It doesn’t pretend its something its not but does as says on the tin and is a perfect book to relax, laugh and not worry you have change the world once read it
The characters are all likeable, you would want to be friends with them and they exude their likeability through their mis-adventures
Well written and couldnt be easier to pick up, read, enjoy and smile
For what it aims to do it has to be a
10/10 5 Stars

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley!
This is the perfect summer book to read at the beach or by the pool. I found myself laughing out loud at certain points in the book, which is something I never do.
You won't regret reading this!

What a hilarious and lighthearted, enjoyable read! I've read novels by this author a few times but this is by far my favourite. It's hysterical from start to finish, one that I couldn't put down because every page was just so funny and engaging! The cover is bright, summery and draws you in with it's simplistic but happy colours.
Every part of this book had humour, whether the families be on the plane, or at dinner time or even just chilling by the pool. There was always something funny happening and I loved that. It's the perfect lighthearted novel to read whilst lounging (either by the pool or on your sofa!). One character who I really liked was Daniel, I loved his sense of humour and just his ways made me laugh too! I also liked Katy and her partner Ben. One person who I wasn't too sure on was Abby, this was because I really liked Braindead and hoped that they were going to sort out their differences and have a lovely family holiday!
I honestly really enjoyed this novel from start to finish. Even though I'm not a mum yet I still found every page relatable and funny. It gave a good insight as to what a family holiday is really like! I loved Tracy's style of writing, it was effortless and easy to read. The only characters that I felt weren't really needed was Ollie and Cassie. They kind of just seemed irrelevant to me, like they weren't necessary to the storyline. Other than this, it was a great read and I'll definitely be looking out for more Tracy Bloom novels in future.
Even though I hadn't read every book in this series, you can easily read this novel as a standalone as the author gives quite good backing stories so you don't feel like you are missing too much information. Thank you to the publisher for a chance to read an advance copy of this novel, which I have reviewed honestly.

Another great story in the series. I like the characters and found them funny. A great summer read by the pool!

Hysterical !!!! This is the first book I have read by Tracy Bloom. I am hooked. The characters were interesting , and kept the story moving. I didnt want to put it down.

Such a fun and quick read! The book follows a few couples going on holiday together, but things are different this time around, as they are all bringing their young children. Each couples goes into the vacation with different expectations, and as you can imagine things did not go as planned. I loved following each couple as they navigate vacation!
Thank you #Netgalley!

Hysterical! A true representation of what happens when you go away with your your young kids. My favourite part was the description of the room for dinner and the avid hunt for a high chair!!! Katy and Ben are a funny couple, and pretty much everything made my nod and smile! The story of searching for a table and highchair at the all inclusive buffet really made me laugh! The sub story of Cassie and her hen-do was both funny and sad, and I felt for Abby and Braindead as she is clearly torn between what she wants frim ger life. Overall a really great read.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Katy & Ben are going on holiday with their 2 children along with 2 other couples and their children. What happens when they get on the plane and then hit Spain will have you laughing in the aisles (as they say). What happens when they meet a load of Hen Do revellers and a man in a Bridal Suite will make you wished you was there.
This is the 2nd Tracy Bloom book I've read. I've found it funny in parts and felt sorry for a couple of the characters. Made me think that 1 of the characters could be suffering from a certain problem, but will see what happens in the following books from this series.

We rejoin Katy, Ben, their kids and their friends including Braindead and Daniel, on a family holiday in Spain
What could possibly go wrong!
The characters are wonderfully familiar, the situations are hilarious and the writing is light, fluffy, pink and sparkly. And I loved it!

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
When starting this book I wasn't aware that this book was the fifth in a series written by Tracy Bloom however you can read this as a standalone.
This book follows three different families and their first time going on a group holiday with the children. I found this book to be a quick, light-hearted summer read which shows the hardship that goes into looking after young children. The book also lightly touches on how hard it is for new mother’s to be fully comfortable in their new role which I really respected.
However this book became a little predictable for me which quickly took the enjoyment out of it for me. I think if I had realised this was part of a series and had read the previous books first I may have been more emotionally attached to the characters and the story.
I did enjoy Tracy Bloom’s writing style so will definitely keep an eye out for her other books!

Tracy Bloom's "No-One Ever Has Sex..." series is my not so secret guilty pleasure, '...On Holiday' is the fifth in the series and our main protagonist Katy has come such a long way from book one.
The previous books "No-One Ever Has Sex At a Wedding" which was released in March was my least favourite so far and I was starting to think that the plot and characters were getting a little bit well worn. With that in mind I was hesitant to get started on this one fearing it would take it even further, I needn't have worried as we jump around 2 years into the future some of the ghosts of previous books are barely mentioned and it feels almost like a fresh start but with the same characters you've already grown to love.
Katy, Ben, Braindead, Abby, Daniel and Gabriel along with their four children are off to Spain, their first holiday abroad with all the children and Daniel's first experience of budget airline travel. On the plane they end up sitting next to a hen party they end up exchanging numbers with and at the hotel they bump into Ollie, who should have been on his honeymoon. Ollie's character and the way the group adopt him reminded me of The Dinner Party which is possibly my favourite Tracy Bloom book so far. I would recommend having read at least a couple of the other books in the series to give you a better character backstory; personally I was so glad to see none of Matthew and a lot more of Daniel in this one.
Its a fairly short read, and I got through the majority of this during a lazy Sunday morning; its a perfect holiday read, either to read in one go on a sun-lounger or be continually picking up and down. It's light-hearted despite being a little predictable at times I did really enjoy it.

This is one of the funniest books I’ve read this year. Three couples on a package holiday to Spain with kids in tow. Whatever could go wrong. At times I found myself laughing out loud with this book. I really hope this is made into a tv show. It reminded of the program Benidorm.
A fantastic holiday read. Highly recommend

Another really great, lighthearted, amusing quick read by Tracy Bloom. It is the second one of the series I have read and it was great to catch up with the characters again. When I read ‘No-one Ever Has Sex At A Wedding’, which was published earlier this year, I didn’t realise it was one of a series of books. I would again opine that these could be read as stand-alone novels.
The summary of the book is a straightforward one: a group of friends and their respective young children go on a holiday to Spain. What makes this books special is the quality of characters. The sensible couple, Katy and Ben. His longstanding best friend, the very intelligent, but speaks before he speaks, ‘Braindead’ and his beautiful wife Abby who is acting out of character on this holiday. They are accompanied by Katy’s friend and colleague Daniel and his husband Gabriel. Daniel is a loveable snob. Gabriel is Spanish but whilst he now lives in England what will he think of the mixing of the two cultures?
Flying cattle class on a budget airline staying at a family holiday resort in Spain with four young children, a title that guarantees no sex, and Daniel’s attitudes towards anything below business class and 5* service, what could possibly go wrong?
This book introduces some great new characters who I hope will pop up in future books in this series.
Thanks to NetGalley for a Kindle copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Quick non-enjoyable read. This is the 5th book in the series and had I read the others first I may have a different opinion.

No-One Ever Has Sex on Holiday is the fifth book in this series and I would recommend reading the previous books to get some idea of the background of the characters.
The story follows the gang as they take their families on holiday to Spain. They are all expecting a very different holiday to the one that they actually get. Thrown into the mix is a jilted groom and a rowdy hen party and all kinds of mayhem follows.
As with the previous Ever Has Sex books this is a fun filled read which was lighthearted and entertaining.

Funny, light hearted quick read!
Totally enjoyable perfect for the beach!
Three very different couples their assorted children and a budget holiday, the trials and tribulations of holidaying with young children! Easy reading, relatable and hilarious! Loved the inclusion of the hen party and what Cassie and Ollie bought to the book, would be lovely to see if their relationship develops in future books! Would recommend to friends and family for a funny lighthearted read!
Thank you net galley for this advance copy I really enjoyed it x

This is the first book I've read in this series, in fact it is the first I've read by a
Tracy Bloom. It will certainly not be the last. I loved all the characters so much that I can't wait to find out how the different couples got together and how their friendships evolved.
Five stars are really not enough for this fantastic book but in the absence anything more I would just like to say to people reading this review " Read it, you won't regret it."
Review and recommendation will be posted on
Goodreads, Amazon, and Twitter

Good book that will take you no time to get through. Laugh out loud funny at some parts. If you are a parent this book will speak to you.